

U.S. Invented Soviet Threat (History Repeats Itself)

Vatic note:  This is Awesome..... watch the first video and listen to the proof of international bankers and major corporations involvement in funding the rise of Hitler and FINANCING BOTH FUNDS AND MATERIALS TO HITLER TO KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS AND BRITISH SOLDIERS.  Remember THE QUEEN IS A MAJOR STOCKHOLDER IN THE GE CORPORATION.   IG  FARBEN is who built the concentration camps as well as being a subsidiary of ROCKEFELLERS STANDARD OIL.  THESE ARE ALL TRAITORS TO THEIR NATIONS AND THEY ARE DOING EXACTLY THE SAME THING GLOBALLY, NOW,  AS THEY DID THEN.  This time, we MUST NOT COOPERATE in this farce of a third world war.   IF WE GO TO WAR, IT MUST BE AGAINST THESE SAME INTERNATIONALISTS WHO HAVE NO LOYALTY TO ANY NATION.  The parallels in almost every level in this country today matches perfectly with every other such period in global history.  WW I, WW II, The Russian Revolution, The Overthrow of the German Weimer and the installation of Hitler and suspension of the German Constitution, The Cold War, etc. 

Watch the second video and see the game being played once again and guess who created the so called terrorist group that is suppose to be the bad guys in Pakistan and who are probably going to be designated as the perps of some false flag nuke attack???  THE BRITISH CREATED THEM,  THE BRITISH OWN ALL THE URANIUM MINES THAT SUPPLY THE NUKES AND I GUESS THEY WANT THEIR SHARE OF THE PROFITS FROM WAR.  WE DID A BLOG ON THIS.  The Queen is to Uranium as DeBeers is to diamonds.   The same players are involved as well,  International Bankers,  Military Industrial complex, Corporations as instigators. And finally, the royalty of Europe supporting those same bankers in those efforts...even at the dear cost to their subjects, financially, loss of life,  loss of standard of living, loss of a fully functioning civilized society.  All of it torn up and destroyed and all for money, power AND THEIR SATANIC AGENDA OF WORLD DOMINATION..  In these wars, the leaders were all in on it at no cost to themselves, rather only the people suffered and the power brokers didn't care.  Does this sound like today?  We avoided it coming to our soil all the other times, but this time, we are smack in the middle of it.  That is why history is so important to read, as it rings a bell when the same elements come together to begin a new to do the same thing over again.  We must not play the game this time around.   This time, we must absolutely refuse to cooperate and do so globally. WE MUST "FOCUS" VERY NARROWLY AND SPECIFICALLY ON THOSE 3,000 PERVERTED SOULS DOING ALL THIS TO HUMANITY.   HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR NEW WORLD ORDER SO FAR???

U.S. Invented Soviet Threat
By Kurt,  provided to Vatic project by The Intel Hub
September 29, 2011
According to former CIA agents and historians participating in a forum held at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, in the early 1960s the U.S. government invented the so-called “Missile Gap” and wildly over-estimated the number of ICBMs the Soviet Union had.

How many ICBMs did the Soviets actually have? Four, according to declassified documents.
The Eisenhower administration used aerial reconnaissance and imaging satellites like the Corona Satellite to discover that the Soviets did not have the advanced technology to threaten the U.S.

As a growing number of historians have realized for years, the so-called Cold War was largely an illusion – known as “policy by press release” – invented by the military industrial complex, the same folks who are selling us new wars and conjured-up threats from the likes of al-Qaeda and now the so-called Haqqani network.

“The study of the Missile Gap period is especially relevant because it relates to today’s situation in Iraq, North Korea, and Iran, said historian and author Fred Kaplan and Timothy Naftali, director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum and a former Harvard student,” writes Laya Anasu for The Crimson.
The invented Missile Gap – an extension of the supposed Bomber Gap – is part of a larger reality that we never hear about and is not revealed in most history books: the entire Soviet threat was invented by Wall Street and the international bankers.

In Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1945 to 1965 written by the late Antony Sutton, we discover that if not for a massive transfer of technology and money to the Bolsheviks in the 1920s and later, Russia would have remained an isolated and backwards rural society. Sutton drew his conclusions after reviewing State Department documents.

Antony Sutton: The Best Enemies Money Can Buy.

“Soviet exports in the late sixties were still those of a backward, underdeveloped country. They consisted chiefly of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods,” Sutton writes in the conclusion of his trilogy. “When manufactured goods were exported they were simple machine tools and vehicles based on Western designs, and they were exported to underdeveloped areas,” he writes.

And yet we were expected to believe at the time that the Soviet Union had developed and manufactured a burgeoning arsenal of sophisticated nuclear weapons.

“In the Bolshevik Revolution we see many of the same old faces that were responsible for creating the Federal Reserve System, initiating the graduated income tax, setting up the tax-free foundations and pushing us into WWI,” writes Gary Allen.

It was “a tiny oligarchical clique at the top” that created the Soviet Union, not because the elite are communists, but because communism is “a method to consolidate and control the wealth” and ultimately build ”an all-powerful world, socialist super-state,” a state we are now beginning to see as the bankers take down the global economy.

We need to keep this in mind as the elite, through their academics and corporate media, try to sell us new threats, for instance the Haqqani terror network recently pushed by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mike Mullen, as he lectured the Senate Armed Services Committee last week.

The corporate media reports that Haqqani is a veritable arm of Pakistan’s ISI, but what they don’t tell you is that the ISI is a creation of British intelligence – shepherded by Major General Walter Joseph Cawthorn, working for MI-6 – and the terror organizations now supposedly threatening the United States (and subsequently replacing the facile threat of the Soviet Union) were created through a collaboration between the ISI and the CIA, beginning in the early 1980s, a fact admitted by none other than the New York Times and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The elite invent scary threats and push them off on us, knowing that we will usually take the bait, as the mass hysteria – and curtailment of our liberties – demonstrated after we were sold the fairy tale that a gaggle of Muslim cave dwellers made NORAD stand down and waved a magic wand that suspended the laws of physics of September 11, 2011.

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