

The Disney Interconnected Bloodline - Part III - The Care and Feeding of Deception as a WMD

***  An updated report on our fund raising.   We wish to thank everyone who contributed to meeting our deficit goals this month for the first when they are due.  We are most grateful for the responses to our call for aid. Unlike any other month in the past, we now have legal fees in fighting what Fritz Springmeier experienced on going to jail on bogus charges.  He eventually got out, but the damage to anyone going through this is horrific and the powers that be know this...  its why they do it to silence those who try to get the truth out. 
We find ourselves in the same situation after reposting all his great research and under a similar threat on bogus charges.   So we need help for the attorney now, anywhere from $500 for the retainer to more for the trial.  I won't know whether I will need more  until after the next hearing.   So for  now we are asking for help at the retainer level only since we are going to fight any charges and hopefully will not have to go to trial.   With a lot of good energy and prayers I am certain we will be able to remove the need for more.   If you feel you would like to help us out on this, please donate at the pay pal button on the right side of the blog at the top.  We thank you so much for your much needed support.  Fortunately this is not an ongoing expense,  we hope.  LOL
Vatic Note:  We have taken this section to present the full understanding of how the Illuminati used Deception and mind control to achieve mass manipulation and social engineering to help them achieve by such tools that which they cannot do by force or arms.   Its extremely effective and Disney has played a major role for them in achieving these goals.   Part IV will then show how Disney does what you will be reading in this section below and they do it under Illuminati guidance and control.  

Part I was about the family and the players within the corporation and it shows how these people, because of their own backgrounds became such tools for these elite.  It has taken decades to achieve this to the point where it is today under such minion zionists such as Eisner and Katzenbaum (or burger).   All Zionists.   Even Europe will not let their children go to disney land in Europe and Saudi arabia has had to supplement the costs of running the European disney project.  Now how sad is that?  Europe has centuries of experience with these creatures and knows better.  We are only now just learning.  

This below is a critical foundation for understanding the next part about Disney.  So Please read it all the way through.  Part 5 will deal with those involved in this that we knew nothing about, and part  6 will deal with disney and pornography which really shocked me since I had no clue until now.  

The Disney Interconnected Bloodline - Part III - The Care and Feeding of Deception as a WMD
A compilation of information by category by the Vatic Master
Source is Bibliotecapleyades

Illuminati Deception - Deeper Insights Book
This chapter is actually a chapter of the Deeper Insights book, but it was also added as one of the interconnected Illuminati families.

The Illuminati have refined the art of deception far beyond what the common man has imagined. The very life and liberty of humanity requires the unmasking of their deceptions. That is what this book is about. Honesty is a necessary ingredient for any society to function successfully.

Deception has become a national pastime, starting with our business and political leaders and cascading down to the grass roots.

The deceptions of the Illuminati's mind-control may be hidden, but in their wake they are leaving tidal waves of distrust that are destroying America. While the CIA pretends to have our nations best interest at heart, anyone who has seriously studied the consequences of deception on a society will tell you that deception will seriously damage any society until it collapses. Lies seriously damage a community, because trust and honesty are essential to communication and productivity.

Trust in some form is a foundation upon which humans build relationships. When trust is shattered human institutions collapse. If a person distrusts the words of another person, he will have difficulty also trusting that the person will treat him fairly, have his best interests at heart, and refrain from harming him.

With such fears, an atmosphere of death is created that will eventually work to destroy or wear down the cooperation that people need. The millions of victims of total mind-control are stripped of all trust, and they quietly spread their fears and distrust on a subconscious level throughout society.

One problem about lies is that one lie will call for another and then another. It's hard to keep lies single. They seem to want to breed more of their kind to protect themselves. Soon the liar becomes a victim of his own lies, trapped in a dishonest web that demands lots of energy to protect his false fronts. This is the sad fate that the intelligence agencies have painted themselves into. They must maintain groups that oversee their double-agents' lies to insure that the lies that they have disseminated don't contradict themselves.

Finally, they have put out so much disinformation, they lose track of reality themselves.

Far from saving this nation, the intelligence agencies have spread the cancer of deception into all walks of life, so that this cancer is contaminating and killing anything of value in the United States. The soon-to-come death of this nation's sovereignty, as well as the destruction of this nation's morals are the results of this cancer. People who have attended high level Illuminati meetings were instructed in how the Illuminati plan to bring in the NWO AntiChrist reign by making everything appear as if it has happened naturally.

