

The Disney Interconnected Bloodline - Part II - The History of Disney & Early Conscription into The Dark Side

Vatic Note:  Now this was really interesting.  No, that is not the right word,  ITS REVEALING LIKE HELL.  This below is soooooo good.   I can't even tell you just  how big an eye opener this has been for me.   Its not only the history of the industry and the company within it, but it is also laced with the involvement of the mafia and Illuminati families along the way and how that happened.  Remember in part 1, we showed how Walt ended up indebted to the Mafia and to the Illuminati minions like Herbert Hoover and others.   They even go deeply into the mafia role and connection to Walt  Disney and the studio through the Bank of America.  Walt got into debt and ended up their person.

There will also be a section or Part on People of Interest that intersected with Disney along the way and that is very illuminating as well.  Some of the players shocked me.  I had no idea on some of these, so watch for that in Part III.  This section below, part II showed me something I did not know about why the cartoons were used to promote death and violence within the children at an early age.  

Really amazing how brilliant these maggots are and just how psychopathic they are.  Today they supplement these with Drugs for bogus diseases like ADD, etc. to create violent kids who turn into violent adults who have no clue. If they are on perpetual drugs their whole lives as children, then their natural system never gets to kick in and who knows what he or she becomes.  A criminal in the prison system working as a slave for corporations...???  Is that why they do this?  Just asking!  

It looks like this is going to grow to 6 parts with the last one dealing with Disney and Pornography.  So stick with us, its going to be a roller coaster journey up and down a steep incline of darkness, deception and perversion, not to mention the bigger agenda for the maggots running the show. Now you know why our children are turning out the way they are.... thank you Disney.    Oh, my Gawd, I just read how the Disney police are run like the gestapo and are not subject to the same rules as regular law enforcement.  No wonder private banks want to hire their own contract army.  

Once again, I have to say Fritz Springmeier is a damn hero.  What courage and what insight to  investigate and research all this so early on and we are only just now en mass finding his work that educates us so completely.  Thanks,  Fritz.   I hope you can read this.  All Parents,  GET RID OF ALL IPODS OR ELECTRONICS WITH VIOLENT GAMES AND DEATH AN D DISEASE.   Ban them from the house. 

The Disney Interconnected Bloodline - Part II - The History of Disney & Early Conscription into The Dark Side

“The story of Disney’s silent film career is not so much a struggle for artistic expression as it is a fight for commercial stability.”
During the 1920’s, Walt stayed safely within the confines of comic animation as defined by others, such as the producers of Felix the Cat, Koko the Clown, and Krazy Kat.

In other words, when many of the ideas were coming from just himself, Disney’s movies were not any better than others. In the 1930’s, Disney got some of the best talent available and he began to settle for only the best results from that talent. With the mob, and the Illuminati behind him, and driven by an indebtedness to them, Disney began to achieve outstanding results in animation.

Between 1924 and 1927, Walt Disney made a series of 56 silent Alice Comedies which used three different girls (6-year-old Virginia Davis, Margie Gay and Lois Hardwick) to act as Alice who romps around in a make-belief cartoon world. These cartoons combined live action and animation.

By the time the series was done, Walt Disney wanted to try working solely with animation. Margaret Winkler in NY (who married Charles Mintz) distributed Walt Disney’s Alice Comedies. From the beginning, children were the center of everything Walt did. 

The occult world that backed Walt, as well as Walt himself, believed that if they could bring out “the child” (that part of a person called “the child” by various psychologists), then they could appeal to the curiosity and feelings of the “child” part of adults. If it worked with adults, they could do the same with the child part in children.

They knew even in the 20’s and ’30’s what had to be accomplished in the secret Great Plan for a New World Order.

The Illuminati Great Plan called for family life to be destroyed, for children to rebel against their parents, and for the world to become more violent. Children needed to immerse in images of violence so that a violent society could be created.  (VN:  given this was written in the mid 90's, its now proven to be reality with TV and Ipod games of violence.  In the "Lawful path:  Silent weapons for quiet wars", written in 1958 under the direction of the Bilderberg group, they put out a protocol for social engineering using electronics and that is how violence became accessable without parental control since kids use the IPOD's when they are away from home. ) 

For instance, the 1925 film Alice Stage Struck shows little girl Alice strapped to a log leading to a buzz saw. They also wanted to make occultism - witchcraft the common belief of the American people. The Illuminati felt they could bring in witchcraft if they appealed to the curiosity of the child in every adult.

For instance, the Donald Duck cartoon Corn Chips (1951) shows Donald harassing Chip and Dale who then get back at him by stealing a box of popcorn and spreading it all over the front yard. Now what does a cartoon like this teach kids? It teaches that stealing to repay a grudge is O.K. and that doing pranks is funny.

In Disney’s 1920 films, he shows kids cutting school, shoplifting and playing hookey. He shows Alice running away from responsibility to have adventure. He shows prisoners escaping and hobos escaping work. His films are expression of misbehavior being successful. What does this teach children?

In the 1951 cartoon, Get Rich Quick Goofy wins money at poker and his initially angry wife who doesn’t like gambling forgives him when she sees how much he’s won. Goofy indicates that they can have a spending spree by telling his wife, “Easy come, easy go!” The gambling spirit is a very powerful spirit that the Illuminati want to instill in this nation. How can a cartoon that promotes gambling be wholesome for children?

