

Nuclear 9/11 by Jeff Prager

Bruecke Note: This is retroactively posted on 9/11/2012. These are extracts from the conclusions to different parts of the two eMagazine files (several hundred pages). They help prove that 9/11 was a nuclear event.
or "1 - 162 • 911 America Nuked.pdf" [Part 1] 
[86 MB]

or "Prager_163 - 247 • 911 America Nuked.pdf" [Part 2]
. [56 MB]

By: Jeff Prager
Date: 2012

Page 52: Part One Conclusions
1. Leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma, three rare cancers, have increased dramatically and in an unprecedented number, frequency and rapidity in very young age groups never seen before.
2. All three of these cancers, increasing together in a select population have previously always indicated radiation exposure. The CDC study (K25 Workers), Chernobyl, Nagasaki and Hiroshima data are all conclusive and in agreement on this issue as well.
[See: Robert W. Miller, M.D., and William J. Blot, Ph.D., and others, US National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Japanese National Institute Of Health Of The Ministry Of Health And Welfare, Atomic Radiation, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also see Ionizing Radiation 911, parts 1, 2 and 3 linked on a previous page. Also see: CDC study of K25 workers linked previously]
3. Increases in these cancers using September 11th as the ‘start date,’ specifically and most importantly; Leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma along with increases in esophageal, prostate & thyroid cancers with all of them very rapid increases often in young and otherwise healthy people indicates clearly, without ambiguity and with certainty that further study into a radioactive component of some type and design is critically required.
4. The government, in all its wisdom, decided not to cover cancer in the Zadroga Bill while cancer deaths in First Responders are exploding like the Twin Towers on 911.
5. The EPA, Congress and the military and other governmental and environmental agencies responsible for the disaster cleanup knew from the very beginning that the dust in New York City was highly toxic, caustic and contained 100s of known human poisons. Very few people knew it was radioactive. My personal opinion is that certain members of government and private organizations knew.
6. I believe it was known early on by the mainstream medical community that radiation was a factor. I emailed over 500 oncologists or people in the Oncology Departments at Sloan Kettering and Mount Sinai Hospitals, Cancer Section, with copies of pages 19-42 of the free eMagazine titled, “Dust” and I also posted it to the CDC and NISOH web sites (link for source to original ‘short’ document below) on March 14th, 2011, in a reformatted style to accommodate CDC and NIOSH web site requirements.
7. Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will show that there are and were bombs tested that were ‘salted’ such or designed such that over 97% of their radiation was eliminated from the detonation. There was radiation, but not much, not easily measurable without sophisticated equipment, certainly not with a Geiger Counter, and not long-lasting. And it wasn’t alpha, beta or gamma radiation; these are the types we usually measure. But enough to kill people, as we’re seeing now. It was neutron radiation.
8. The following chapters will prove a lot more. The reasoning by Dr. Jones and others used to explain the high levels of tritium are scientific frauds and we prove that here.
After Conclusions - Me and Dr. Jones
9. Although Dr. Jones addressed the following issues partially, loosely, imperfectly in a fragmented manner using poor science that is just good enough to fool most people, he failed to adequately and properly address the increased uranium, thorium (two elements found only in radioactive form) tritium and the high levels of zinc, barium, strontium, vanadium, and especially potassium and sodium (these 2 are crucial) among other elements found in the dust as the levels increase and decrease together across 35 sampled locations by the USGS. Dr. Jones failed to use the Product Momentum Correlation and the ‘t’ test statistic, formulas he’s intimately familiar with, to discuss the various levels of these elements as they are seen in the dust, “together”.
Nano Technology
10. Forty years of technology has come and gone since 1961 (up until 2001) so we’ll also examine nano-technology ijn susequent chapters because the nuclear industry grabbed hold of miniaturization even more quickly then the Metastable Intermolecular Compound (nanothermite or MIC) industry and well before. Why wouldn’t they? Atomic grenades were coming down the pike. It was only a matter of time. The Davy Crockett, as you’ll see in the next chapter, was a watermelon-sized nuclear bomb launched from a 3-man tripod style grenade launcher. 40 years later we have apples. But very, very special apples based on a deuterium-tritium design.
Dr. Stephen Jones himself studied Muon Catalyzed Fusion for the US Department of Energy in critical detail and is intimately knowledgeable in this area.
This report will further show that Dr. Jones’ studies in muon catalyzed fusion involved deuterium, uranium and tritium which produce uranium and tritium as a by-product of fission and fusion and were both found in high amounts in NYC. This report will suggest that Dr. Jones should be fully aware of the nuclear component to the events of 911 based on the reasoning presented herein. Since he’s obviously not and further seeks to hide the nculear component the only logical explanation is that he’s been tasked with covering it up.
11. Lawrence Livermore has a long history of developing new materials, fabrication techniques, and characterization and diagnostic methods to address the important national problems it is asked to solve. From miniaturizing nuclear weapons in the late 1950s to proving fusion ignition on a laboratory scale five decades later, Livermore’s can-do attitude consistently meets with success. 911 is certainly proof of that.