The Illuminati have decided to camouflage their actions with the creation of normalcy to avert any suspicions. An example of something which appears to have happened naturally is the O.J. Simpson case, which was planned based on previous murder scenarios which had been successfully covered up. O.J. Simpson was a CIA mind-controlled slave, and the entire Simpson case was concocted as an elaborate effort to cause racial tensions.

The Mishpucka, the CIA, the Mob and the Illuminati have all had their dirty hands involved in the entire affair. The entire affair reeks of manipulation and planning. It is not the goal of this paragraph to go into the case, but just to drop a couple details. Joey Ippolito, Jr. is both CIA and Mob.

Ippolito at one time lived in Hallendale, FL, a mob housing subdivision which was protected by a police force run by the mob. He has helped run drugs and wet ops for "the Combination" which interconnects with the Illuminati. O.J. Simpson's friend Cowlings worked for Joey Ippolito, as well as O.J. Simpson. Simpson distributed cocaine for Joey Ippolito and the Combination. Simpson's lawyer also is tied to the Illuminati, the CIA, and the mob. One of his lawyers on TV said the trial reeked of government corruption.

Nicole Simpson lived next door to Carl Colby (former CIA director Bill Colbys son). Colby's wife and kids have been subjected to mind-control. Colby's wife testified in O.J. Simpson's trial, but was addressed as "Miss Boe" rather than by her name. O.J. Simpson's mother worked for a California State Mental Hospital in San Francisco for 30 years.

Many State Mental Hospital workers have children who have been programmed.

When one of the jurors in Simpson's case, Tracy Hampton, had her mind-control programming go haywire, she began staring for long periods at a blank TV and hearing voices. She had to be dismissed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have.

Joe McGinniss was the cover-up author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case. The McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes.

The manipulation of history by those in power has been well-covered over. An example of how mind-control and its role in manipulation of events has been covered up by the perpetrators is an article written in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in the Sept. 11, 1967, Vol. 201, No. 11 issue.

The article, which was submitted to the magazine from three CIA doctors (Mark, Sweet, and Ervin), claims that riots are caused by brain disease. While the article is correct in the subpoint that only a small percentage of underprivileged urban dwellers participate in many of the riots, the article's thesis is obviously a slide to prevent people from catching on that the small number of deviants who create riots might be under mind-control or might have some other motivation beyond simply being brain-diseased.

Any deception, whether it is an exaggeration or an understatement of the NWO's capabilities is considered a useful deception for the Illuminati's double-agents to spread. The German battleship the Bismarck was sunk due to a little lie sent to Germany by a double-agent which underestimated the range of British radar.

The Germans, thinking they were out of British radar range, made some bad decisions that cost them the battleship.


Knowledge is power, and lies diminish the knowledge of deceived dupes, and therefore diminishes the power of the deceived. Deception obscures the alternatives that people have. It also clouds up various objectives people would work toward.

Some people give up certain objectives due to their mis-perceptions that the objective is undesirable or unattainable.


In the programming, colors and directions are used. Be prepared to find out. that sometime programmers use their creative imaginations such as using the color "octarine," or the direction "TURNWISE" or perhaps "WIDDERSHINS". During the most fundament programming which is done via LSD trips in sensory deprivation tank to lay in foundations of the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Ome and Theta programs, each programming memory will be given a code.

Where one popular programming deception takes place that the programmer knows ahead of time h to sequence his memory codes so that instance, the fifth memory is coded as trip, and strenuous methods are used to up the memories of the first four trips. victim’s s mind will be told to forget the four trips.

The memory codes are deceptively designed to fool the deprogrammer and the victim alike. Part of the reason the programmer does this, is that they know that IF a therapist should stumble onto these first memories, the backup programming to protect these memories is so severe that the therapist will shatter the victim’s mind.

Backup programs such as Atom bombs and vegetable programming are locked into place to protect the fundamental programs.


“A Force” was MI-6’s group that carried out deception. They would have their double agents pass out CHICKEN FEED (which is what they call classified information that can be thrown out to the public) to establish their double-agents’ credentials (BONA FIDES) as agents against the British. Today, there are numerous anti-NWO people who are actually double agents.

They are distributing chicken feed to make people think they are legitimate. By the way, it is interesting to note for those who realize how important carousels are to programming that MI-6 (HO in Vauxhall Cross, Eng., with a training ctr. at Ft. Monckton, near Gosport, so. Eng.) is nicknamed (actually its cryptonym) "Carousel” by its daughter organization Mossad (officially aka Central Intelligence Collection Agency).

