

‘Europe is dying’ U.S. population expert tells Senate hearing

Vatic Note:  I can hardly control my credulity at these cretins killing off our population.  Its amazing how stupid they think we are.  "Europe is dying",  Well, no kidding.... when  you have robber baron billionaires like Bill Gates and his psycho wife, running around the globe funding sterilizing vaccines,  poisoning our food,  contaminating and drugging our water with sterilizing heavy metals and toxic gases like Fluoride, promoting banning of natural remedies, then what is the world did you expect?  WHAT IS OBSCENE is then they PRETEND LIKE THIS IS SOMETHING THEY DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT.  They  caused it, created it,  promoted it, funded it, and then use their MSM to act SHOCKED that its happening.  HOW STUPID DO YOU  THINK WE ARE?  Same with the famine, and food shortages, etc etc,  THEY CONTROL HAARP, CONTROL ALL WEATHER EVERYWHERE and move the jet stream to ensure food growth is destroyed and then pretend they are shocked that its happening, but  they were STUPID enough to tell us a year in advance what they intended to do and warned us about the food shortages at a time when we had abundance, so how did they know that early  on before any indication was given????  BECAUSE THEY DID IT.  Hello.  Stupid is a stupid does.  And these are the guys who believe they are brilliant and then go tell us what they intend to do.  Weird.  International brokerage houses, starting with Rothschild and Rockefeller (Gates and others) need to be brought down globally, to stop all this insanity.  These people are genuinely insane, and that is probably from all that inbreeding, and eugenics manipulation.  WE BETTER DO IT BEFORE THEY SUCCEED IN DEPOPULATING US. Its either us or them.   Our choice since we outnumber them sufficiently to pull it off if we act soon.

‘Europe is dying’ U.S. population expert tells Senate hearing
Posted by EU Times on Jun 23rd, 2011

Given the precipitous decline in the birthrates of European countries, all anti-natal programs funded by the United States should immediately be replaced by pro-natal programs, one top population expert recently told the U.S. Senate.

“It doesn’t matter whether we call them reproductive health programs, family planning programs, or population control programs,” said Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute (PRI). “They all have the same effect: they force down the birth rate in countries that are already dying. Such programs are only making a bad problem worse.”

The hearing before the Senate Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe focused on the implications for the security, as well as the economic and social developments in Europe, due to demographic decline marked by diminishing and rapidly aging populations, in most of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) 56 participating states.
Commission Chairman, Rep. Chris Smith noted that the member states – every country of Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as the U.S. and Canada – are already seeing dramatic demographic changes that are “sure to have dramatic consequences for the security, economic, and human dimensions of the OSCE.”

“The fact is that most OSCE countries are in demographic decline, many of them in rapid decline. Only a handful of the OSCE’s 56 member states are at or above replacement level,” Smith observed.
Mosher agreed. “Five centuries after the Black Plague devastated Europe, a White Pestilence is now decimating that same continent,” he said. “Many nations, especially in Europe, are already in a death spiral, losing a significant number of people each year. Listen closely, and you will hear the muffled sound of populations crashing.”  (VN:  How lucky for them, using DU poisoning around half the globe on reproductive age populations like soldiers, and releasing radiation from Nuke power plants and stupid enough to do it all at the same time so we would figure out its no accident, then killing off our food and water, sterilizing people without their permission or literally killing babies using vaccines, etc.....  WELL SHOCK OF AGES, no wonder they are in a death spiral.  Europeans and Americans ARE THE SEAT OF REBELS,  it fits with the satanists Georgia Guidestones.  THEY TOLD US THEY WERE GOING TO DO THIS.  Hello, anybody home?  Well, its time we fought back or accept our fate, if we survive, as being eugenically DNA altered to be passive slaves (cattle as they like to call it) with no life anyway, I would rather die fighting them )

The commission heard that the pattern of demographic decline will likely have significant social, economic and security consequences for countries throughout the region. (VN: As planned) States will become increasingly dependent upon foreign workers (VN:  hahahaaa,  gee what a surprise!!! Notice its foreign workers from slave labor nations who have a history of NO REBELLION!) in the coming decades, while there will be a dramatic decrease in the pool of potential recruits for military service, resulting in mounting social tensions “as demonstrated by clashes in some participating States in recent years,” according to Smith.

“It is alarming and sad to see xenophobic and ultranationalist violence fueled by one nation’s perceptions of long-term decline vis-a-vis another group,” Smith said. (VN: what?  He is alarmed?  Its been planned that way, so what kind of expert is this man who knows nothing about this agenda?  I would not listen to him for anything, he is ignorant or one of them)

“Likewise with the economy,” Smith continued. “It is far from clear how, in many of the most rapidly declining countries, how economic growth can be sustained by a declining population – or, to touch on the most pressing specific, how the numerically smaller younger generations will even begin to provide for the larger older generations.”

Steven Mosher, whose presentation to the Commission concluded that the downward spiral of fertility decline and resulting demographic collapse is almost beyond reversal, began his address with a quote from ancient Greece:   (VN: Notice the Khazar name of this guy who can't put two and two together and get four?  He is speaking as if this was an accident of nature.... rather than intentional by the controllers of this effort.  Even I know the truth, so he must be part of the plan to dress this up as some crisis that must be addressed.... whats that Hegelian dialect?  "Crisis, Reaction, Solution".  Create the crisis, react to the crisis, as he is doing now,  and then lead into a controlled solution that is "COINCIDENTIALLY" exactly like the planned agenda all along, Globalization.  I swear we need Nuremberg trials for Zbig Brezinzki, Kissinger, Rockefeller, all the Rothschilds, Goldman sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, BOA, Wells Fargo, Bilderbergs, etc etc)

“One remarks nowadays all over Greece such a diminution in natality and in general manner such depopulation that the towns are deserted and the fields lie fallow. Although this country has not been ravaged by wars or epidemics, the cause of the harm is evident: by avarice or cowardice the people, if they marry, will not bring up the children they ought to have. At most they bring up one or two. It is in this way that the scourge before it is noticed is rapidly developed. The remedy is in ourselves; we have but to change our morals.” (Polybius, 204-122 B.C.)

A transcript of the Commission hearing titled, “2050: Implications of Demographic Trends in the OSCE Region” is available here.


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. maybe if every dollar/euro was not being taxed/taken at every opportunity the gov'ts could think of (at earning, at buying, at selling at profit, at interest accrual, at death, and let's not forget 'fees' for licenses and park entrances etc.) people would have had more children.

  2. Anonymous, did you ever stop to ponder that maybe, just maybe that is why they taxed and taken away our one asset at every possible chance they got??? They have a massive depopulation agenda. Then it would make sense wouldn't it? They are succeeding in what they are attempting to achieve.


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