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is a military expert on how to condition people so that they will kill. He writes in his superb book On Killing (Boston, MS: Little Brown and Co., 1996) that the same process that the government has used to condition soldiers to kill, is being used by the entertainment industry. (VN:  to condition little children at an early age before anyone else can indoctrinate them.  I truly believe this is why the Fed took control of locally controlled schools in order to finish the job and become the main focus of the childs life, even more than the parents.  I also believe that is why they manipulated the economy to force mothers out of the home, so the TV could indoctrinate the kids with Disney cartoons while the mother worked between 3 pm and dinner time) 

The only major difference is that in the military, men are taught to kill only on command, while our children are being taught to kill whenever they want to via TV’s “entertainment.”
Grossman states on page 308, that the conditioning to kill begins with cartoons.
“It begins innocently with cartoons and then goes on to the countless acts of violence depicted on TV as the child grows up... Then the parents, through neglect or conscious decision, begin to permit the child to watch movies rated R due to vivid depictions of knives penetrating and protruding from bodies, long shots of blood spurting from severed limbs, and bullets ripping into bodies and exploding out the back in showers of blood and brains.”  (VN:  The parents are as manipulated as the kids.  They don't do anything because they are working to death to support the family and do not know this is happening to their children. I grew up in a "Stay at home" mom family and that period from 3 to 5 is when my indoctrination about what was right, moral and thoughtful was passed onto me by my mother. ) 
While children see horrible deaths on T.V., they learn to associate this suffering with entertainment, pleasure and their favorite soft drink, their favorite candybar, and close intimate contact with their date. (See On Killing, p. 302) Disney has the appearance of  Wholesomeness; this appearance is quite deceptive. (VN:  Its called "desensitizing" the children to the ramifications of their actions)

A close study of Disney cartoons will reveal lots of violence that could not be depicted if the violence was actually real life and not animation. It’s the wholesome front which is one of the deceptions that makes Disney cartoons and films so dangerous. Yes, the image of Disney has been that its cartoons are wholesome. (VN:  Another illusion, the red pill please.)

No wonder Illuminati mind-control programmers have laughed at how naive the American public is toward Disney. The Disney Gargoyles cartoons are a television series that is pure demonology. The story line is that a race of demons protects New York City. One of the Gargoyles is even named Demona.

The Illuminati programmers are amazed at how stupid the masses of people are, and how easily deceived. How the Disney movies are used as programming scripts is very involved so only one detailed example is given at the end of this chapter. The Illuminati and Mafia knew that Walt had the ability to get the job done that the Great Plans called for. (Source: confidential interview.)

They knew they had the “carrots and the sticks” to get him to cooperate. There is no doubt that Walt was a hard worker who in turn expected high standards from his employees.
One co-worker of Walt wrote,
“Walt made a simple statement, that you can lick them with ‘product’ if you make your product good enough, they cannot deny it... In Walt’s estimation, everything that was done had to be executed with a great deal of thought and finesse.”
Neelands, Barbara, compiler. About Ben Sharpsteen, article by David R. Smith (2nd Impress.) Calistoga, CA: A Sharpsteen Museum Reprint, pg. 2-3.
One big turn in Walt’s outlook toward quality came in April, 1927 when the head of Universal Studios wrote a scathing report on the quality of Disney studio work. It forced Walt to realize that up to then he had been slipshod and sloppy. He resolved to never take the easy way, but to work with dedication toward making his drawings come to life with character and interesting situations.

In 1922, Walt made a film Cinderella.  This is not to be confused with the later animated film also of the same title released in 1950. The 1950 feature was re-released numerous times. 

The Alice cartoons were made with a 6- year-old girl playing Alice. The first six Alice comedies had extensive live-action beginnings, and then went into cartoon.
A few of the 1920’s Alice silent cartoon titles include:
  •   Alice’s Wonderland (1923)
  •   Alice Hunting in Africa (1924)
  •   Alice’s Spooky Adventure (1924)
  •   Alice Plays Cupid (1925)
  •   Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925)
  •   Alice Rattled by Rats (1925)
  •   Alice Chops the Suey (1925)
  •   Alice Charms the Fish (1926)
  •   Alice the Whaler (1927)
  •   Alice the Beach Nut (1927)
After the Alice Series, Disney began a fully animated series called Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.

Here we see the occult concept of luck (who hasn’t heard of a lucky Rabbit’s foot?) being subtly promoted. Disney cartoon may entertain, but they also indoctrinate while they entertain. In 1926, Walt Disney signed an agreement with Mintz and Film Booking Offices (EBO). Film Booking Offices were Illuminati kingpin/mob boss Joseph Kennedy’s company. For at least the next years, Disney worked under the control (auspices) of Illuminati kingpin Kennedy.

All of the Disney pictures were registered by R-C Pictures Corp., one of the parent companies of Kennedy’s FBO.

Joseph Kennedy also controlled the RKO studio which worked together with the other big studios to insure that no small studio would develop as a competitor. By 1937, all the big studios - 20th Cent., Paramount, MGM, Warner Bros., Cohn’s Columbia Pictures and Kennedy’s RKO were allowing the mob to skim money from them.

Kennedy’s RKO gave Walt a guarantee in 1937 that they’d distribute Snow White sight unseen. Walt Disney had their films distributed by Kennedy’s RKO from 1936 to 1956. Another little known detail is that in 1926, Leon Schlesinger (future producer at Warner Bros.) subcontracted animation jobs to Disney.

