

RH Negative Blood - found no where in Nature except, rarely, in humans. Why?

This was scheduled for 11 am and here they downgraded it to "draft Status".    Hmmm,  Another one to read if you haven't already, but read it again, if you did before.  There is stuff I missed or forgot from my first reading.   I believe this is way more important than we realize, especially now that I know that the USA and Europe have been brutally pursuing the Basque......

*** I finally found it again, it seemed with this info about the sun and impending arrival of "something" within our syste, it seems appropriate to review this,  but it was missing and I could not find it, well, I did going back through 2,000 blogs we have put up and I found it and am now replaying it.  Check it out and if anyone has any additional info on this, please pass it on.  My question is "What are the implications of this for the Children of these people?  Do they show the same characteristics?  If so, are they also hybrids?  Very fascinating subject. 

RH Negative Blood - found no where in Nature. Why?
MERCATUR360, October 06, 2010

Vatic Note: This is a combination of several presentations with respect to RH negative blood which is not found anywhere in nature except in humans. It acts like it does not belong here. If there is an Rh negative factor in the mother who is pregnant, the body then builds up antibodies to rid the body of the opposing blood, and thus the baby which it sees as a foreign invader to the body. How strange is that???

Interestingly, "Those with the highest Rh-negative rate are a branch of people in Europe called the Basques. Basques have almost double the European rate (which is abnormally high to begin with) of Rh-negative people". There are other numerous anomolies as well, and this video does a good job of showing us what they are. pay very close attention since most of us do not know our blood type and its turning out that it may well be very important for reasons I will explain later. Below this video is an additional article on the "strange Facts about RH Negative Blood". I am beginning to suspect and reason for it, but will let you view the evidence and decide for yourself. I suggest everyone get tested for the RH negative factor. If what I suspect is correct, it may well explain a whole lot about the elite blood lines and why they see us like "cattle" or "monkeys" if you will.  Watch the video and pause it if it goes to fast to absorb what it is saying.  I had to do that just to reread what I was seeing.  ITS A FASCINATING PERSPECTIVE.  You decide.
Strange Facts about RH Negative Blood
By T.M. Samuels, eHow Contributor , EHow publication

Rh-negative blood is a very rare blood variety. Although most people are a certain blood type (A, B, AB, O) and Rh positive, those with Rh-negative blood share some interesting and strange characteristics.

Rh, or Rhesus, is a protein that is on the red blood cell surface of most individuals. People who have the protein are Rh positive, while not having it makes them Rh negative.

An  Rh negative pregnant woman with an Rh positive fetus has the risk of her baby dying. This is from damage to the baby's erythrocytes.

Rh-factor protein is divided among races. Fifteen percent of whites are Rh negative, 5 to 10 percent of African Americans are Rh negative, and 1 to 2 percent of Asians are negative for the protein.

Blood Distribution
Rh-positive blood is most commonly distributed through the population. Rh-negative numbers are 7 percent for blood type O, 6 percent for blood type A, and 2 percent for blood types B and 1 percent for type AB.

Highest Rh negative Rate
Those with the highest Rh-negative rate are a branch of people in Europe called the Basques. Basques have almost double the European rate (which is abnormally high to begin with) of Rh-negative people.

Fun Fact
A higher percentage of Rh-negative people claim to have been abducted by aliens than that of Rh-positive people.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. This article explains so much of my life. I am RH negative and I'm an aquarius. I fit your list of characteristics perfectly. I have healing abilities and I realize things long before people around me. It's true that there is a huge mystery I have been aware of. My parents are French and probably go back into the Basque bloodline. I had some wierd experiences when I visited that area of France. Here's a question for you to research. What percentage of Morgellons sufferers are RH negative?

    1. I am an Aquarius too and I am also B negative. My husband and I had a son who is B positive. I am African American.

      I found this article entertaining more than accurate.

    2. All I can say about Rh negative is from my own experience. I am 0-and yes I've been a little different from everyone else personality wise. I've had three children with two a positive husbands which are deceased now. My two sons are o negative and my daughter is a negative. My daughter married an a b negative and they had a baby girl that was a negative. All my children and their children are rhinus negative. Genealogy was done on my family and I have the blood of 100 Viking Kings and my grandfather who is Scotch-Irish was a blue blood who had ties to the castles in these countries. Genealogy has me as a granddaughter to William of the orange and Richard the lionhearted. I can't tell you which relative had the o negative blood but none of my brothers or sisters have it and there are three however my mother was o negative. Could it be the blue blood why I am so strong with the o negative. I don't know but my family is very knowledge seeking constantly searching out truth as well as spirituality. Sensitive to a fault when it comes to the pain of others I don't sleep well or many hours. Feel like I'm carrying the weight of the whole world at times. Justice is of all importance. My hair is dark brown with slight hints of Auburn hilights and blue eyes. My kids all have blue eyes. Helping others is what makes me happy. I like doing so many things and there is not enough hours in the day for me to accomplish all I want to accomplish. I'm very sensitive to the world around me to chemicals and modern medicines. Always looking for natural remedies as opposed to toxic man-made remedies. I feel more like a child of creation then happenstance. You know you're different and yet the same.

  2. great article..... and just as I'm thinking 'master' race, 'chosen' people..... aren't we ALL human?

    Perhaps not.

    I don't see any evidence to suggest that any tribe has 'special' abilities/characteristics out of which you would expect a 'higher' awareness so quite what the genetic difference means... I don't know.

    It is fascinating nonetheless.

    With umpteen dimensions to choose from and UFO sightings becoming more prevalent, THAT is the mystery that I'd love to see revealed.

  3. Well, add these facts to the fact that our DNA has about 3 to ten strands that have been disconnected. Is that why we have 90% of our brain that is not used....or we don't know what it was used for at one point in time?

  4. 15% of the population....that's 900 million people. Sorry, but being rh negative does not make you a unique snowflake. There's about 850 million more people who are rh negative than are red heads. I'd be more inclined to believe they came from another planet though.

    DNA is full of junk, every creature on this planet has bits of DNA that evolution has made obsolete. Are they all alien hybrids too?

    And the myth that we only use 90% of our brains is exactly that, a myth. Every part of the brain has a known function

    Try harder

  5. Doesn't the One World Govt. people want to kill 85% to 90% of the people of the world? Does this mean that all that they will keep will be RH Negative as the elite with RH Positive as their slaves? Funny how, after all these yeras things start to fall in place after a life of being controlled.

  6. ..I remember also reading that Rh negatives 'use blood oxygen differently' than positives do. If we are discussing alien genetics as in "martian immigrants"..then blood types immune to high UV and/or "oxygen efficient" strains fit the 'imported genotype models". The NWO claims that the blue bloods are Aryan...but as for 'native martian genotypes'..the Afganies fit better (Hitler was always tracing the "blue bloods" back to Ancient Chaldea/Iran-Iraq or Assyria..not the Basques) channeler Ruth Montgomery said the Basques and most Celtic related tribes..were "ancient Atlantean"...Martian colonies?)..anyway being A- myself..they always try to get me to donate as often as possible. I think my entire high school class were reincarnated friend of mine's father was very tall with a round (big head)...dome dark brunette/black hair and huge ears. I always felt I knew these people from somewhere else. WW

  7. Dear Vactic,

    I am RH negative and a rare blood type. I am B negative. There are some incorrect facts in your article. Women whose RH factor is different from their husband and who conceive a child whose RH factor is different from theirs can have a problem during pregnancy. Generally, this problem does not surface in their first pregnancy although it can. It tends to develop after they get pregnant a second time. What happens is that their body rejects the baby because of its differing RH factor. The woman has to receive Gamma Globulin to sustain the pregnancy.

    With respect to your other questions, about 4 years ago, I began to get this "feeling" that blood types were important for some reason. I felt driven to research them and learn all about them. I found out that there are fewer RH negs than RH positives, that they tend to have a particular phenotype (look), that they have colder body temperature than RH positives and that they are more likely to be psychic etc.

    What I believe the truth to be is that while there are lots of progenitors in the earth inheritance including the Annunaki etc., that we did not all come from the lizard clan. I believe that earth has been visited by a number of beings including those that look just like us but have slightly different DNA. There are two groups that I believe are humanoid progenitors and not lizard progenitors.

    These human tribes are the SAMMI from lapland and the Hawaiian peoples who used to cover the entire Pacific Region and are probably the remnants of the Atlantis/Lemuria civilizations. The Sammi are the people that the Native Americans call their "True White Brothers." The Hawaiians are the progenitors of many indigenous people.

    That's what I think. RH negatives lack primate genes so maybe we came from elsewhere as humanoids. BTW, there are a lot of RH negs among the indigenous around the world.


  8. It's my understanding that mutations don't produce anything new, and that our genetic makeup has a self-correct system. That is, that mutations are rarely transmitted from one generation to another.
    The bottom line is, people who have Rh-negative blood could have gotten it only from an ancestor with Rh-negative blood.
    In any investigation of the issue, I advise caution and skepticism. Suspicions and correlations are not proof.

  9. Last anonymous, forgive me, but I am unsure what you mean by what you said. could you be so kind as to elaborate further???? I honestly don't get what you are saying. Thanks

  10. MK, thanks for that info. Here is what has surprised me. I love going down rabbit holes and this was one I really wanted to pursue, but was shocked at the lack of information other than the specifics of the genome. You have given more info here than I was ever able to find about the backgrounds and groups affected most by this issue. If you have any links that would aid me in my journey I would appreciate it, since I had never read or heard about what you discussed with respect to the different groups. Thanks

  11. I am 11 years old I am Rh- and fit most of the descriptions. I am a huge wierdo in my school and am also one of the smartest. My mom started practicing Reiki and asked me to try and on accident my hand started heating up. When I was 4 years old I saw a E.T and have not forgotten it since.

