

EPA a tool for UN Agenda 21

***  they are messing with the type again.  I guess they don't like my vatic note.
that means "read" it.  See how they switch the type at will?  They just did it during this additional note. 

Vatic Note: What we try to do here is give our readers the "Big" picture.   This isn't about some Rogue bureacracy  that is out of control.   This is about creating a global slave work force, herded into major ant colonies and work camps (FEMA camps with 33 refurbished and converted military bases just funded through the NDAA  bill) for such slave labor  for the new fascist global world order.  The ant colonies will also be continually monitored like rats in a research facility, with the new Smart Meters.  The renters/slaves will be the new workers for service in the global military which is the new industry for America.  South American and Africa will be the food belts and America will be the global military, and Asia will be the seafood providers and fishermen.  No longer will Bangladesh be the only slave labor nation.  Your children will also be slave workers.

Do slaves own land?  No, of course not.   Can slaves rebel if they are dependant on their masters for their food?  How do you make a population compliant enough to serve you?  You control his food, water and where he lives. China has 200 million of their population working in areas they do not live.  They go for the week to their slave job and then home on the weekends.  

So shipping our food growing overseas, AND destroying our small family farms through debt over the past 20 years is the most effective way.  Then you pass legislation that prohibits and inhibits small gardens and food production and you have what was intended,  NO CAPACITY FOR INDIVIDUALS TO GROW THEIR OWN FOOD.  And you generationally take away all knowledge of farmning  from the population , so that dependance becomes a life or death power over the population.  What a brilliant idea.   So when did the final phase of this begin and how???

This is intentional based on "GLOBAL" considerations of "land grabbing", which is happening all over the planet, either through war, debt, or foreclosures.   Those trying to buy the foreclosures are unable to obtain credit to do  so, which in effect leaves the bankers as owners of those foreclosed properties.  Perverted, isn't it?   One has to lack a soul to even think these things up.  But then what do we expect of Satanists??? 

Remember Agenda 21 has been in the works since the 60's when I was a young woman.   Lets begin at the beginning.  When did this really all start?  Remember, in the 80's when the drug family mafia don,  George Bush Sr decided (for his masters the international bankers) that all food production for the US would be shipped to South America and that which remained here would be under corporate agriculture companies.  Add to that the inclusion of GMO into our food supply and the need to grab land globally leading toward a communist type land ownership system, and that tells you what the agenda is.   The bankers were a huge part of the destruction of our small family farms.  Take away the land and you create a class of renters/slaves, and then take away their ability to grow food, have access to clean healthy water,  and mess with the DNA of their food, and you then have total control of a compliant population  

I was not kidding when I said,  If we do not stop this now, they have seen to it that we never will.  

EPA a tool for UN Agenda 21
Call it "Sustainable Development" and they'll think it's good
by Goodman Green,  Brasscheck TV

Agenda 21 has never been debated or adopted by the Congress of the United States. Nevertheless, it is being vigorously implemented  by the administrative agencies of the federal government. The Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies are pushing industry crippling extrajudicial regulations on everything from agriculture, energy production, to manufacturing. Though they never refer to it as Agenda 21, this news clip reveals more about the nature of Agenda 21 than the news anchor everintended...

UN Agenda 21 - Coming to a Neighborhood near You

American Thinker
Most Americans are unaware that one of the greatest threats to their freedom may be a United Nations program known as Agenda 21. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development created Agenda 21 as a sustainability agenda which is arguably an amalgamation of socialism and extreme environmentalism brushed with anti-American, anti-capitalist overtones.

A detailed history on sustainable development, definitions, and critical actions can be found here.  Section III of the Agenda 21 Plan addresses local community sustainable development.  The Preamble and Chapter 28 discuss how Agenda 21 should be implemented at a local level. The United Nations purposely recommends avoiding the term Agenda 21 and suggests a cleverly named alternative: "smart growth."
The United Nations Millennium Papers - Issue 2 (page 5) says this of Agenda 21 and smart growth:

Participating in a UN-advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society such as the National Rifle Association, citizen militias and some members of Congress. This segment of our society who fear 'one-world government' and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined 'the conspiracy' by undertaking LA21. So, we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management, or smart growth [emphasis added].

Undoubtedly, residents of any town, county, or city in the United States that treasure their freedom, liberty, and property rights couldn't care less whether it's called Agenda 21 or smart growth. A recent example of this can be found in Carroll County, Maryland, where a smart growth plan called Pathways was drafted by the County Planning Department. The plan, if enacted, proposed a breathtaking reshuffling of land rights:

    Rezoning of thousands of acres of beautiful, low-density agricultural farmland and protected residential conservation land into office parks
    Down-zoning of agriculture land to prevent future subdivision by farmers
    Up-zoning of low-density residential land around small towns into higher density zoning to permit construction of hundreds or possibly thousands of inclusive housing units, including apartments and condominiums
    Inclusive housing with placement of multi-family construction on in-fill lots within existing residential single family communities
    Endorsement of government-sponsored housing initiatives (subsidies) to ensure healthier, balanced neighborhoods   (VN:  The forgot to mention Smart Meters to spy on you in your little ant colony they are going to shove us into)
Carroll County, Maryland is one of 1,168 cities, towns, and counties worldwide that are members of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) - Local Governments for Sustainability, which is an international association of local governments as well as national and regional local government organizations that have made a commitment to sustainable development. The ICLEI mission statement closely resembles that of Agenda 21. In fact, the ICLEI has Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council and coordinates local government representation in the UN processes related to Agenda 21. 

Community leaders working together in Carroll County recently defended their county against overreaching smart growth initiatives. Richard Rothschild, a candidate for Commissioner, emphatically remarks, "Smart growth is not science; it is political dogma combined with an insidious dose of social engineering.

Smart growth is a wedding wherein zoning code is married with government-sponsored housing initiatives to accomplish government's goal of social re-engineering. It urbanizes rural towns with high-density development, and gerrymanders population centers through the use of housing initiatives that enable people with weak patterns of personal financial responsibility to acquire homes in higher-income areas. This has the effect of shifting the voting patterns of rural municipalities from Right to Left."

Smart growth plans usurp property rights and constitutional rights. Local officials, at the behest of State Government, revise zoning laws to fit into a "smart code" zoning template. A massive reshuffling of property rights ensues. Farmers may lose subdivision rights; conservation land adjacent to population centers may be rezoned into commercial employment centers; and low-density land in small towns is re-designated as growth area and rezoned to accommodate diverse housing including high-density apartments and condominiums. 
Read more here

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