One of these was Universal’s The Silent Flyer.

In 1928, Steamboat Willie debuted. This was an animated cartoon with a soundtrack starring a mouse later named Mickey Mouse. It had taken lots of hard work and determination on Walt’s part, but it was the first cartoon with a sound track and it was successful. In 1929, the cartoon The Haunted House came out.

The story is, Mickey Mouse is forced by a storm into a house full of ghosts who force him to contribute to their spooky musicale. In 1930, Harry Cohn, one of the most ruthless and unsavory characters controlling a studio bailed Walt Disney out of Walt’s trouble with con-artist Pat Powers who was stealing Disney’s money.

Harry Cohn was a former NY pool hustler and gambler who was brought in by Chicago investors to front their investments in Columbia Pictures, and run their studio. He wore a sapphire ring that the Chicago mafia-man Johnny Roselli gave him. Roselli later became a rogue asset of the CIA, and testified before Congress (the Church Committee on Assassinations in ‘74) about a CIA contract which was handed him.

Roselli worked for the Mafia Council of 9, which incl. Anthony Accardo and Sam Giancana. Harry Cohn was said by some to be the most hated man in Hollywood. His money gave him “the power of an emperor”. His money got him the best female flesh available which he used for his pleasure.

He always seemed to arrive from Las Vegas with rolls of new greenbacks, which had close associates wondering where all the money came from that he always got when he made trips to Las Vegas.

In 1931, Walt went into a long suicidal depression that lasted into 1932. In the summer of 1932, he took a vacation to try and recover from his nervous breakdown. By 1932, Ingersoll had marketed its first edition of Mickey Mouse watches. Disney products have served as a model of consumerism for the world. Disney watches have been made continuously since 1932 or ‘33. In 1932, eighty major U.S. corporations (such as General Foods, RCA and National Dairy) began to market Disney products.

Ed Sullivan began regularly running stories that bragged about Disney’s work. Freemason Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid, pres. of the Univ. of So. Cal., gave Disney an award from Parents magazine for Walt’s “work with children”. In 1932, several artists who had worked for William Randolph Hearst came to work for Disney. In 1932, Roy switched Disney from Columbia to United Artists. United Artists agreed to front Disney $15,000 for each cartoon.

In the 1930’s, the Illuminati’ Bank of America financed Walt Disney. Years before, the Bank of America had been quietly created from Bank of Italy which was controlled by the same oligarchy that has run the Knights of Malta and renaissance Venice. (VN:  Better known as he home of the black Nobility family)  The Bank of Italy was a powerful bank in Hollywood’s first years.

It’s representatives A.P. and Atillo Giannini financed Walt during the 1920’s with petty cash to keep him going, but not enough to get him out of financial bondage. Joe Rosenberg of Bank of America was sympathetic to Walt. Joe Rosenberg, a Jewish banker, came to all of Disney’s board meetings, sat beside Walt, and would advise Walt on what direction Disney Studios should take.

Joe wasn’t a board member, but his advice got high priority. Bank of America also bankrolled other Illuminati projects and organizations. Bank of America had one of their branch offices on Disneyland’s Main St. from ’55 until ‘93.

They were open on holidays and Sundays for Disneyland. Bank of America is slated to be perhaps the only bank to survive the economic crash, when the Illuminati kingpins will allow their own banks to crash. Bank of America executive S. Clark Beise (who is a Scottish Rite Freemason) has been a member of Disney’s board of directors from ‘65 to ’75. One of the biggest depositors in Bank of America is Roy E. Disney.

Other Disney execs like Rich Frank have also used Bank of America as their bank of choice. The Bank of America bankrolled the Disney animation Snow White. Walt managed to sell Joseph Rosenberg on the idea, at a time when old time Hollywood people were advising Rosenberg that Snow White could only be a failure.

When Snow White was successful, Walt announced a monster party for all Disney workers at Lake Norconian, near Palm Springs, southeast of San Bernandino, CA where the cost of everything the Disney workers wanted to order - food or drink or whatever, would be taken care of by the Disney’s.

Under the full moon, the Disney male and female workers, finally free of the tight rules at the studios, had what amounted to a Roman orgy and a large nude skinny-dip at the lake. Almost all of the Disney workers participated in the orgy and Disney had only two options, 1. fire them all or 2. ignore that the party took place. Walt choose the later option, and after that no-one ever dared mention the party in his presence.

In 1937, Walt and Roy took a trip to Europe where Walt dined with the British Royal family, and met privately with H.G. Wells, the masonic prophet! planner of what Wells and other masons called “the New World Order”. In Paris, the League of Nations (the forerunner to the U.N.) gave him an award.

After the success of Snow White, Disney chose Pinocchio to follow it. Many have asked why Pinocchio was chosen by Walt. If you look at the script, the puppet-maker’s wife is taken out of the original script, and there is an emphasis on the little wooden puppet visualizing becoming a flesh and blood son to the man who had created him.  Here we have a boy with no soul, who is told if he works hard he will be given one. (Does this sound familiar to readers of VoL 2?)

The script was definitely changed to have a storyline far more useful to mind-control programming. For those who think Walt simply recreated fairy tales on the screen, if one examines the changes that are made from the original storylines, they are changed to make them more useful for mind-control. Both Snow White and Pinocchio have occult type “deaths and resurrections”. After W.W. II, Joseph Rosenberg persuaded A.P. Giannini, his boss, to bankroll Disney again.