    1. Hope your AWAKENING🙌 reading comment 9 yrs later. We're not fallen Angel's bloodline doomed for he'll. We are his children direct decent, with intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, wisdom, married to truth/light ENERGY. Power granted from God himself to heal by touch & focus. I know, I've been practicing his ways since a CHILD. I believe in dreams connection to visions in our astro body. Able to soar across plans of infinity, with inner knowledge, we are loved. We must love the people, and give freely of this knowledge that has been left out of the Bible. They turned the light Angel Michael into a Watcher & EVIL. This isn't true, he is our bloodline. It's not if this earth. Hence why it's not found by anything but the 15% human's that are RH- I'm O- 😉

  12. Zachary A, thank you for sharing this with us and I hope this helps you to see your "Weirdness" as a positive rather than a negative trait.

    Its why I changed the quote on the front of the blog to talk about those who are different and weird, so all can see the value of that difference to the nation and the world. Its always been the weirdos that have brought good change to us. So never be anything less than what you are. I had to learn that despite ridicule and rejection. Keep on keeping on.

  13. To everyone else on here who has commented, I would like to say, "yes", we do not have enough information to make a claim or truism about this issue, but there is sufficient evidence to say that the possibility exists.

    At the very least it conjures up a massive number of questions that needs be answered to go any further down this path. For instance....

    1. Why are the Europeans and US so set on destroying the Basque?

    2. Why is their language so very different than any other on the planet?

    3. Why does the mainstream press totally ignore them as a group, tribe, culture and their plight at the hands of those around them?

    4. What other evidence do they have in common? They are the largest number aggregate in Europe of RH negative blood type. Language is different, they are mostly red haired, green eyes, black hair blue eyes.... they share a higher IQ as a group, psychic abilities, greater human compassion as evidenced by their coops. etc..etc..etc. and finally isolated as a group.


    I suggest rewatching our blog using the search engine called "Michael Tsarion: The Origins of Evil". He does an excellent research job on the powers that be and also makes the point that aliens besides the lizards (Queen of england and Rothschild and khazars) also bred with us and produced those who were given "souls" for lack of a better word.

    Just my Humble Opinion.

  14. This is wicked!!! For some reason, last week my Mother and I were discussing us being RH negative and it being an extremely rare bloodtype, which "of course" considering i'm rare :p struck my curiousity! Then oddly enough two days later my best friend asked me if It was my blood type, instantly gave me cold chills!! I asked, "Why would you say that"? "I came across something about it and all of the characteristics described you", He said!!!>??? Then he showed me the video and it made perfect sense!!! But how strange of him to bring that to my conscious mind only two days after discovering this myself??!! And even more bizzarre,"My favorite quotations" listed on my facebook profile is the opening on the top of your page, "the round pegs in the square holes" ;)

  15. Mystical Sky, thank you for sharing your experience and the timing of it all. What I am learning as a child of an RH neg mother is that this theory explains so much and so many of the questions I have always had about my childhood, my memories, my abilities that no one else in my fathers side of the family had and the lack of information on my mothers side of our family.

    I was able to track my geneology back through my fathers side, but nada, nothing on my mothers side of the family. This and other articles we have published on here has really helped me feel a lot better about myself and my life. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you use our search box and put in "BLOOD OF THE GODS", and read that as well. Thanks for commenting and all those with RH neg, what do you think about forming an association, group etc to further pursue these questions?

    Just a though. Let me know.

  16. No,.... Thank u :D and I havent stopped researching ths since I found this out, which is what thankfully led me to you my dear :p It just makes so much sense!!! I've found out some very interesting theories on this topic and couldn't be more intrigued!! I strongly encourage a group!!! Thats a great idea!! "The ones that are crazy enough to believe that they can change the world are the ones that do" and I am so feeding into these theories the pieces fit to well to ignore and If we all unite and share our knowledge and compare our theories, beliefs, and exeriences we might just have something here, ya know? Because I KNOW I have a very uniquely strong intuition and naturally just know somehow and I can't tell you how many times I've came up with "my own" beliefs and theories and then stumbled across my own words in books I've read or videos I've looked up!! I love it when that happens, lets me know my intuition is in tune I suppose! And I'm sure you nd the others know what I mean!! I've actually seen alot of material on the RH - subject, only It was referred to as the nephilim blood line < Ehhh?, the annunaki blood line and, I watched a show on The History Channel about Hitler and they were saying that his motives weren't anything to do with race, he was actually trying to keep a rare bloodline that he believed to be the direct descendants to the "Arians" pure, that they're a special breed and have great significance ?!?!? Also, most of his family tree was in an insane asylum?!?, which now peaks my interest a lil if that was truly what was goin on in his head, because If we were around back then discussing these topics we'd be thrown in the loony bin too lol, Not a fan AT ALL, irregardless of WTH he thought he's sick!! Anyways, sorry I'm rambling, maybe Im looking to much into this but I've always had an aura where I've fit in, but I've never truly "fit in" And I think I've met maybe 2 ppl in my 25 yrs that haven't looked at me like I'm insane when I try to share my wisdom, and I have so much insightful info swirling aroud my mind lol!! Gotta let it out sometime, I NEED THIS GROUP LOL!! xoxo I'll get back to you with my feedback on "Blood from the Gods" Thank you!! <3

  17. I am from South Africa. I too have had strange experiences, don't fit in. Most people find me weird and to honest for their liking.

    I know I have certain powers, they seem to protect others and myself in danger situations. I do have the ability to disrupt electrical appliances when forced into situations that is unlawful. It came as a shock though!

    I have always had this longing to go home, where ever that home might be, it made me think I'm nuts, to wanna go "home" when I'm supposed to be AT HOME. It all started making sense when I learned more about Rh neg on the internet.

    I am just wondering how many Rh neg. suffers from chronic illnesses like Fibromyalgia etc? These illnesses often can not truly be explained; many theories but no hard evidence that's true for all.

    Thank you for allowing me to share.

    1. Im a B neg female and live in E. TN .... ive always been a dreamer i dream of things that happen or talk about sumthin and then it happens. But since my motherboard passed ive become very aware &miss sensitive to electric and i can move water but only if im negative, mad, fighting, or just very upset.... i feel like no one in world understands and im not crazy i feel bad always in pain and i could jump out of my skin sumtimes cuz i feel other peoples energy. I do feel special yet alil afraid I'm a extra loving person and just wanna do right for my eternal life.

    2. Hi, im a B- and rh negative identical twin. I have dreams to
      They seem so real. Same with my twin sister. We both feel like we were abducted as young children and feel like we're psychic.

    3. I also am b- .. I also can interrupt electricity and have turned my water faucets on over and over again, only when my passion and sorrow of emotion fills me up with sadness true sadness things happen.. I can instantly no matter where I am on a clear nights my tlits and I Zero in on the pliadeas star system.. I look up and I talk with a telepathic knowledge to my old home!!! I can make my endorphines bubble all the Time.. The truth of passion makes that happen!! Love is filled in us!! Born to exude true love !

  18. A few weeks ago I was going on about how I don't understand people at all and all of a sudden, without thinking about it I said "I can't wait to leave earth." Everyone looked at me like i was crazy! I don't even know where that comment came from...I'm not sure of my blood type at the moment, never had it checked but I've never fit in...and I've always felt this...awareness, like something's coming, or I'm meant for something more. I can't wear watches because they always stop working on me...I have black hair, green eyes, Cherokee, Dutch, and Greek descent. I'm obsessed with astronomy, astrology, the Mayan predictions, ancient Sumeria, all science...I was told by a psychic a few months ago I would make a perfect "healer" and that I'm an old soul, which I've been told all my life. After reading this, I'm completely fascinated...I feel like something just clicked. A question - does anyone else have trouble with watches? Also, what are your theories on Nibiru and 2012? Also, when I stand on the beach, or a mountain or see the sunset...I get the strangest feeling..again, like something is coming. I thought it was just me being super sensitive when I was little, but as I've gotten older I used to joke around that I was an alien because I'm so different and that I can't wait for them to come back. Now, seeing some scientific proof for this, I feel..better.

    1. I have been feeling the sAme, like something is coming. I am 25 very psychic and empathic. O neg blood type also.

    2. I cannot wear a watch, as it will not keep time. Eventually, they stop working altogether. No matter, I always know what time it is anyway. I make clocks slow down (without any intention) and when I would visit my Grandma for ten days or so, I always had to reset all her clocks for her before I left. I also make compasses spin by bringing them near me.

      Yes to the psychic thing, weirdness amongst others, the Knowing, stricken with Multiple Sclerosis but still standing after 20 years. Healer without practice or instruction. I am 6'1" with red hair, piercing blue eyes, hyper-intelligence (too much so for my own good, I'm afraid), have always been waiting for the instructions as to why I am here. Hyper senses of smell, hearing, vision, touch, taste, etc. I can hear and see things that most others cannot (especially frequencies of sound and light). I have always been very "lucky" - despite the many and huge tribulations for my whole life. I even consider the MS to be lucky, and a gift; believe it or not. It has taught me much. I always get what I want, just by wanting it; though it is not always exactly in the form that I hoped for (and the things I want are simple. I don't want to be the ruler of the world, or the like... Grin).

      I could go on and on, and pollute your bandwidth, but I won't. Incidentally, I am Type A Rh-.