An example of a double-agent who is popular among Christians is an Illuminati witch named Gretchen Passantino, who tours around to Christian conferences belittling the idea of mind-control. Dr. Loreda Fox reports in The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of MPD that 74% of women abused by SRA come from “Christian homes.”

The Christian churches are heavily infiltrated.


In the Vol. 2 book a number of references were made to sleeper agents. The idea of placing someone somewhere in society and letting them lead a normal life for years without ever being used is designed to provide a legitimate smokescreen about what they are all about. Mind-controlled slaves make excellent sleepers.

The concept of making sleeper agents is not a secret. The CIA has publicly admitted that they tried to discover long-range sleeper agents in the Los Niños children of Republican Spain who were the descendants of communist Spaniards who returned to Spain in the 1950’s. They also have admitted to having tried to weed out long range sleepers in the Trebizond Greeks who lived near the USSR in Turkey and returned in the 1950’s to Greece.

As the CIA and KGB mirror-imaged each other in their manufactured Hegelian Dialectic mock dual (which was very real for the “little” person) you can well imagine that the CIA sent sleeper agents against the KGB.


The intelligence agencies have their own lingo for the types of disinformation agents they send against everyone else. So far, we have named only double and sleeper agents. Here are some of their disinformation agents:

AGENT OF INFLUENCE - These agents can be unwitting, under mind-control, or ideologically motivated to use their positions of influence to sway the minds of others. Examples of Agents of Influence are anchor men on T.V., journalists, labor leaders, TV commentators, academics quoted by the media, and some politicians.

CONFUSION AGENT - An agent whose job is to produce confusion by disseminating confounding information.

CONTRACT AGENT- These are the rogue agents, such as the mob, who the CIA get to do particular jobs on contract. Their connections can be denied.

DEEP COVER AGENT - A sleeper agent (often a programmed multiple or person with mind-control programming) who has been a long term sleeper agent.

DISINFORMATION AGENT - This is a highly placed agent who passes disinformation to other governments.

NOTIONAL AGENT - A fictitious non-existent "agent" which is created with a real-looking identity to mislead.

PROVOCATION AGENT - An agent sent in to provoke and destabilize the target group to do foolish things.   (VN:  Middle East rebels in every rebelling country sound familiar??  Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc.  See how much more effective this is compared to war in the past, which did not garner near the land, natural resources and banking, that this method has garnered today)

SPOON-FEEDER AGENT - Someone who dribbles out legitimate information, this is often done to build up a person's credentials (bona fides). Lots of the people who are pretending to expose the NWO are spoon-feeder agents who provide a little new information, tons of already known secrets, and sprinkle in a measure of disinformation for added fun. Generally spoon-feeders increase their percentage of disinformation once they gain respectability.  (VN:  Aaah, the perfect description of Wikileaks) 

There are very few people really exposing anything of consequence about the NWO.

This author has endured the loss of several of the really legitimate whistle blowers who were friends being assassinated since he began writing exposes. What this means is that agents for groups that do mind-control may: have been sleepers for many years and look very legitimately innocent, they may give good correct information to our side, they may say all the right things and try to get us motivated to do more than we would want, they may talk about other friends who are giving them information who do not even exist.

It takes discernment to spot people who are not on our side. Unfortunately, such discernment seems to be fundamentally lacking within the public at large. For instance, I have seen people choose obvious NWO agents over this author as a source of “information” (which is in reality disinformation).

Most people have bought so much disinformation during their lifetime, perhaps it’s unrealistic to expect them to purge out all the junk they’ve accepted. Just as people in the world need to toss out their worldly thinking, people in the church need to toss out all the indoctrination they’ve gotten from the numerous kinds of harlot churches. At the moment, the system is set up so that the perpetrators of the mind-control are in control of the credentialing process, so that they can provide their stooges/and agents with the best credentials.

As the reader can see, the roots of power behind the mind-control go deep.


One trick (or variations of it) that has been used with suspects is to arrest them, place the suspect in a situation where the police are in two groups - one group looks like police, the other group looks like the group the suspect has come from.

After the suspect arrives, the group pretending to be arrested group members, overpowers the police contingent and escapes to another setting where another police group pretending to be even more of the suspect’s group ask him who he is and to explain his credentials. Letting his guard down, the original suspect explains what he is all about, thereby giving them the information they needed in the first place.