Although Walt was financed by the Mishpucka (Jewish Mafia), he didn’t like the idea. Richard Rosenberg, a later Pres. of Bank of America, is also Mishpucka. Richard Rosenberg (his mother was a Cohen) was also in charge of Northrop Corp. and Marin Ecumenical Housing Assn. (Other examples of Mishpucka executives are R. Goldstein, v.p. of Procter and Gamble, and Marvin Koslow, v.p. of Bristol Meyers Co.)

In the 1930’s, the elite promoted Disney’s new cartoons. In 1935, Walt Disney received the French Legion of Honor for his Mickey Mouse cartoons.

Also in 1935, the Queen of England (who readers of my previous articles will realize is Illuminati, involved in drug trade, and is involved with the leadership of Freemasonry) (VN:  and is black Nobility as well from the German side of her family, in Vienna) and the Duchess of York (also Illuminati) selected Mickey Mouse chinaware as gifts for 600 children. This was after Walt spent time with her in 1934.

The League of Nations (the pre-W.W. II equivalent of the U.N.) took the time to vote its approval of Mickey Mouse. (Finch, Christopher. The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom . NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1975, p. 53.)

There is no doubt that Walt Disney had talent. There is also no doubt from the record that powerful people wanted to promote him. No doubt his 320 Masonic membership and his DeMolay activities helped boost his support, and also helped Walt’s bent toward the occult.

Let’s digress just to let people in on Freemasonry’s involvement with acting and motion pictures. The famous 233 Club was a masonic chapter for actors who were Freemasons. Examples of actors who were Freemasons include John Aasen, Gene Autry, Monte Blue and Humphrey Bogart, Douglas McClean, John Wayne. Then there is T.V. DJ Dick Clark.
Examples of Motion picture executives who were Freemasons incl.
  • Ellis G. Arnall (Pres. of the Soc. of Ind. Motion Picture Producers)
  • Will H. Hays (Czar of motion pictures 1922-45, and Pres. Motion Picture Produces and Distributors of Amer. Inc.)
  • Benj. B. Kahane (v.p. and dir. Assoc. of Motion Picture Producers, Inc.)
  • Carl Laemmle (Pres. Univ. Pictures Corp til ’36)
  • Frank E. Mullen ( man. dept of info. RCA, VP NBC ‘39-’46, exec. VP NBC ‘46-’48)
  • David Sarnoff (Chrm. of Bd. Radio Corp. of Amer. and "father” of American television)
  • Jack M. Warner (v.p. of Warner Bros.) and the President and dir. of Universal Pictures since 1952
The Freemasons have made much of Walt Disney’s membership in their membership sales pitches.

Because the 2 Disney brothers’ chief contributions to the production of Disney films were the finances and occasionally the ideas used in a film, it is rather misrepresentative of things that Walt Disney got all the credit for the success and quality of the Disney cartoons. He was showered with 700 awards and honors from important people, including 30 Oscars, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (in ’64).

Walt Disney’s great animators never got the credit they deserved, but no one should forget that Walt was the driving force that inspired and guided his workers. In 1934, Walt Disney made a cartoon about a goddess of the Mystery Religions named Persephone. In the cartoon entitled The Goddess of Spring, the goddess Persephone is captured by Satan as his bride and sent to the underworld, with the agreement she could return to earth six months of each year.

The Illuminati have rituals around Persephone. On Dec. 21, 1937, Disney premiered the first full-length color cartoon movie “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” This cartoon had taken $1.4 in depression-time money and three years to make. Over 750 artists worked on the film. Walt Disney had gotten the idea from a silent movie of Snow White which he saw as a boy in 1917.

The movie has an important occult theme to it, and has been used for occult mind-control programming. 

When the 1940’s got started, Disney was in financial difficulties. At this point, Nelson Rockefeller hired his cartoon capabilities to make cartoons for South America, with the idea that South Americans would remain loyal to the American capitalist hegemony, rather than shift to rising ideologies of fascism/nazism, if they saw Walt Disney cartoons.

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 8/24/42, Disney did its world premiere of Saludo Amigos, a 42 minute feature about Latin America. Goofy becomes a gaucho, a parrot teaches Donald Duck to dance the samba, as well as Disney art showing various landscapes of Brazil in the film. However, the film The Three Caballeros, if it was meant to encourage South American loyalty to American capitalism, completely failed.

The Three Caballeros showed a sexually lecherous Donald Duck who in bad taste tries to make it with Latin women. The mysticism was also seen as bogus. Although the Latin Americans hated the film, the establishment media’s Look magazine praised it. 

Another reason that Rockefeller sent Walt to South America was to get him out of the way so that the government could settle the strike by Disney workers. Nelson Rockefeller was the government’s Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, a good position considering how much of South America the Rockefeller’s controlled.

Rockefeller told Disney that Disney couldn’t beat the strikers, but that while Walt was in South America, FDR would see to it that the strike got settled. When Disney returned he submitted to the powers that were, and accepted the unions and the mafia’s control. Another change for Walt Disney was that in 1940, he and Roy turned Disney into a “public corporation” and initially sold 755,000 shares of common stock.