  19. Megan, funny you should ask.... my mother was RH neg, and I can't wear watches either. They quit working on me when I try. How odd. I never thought of that before until you just mentioned it. My mother was also French and did not speak english until she was 7. Another coincidence. This is exactly what I believe we need a group of support. We all must have grown up believing we were odd balls. lol Well, we were, but now we know possibly why we were. Thanks for commenting and being so honest about your situation. Its greatly appreciated and someone else may say "Oh, that was me too". That is a gift. .

  20. Rh factor does not mean you are related to monkies when the babies were die because the mothers were rejecting the baby the created a sirum made from the monkey's blood. Your whole article is full of misinformation. The Blueblood Elites are RH- and that is why they interbreed and have so throughout history. So my guess is that you are rh- and that is why you made this page to make yourself feel better about yourself. As far as the NWO from another commenter you are exactly right they do want to wipe out the majprity of the population and it conesides with those of who have positive blood types. The Elites also worship satan so that would lead one to beleive that this bloodline has something to do with satan. Also throughout nature cross breeds off spring are sterile or rather it would appear so. A cross between a donkey and a horse know as a jackass can not produce off spring. And the same with other hybrid animals. So rh- people can not have children with rh+ people of their bodies will reject the babies. So when these mothers have these children the only way for them to live is to inject them with the sirum what is Interesting is once they have this shot they can have many of the same kids after that with no other intervention.

  21. Well, I simply do not know where to begin. Lets start with your first premise. (Looks like I am going to have to divide this answer up as its too long, so watch for the second part.)

    1. In reading your first point about why RH- blood babies die, is so poorly written that I am not sure what you are trying to say. Misspellings and wrong word usage has made it impossible for me to know, but I will guess. (try using the preview button and edit button on comments, thats why they are here, to help you see your errors.)

    I "THINK" you are saying that a serum produced by RH + blood is what kills the RH - baby, is that correct? And why is that? Where is the link to prove your point? If that is the case as you say, then his point is well made. Its foreign to the positive blood and thus produces something to kill it.

    2. Blue blood elites do interbreed, but not because of their blood types. They have been interbreeding well before that ever came to light. Its because they are psychopathic and want to retain the blood lines to preserve their power. No accidents, they want no child that might not conform to their plans. Further, they are anal retentive control freaks at that level and this ensures they know what they are dealing with and notice it says "BLOOD TYPES" not RH neg overlay. That means O,A,B, and AB, not the RH factor per se. Not all royalty are RH neg.

    3. This point is even funnier. I am actually 0+ but my mother was 0- but not a pure 0- and thus it took her a full baby, me, to build the antibodies that then caused her first miscarriage. After that she had 7 more children but three additional miscarriages. Her success was due to the fact she was a hybrid, with genes for both the neg and positive. As for feeling good about myself, LOL, I can assure you I would not be able to do this blog with the trolls that visit here were I not fully in love with myself. LOL I don't need to feel good about myself, I already do, however, since we "see the world as we are", maybe that is why you are attacking RH- blood because you feel it makes you less to have the positive blood. In that case maybe that is why you are attacking it on here???? Ya think? So you can feel good about yourself.
    (Con't on next comment)

  22. (Cont from previous comment)

    4. You say the elite are depopulating only RH + blood types? Are you trying to tell us that 6 billion people on this planet are all RH positive? Not the case. Its a lot less than 6 billion and that is the number they have said themselves in the Georgia guidestones that they want to eliminate which is 6 billion, THAT WOULD INCLUDE OTHERS WITH RH NEG.... hello? Anybody home? The fact that the royalty of Britain and Spain are trying to kill off the RH neg of the Basque proves you wrong. They are trying to kill off those like them that are a threat to them. They do not want them to challange them in anyway. Already the Basque have created an employment situation that the elite cannot overcome, which is employee coops that are succeeding with the employees as direct owners of the businesses. yes, they are a threat to the elite.

    5. You brought up Satan, there is no evidence that the Satan connection has anything to do with the RH factor. LOL That is actually funny. It has to do with culture and religion. Or spirituality if you must. Don't go pushing this into something totally unrelated. There are RH positives that are Satanists as well. That is stretching it a lot, not just a bit.

    6. Yes, in nature within a genome, there is sterile impact on cross breeding, but that is not the case here. THERE IS NO OTHER PRIMATE IN NATURE THAT HAS THIS FACTOR, THEREFORE ITS NOT CROSSBREEDING. HELLO, ITS ALIEN TO THE BODY AND WHY THEY HAD TO DEVELOP SOMETHING TO STOP THE MOTHER FROM PRODUCING ANTIBODIES. Controlling the anti-bodies is what allows the mother to go to full term and have a normal healthy baby. Duh.

    7. Yes, on your last one, once the mother is injected to prevent her from producing the anti-bodies to fight the alien intruder into her body, she can have many healthy babies. WE agree on that one.

    When you produce links to make your points, we can revisit this again. OK?

  23. I am O neg and have always been different. High IQ, psychic abilities, empath, unusual relationships to all wild life and other creatures, and I can disrupt electricity, I blow out a lot of light bulbs around my house especially if I am agrevated about something, also can not wear a watch because of this. I have always wondered why there was very little info to the RH negative issue. How exciting to finally be reading some validating posts.

    1. fyi there is also a small percentage of hispanic ppl who have rh negative , im hispanic with hazel green eyes and im rh negative and I dont have any off the above...?? Where do I stand??

  24. Debra, you are definitely not alone. We have been discussing the possibility of setting up a blog to act as a group for those who are RH negative since our experiences with life have been so different from most and yet from the comments we are getting have been so similar for those of us who have never really been part of "the group". Rather the square peg in a round hole. It would be secured and you would have to join and make so some troll would not find it easy to get in. That is the big part we are working on right now. Hopefully we will have something up and going soon. But this blog takes up so much time now that the cyber warriors have decided to focus on us for some reason.

    We are much smaller than many and yet they do not seem to have near the problems we are getting. So be patient and hopefully soon we can get this going.

  25. Thanks V. M. !
    I will be most happy to join in this blog going forward. Looking forward to it in fact.:)

  26. I can't believe how things are starting to make sense now for me. Why my babies were jaundiced, why I developed gestational diabetes with the second pregnancy and why I couldn't go into labor either time, but most of all why I've never been able to fit in or conform to the expectations of those around me, while all the time seeing right through their facades. My whole life has been decade upon decade of frustration dealing with criticism for being "difficult" because I not only see through peoples' motives, but tell them about them. (They don't like that so I probably shouldn't do it?) Electrical disturbances around me, a sense of being "lost" or "out of place", a sense of waiting for something that I cannot define, sensitivity to light, low blood pressure, low body temp, and a strange habit of thinking about really bizarre things a few minutes before they appear on tv. I only found out last month that i'm negative and started doing research on medical treatments the doctors want to do for me, which led me here. I guess there are snarky people who will read this and sneer, but I've already lived longer than I'm going to so I can't be bothered with them. I just hope to hear if anyone else has experienced these things so I don't feel so odd.

    1. Anonymous I would never laugh because I thought I was reading my own experiences instead of someone else's. Im A neg and my first baby was O pos. He was jaundiced and I had to be induced because I was so late carrying him. My daughter was A neg and no problems.
      I have the weird instances of deja vu and premonitions as well. I sneeze when going outside because the sun is bright. I have that same sense of not being from here and a deep longing to go home. Im socially shy too. I differ from other negs i know in that i have high blood pressure and a higher than normal temp (99.4).
      I hope this makes you feel not so alone.

  27. Anonymous, wow, what a great comment and no you are not crazy. Its just exactly what you said here that has moved me to try and start a second blog just for either RH-blood types or those who are children of RH neg because they maybe positive but they carry both genes so it will help us to understand our children if we are positive but the children are negative. I was just such a child and was heartbroken when I finally got a really nice watch as a teenager as a gift and it quit running on me. Nothing we could do would fix it. So, for years I thought I was the problem.

    If you would be so kind, check in on occasion and watch for the notice of a RH negative Blood Blog. OK? That way you will connect to a lot of people who have commented with the same problems you have listed. We can then do more research and rabbit hole traveling and discuss what it is we can use our talents for to help man kind, animals or anything else that seems appropriate. Let me know what you think. Thanks so much for sharing.

  28. I just started looking into the rarity of rhesus negative gene. Ive always loved ancient eygpt and ancient civilization as a whole. I always had an affinity for space and other place than earth. My mother says i have always been highly empathetic and my IQ was 130when tested at 7 years old. I graduated high school early at sixteen with high honors. From what i have read this is characteristic of rh- but why and if we could volunteer for more research where?

  29. I am A- ... No different here, people I believe just look for ways to think that they are special... My blood line is from Lebanon royalty... which is eventually leads back into French royalty... Allot of Lebanese people don't realize this but Lebanon gained a form of democracy but the royal family still has a choke hold of power ... Simply they took over the newly found parliament... But who cares I guess... I am from USA and no I have no special ability... I am a Sagittarius born Dec 13... Have many problems that everybody else does and then some simply because my life is hell literally, but i can't tell you because its a family secret to why my life is hell..... Just know it is.... So yeah nothing special about the blood type...... I have been trying to do research on my family but much of it is hush hush... When coming here my family had to change their last name... And my family wont tell me what it was to begin with ... My Aunt told me it was Kyrose ... At least that's how it sounded.. I don't know how to spell it.. Every time I show the slightest interest on my family history I am quickly and heavily shunned.. In fact my mother will go as far as to say she hates Lebanon... I mean come on it's not like I am going to move their.... Totally lost the point of this topic ..................................................... I did have a dream about a alien... It was weird and the alien was a baby... Very cute and creepy baby....I was not held against my will though ... In fact the dream was pleasant and intriguing... Weird fact about me is I am very smart and tend have this ticking sound in the back of my head... Makes my scared thinking of a possible clot of some type ... But no psychic ability's... My aunt had three children 2 of them died at the same age... They where very pale like me but unlike me they where just generally sick and faced many complications.... If you would contact me on I am rather attractive to... But I wont b back to this site ever.

