

*UPDATED* Romney being sabotaged? We will take the blame.

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Vatic Note:  There are some very good comments at the end of this blog about what is really going on.  Check it out, but I find its typical of Ron Paul supporters to be classy enough to try and expose the GOP set up of both Ron Paul and Romney.  Think about it..... why would the GOP make the horrors visited on Ron,  so public, blatant and not hidden?  Why did they end up blaming Romney for it?   It was all intentional.

Ron Paul supporters had nothing to do with Romney being sabotagued, its the GOP itself.  Why?  because they are neocons just like Obama's handlers are neolibs.  In other worlds, it s the internationalists with no loyalty to anything or anyone but their own class, use others including the parties to achieve their agenda which has nothing to do with anyone else.  Their agenda is for them and them only.  They used McCain in 2008 and now they are betraying Romney.  Obama re-election is the objective and goal.   

Below they discussed what happened to them when they tried to join the campaign for  Romney, and needed yard signs and other such campaign material.   Well, that happened here in my small town of Pagosa.   We were scheduled to go out campaigning on Saturday which is today, and instead we couldn't because the GOP office here did not have the campaign material needed to do the job.  

Further, they have done everything they could to alienate and tell Ron Paul supporters they do not want their help.   I have never seen them do that until now.  Also the GOP guy in charge of the office is an outsider and new comer.  We do not know who he truly works for.  So if you are a GOP ignore all the problems with the GOP leadership and help get Romney elected.  There has to be a reason for their not wanting him  and only wanting Obama,  ask yourselves "WHY"?  

I believe its because he is so successful in his own right, they will not be able to manage him.  It also makes me nervous that Ryan is his VP, since that means Romney would be dispensable.  Remember,  Ryan was vetted by the Bilderberg group and that means he is owned.  I keep remembering Reagan and Bush and how Reagan attempted assassination was done only 3 months after taking office.   I can see that happening here as well.  This time we are watching and they are dead meat if they try that again.  

*UPDATED*  Romney being sabotaged? We will take the blame.
Submitted by spacehabitats on Wed, 09/26/2012 - 17:59

It doesn't take a political genius to see that the RNC in Tampa was a self-destructive disaster for the Romney campaign. In a tight election the LAST thing you want to do is antagonize and alienate swing voters. Ron Paul Republicans and independents are practically the definition of "swing voters".
But what is going on now is even more bizarre. Iowa is considered a swing state. Even though my county is 80%+ Republican, the Obama campaign has actually opened up a campaign headquarters in our little town. And he has another one 15 miles away in our county seat.
As the GOP county chair, I expected to be inundated with phone calls, emails, yard signs, buttons, and pamphlets from the Romney campaign after the convention. Instead I have gotten nothing but junk mail asking for donations.
As a well known Ron Paul supporter I have been bending over backwards to show that I am a loyal Republican. And I have been taking heat for not holding a central committee meeting (I had planned on distributing yard signs at the meeting).
My wife has been calling and even driving an hour to the nearest Romney headquarters in Council Bluffs asking for yard signs. They keep telling her that they are out of signs and don't know when they will get another shipment.
Today I heard from another liberty Republican that his county is having the same problem. In fact, one of his central committee members is still waiting for a sign that she purchased online. Are you kidding me? Romney's campaign has had ten times the money that Ron Paul had and they can't even get yard signs out?
This goes beyond incompetence.
Here is my theory. The insiders had been hoping for another Bush-style, RINO presidential administration to further their agenda and take the blame when the big crash happens. But with the resurgence of true conservative/libertarians in the GOP, I think they have changed their mind. I think they are more concerned about taking US out than any advantages they might enjoy from having a "Republican" president.
They are going to blame us for Romney's defeat. The lame articles pleading with us to vote for Romney are just an excuse to make us the scapegoat.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking anyone here to vote for Romney. It's bad enough that I have to. And I don't think it matters if you vote for Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, or just abstain from voting for president. That train has left the station.
But what DOES matter is winning as many hearts and minds in the Republican Party as we can; consolidating or improving our power within the GOP.
I think our enemies agree.
And I think they are setting Romney up to take one for the team.
What do you think?
======================= Update=====================
Just got this on my Facebook page from a liberty GOP state legislator--
If the Republican ticket loses in November, the rush by Mr. Ryan and other 2016 hopefuls to position themselves for the Iowa caucuses “is going to look like Best Buy the night after Thanksgiving,” said Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa. “I hate to say this, but if Ryan wants to run for national office again, he’ll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him.”
Wow. Can you imagine the unleashed hell if I had said, "the stench of Romney"?
I sure can.
And I bet the insiders already have a list of "frontrunners" ready for the 2016 race.
Rubio, Christie, Santorum, Ryan, Huckabee, etc. are a few that come to mind.
The only thing I am sure of is that Senator Rand Paul isn't on that list.

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