The Illuminati Boston firm of Kidder, Peabody and Co. were the underwriters of the studio’s public stock-offerings. By 1940, the Disney Studio at Burbank had become a miniature city with 1,000 men and women employees and 20 buildings on a 51 acre tract of land.

After the U.S. joined W.W. II, Disney Productions were made a part of the American military establishment. The very next day after Pearl Harbor, the military moved onto the Disney Studio, which leads this author to suspect that Disney was already part of the power establishment prior to the war breaking out. Disney made military movies/cartoons that taught the different branches of the military many things. They made propaganda movies for the allies.

One series of films was “Why we fight.” Disney made movies for the IRS to get people to pay their taxes. Some of the Disney films were top, secret, and concerned secret military weapons or secret psychological tactics of the Americans. For instance, one military film was “Army Psycho Therapy” which taught army men how to instill fear, and about the basics of fear. 

Another army film was “Prostitution and the War”. Another showed a carrier pigeon evading the Germans.

In 1940, Disney came out with 2 full length animated cartoons, Pinocchio and Fantasia, both of which were soon used for Illuminati mind-control programming.

Fantasia contains Schubert’s sacred Catholic music Ave Maria, which was used in a concluding segment side to side with the profane Night on Bald Mountain song, as well as six other classical pieces of orchestra music. As a feature cartoon it was a flop, but as a programming tool it was fantastic.

Fantasia receives a comprehensive explanation of how it is used for mind-control programming at the end of this chapter. Because an explanation of the use of a Disney film for mind-control is complex, this explanation is placed at the end of the chapter so that it won’t interrupt the flow of this chapter’s information. The Pinocchio film has been redone and released 9 times over the years.

Some of the next full length animated films to come out were:
  • The Three Caballeros (1945)
  • The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (‘49)
  • Cinderella (1950)
  • Treasure Island (1950)
  • Alice In Wonderland (1951)
  • The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)
  • Peter Pan (1953)
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
  • Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Very soon after the production of all of these movies, the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies used them for Illuminati total mind-control programming.

To see their misuse as programming scripts one has to understand how the fantasy worlds of a programmed multiple are created and how the movie scripts are adapted to be programming scripts.

Vol. 2 gave quite a few examples of how Alice In Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz scripts were used for programming scripts. When Disney had his animal-nature documentaries, he edited and used narration to give the animals human like characteristics - something he’d already been doing with animation.

Disney played an important part in the Illuminati’s plan to elevate animals and dehumanize humans. One of the biggest Illuminati kingpins, and leader (Grand Master) of the Prieure de Sion was Frenchman Claude Debussy (bn.1862).

Claude Debussy, a Merovingian, was Nautonnier (Navigator-helmsman) of the Prieure de Sion from 1885-1918. (See the document Dossiers secrets, planche no. 4, Ordre de Sion, written about in Holy Blood, Holy Grail.)

In 1891, when some secret coded parchments (Merovingian documents) were found by a French clergyman Sauniere, he was directed by church officials to visit with Emile Hoffet, an occult acquaintance of Debussy.

Debussy was close friends with many of the top French occultists of his time. He is known to have been a close friend to both the notorious Satanists Jules Bois and MacGregor Mathers. Mathers started the Order of the Golden Dawn.

Debussy was also a friend of the infamous Papus (aka Dr. Gerard Encausse) and W.B. Yeats.
Papus was one of the men who during his lifetime was part of the interlocking occult directorate of occult groups. 

Claude Debussy put some works of the previous P.d.S. Grand Master Victor Hugo to music. Debussy and his other powerful occult friends were influential with Monsieur Philippe, whose Russian occult circle influenced the Russian Czars and Czarinas before Rasputin came around.

Debussy traveled to Russia and Rome. Some of Debussy’s works became operas. Interestingly, Walt Disney was extremely anxious to make a cartoon using Debussy’s Clair de Lane. The work was done, but it was never shown to the public.

Disney never found a place to use it. It was originally done with animation with flying cranes for the occult extravaganza Fantasia, but when the Fantasia ended up too long, Clair de Lane was cut and shelved. It was again planned for the film Make Mine Music, but then Blue Bayou was substituted in.

Walt used the Le Sacre du Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for Fantasia. This piece of music was written AS a pagan ritual where a virgin sacrifices herself by dancing to death. 

Disney’s mobster Gunther Lessing had threatened Stravinsky if permission weren’t given for Disney to use the piece of music, it would be used anyway. Dr. Julian Huxley got involved in the production of Fantasia. Aldous and Julian Huxley are well known by conspiracy researchers for their roles in the World Order.

In the 1940’s and 1950’s, the Illuminati began using Disney’s Alice In Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz films as programming bases for their total mind-controlled slaves.

Alice in Wonderland had been done many years earlier by the Britisher William Cameron Menzies (who also did Freemason H.G. Wells’ masonic forecast of the New World Order entitled “Things to Come” in 1936, and the film Invaders From Mars.). In 1944, Illuminati Kingpin William Randolph Hearst (with some minor help from others) funded the Motion Picture Alliance, and Walt Disney became a co-founder and its first Vice-President.

In the early 1950’s, Walt turned his attention from animated cartoons to other projects, such as True-Life-Adventures, television shows, and the creation of Disneyland. Seal Island was his first true life adventure which was released to the general public on May 4, 1949, and soon won Walt Disney an Oscar.