  30. i am rhesus negative and somtimes get direct communication from god about my destiny. most of the time when the i try to reach out to people including among the "waked up community" i am met with a kind of rivalary type of mentality like iam seen as a threat. all ive ever wanted to do is challange oppression and the system as well bring equality in the world. iam so passionate its hard to contain and i am prepared to die for my principles. i do also have a burning desire to know more about the the r negative blood type because i just know it is significant in some way.not as some people suggest as some kind of superior fantasy but because i think its natural for all of us for want to know our origins as they say knowledge is power and we shouldnt have to appolidgise for that. as i was writing this my lights kept flickering which i hope was a good sign. it seems a lot of us negatives feel very different a lot of the time, so why shouldnt we get together to share our experiences. i know from doing my own website what its like when some people just want to attack you for being creative and doing something different that it can be discouraging so i appriciate anyone who has a go at something. i have found this site encouraging.

  31. To rev.nicky: Welcome to your quest to find info on our rare but important blood type. Since I started on my search I have found no real reliable info as to what our blood type actually means. I have long held theories that blood type effects personalities, addiction and health, and so much else but have never been able to find ANY corresponding research to this area. WHY? Seems pretty strange huh? Well welcome and best wishes in your search!

  32. For Vatic Master:

    Just stumbled onto this thread doing a google search. The doctor's tested my son's type and told me he was Rh negative.....I was like huh??? I had never heard of anything that wasn't A, B, AB, or O. I am O+ and my husband is in God's name did I produce a - blood type that is neither of our types?

    He has a lot of problems in school....he tends to get angry very quickly, has no patience, very aggressive, emotional....but I was thinking all of this was just normal run of the mill 4 year old boy behavior....but I really believe I am having the most difficult job in parenting here.

    Anything of insight into this situation would be great. I am losing sleep over this.

  33. anyone that wants to see an alien need only look in the mirror...firstly, we do not adapt well to the environment, like other creatures, we adapt the environment to suit us. This is alien. Consider the word "alien". We call people that cross borders(a fiction), "illegal aliens", we call fruits, plants etc "alien" to the "native" flora, invasive species are considered as alien when they displace a previously situated species...humans are an amalgamation of various different "races" for lack of a better word. Genus would be a better word. There is of course an ancient, hidden history on this planet, exactly what the "elite" are afraid will scare people into a stampede of sorts, upset the status quo. Fear is the mind killer. Chaos is the natural order of the universe. That many os us cannot grasp that and seek always to stop the seemingly constant change(a misnomer, more duality, just like us-a constant is something which is unchanging, yet change is constant)is a ridiculous venture, doomed to failure. To comprehend the word "human", one must do what is necessary to solve nearly any "problem". Break it down into it's simplest components. Research the word "hu" in mandarin. "Hu" means "spirit" as well as dozens of other things in that language, owing to the seeming complexity of this Asian tongue. It is mainly dialectic, but that is anothr discussion. The word "man" means "one". The word "wigt" (pronounced as white) as in "the Isle of Wigt", means man. So we think we are a single being, but we are in fact two. The "hu" and the "man". It is a seemingly parasitic relationship, but really, one is a prisoner, the other is the prison. RH+ people comprise three if you consider the simian platform that most are built upon. We contain the spirt, now research that word "contain". There are many uses, but mainly it means to "constrain" or to hold. We are a common denominator of two warring species, given the choice to cease their destructive war, which has torn across the galaxy for more millenia than we can comprehend, or for both to suffer utter destruction by other species which have simply had enough. We are their commone thread, each has a stake in our existence, but rather than learn to peacefully coexist, they have simply carried their war into the new arena, namely,us.
    "Who", "hu" "you" "us"(plural of you, hu) are all words derived from the same thing. "Who are you?" - "hu do you think you are?" A human is more than the sum of their parts. Go to youtube and watch the band "the Who" and the video "Who are you?" I really wanna know. Then see it in most media. That which is hidden shall be revealed.

  34. oh, wow, Just Some Guy, what a great diatribe. Fascinating and educational. Any links to those warring species outside of our own? Would love to pursue this down the rabbit hole if you could give me a leg up on it???

  35. let me dig for some pics/links. You will have to make up your own mind. In truth, I cannot answer any questions, all I can do is cause you to pose more questions. Not that it is a bad thing. We constantly seek affirmation from without. The answers are within you. Gimme a bit, I will look, then I will tell you some other "secrets". The destination is not as salacious as the journey.

  36. Ok, firstly, let's examine the limbic system. The "brain of your brain" is called the pineal gland. Here is a pic.

    it is self-luminating, similar to say, an angler fish which has a protruberance which produces light chemically. The above is an undoctored MRI scan of the "human" brain. The thyroid gland(which can kill us, (like other "useless glands) which regulates growth and other factors, is itself regulated by the pineal gland.

    Here is a pic of a statue from India depicting the pineal gland. I have seen these all over the planet, even in my own city, a pine-cone shaped stone or concrete ornament on the stone walls surrounding a home. The ancients knew about this.

    if you look at a woodcut from India depicting the chakras, you see the pineal gland at the top, the crown. (I couldn't find the pic I wanted, some Indian friends have woodcuts of it on the walls of their restaurant, I will try to get a pic, it is magnificent, tree of life)

    Now the limbic system is called "the lizard brain" by the brilliant idiot scientists.

    notice how the lobes of the brain are compressed where nearest the "limbic system". Literally, as it grows during your transition from child to adult(puberty), it competes for space with the lobes of the brain. This is why you take a severe fever at about age ten or eleven, it is because the foreign entity is maturing, asserting itself in advance of your own evolvement to higher consciousness. The phoenix rising. It desires control of you more than anything. They try to use us as vehicles but as I said, they are trapped within us. You must assert controlling interest. There is a way to do that too.

    Examine the word "scientist". If I am prescient (I am), it means I "see" in advance. If there is God (I believe there is), God is omniscient, he sees all. A "scientist" is "one whom sees". Delving into and dissecting the english language and others is the best way to sort these puzzles out. Scientists will tell us that we are oxygen breathers. While we clearly need oxygen, the atmosphere we breathe is comprised of about 16% oxygen. In the meantime, 61% of the atmosphere is nitrogen. So, uh, we clearly are mainly nitrogen breathers. Taking the word of a "Scientist" on faith, because most people feel inadequate mentally compared to someone with a piece of paper framed on the wall that says they are smart is tantamount to the days centuries ago when the clergy abused other people because they could not read the bible for themselves. Science is the new religion, trying to steal all of our miracles. For every question that science "answers" ten new questions arise, ad infinitum. Confusion is merely a state of mind, you must elucidate. Look for yourself, seek and ye shall find. You cannot see except that you look. "See thou have I set before thee an open door, which no man may closeth". "the ultimate ignorance is rejection of something without investigation".
    Alot of the "answers
    are hidden in "religious" texts, recognize that religion and faith are quite different things. The pineal gland is the proverbial "third eye", for it exists in complete darkness, yet it casts it's own light and it "sees" in the "darkness". You cannot find buried treasure except that you dig. Most people lean on their shovels, I prefer to be an earth-mover.

  37. Just go to Dr.Delbert Blair this is the most truthful knoweledge. This man is the smartest being in my mind.

  38. Dr.Delbert Blair he is tha man.

  39. Ok, just some guy.... I definitely need to discuss this with you for a very specific reason. Please contact me with your email address at I am asking you to contact me so we can discuss something I have planned in the way of a group for those with RH neg blood. If you think you might be interested in discussing this with me, I would appreciate the contact. I think you could be a great help to those who are confused about why they don't fit into mainstream life. Like you, many have such talents that they do not know how to use or develop and I have the feeling your depth of knowledge, sources and research could aid and guide those that together could change this entire situation, if not the world. Thanks for all of this. We are deeply grateful. This was one of the most illuminating explanations of the pinal glad I have ever read.

    I will be checking out those links. Thanks again.

  40. Justsomeguy, I just now read this one on the pinal gland and its great. Thanks, now you can see why I want you to contact me so we can discuss these things further and hopefully share what you have to offer.

    Can you do me a favor and on here do a comment that explains how all this ties into RH neg on verious blood types??? Thanks, I want my readers to see that connection as well as for me. lol

  41. Crystal, in order for two RH positive people to have an RH neg son, it would have had to be two possibilities....

    1. They mixed up the babies at the hospital and hes not really your son, or

    2. Both of you are hybrids with some RH neg in your background and genes. It takes two, one from each parent to make a full blown neg child.

    He is angry because he knows he doesn't fit in and he is intellegent. You have to deal with him differently than you do with other children who are not neg.

    A teacher dealt with me in the third grade differently than the previous two and it worked. You have to talk and treat him like an adult. Example: Tell him that whatever you are doing isn't working and that you love him and want him to succeed in life so you need his help to do that. Then on an issue such as bedtime or some other issue, I can't say since I am not there, but bedtime is a good example.... say "you refuse to go to bed at 9 pm when we tell you to go, and because we love you and want you to be rested, grow healthy and strong, we have to set such a time. Now, because nothing has worked, I am asking you to help me out here. So, I am asking you "What do you think we should do when you refuse to obey us on this issue??? What punishment or reward should we give you depending on when or if you go when we ask?"