Variations of this script can be run. English intelligence calls this basic script CACKLEBLADDER because chicken blood is used on the police actors that are overpowered to make them look injured.


FOUR FACES refers to pretexts used by agents to get interviews.
DANGLE is the craft word for luring a victim into a provocation. A dangle operation would be an operation to provoke a group or individual into a particular action.

This was done with Elohim City and many other groups that the NWO is trying to set up as patsies.


Agents use BLEEP-BOXES to tap telephones and in other instances to make free-of-cost telephone calls.
A CABMAN is a device to remotely activate a telephone with a radio beam.

It can be used without entering the building where the telephone is located.


The use of masks in the occult world is ancient.

For centuries, the gypsies have used them for their hypnotic powers. Special healing masks for their people are kept secret and never shown to the public. Masks have a shock value and fascination value.

Gypsy and other occult groups have special rituals to create the masks, including using hair clippings from the person who will wear the mask. Gypsy healing masks are destroyed after the patient gets well. Illuminati programming masks may or may not be destroyed after their use. The Illuminati’s mask-making abilities (according to deprogrammed victims of their mind-control) are very high quality.

Sometimes the programmers simply wear Halloween cartoon character masks that anyone can obtain, to fulfill their role in the programming script that they are involved in during the time.


Some beginners who have just started into studying the World Order question why the Illuminati would use legitimate religious covers.

Why would the Illuminati want to create a slave who is an evangelist? Why?

Because those new converts will go to some establishment church where other programmed multiples in leadership positions will demand obedience. Because the evangelist or missionary and the bishop or pastor are controlled puppets, the convert will never get the full truth, just enough truth to keep him working hard for their organization. Even though the convert “got God in my life”, the Illuminati never lose control over him.

The Christians have as much vested interest in preventing the exposure of the Illuminati programmed multiples who are big name Christian ministers running Christendom, as the Illuminati has. Imagine what would happen if the world found out that most of Christianity was run by the human-sacrificing, slave-making Illuminati?

This is one of the sad effects of the infiltration. Perhaps the subject of covers can be explained from another angle. The reader knows that the elite like monopolies. They play monopoly for real - for us it’s only a board game! To establish a monopoly, you find a good product that everyone wants or needs, and then you eliminate all the competition by either destroying them, or owning the competition yourself. In the U.S., the Illuminati can’t have a one-religion monopoly.

In Russia, they had communism with Marx, and Lenin as the Father God and Gon the son figure. Communism had a monopoly on worship. In the U.S., they have established a monopoly by controlling all the various religious groups. (This author wrote an 800 page heavily documented book Be Wise As Serpents to show the details of how this is done.)

It’s not a matter of what they teach, it’s a matter of control, so that the elite have a monopoly. And when you, as a mover and shaker in the world, control all these various religions via money, blackmail, and programmed multiples under your leadership, etc. which religion would you pick to emphasize the most?

You will pick the one that sells the best, i.e. the best product. And which brand of Christianity will sell the best? The televised charismatic brand will sell the best. Covers that slaves use to explain what they do in life are almost always “legitimate”.

A missionary, a military officer, a salesperson, etc. will usually actually do their cover job most of the time. Their cover is their occupation, their service as a mind-controlled slave is almost an unwitting avocation. Organizations are used as covers. The Illuminati use military, social, intelligence, education, banking and other organizations as covers. (See my Be Wise As Serpents book for many of these.)

Moriah’s front organizations, such as the CIA, in turn use other organizations.

Here is just a sampling of CIA fronts, to show the variety of fronts used:

Asia Foundation was an academic organization created by the CIA.

Castle Bank and Trust Co. has been a bank in the Caribbean that is a CIA front.

Forum World Features has been a front created for CIA propaganda purposes and based in London, UK.

Geschicter Foundation for Medical Research (as well as the Josiah Macy Foundation) was used as an intelligence front to launder money used for mind-control.

Air-Sea Forwarders, Inc. was the legal corporation name of a CIA front in North Hollywood, CA. The company was involved in moving freight. In the last few years, this corporation sued E-Systems, the company which builds the CIA and the NWO’s electronic systems such as their communications satellites. In court, the company proved that it was a CIA front, in spite of CIA denials.

As this chapter provides information about some of the Illuminati/ intelligence connections to Hollywood, bear in mind that this CIA front was proven in court to be a CIA front in Hollywood.

A feat that rarely occurs.

(VN:  Now we get into Disney and see how it fits firmly into this illuminati practices of Deception and Illusion to achieve their agenda) 

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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