Alfred and Elma Milotte had shot the film on some Alaskan Islands named Pribilof Islands. James Algar had put the movie together. In 1952, Walter spelled his named backwards to create the name of another corporation "Retlaw”. Roy and his family saw the move as an attempt to cut them out of the financial picture.

In 1954, Walt Disney and ABC made a agreement. ABC would directly invest half a million US dollars as well as guarantee $4.5 million in loans for the construction of Disneyland. This made ABC 1/3 owner of Disneyland. In return, Walt Disney agreed to produce a regular television series for ABC. Remember too that ABC’s president Leonard Goldenstein was a good friend of Ronald Reagan.

On July 13, 1955, Walt and Lillian were attempting to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary at a park and restaurant.

Walt got too drunk to speak into the microphone, so he blew noisemakers into it, while Lillian rushed to pull him out of view. In 1961, Disney bought out the ABC investment (also labelled Paramount) for $7.5 million with cash and notes, and to bring this all up to date, later on July 31, 1995, Disney merged with Capital Cities/ABC, with Disney in nominal control.

Actually Capital Cities has long been a CIA front company, so the merger placed Disney squarely within the CIA ranks, although it had been in bed with them for the CIA’s entire history. The Illuminati-controlled corporations of Coca-Cola and the drug firm Johnson and Johnson became sponsors for Disney’s early TV shows.

On 7/3/57, the Wall St. Journal announced that Atlas Corp. got 26% interest in Walt Disney Productions. Walt Disney worked quietly with some consultants on the concepts behind Disneyland. His brother and nephew tried to prevent the project from happening. Later they requested that Walt sign over Disneyland, Inc. to Walt Disney Productions, which Walt did.

Walt kept 17.25 % of Disneyland holdings and Walt Disney Productions got the rest.
Walt Disney Productions then shared their portion with others. The man who helped Walt finance Disneyland was the executive vice-pres. of ABC Kintner. Walt Disney got the Illuminati’s Stanford Research Institute to determine what would be the best site for Disneyland. A retired Navy admiral Joe Fowler was in charge of constructing both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

How do admirals fit into the power structure? Admirals are briefed each day, and are given information concerning the secret power structure. Most men who are at that military level are Illuminati or at least well controlled by the system. Within the last few years there has been an intense effort to weed out any admirals who are not loyal to the Illuminati.

Morgan-Evans, who lives in Malibu, and who may be of the famous Morgan clan, was the one who created the spectacular landscapes for Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and EPCOT in FL. According to CIA informants opposed to the NWO, CIA contractors were brought in to build the underground tunnels under Disneyworld in 1977.

These contractors were sworn to secrecy, but were only informed on a need to know basis why the CIA was involved with an amusement park. To work on the secret tunnel project took an “Above Top Secret” clearance. A major programming center was constructed under Lake Holden. (Many of the lakes in Florida are named Lake So-and-so, rather than So-and-so Lake.) The tunnel system was built for programming trauma-based total mind-controlled slaves.

It was built of concrete with steel reinforcement. Lake Holden lies just to the northwest side of the Orlando International Airport and just south of Interstate 4. (It is close to Range 29E on quad maps.) It is only (as the crow flies) about 12 miles from Disneyworld. In spite of Draconian measures of secrecy, numerous lawsuits (Fed. and State) were filed over the years by victims trying to expose the Disneyworld programming tunnels, so that finally the programming center was dismantled, cleaned up and a "maintenance” tunnel level and a "casting” tunnel level were opened to the public.

During its heyday, the programmers (military and intelligence men) had exotic offices underground with unusual programming equipment. It doesn’t take any imagination to realize that if Disney carried mind-control programming above and below ground, that they would need tight security forces to protect their secrets. Indeed, such is the case.

Disney amusement parks have been granted draconian powers wherever they have been built! The Disney parks have also employed armies of spies dressed like tourists to spy on Disney’s employees! If amusement park workers did anything slightly out of place, they were (and still are) reported by the spies in the camp, and they often have lost their jobs. 

For instance, one ex-worker, who had 10 years with Disney, was caught discussing his divorce with another worker.  Since divorce doesn’t fit the wholesome image that Disney wants, when the spy dressed as a tourist reported his conversation, he lost his job. Many workers have tried to tell their personal horror stories of Disney’s draconian rules and their draconian private police force, but most of the time Disney has had the power to suppress and intimidate away any bad publicity.

An exception to that is the recent Nov. 4, ‘96 Napa Valley Register article on page 2D entitled, “Critics of Disneyland Say Security Abusive Inside Magic Kingdom.”
UCLA law professor David Sklansky commented about Disney’s police,
“One of the major problems we have is nobody really knows what they are doing- how often they stop, interrogate or search people. They are not subject to the same sort of regulatory controls.”
It’s almost superfluous to tell readers that Disney’s amusement park with it’s theme areas such as Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Adventureland were a great success. Everyone worldwide was curious to visit this entertainment Mecca to participate in something that had a clean, wholesome image to it.