Page 77: Part Two Conclusions
1. Big Ivan left little radiation (reducing radioactive output by 97% in 1961). Forty years of technological advances could have easily produced a bomb with very, very little and very, very short-lived radioactive elements.
2. Big Ivan produced not alpha, not beta and not gamma radiation but neutron radiation which is measured differently and requires sophisticated measuring equipment to detect. A Geiger Counter will not produce results with a Deuterium-Tritium detonation.
3. Using ‘Big Ivan’ technology including advances made during 40 years of diligent study it’s not hard to imagine a micronuclear device the size of an apple. The demolition effect would then be scaled down to what we actually saw on 911. Two 1000+ foot structural steel towers destroyed with the majority of the elements turned to dust; micron sized “very small particles” that can only be formed by a fusion device, a fission device or a fusion/fission device.
4. The dust PH was as high as caustic drain cleaner which, with concrete, would require incredible heat. It was reported over 12 on the Ph scale. In fact it requires more thermal energy to calcine concrete then to turn structural steel to dust. This is the signature of a nuclear event.
5. Very fine metals were routinely seen, but while most were at low concentrations, some metals (V, Ni, Cu, As, Se, Br, and Hg) occurred at unprecedented levels in the very fine size range. A person could, in a few hours, be subject to materials in amounts and composition that they would not have had to endure in years of typical ambient conditions. Ground Zero diseases are imminent and 1,003 First Responders were dead by March of 2011.
6. According to the Delta Group, “The size fractions above 1 micrometer contained finely powdered concrete, gypsum, and glass, with soot-like coatings and anthropogenic metals, but little asbestos.” The USGS data produces the same result. AVARIS satellite images confirm. There was virtually NO asbestos at Ground Zero. This presents a serious problem. If there was very little asbestos at Ground Zero and almost none to be more accurate (and we know the buildings were filled with asbestos) and the asbestos was dispersed across lower Manhattan by the demolition then what was the source of the elevated tritium levels at Ground Zero and why wasn’t the tritium also dispersed across the city like the asbestos?
7. If the tritium, uranium, zinc and asbestos were equally dispersed across the city then why was the tritium, uranium and zinc content at Ground Zero so high and the asbestos content so absurdly low? See the map at right for asbestos (chrysotile) distribution throughout lower Manhattan.
7. The fires raged for 100 days at underground temperatures exceeding 2500 degrees and even Pyrocool® could not extinguish the fires (see Pyrocool® data in this eMagazine). Energetic compounds, especially at nano-scale, will not accomplish this feat because they are designed at nano-scale to be rapid burners exhausting their fuel in milliseconds. This is precisely how they reach such high temperatures (4500F approx.). However, they could not have reached the temperatures necessary for the time period necessary to calcine tons of concrete and demolish the towers. Only several milliseconds of 10 million degree heat is capable of demolishing the towers as they were and calcining 50,000 tons (25%) of the concrete.
8. Energetic compounds can not increase the dust content of uranium, thorium, tritium, nickel, lead, barium, strontium, potassium, sodium and other elements; all found at anomalous or high levels and all indicative of a nuclear event of some type.
9. Particle size matters. The energy necessary to create the massive quantity of very fine and micron-sized particles is far, far greater than the energy output of an energetic compound with a velocity of 300 meters per second (Jones, Harrit). “Boiling soil and glass” as stated by Dr. Cahill and “regeneration” (Dr. Cahill) of aerosols; creating particles smaller than small, is a magic feat that energetic compounds can’t perform.
Page 161: Part Three Conclusions
1. In 1961 the Russians exploded the largest nuclear bomb ever conceived in the 50 megaton range. It was designed such that it produced 97% less radiation than other devices.
2. In 1961 the United States exploded the smallest nuclear bomb ever conceived. This bomb was 11 inches by 11 inches by 17 inches. Not much bigger than a shoebox. It’s not hard to imagine that in 40 years of strides in miniaturization and nano-technology, between 1961 and 2001 that the US military industrial complex was able to produce a deuterium tritium hybrid bomb the size of an apple, more or even less.
3. Based on professional building demolition techniques developed by CDI, the worlds premier building demolition company, it would have been impossible to properly prepare the Twin Towers, two separate buildings, for a demolition using standard explosives and energetic compounds either alone or together. It would have been humanly impossible to do.
4. The images between pages 69 and 77, rarely seen by most people, show a very clear nuclear demolition. It’s virtually impossible to view these images with an open mind and believe that an energetic compound was responsible for the demolition on 911. There are NO 911 videos that show these images.
5. We discussed a variety of different types of nuclear explosive devices. They all produce different amounts and types of radiation and they all produce different disease patterns. One thing they all have in common is an increase in cancers in those exposed to the explosions.
6. Because Dr. Jones studied muon catalyzed fusion and experimented with deuterium and tritium as well as uranium and other nuclear elements he has specific knowledge as regards the device(s) being discussed here yet he avoids discussing the USGS report or the Delta Group report.
7. Dr. Jones has failed to properly address the anomalous levels of uranium, potassium, sodium, zinc, tritium, thorium and other elements of a nuclear reaction found in the dust from Ground Zero as they interact together and Dr. Jones is a fraud.
8. Cold fusion is a reality and while it doesn’t yet produce energy sufficiently for civilian use it does produce powerful explosive devices.
9. Dr. Busby’s interview was fascinating.
10. Pyrocool® should have cooled and extinguished the fires.
11. The tritium was never properly or scientifically addressed although they made the report “sound” good.
12. Building 6 is never discussed even though the damage was extensive.
"Prager_163 - 247 • 911 America Nuked.pdf" [Part 2: 56MB]

