

The "Mouse that Roared" has done it again! Iceland forgives everyones mortgage debt !

Vatic Note:  We have done a number of blogs on Iceland and how they handled their crisis.  They kicked all the bankers out of the country and prosecuted those that would not leave, then they kicked their politicians out of office and got in those who were not owned by the Rothschild/British cabal.  One of the blogs was named "The Mouse that Roared", as well as others.   Well, they were in recovery economically since they did all that.  Now this and I suspect it was based on the fact that those mortgages were not done with any real assets that require repayment.   The bankers simply printed up the notes and never put up real money to lend.  They simply created it out of thin air.  Thus, there never was a real transaction of equal weight.  Smart people and I believe this will be a good move for them.  We will see if it contributes to their continued recovery.  If it works, then we know what will work here as well.   We received this from Eileen of National Coalition of Organized Women and she is associated with the Vaccine Liberation Army and here is what she had to say....

"This little country has been listening to the people. First they refused to pay their international debt which was foisted on them by global negotiations. Now, their mortgage debt has been forgiven. If small countries like this followed suit…the world will be a very different place."


This little country has been listening to the people. First they refused to pay their international debt which was foisted on them by global negotiations. Now, their mortgage debt has been forgiven. If small countries like this followed suit…the world will be a very different place.
Published on Apr 12, 2012 by 
The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sink one of the most prosperous economies in 2008. teleSUR

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  1. I can not believe that this is not FRONT PAGE NEWS yet!!!!!
    This is the just the start! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!

  2. I'm a US-born cultural rep for one of Iceland's consulates in the USA, and am glad to see the world's growing interest in the culture of this small island country(pop: ca. 320,000; land area: ca. 39,000 sq. mi.)

    Most Icelanders have never willingly adopted nor long-tolerated any form of institutionalized human power --- economic, social, religious, or political --- that has not democratically accountable to them simultaneously as 'private individuals' and as a 'beings-in-a-community.'

    Icelanders are a 1200 yr old mixture of Norwegian Vikings and Irish Celts who've maintained a virtually tribally-tight set of existential perceptions & norms -- except for the fact that their 'tribal-like consciousness' is, unlike most other/more-primitive tribes, a progress-seeking balance of anti-authoritarianism, creative individualism, and functionally- communitarian groundings.

    It should be no surprise, then, that when some of their indigenous 'bad apples' perpetrated a USA-type Bankster scheme on their currency & economic system, they (the average Icelanders) not only booted the perps from official power seats, but also demanded a new Constitution, to prevent any such thing from happening again.

    Unfortunately, the fuller story of who did what to whom-- just before 'pre-Kreppa Iceland,' and then immediately afterwards there- suggests to me that despite the average Icelander's noble outcry against the Banksters, which we all rightly praise here, the challenges this ancient democratic culture now faces (as half of its people STILL favor joining the EU) are deeper than the mere punishing of a few USA-trained quislings.

    E.g.: Average Icelanders seem oblivious to the fact that their public-post-Kreppa attempt to democratically re-write their own Constitution is now no longer in their hands, but in the hands of the same indigenous 'bad apples' who initially betrayed them.

  3. Wow, anonymous, what a great recap and informative educational comment about that brave littel country. I had no idea it was that small and that ancient. I am sorry to hear the last bit about them capitulating, however, I can understand how tiring it is to continually battle when you are also trying to live and make a living.

    The evil ones count on that and its not just the United States which is controlled by both the Queen of England and Rothschild. Our CIA doesn't even report to our politicians, they report to MI 6 and Mossad. That was a shock to find out and its partially why JFK was killed. He was not going to stand for a foreign nation controlling our intel services. He fired the head of the CIA and paid dearly for it. We are no different than Germany, France, britain, and especially Canada and Australia who are all run by International banking elite and illum families. Its not a nation thing, its a class thing.


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