The entire world system pulled together to insure that Disneyland got the image and publicity that the top 13 Illuminati families and the various syndicates wanted it to have. For 40 years they’ve done this. When something that everyone thinks is clean and wholesome is not attacked by the world system, that should raise eyebrows among thinking people.
Home schooling, learning to read phonetically and other wholesome activities for children have been viciously attacked and ridiculed by the established media. Why has Disney gone untouched? Disney Studios for years strove to have a very clean image. Workers had dress codes, and any activity on the part of employees that wasn’t morally conservative was grounds for instant dismissal.
Of course, the exceptions were well covered up, such as an employee who used hypnosis to get quite a few of the females employees to undress until nude.
John L. Hulteng, author of The Messenger’s Motives (Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976, p. 213) informs us,
“As communication researchers have emphasized, the greatest impact the media have on the formation or change of public opinion is in terms of impressions built up over a long period.”
The wholesomeness of Disney is an image that has been built over a long period of time. Disney’s occult themes of world citizenship, witchcraft, humanism and idolatry have also been long running impressions that have been craftively perpetrated upon this nation, so long that they began prior to this author’s - and probably the reader’s - birth.

People don’t associate movie’s like Consenting Adults with Disney, or The Corpse Had a Familiar Face with Disney. In fact as previously mentioned, when Disney wanted to put out more “adult” films, they did a slight of hand and created the label Touchstone films so that people wouldn’t associate movies like Splash (which showed what looked like bared breasts) with Disney Productions.

Another label, Hollywood Pictures, was created by Disney to help distribute Touchstone films.
At first the personnel of these companies was simply Disney’s staff, but as time went on, they got their own production personnel. On Oct. 27, 1954, Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color debuted on television. The TV show celebrated Disney’s movie triumphs. The words Wonderful World of Color are not ill chosen. 

According to an Illuminati mind-control programmer, when Disney worked on his cartoons, and amusement parks, colors - special colors and color combinations - were specifically chosen for mind-control programming purposes.

Wonderful World of Color under various names such as Disneyland aired for 22 years over the television networks. In 1955, Walt Disney made his cartoon character Mickey Mouse real by creating a fan club - the Mickey Mouse Club, which aired five days a week usually just as children came home from school.   (VN:  Hah, what did I tell ya) 

Twenty-four children called mouseketeers would help Mickey, and they would dance and sing and do skits. The Mickey Mouse Club adored the unique, cute little beanie Mickey Mouse caps with their big ears mounted to each side of the beanie. In the 1950’s, most kid viewers of the show wanted their own “Mouse Ears” and to become a Mouseketeer, especially children who were receiving Mickey Mouse scripts in their total mind-control programming.

Disney used his Mouseketeers to play all the roles in an Oz movie Rainbow Road to Oz, which was never shown to the public. Adults today (both men and women) who received Mickey Mouse programming during the 50’s through 70’s can still be seen with Mickey Mouse clocks, watches, lampshades, knick-knacks, tee shirts, etc.

Years later the kids who watched can still remember “Spin and Marty” and the Mickey Mouse theme song.

The image that everything was perfect including Mickey was portrayed by the Club’s T.V. program. Still somehow the American people began to use the word “Mickey Mouse” as a synonym for a silly, pretend way of doing things. It became common for people to say, “He mickey-moused it together.” to mean he did a poor job putting it together.

On Jan. 30, 1957, Walt Disney had a television show aired entitled “All About Magic” where a Magic Mirror explains about magic. The Magic Mirror also contains a "Bibbidi-bibbidi-Boo" sequence. In 1959, Disney bought 8 small submarines from Todd Shipyards for $2, 150.000. 

When ABC wouldn’t let Walt make a TV series out of a storyline where a magic ring changes a boy into a dog (a mind-control programming theme) - because ABC didn’t think the public could swallow the story line - Walt quit ABC for NBC.

Walt then made a scaled down version of this occult storyline entitled The Shaggy Dog. Early in the 1960’s, Walt and his brother Roy went secretly looking for an area on the east coast to build another Disney Park. Walt the younger of the two, died in 1966, and Roy finished the project.
Beginning in 1964, 30,000 acres were secretly purchased at $200 an acre in the Orlando, FL area just west of NASA’s Cape Kennedy.

Using phony names and paying cash, Disney buyers bought the land and swore the sellers to secrecy. The Magic Kingdom has been multiplying. In 1971, Walt Disney World was opened to the public. Bob Hope and others participated in a Disney special on Oct. 29, 1971 “Grand opening of Walt Disney World”.

From the time of its opening until Oct. 12, 1995, Disney World calculated 1/2 billion people visited DisneyWorld. This amusement park is in Orlando, FL on over 27,400 acres and includes the EPCOT Center (now also called simply Epcot). The EPCOT center was another dream of Walt Disney’s (albeit more than slightly modified from Walt’s original EPCOT ideas.) 

EPCOT originally stood for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. It was to be an extension of the massive mind-control being carried out at Disney World.

The original EPCOT city designed by Walt was to carry on its commerce (traffic) via underground roads and tunnels like the Disney Theme parks. After Walt Disney died, his successors changed the proposed experimental city into another theme park simply called Epcot. It is not unusual to see crowds of over 48,000 people descend on Walt Disney World and the EPCOT center in a single day. Some visitors arrive via a monorail.

Visitors can buy 5-Day World Hopper passes which allow them to bounce around with admission to all the sites for a seven day period. In other words, some families stay for a week at Disneyworld.

Hardcore visitors can get Annual Passports which provide unlimited use of Walt Disneyworld for an entire year. In reality, many visitors to Disneyworld begin the day enthusiastic and after a day of hot sun and waiting in long lines with large crowds for imitations of reality, the tourists are zombie-like and looking forward to getting back to their hotels.