    You will croak at his answer. He will say more than what you would do and then you say, "OK, thats a deal. We will do what you suggested". Then when he does what you don't want, you remind him of his punishment he recommended and put that on him, but whatever you do, you must do it with love in your heart and voice. They are absolutely responsive to that technique. Try it and let us know how it works.

    Also watch for the blog coming to join so others with the same problems can help you and you can help them. OK???? Hope this helps.

  42. Once again I come across a good blog. However I see people posting their blood type and their life story.. Stop it!! You are making it easy for whoever it is to find you...I say STOP POSTING VITAL INFO on these blogs!!! ~Peace~

  43. Hi i am also rh- but i have no characteristics what so ever. I am 1/2 cherokee indian and 1/2 mexican. I do have a love for the stars but thats about it. So how can u explain this?? Am i just an odd ball out?

  44. Shawna, no you are not an odd ball out... lol how old are you? Do you really know yourself? So many Native American cultures have these traits acknowledge and celebrated within their traditions and religion, if you want to call it that.... so then you would not notice "being different". I bet if you sat down and did an inventory, you would find many more similarities than not. I didn't have a clue about this until I read the article and that is when I did a serious inventory. It was too out there for me to take it as presented. I had to see for myself and yes, those traits are all there.

  45. Hi, i just wanted to say,as a B neg. with both parents neg. also( A & AB ), that not all the descriptions of characteristics fit. I, and my parents, can wear watches just fine; my body temp is normal; unfortunately,I'm of normal intelligence; no extra vertebrae; my psychic abilities and intuition are so-so- very few outstanding episodes and I feel all people can be more psychic if they accept it as a real ability, not demonic possession; the point I'm getting at is I dont believe the RH negative condition is so special. Maybe someone will finally come up with why our blood is different someday. I might follow your blog to check on updates. Peace!

  46. Well, amusing myself, I do notice that what you said is becoming common among those with A or B negs, but not the 0 negs. Wonder if that is the difference.

    There is way too much evidence now to show there is something in common between the negs with each other. However, the only two who have said they don't see any difference are you and the immediately previous poster and she was A neg and you are B neg. So maybe that is why.

    Maybe 0 negs are the ones who are strange and weird and the A and B's are not. However, you do have lower body temperature and higher oxygenation because that is common among all negs, but then maybe someone lied to you and you are neg at all? Is that possible, maybe to hide something they do not want known???

  47. Hi my name is Jessica, I am 29 born Sunday October 31/1982 and O-. I grew up in fostercare (4-18), I have always felt odd and distant, feeling special at the same time I knew I was different and for some reason felt like I had somekind of power that would be given to me mostly because of my D.O.B. I have always felt like I was being watched and petrified of the dark even till this, I have all of the common facors of Rh exception of no memory of an abduction and my hair is brown and my eyes when I as younger they were so black I couldnt see my pupils so I would sit on my sink for hrs with a flash light looking for them now their a chestnut brown with these dull yellow rings around the rim that appear to be broken. I have always been told I look like Cleopatra and that my eyes are hypnotising -Here is an odd story that I can't forget and for some reason keeps replaying in my mind a lot lately when I was 9yrs I was having normal day one saturday I was playing and out of nowhere I had this overwhelming feeling of wanting to go home I was hysterical like extremely upset I went my mother who tried to console me she repeatedly asked what happen? what's wrong? When I could finally speak I expressed I want to go home I don't want to be here anymore. She tried to explain to me why I was with her and not my biological parents. I stopped her and told her I don't even think about them that's not what I ment, I continued with this: I'm not from here I am different I just look like you guys refering to the human race, I feel like I am smarter like I am the only one who can think, I am different I'm not like you, when I get hurt I'm not really hurt I just bleed so you wont be afraid of me, I continued to cry and expressing how I don't like this world and I just want to go home. She didn't know what to say she told me to go sit down and we haven't talked about it since until now she remembers and kinda just laughs it off. I have had numerous paranormal experiences hearing someone call my name and being alone when it happened freaked e out so bad I just sat there in shock and confused, because normally I do here someone but in my head always positive though like check your tire on the front right side the tread is showing, slow down there's a cop up there on the right, you need to go check on Aaliyah she's choking I sat there for 10 seconds and told myself I heard "you" so I need to listen I opened the door and my 4yr was standing directly behind the door choking on a grape I have never been more scared and grateful at the same time. I have had premonitions and dreams that are exactly the way the come across. And I have been told by many that I am abnormally physically strong. I have always been able to hear things that others don't like the electricity coming from the socket in the other room or the energy coming from the tv. I have just recently in the past 2yrs come across all of this rh- information and seeing all the correlation I am beside my self. Oh and one more thing I always felt a greater being present but was never satisfied with the whole church thing and their bible they could never answer any of my questions I always felt it was misleading and fulls of lies. Thanks for letting me share a piece of myself.

    1. I am not used 2 responding 2 things due 2 the fear of ridicule, but, being anonymous makes it easier, my mom and I r b negative and I recently told her I was an empath after doing research. I expected her 2 help me since she used 2 interpret dreams but she instead asked if I was "pmsing". All I want is sum1 who gets what I am going through and I can't find it anymore since my sister had her brain tumor operated on. she used 2 listen but not since then.

  48. Hi Jessica again so I have this particular story and was hoping for some insight as to why or how this would happen. So about 2yrs ago I went to South Beach with a friend btw I don't like beaches just because I can't see through the water, but South Beach Miami is crystal clear so I was all for it. My friend and I went in and there were so many people the water was completely clear so I felt safe going in and pushed my luck and went out really far so we were swimming back n forth and we decided to take a break as we went back in I stayed near the shore line about 3 ft and I noticed this tiny little fish I came to the shore and this fish followed me. I went in further and felt something hit my butt I turned around now there were 3 fish swimming between my legs and around me my friend came over so I pointed it out we laughed about it and went out far for a swim as we came in she said hey those fish have been following you this whole time now there were larger fish also and more little ones about 7 or so as we went to shore the came also not even a full foot behind me I tried to swoosh them away and they jus kept swimming around me so I came out these fish swam to the shallowest part and just stayed like they were waiting for me so I went back in several time going back and forth to see if they would follow and they did repeatedly and if I got out the water they would come to the shallowest part. And jus sit there in a group all sizes colors and species I just thought that's the darndest thing how weird. Can anyone explain this? Has this happened to anyone else?

  49. Hi, Jessica, welcome and know you are not alone. It is a lonely journey until now. Feeling and being treated like your weird. Knowing your weird. LOL But what hearts we have, huh? We feel for everyone, don't we? WE love like no other, and care for everyone. Hang in there. It sounds even worse for you because of your being torn from parents at the age of 4. I can't imagine what its been like for you.

    Cheer up though, you are among friends and go visit the site in the comment of mine before this one and follow the link to another site chock full of negs of all blood types. They are great and caring and welcoming.

  50. Greetings! A series of events guided me to your website today, I am extremely happy to have read through all the comments. I feel like I've found long lost relatives. I am B- and am aligned with all the points associated with being Rh- with the exception of my eyes being a darker brown, they too were jet black when I was younger. I believe they will turn greyish blue later in life, same as my grandmother. I'm curious to know if having a lack of body odor is also a factor? I ask because my entire life I've never used deodorant. I'll go to the gym and sweat making me wetter than a fish in water, and nothing. I typically borrow my husband's shirts and he wears my used ones believing they're fresh from the wash. Curious to know if any other Rh-'s noticed this trait too.

  51. Welcome, Joy.

    Wow, I never thought of that, but I have always been without body order as well. I use a clay deodorant but do not really need it. I have always wondered why I was not like many other females who would give off an order, especially during menopause and I never did. Hmmmm, now I am curious as well. Anyone else????

  52. Hi this is Jessica, O- I would say I lack of odor I wax I don't smell when I was a teen I remember my boyfriend liked to smell me he said I smelled sweet I associated that with the fact that I eat large amounts of candy, but I do notice body odors of others seem strong almost foul kinda smelling and I don't smell like that when I do let my hair grow in order to be waxed my bo is very fante nothing like whaat I smell coming from others, I always wonder how this odor doesn't turn people off because I try not to breathe it in, now that I think about it I dance (exotic) and guys would always mention the other females not smelling pleasant and I would always laugh because they were always shocked at how great I smelled even dripping sweat lol and I would answer why are you surprised arent I suppose to smell good and fresh? I actually got into it with one of the girls and it became a debate because the girl said your suppose to have an odor in you V and I don't never have unless I had a bacterial infection we were in the locker room sniffing each other their V literally gave off an odor some kinda really stinky I just can't get over the fact they thought its suppose to smell I was in there defending my no odor V I know our bodies are different but to say your suppose to have a funky smell in the V I disagree and because Im sensitive I can not use femine sprays using that kinda stuff douche gives me a bacterial infection so I agree with the not so funky smell lol oderless is the way to go unfortunate for the ones who aren't naturally so fresh so clean!

  53. Are rhesus negs more prone to rheumatoid arthrithis because of their stronger than average immune system? I am neg A and suffer from this and just wondered.

  54. I am RH- and have so many thoughts and questions. The one I want to mention right now is this.
    A person posted that they had always felt they wanted to go "home". I lived a normal life as a child . Some ups and downs, nothing out of the ordinary. But - throughout my life I have found myself having moments where things were hard or I was struggling and just saying over and over. " I want to go home. I just want to go home". I don't know why this is, but it has always felt very visceral and genuine and makes me wonder what on earth does that mean?