Page 173 (10): Part Four Conclusions
1. Nano technology is a child of the nuclear industry. They work with atoms for goodness sakes; obviously nano started in the nuclear industry and the historical record proves so. More importantly, nano technology started in the military, the military industrial complex and the war machine because that’s where it was needed most.
2. Nano tech has advanced beyond our wildest dreams, quite rapidly in fact. As rapidly as the 911 First Responders dying from various rare cancers previously seen only in those exposed to radiation.
3. In the following chapter we’ll see that the military desperately needed to develop cleaner nuclear weapons so that they could be used more frequently and they needed very small nuclear weapons. What’s more, they needed weapons that didn’t use uranium or plutonium, the only two fissionable materials banned under all international treaties for above ground testing and use. That’s where the deuterium-tritium fusion fission reaction comes in. Very little uranium is produced, quite a bit of tritium is produced and the radioactivity is reduced by 97% lasting just a week or so. The tritium rapidly dissipated by either rain or water or just naturally, radiation is not easily detectable after just a week or so.
Page 193 (30): Part Five Conclusions
1. Nano technology and fusion-fission demolition devices the size of an apple and smaller is a stark reality that we all must deal with. Nano technology poses a distinct threat to the civilian population, especially in the wrong hands as can be seen by examining the events of September 11th, 2001.

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