Many people have felt the rides were not nearly what they expected. Some of the rides are better than others, and some typically get comments like, “It was stupid.”

Some of the spooky events like Snow White’s Adventures, or the oversized heads of the Disney characters walking around can leave the little preschool children terrified and dazed for the rest of the day. In contrast, older children, who normally rarely show patience at home may show how much they want to go on a particular Disney ride, by waiting an hour and a half in the hot sun for a ride.

Alien Encounter is a Walt Disneyland feature that invites tourists in for a “demonstration of interplanetary teleportation.” When the “demonstration” as planned “breaks down” an "alien” with asocial traits appears among the audience and terrorizes the audience. A cute creature is hideously fried, deformed, and then vomited into space screaming.
Here are some comments from visitors to this Walt Disneyland attraction:
  • “Alien Encounter one of those rides I can say I’ve seen and that I have no intention of ever doing again. In fact, parents who take children under the age of six should be brought up on child abuse. Woman, from MI
  • “Alien Encounter was the WORST experience for my 10-year-old (and almost every child in there). It starts out cute enough during the pre-show, but the actual show is a disaster for children. My daughter screamed and cried in terror throughout it. 
  • I thought the Disney warnings were vague and inaccurate. When we left, there wasn’t one child with dry eyes (even sturdy looking 12-year-old boys were crying.). I think an age requirement of 13 or 14 is more appropriate. I talked to a few adults and we even agreed that the special effects were extremely unpleasant even for us. This show is not a Disney family experience - its ATROCIOUS!!”A mother from Phillipsburg, NJ. 
  • “We did go to Alien Encounter...The pre-show is deceiving. It kind of lulls you into thinking “this isn’t so bad.” When the main part came up, I admit the experience gave me the absolute heebie-jeebies... I am never doing that presentation again - it was way too intense for me, and I’m now 27 years of age! - from a family in Laurel, MD 
  • Michael Eisner, the President of Walt Disney Co., initially rejected Alien Encounter for not being scary enough when it was being considered as an addition to Disneyworld.

One wonders what he would have liked!  (VN:  I have already determined years ago, that he was a truly sick puppy, but now we know for sure.  Too bad Walt had to die).

Snow White’s Adventures, which was an attraction at Disneyland, was one of what the Disney people called “dark rides”. After a while a sign appeared with a witch warning people that the attraction was scary. 

Later in 1983, they renamed it Snow White’s Scary Adventures. It might be interesting to point out that when the original Snow White and Seven Dwaffs film came out, that England forbid the film to be seen by any child under 16 unless accompanied by an adult because of the scary content of the movie.

How far we have come since then. Schools in the Florida and California areas also make field trips to the Magic Kingdom that are arranged with Disney.

EPCOT receives tens of thousands of children this way during March, September and October. High schools use the Magic Kingdom for proms or senior nights, and some couples use the facilities of the Magic Kingdom for weddings. Modem Bride ranked Orlando as the number-one honeymoon destination in the world. Group discussions of people who took honeymoons to DisneyWorld have had a consensus that the hype is not as great as the reality.

Some weddings are done with cartoon characters. Disney offers “fairy-tale” wedding packages. A great deal for two mind-controlled slaves. They can reinforce their programming while getting married. The Disney fairy-tale wedding typically has its ceremony on a pavilion on an island in the Seven Seas Lagoon with the Cinderella Castle as a backdrop. The fairy-tale wedding can then be followed with a Fantasy reception with a choice of themes such as Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin.

The fantasy programming can continue as the bride is delivered to a “Cinderella’s Ball” by an actual glass carriage drawn by six white Disney ponies. A costumed fairy-godmother and stepsisters are also at the ball. Desert is served in a white chocolate slipper.

One of the after-dark shows is IllumiNations which consists of music, fireworks, erupting fountains, special lighting, and laser technology done at the World Showcase Lagoon. EPCOT has a show Cranium Command at the Wonders of Life in the Future World section where guests sit in a theater that functions as a command control room for a boy’s brain. In 1980, Disney came out with the box office flop The Devil and Max Devlin. In 1984, Roy E. Disney brought in Michael Milken, of junk bond fame to help Disney out financially.

In 1985, Disney bought MGM’s rights to Leo the Lion logo and began using the MGM Wizard of Oz material. Later a remake of Alice In Wonderland came out in the modern motif of Honey I Shrank the Kids. In the 1990’s, Illuminati controlled companies continued their promotion of Disney.

For instance, the Nestle family’s Nestle company promotes Disney movies on their chocolate bars. The Nestle family is exposed in this author’s booklet Illuminati Control Over Foods and Grains, p. 4 as one of the elite Black Nobility families. In 1996, Walt Disney World created an actual residential town named Celebration on its property.

This self-contained community has 20,000 and a school, a theatre, a fiber optic information network linking business, as well as other features.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. research Fritz.

  2. Thank you, anonymous, I had no idea. I knew he disappeared somewhere and heard he was in prison but had no specifics and could not find any. Is he out yet??? If so, how is he and give us a link, Please.

    Its ironic that I publish his excellent work and get set up like he did where they are trying to put me in jail. They will not succeed cause its all bogus, but they are hoping it breaks me financially and time wise to deal with this. It won't. Like Fritz, I HAVE GOD ON MY SIDE.... Hear that illum maggots???


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