  55. Thank you for all of your information. I am A-. Blond Hair, green eyes. 28. I am an empath, and have unwittingly destroyed many electronic items in my lifetime. Not like blown them up, but cause them to not work properly anymore. I was 20 something before I even heard of the word empath. I have been fascinated with the stars since I can remember being able to look up and think about them. I have a memory from around 10-11 years old, of a small being (possibly a grey) standing over me looking down. I will never forget how terrified I was. I have always had the sensation that I didn't belong here and when I was 6 or 7 I was convinced for no apparent reason at the time that I had psychic ability. I have always been more intelligent than most people I have met, able to grasp new ideas and think on a larger scale. I have exhibited, on numerous occasions but with no degree of control; precognitive abilities, telekinesis, technopathy, and ESP. The empathic ability I would like to have more control over, as sometimes in large crowds or during a national event, the energy from others can be overwhelming to the point of physical illness. I have no 'scientific facts' to present but the feelings that I experience are more proof to me than any document will ever be. I have begun meditation in the hopes that I can grow as whatever I am supposed to be. Best of luck to all of you, my brothers and sisters, on your quest for information and insight.

  56. aNEGenergy - Thanks for sharing such deep personal experiences and awareness. Its difficult to do in a society that does not acknowledge such traits. I know, I am also one of those. I know what it was like to have even my own parents wonder about my sanity for laying in the grass at night and watching the stars. I even have a painting I did on this blog which is of a big fat space scene with planets and everything.

    I have included a link in a subsequent blog for RH neg people to visit and its wonderful. They even have a private chat room just to talk about these things. Its worth visiting. If you can't find it, let me know and I will get you the link.

  57. Hey group! My name is Malachi. I've read every comment posted on this blog and I think I'm finally coming to an understanding about the world and who I am. Not until about a week ago i tested my blood type in my human physiology class and it was A-. I stumbled across YouTube videos and google searches that had to do with conspiracies about the RH factor decending from human/god decent and I think what I've found and what is read from you guys makes SO much sense!! Let me first start off by telling you that like most ppl on here, I've felt out of place my whole life! From the earliest I can remember, I've always had a feeling of being able to do so much more than what the regular Human is capable of. I just havent been able to figure out what it is im able to do. As a young child I've questioned the bible and my church and my family members instilled in me that what the church said was real. I've always been interested in the truth of the world and had weird experiences my whole life. The characteristics described as being a Star Kid fit me perfectly besides being psychic and having dreams of Mary magdalene. I do believe i am an older soul with a previous life somewhere other than here. I rarely get sick, i worry about the world far more than most do, i feel something great is about to happen, I have physical abilities the majority do not, and i am very intelligent and can grasp ideas faster than most people can. Is that anything to be concerned about or am I looking too far into it?? As far as characteristics goes, as a child I had dark brown eyes that are now turning hazel with age and I have black hair with other facial and arm hairs of blonde. I am black and white. Last summer I can recall walking down my neighborhood sidewalk and street lights burning out ten feet intront of me before I pass by. Also I have strange markings on my face that resemble a half star or upside down "M." Is this a coincidence or am I losing it??? Recently two nights ago I had a dream of portal like round clouds being held in the sky that I could not get to. In the meantime while trying to find my way up, a demonic voice in a human body was chasing me screaming "I NEED HEALING" over and over again. That following morning I woke up in tears and a lower back pain that I could not explain. Does this dream have any meaning??? I will never know.

    On another note, I asked my mom what her and my dads blood type was and my mom is AB+ and my dad A+. This makes me question about what was said earlier about an Rh+ mother having an Rh - son. Check this out, I'm a fraternal twin and my brother died a month before I was conceived and yet I was still born prematurely. Therefore he was Rh- as well and my mothers Rh+ factor killed him off. How was I still conceived coming from two Rh+ parents???

    To add more curiosity, my mother decided to go to church one day and name me whatever prophecy was being talked about that day. It just so happened to be Malachi! The name Malachi means messenger from God. If I have Rh- blood type and i am of Jesus' bloodline, is there a message to give when the time comes? When will I know? How will I know? Do all Rh- blood types have something to offer when the time comes???

    These are questions I know nothing about but like my whole life, I have felt that there is something coming and I was meant for a bigger purpose as do all of you with different experiences but the same intentions.

    I love this blog and am still researching even though I'm a little late. If anyone has insite or can let me know I am not totally crazy, plz do!!! I can't talk to anyone about this besides you all because no one thinks and feels like this in the world. If this is going to make a difference in our world then let's assemble. I would like to know where to go to join this group. Haven't yet found the link. Please let me know, thank you!

  58. Welcome, Malachi. You have come to the right place. However, we are way behind in trying to set up a support group. You have a lot of questions that need answering and we have had a lot of guests who could accommodate you. Most of what you are experiencing and describing have been described before on here by others, so you are not out of the ball park on this issue.

    I just found this, so I have not had time to respond as I am sure you can imagine. I have another blog I have to get up by 5 am, so will try and get back to your questions when I am finished, if I don't pass out. LOL

  59. I am A negative, I have always felt a compassion for animals & people that are suffering,sometimes I feel too much. I have never heard about this before, it is very interesting. I also beleive that I see peoples motives clearly and they can tell some how I "see" more than they want and distance themselves from me. I find I have a much harder time trusting people now & stay to my self alot. I have a red birth mark on my left arm, I always felt it was special as far as I can remember. Anyone else out there like that? I was never tested for IQ, never went to college,but I feel intelligent in that I look at what people do as to what they say, I challange beliefs because I think for my self. My mother & sisters are also negative, I don't know about my father he was irish. I will continue to research my family history. My daughter was diagnosed with a tumor on the pituitary gland and I have a first cousin that has rhumatiod arth., he is very smart too. I have always been interested in the ancient world & their beliefs, I feel as if we have lost knowledge of something important and that world is changing rapidly and something is gonna happen.

  60. Hi Jessica O-, I have noticed in the past 2yrs that the only guys hitting on me and pursuing a relationship are those who have Mason ties. (4 guys) is that a coincidence? One of them for some reason mentioned me and gave a bio to one of the mason members and now they have a curiosity about what I am involved in and about meeting me. Should I be worried? Why are they interested in me?

  61. First let me say that it could be a coincidence. Having said that, the first thing I would want to know is which lodge is it??? Is it the York lodge or the Scottish Rite??? That is important.

    You should be worried only if its the york British lodge, but not the scottish rite lodge.

  62. I looked up both and didn't find much can u elaborate on the differences between york rite and Scottish rite. Why do I need to worry if its york rite?

  63. The Scottish Rite was formed by real masons and have protected many from persecution by the Catholic Church. They are made up of true stone masons and that is their sole connection.

    York Rite was created very late compared to the other stone masons and did not have any stone masons in it nor was their purpose related to stone masonry. It consisted of high up elite and gov officials and was used in connection with the Chatham House basically controlled by Rothschild.

    They were created to deceive and to plot and plan behind the stone masons real lodges, working toward a global order. They are the bad guys with Rothschild calling the shots.

  64. Vatic master i 1st must say thank you and keep up the good work. This is a wholly new concept to me and promises to keep me busy for at least a few hours yet, or weeks shd it turn out i am among your ranks. At 28 yrs old i should absolutely know my bloodtype yet strangely it hasnt occured to me to be of any importance. reading this has changed my mind.

    I have, throughout my life, frequently had overwhelming onsets of the feeling of being out of place(alien if you will) in all sorts of situations from normal family gatherings to workplaces to social settings nothing seems immune from these episodes.
    they come without warning at irrgular frequencies but always the almost unbearable intense heartwrenching longing for wherever i need to be. then it goes and life goes on. I look at the phone then it rings, ive always beleived it was a human connectionn to the caller rather than anything psychic.

    I beleive the future is written in stone according to what happens today, when i look at this place today i fear my worst fears are not far ahead.

    Your mind and millions of minds like yours will very soon be needed to calm those that can be calmed and make the foreward thinking decisions that are just plain gonna suck.

    Alien: So you're Mr Rothschild?
    Sir Evelyn: One of many yes.
    Alien: Heard a lot about you.
    Sir Evelyn: I'm honoured, welcome to earth.
    Alien: Love what you've done with the place.

    The Colonel

  65. B- here and fit the description pretty well. Very low body temp., grey eyes with light hair, very low blood pressure, both French and Celtic heritage, always been interested in the supernatural, have low blood iron and watches using batteries seem to get drained more quickly when I wear them. I also thought the couple posts about scents and odor were interesting. I've always been really sensitive to other people's natural odors. I've been told on multiple occasions that I smell literally "sweet" like sugar and mosquitos eat me alive. I wonder if negative blood causes us to smell differently than positive blood carriers, thus making our noses more sensitive to their scents? Just a thought. Interesting forum though!

  66. I have so much in common with so many of you. i am ab negative and have been searching for something to fill this emptyness i feel. i never thought my blood type could have something to do with it, but i keep stumbling on things, without really trying, that keeps leading me to things that all interweave. there is something that connects us all, i feel we are all waking up in a sense. i stumbled onto something that i think might interest some of you. you tube.....starseed traits and also who are the starseeds. i relate strongly and was curious if anyone here does too. if not, you tube.....lightworkers. lets see if we can find the connection. please let me know if you relate to this.

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. I am from Prahova Valley near the Carpathian Mountains - Romania, born in the year of Fire Dragon. And have this noble and rare blood type B Rh negative. But both parents are Rh positive. I'm blonde with blue eyes and very white skin. Never become tanned. All my life I felt different from the rest. I have often physic dreams, empathetic illnesses, physic abilities and frequent alien contacts. No, I do not want to talk about it right now !! Since I was a litlle girl I discovered that I'm psychic and have this strange sense of not belonging to the human race. I have to mention that I found recently, doing extensive research, that I'm a descendant of Vlad the Impaler. To receive such news was totally beyond me. Being unprepared for such a thing it makes me very scared at first. Especially that the Masons, those who know the truth, began to call me the Dragon Princess. I was looking at them as people who have suddenly gone mad, because they ate poisonous mushrooms or else. I think I said enough.

  69. Daphne-Sophia, thanks for sharing your experiences, but if your parents are Positive, it simply means your mother and father each contributed one RH neg recessive gene to make you a full neg. The positive is dominant so even having only one of the two as positive would make them positive automatically, with the negative sitting silently in hiding as a recessive gene. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  70. Carissimo Signore, I forgot to mention these important things: My mother is Jewish and my real father was a nobleman with rh negative from Transylvania who died before I was born. I call father, the one who raised me, as it is normal to be. I am very proud of my origins and my blood type. And I think with this B rh negative I'm more special than anyone else. Not just because it is a very rare blood type. I am especially proud that I carry this wonderful CCR5 delta 32 mutation. A good specialist in genetics said to me recently that this blood type of mine does not originate on this planet. Is the blood of the Watchers - Nephilim. Absolutely all doctors, remain speechless when they hear of my blood type. They all looked at me shocked... as you look at an alien. I noticed that I have the power to heal diseases of the people, and to regenerate the bodies destroyed by aging process. I get very happy when these miracles happen to those who are around me for a while. The surprise and happiness on their faces, does not compare to anything. I think this is a gift from God. I am now 35 years old and still look like a teenager of 17-18 years. In very good shape and health. Only to God should I thank for this. I inherit the best genes from my noble ancestors. Cordiali saluti from Romania !!

  71. I have O- blood as did my dad. One thing I have found about myself is that I feel so different to how other people feel on so many different subjects. I cannot see myself as being anything special, I don't think of myself as being superior in any way shape or form to others. I have noticed in some articles I've read (not here) that there is an "us and them" mentality, Rh negs are supposedly more intelligent, stronger, have psychic abilities etc - I'm wondering if that isn't promoting a feeling of separateness of us from others. I can't stand war, violence, arrogance, callousness, greediness and what upsets me the most is the human tendency to bigotry and racism. Do others feel the way I do? do others feel the urge to take some people and tell them that hating someone for being different is just plain wrong. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's that I'm overly sensitive but what does it matter if my skin is light or dark, what does it matter if I'm strong or weak, what does it matter if worship Allah or Yahweh or Buddha or Nature, why should it matter if I have + or - blood? How we came to be different to other people is a mystery - if we are representative of a different branch of humanity doesn't that give us the chance to show that regardless of our Rh status we are all still just humans with feelings and emotions. I've read articles that have worried me immensely - pretty much saying that Rh negs are at the next level of evolution and therefore above Rh positive people or that we are the hybrid descendants of Reptile like aliens. I DO feel different to other people, always have, and I sometimes think that others can feel that I'm not like them, I'm really confused right now - I have Rh neg blood so what does that mean for me?????

  72. O- I was wondering if anyone has excessive sweating at night. At night or day I can feel the heat radiating off me I can literally feel the heat releasing from my body even when its freezing outside. WHat does this mean?

  73. I'm o- too and I get horrible night sweats but I've noticed they occur just as the sun is rising. People, we need to have a way to communicate that is not so public. IF what is said here about rh factor is true than we need to protect ourselves as sites such as this are probably monitored. On second thought, can such communication occur without inadvertently becoming a database; a convenient list for those interested?

  74. I'm B-. I have always been very different to everyone else, and been aware of the fact im different. But never understood why. I have always, since a very small child, had a very strong interest in archaeology, mainly british, but all, the stars, universe and anything remotly paranormal! And have always questioned everything about what we were taught! It wasnt until I had my first child I knew I was rh negative. When i got pregnant with my second, I refused the anti d jab. I just knew it would be ok. And it was! Both my children are AB-. Thats when we looked into my husbands blood group too! I knew he had to be 'A' but it was a shock (well not really, as thinking about it he has all the traits too, and is obsessed with his telescope!!) But he is negative too! Just wondering if negative blood people are attracted to other negative blood people?? This sounds silly, but maybe keeping the blood lines pure in some way? Both of my children display very strong negative 'traits' including pyscic ability, and my youngest(4) has a definate 'knowing' about her. I have always said its like shes been here before. They too love night times, and looking at the stars. Im glad there may be an answer to our 'weirdness' after all!!

  75. fascinating indeed. I believe you are the first one with the both negs as husband and wife. I am not sure, but it was a eye opening event when I read this commentary. Those are powerful children if their blood is as you say. Take care of them and keep them away from the vaccines. The vaccines are to sterilize our kids, and to mutate our DNA to reduce the talents we have.
    Thanks for sharing all this. I am constantly amazed at how much we do not know, even about ourselves.

  76. I'm RH- and hubby is RH+. Two of my three kids are -ve and we are all smart cookies, (hubby and I have 5 uni degrees between us). Two of my kids, one -ve and one +ve are both very bright the other -ve one prefers building things to intellectual rigor.

    I liked the comment about the number of red heads vs the number of rh-'s. My oldest son is both a red head and rh- and he is definitely an alien!!

  77. Hi Vatic master,
    My heritage is 100% Basque. My grandmere is from Lourdes and my Abuelita from Guipúzcoa and speaks Gipuzkoan... O neg blood, but do not get what all that means. Not sure if this is the people of my culture I am a catholic, and know the person of Christ in that He is very real. I do dream things that have come true.
    In my family either there are brown or very bright blue eyes, with hazel, and many have the recessive auburn reddish hair trait, mostly spanish speaking or multi-lingual. Yes, low blood pressure, keen hearing, great sight. I have abilities that seem to be esp, I never share with others, what I know to be true. In my family we all have an extra rib, I have two and need one removed. Most in our family are scientists or have this as passtime. All this other symptoms seem strange or outlandish with paranormal occurances. Most things in life that others may suppose to be paranormal truly are not and are normal things that occur. the veil between the unseen and the seen is very thin, to say otherwise seems to pressume some sort of hocus-pocus.

  78. I feel such a sense of relief after reading everyone's comments, I feel like I was reading about myself, and feelings I have had throughout my life finally seem to make sense. I have so many of the same characteristics.

    I am an O- of primarily Irish ancestry with brown eyes and hair. I have had telepathic/ psychic experiences many times and some paranormal experiences as a child. I have always felt different and have had a sense of indescribable longing. I too love the stars, ancient religions and civilizations, and more and more I feel like the things taught as truths do not add up.

    I remember feeling joy when my son was born and found out that he had 0- just like me. We do seem to have a special bond and understanding of each other. He is very intelligent and sometimes appears to read thoughts and auras.

    It can feel sad sometimes being surrounded by people who aren't the same as you. I love my husband but I know we could never connect on the deeper levels (he is +). People like us do seem to be able to sense each other on a subconscious level.

    Anyway, thanks for the blog.

  79. Anonymous, wow, I believe you are our first full Basque visitor or at least "commenter". My mother was also Basque, but from souther france and not northern spain. Makes no difference since both are in the same geographical area. Does you family ever talk about ancient history for your people? I would think that might carry some evidence for what we are saying on here. Would be interesting to hear some of the ancient history/stories. Thanks for sharing.

  80. Vatic Master, How bizarre you mentioned vaccines on my children. As soon as i had given birth to my first, they came round with a vitamin injection. I had never thought about it until they said they were going to give it to my baby. I refused straight away. Alarm bells ringing thinking "Nature wouldnt get this so wrong!" we have survived thousands of years. we dont need intervention. neither of my children have had any vaccines. and they are the healthiest children i know.Yes they are special(of course i'm going to say that!) but i can notice a difference in them to other kids. We certainly dont encourage the difference, but we certainly dont mould them into the little children society wants them to be. They are their own person, and that is what we encourage. Yes we do spend most of our time in nature. They are not glued to the tv screen. But they are encouraged to do what they want.And normally they make the right choices! And all this without chemical intervention. And certainly no vaccines! Thank you for making others aware too of the dangers of our vaccines.

    1. Vaccines are poison!!
      From the RH negative mother of a vaccine injured child

  81. Good for you and your children, Anonymous. It takes courage now, since the state has taken over parenting and deciding who or which children will be drugged and who will not. If the parents did a good job taking the "individuality" out of the child, then they will probably be safe, but that is not guaranteed.

    I have a blog going up at 1:30 am tomorrow and its a MUST READ since an article I found, put all this together for me and it took me 4 hours to research all the links and get it all up and corrected and with photos etc. Please visit that and you will see WHY YOU HAVE DONE YOUR CHILDREN A FAVOR. The harm they are doing to us and our children is beyond belief and its truly mind boggling. It makes me look at someone like Gates a whole lot differently than I used. He is no longer human to me. He is a true lizard for his methods for sterilizing our children using vaccines and depopulation through interference in the reproductive process. Its all laid out in that blog tomorrow morning.

    If you real all the links and then read the article, it will become so very clear and its more than just physical, its also a spiritual battle. You will see what I mean when you read it.

  82. Anonymous o neg, with the o neg son. Just to say how wonderful you are able to bond with your son and he with you, which will make it alot less lonely for him. Here is a suggestion I have for later in life. Remember, someday you are going to leave him behind. Its part of life. So beginning today, set up a good tape recorder and high quality takes or even videos and talk to him.

    You know what he will be going through when you are gone, so tell him your story and what it was like for you and explain to him about his blood and give him a copy of the blog and all the comments and do this periodically through the rest of your life and put it all in a large sack and give it to an attorney to give to him when you die.

    Its one way to help him later and for him to feel like you are still around and he can talk to you. We can all imagine what he will go through and do an "if this happens, well then thus and such".

  83. So Rh Neg is found only in humans and cant be traced anywhere else. Way I see it, either the lizard/martian theory is correct, or........ I dont really wanna bring religion into this, but....the only other char in history to have (supposedly) 1 human parent was Jesus. Has this ever been thought about seriously. O Rh Neg is also known as blue blood or royal blood. funny coincidence no?

  84. Has anybody thought of this idea. Supposedly we only use 10% of our brain. I believe that our brain has capabilities to do a lot including (sonar hearing with blind people, or sonic hearing, physic abilities, esp..etc.) I think by using more of our brain, we would be able to use such traits. I think of blood to our body as the oil in an engine. Could the RH- blood be like an elite "oil" that makes people be above normal in various categories? Blood feeds our muscles and every part of our body including our brain. Could the RH - blood type be making our brain open up an extra %1,%2 or %3 that gives people the physic abilities, or any other abilities such as extraordinary rational thought, and anything else that makes you feel "different" than a "normal" human?

    As to my info, I am not sure what blood type I am. But as like everyone else I feel different than most (as like saying normal human beings are like animals in a zoo), and I feel the same as to what most of the people in this blog have posted. I felt different enough that I started to research on the internet and stumbled upon this blog.

  85. I am A- very empathetic, i believe the first trully big hurdle that needs to be overcome is society. They have trained out so many of our natural abillities. To the point that we don't even think to question them. A swollen joint can be brought down with drugs a muscle spasm can be controlled with drugs. Yet this is our body trying to protect us. Through meditation i came to realise that on a subconscious level i was ordering the migraines i had gotten consistently for 20 years. Sleeping wrong, driving too long, i havent had one now for almost a year. I focus on my pineal gland when i meditate, i believe it contains the blueprint to our bodies. I believe we can control the flow of nescesary hormones and cemicals. I know i can control both adrenaline and dopamine, with a little help from the sun. I listen to certain michael jackson songs because i get a strong positive reaction, especially while meditating. I am fascinated with dolphins and seals, with the sky and the seas. Children and animals love me, they come to me of their own accord. I can see through a persons omissions and lies. I especially see an evil role from society, do we even need to age at this rate, incest was not always wrong, why is it now, at one times blood lines were kept pure within the family, i know we should question everything, we can control our bodies, cure illness, control pain and so much more, i wont be limited, i wont stop trying.

  86. You stand just fine. Its true that some RH negs "think" they do not exhibit the same traits, but alas, they do, but need to be shown how they do. I don't personally know you, but its very possible you do and yet your society around you does not treat you as odd. That can make a big difference. That you feel normal is a good thing.

  87. I was bred by the fates that be to speak at this time... I am of Mayan and Egyptian descent and was told at a young age that I am a direct descendant of Ramses ll according to the Coptic records they narrowly preserved, as for the other lineage that is hard to pin down, but I'm certain it's significant to say the least. Regardless, I have had extraordinary abilities since infancy as a seer, a channeler, I've heard the vioce, or rather, what I can only interpret as the voice of Our infinite creator twice in my life. I've been visited by an off world entity and had my thought patterns invaded, experience temporal displacement regularly as well as the trouble with time- keeping devices, they freeze in time, be it digital or mechanical. Have intrinsically known the future events to come, whether from intstictually tapping into the akashic records or the collective unconscious. Never did question myself for my lack of conformity, always delighted in the unseen, unusual, and rare things in this existence. One strange incident was when I lost 75% of the blood in my body for with no measurable reason, no offices emitting, no wounds, no puncture marks, just vanished! I almost died and it happened again three years later almost to the day! The transfusions were hard to come by, and had to have them flown in. As for the mundane, I never had to make much effort to grasp anything, I remember long strings of numbers and excel at everything that I set of to master, but, as to be expected I become disillusioned with whatever it is that I do master. I have astral projected, seen beautiful as well as horrific displays of mankind's higher and lower astral plane manifestations... I am proud of those of you that are courageous enough to come forth and declare your birthright, as I'd like to view it. As the old dictum states, As above, so below Δ

  88. You can call me Seeker I am O neg and do poses sertan qualitys asociated with the blood type. my ancestory is German Dutch Scots Irish French Sweedish English and Welsh. My mother has a verry curious birth ( defect ) ? she has 2 porfictly shaped fingers and thoumb a little larger than a normal hand on one of her hands. My wife often seas she was just goung to sae what I just sead but I am almost certan that I was thinking verry strongly and placed them in her minde. I am alsow Dislexic. I AM CURIUOS ABOUT A Previous BLOG COMENT in 2011 about the way we proses oxigen and would verry much apriciate a return coment if any body knows what I could be talking about.I may have uncoverd somthing.

  89. I would verry much like to talk with some one knoligable in theas gifts. I have the ability to generate a wave of energy that flowes out frome my spine and I can chanel it with some digree to my hands.I want to learn more about this.


  90. I'm trying to get my bloodwork to confirm if I'm Rh-. I was what they call an indigo child, and can still do things like "see" the gender of family member's babies sometimes before they even announce the pregnancy. I'm 6 for 6. :-) Around puberty I have some missing memories (I remember laying in bed at night terrified of seeing a grey alien in the widow, bizarre since I was 13) and have been a trainwreck ever since. BUT in the last several years, after I turned 30 and had my only child, something happened. My brain started to change, I got smarter, I could speed read, I felt like there was knowledge of something and I've been packing in info on every subject, especially health, ever since. I started writing research articles for a magazine last year, and this led me to research the pineal gland, effects of flouride, and detox with iodine. After detoxing my vision improved, I took off spiritually, and my psychic abilities are returning! Everyone in America has been poisoned with mercury amalgam fillings and flouride (among other things) but we can reverse it! I'm very interested to be a part of a group discussing natural healing, dna, astrology, et's, psychic abilities, re-evaluating the Bible based on these new ideas, etc. I would love to contribute natural healing info. Thanks.

  91. EyeSeeIndigo

    Wow,what a great story. You have the normal characteristics of the RH neg that have posted on here. It is heartening for me to read all these comments since it explained so much about my life. My Mom is RH neg and thus I am half or more since my Dad's mother was "black Irish" and I look like her and my mom. Dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

    Your knowledge about the Pineal gland, I am beginning to see, is critical to the RH neg's. Its something I was going to rabbit hole, as soon as I finished with the 13 bloodlines.

    To get the very big picture and understand what all this means, you MUST READ the two blogs we put up this week starting Sunday about the dark matter in space/universe, and the connection to the fetus in developing and then you will understand why you had a surge after becoming pregnant.

    In your travels about the gland, did you run across anything about decalcifying the gland? If so, could you share it with us since I believe if we decalcify it we can actually do some serious damage to these cretins trying to destroy our abilities that they fear so much. I would also like to discuss the possibility of you doing a sub column with us about healing and health for the RH negs. In fact, I think we could discuss a lot of stuff and make something relevant out of it.

    I have had a hard time doing this by myself, since its clear to me, what I do here is my mission since I am driven to do it, and get supported for it. So for now I cant do both. Help would be welcomed on this subject. We have already put up a blog, but have not really utilized it as we should have since I simply can't get the time given the harassment I get from the PTB just doing this one. Sometimes it takes me 4 hours just to post one blog like the two on dark matter took me forever to do. THEY REALLY DID NOT WANT THAT ONE UP. PLEASE EMAIL ME PRIVATELY.

  92. Beware of bad science & mixing fact with fantasy-modern DNA analysis has pointed to ALL humans being descended from an original African population,possibly even Southern African.I've picked up a piece of unmistakably human fossil lower jawbone on a beach 2hour's drive from Cape Town.Ancestral DNA analysis has become very popular & can even point to ancestor's villages.My own records search threw up a surprising diversity,which doesn't fully explain a fairly common "Levantine" or "Mediterranean" look in my family.An ancient Scots pre-Celtic ancestor is most likely(related to modern Basques),but merely speculation without the DNA test.My mother was rhesus negative,I'm O+ if I recall right,so my father must have been positive-he looked very Levantine,not my mother.Both had a fair bit of Scots ancestry,my father was the brainy one,through his blonde,green-eyed mother of Prussian West Slav origin!Wish I had inherited more of my pop's high-power IQ,instead of my mother's more average one!So much for rhesus negatives being superior-it's just genetics,where different traits get thrown up in offspring,like a lottery.Genetic mutation,inbreeding & mixing are all factors in inheritance-people are a lot more mixed than they'd like to believe.Europeans have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA according to the latest findings & Australasians have up to 5% Homo erectus DNA(an earlier type of hominid than Neanderthals).New discoveries tomorrow could completely alter what we know today,so one must keep an open mind and if science can't prove an idea,it's probably a myth=thumbsuck.What science has NOT managed to explain is psychic ability-as a sceptic,that's a problem for me-but I've slowly in my 1/2 century learned to listen to that 'inner voice' or 'gut'feeling-it's always right-unlike rationality & logic.I know a few people who 'see' or 'feel' things-including my including my part-Irish wife(& she doesn't BS),whose 'readings' of strangers have always been right,so I have to be open-minded.I've also seen UFO's in broad daylight,BUT they were just that-UFO's-not aliens,I just don't know what the hell they were over 30 years later.Maybe scientists will explain psychic phenomena & UFO's one day,so I'll wait patiently without inventing wild theories unlike our Pagan ancestors-including the ancient Greeks!

  93. Beware of bad science & mixing fact with fantasy-modern DNA analysis has pointed to ALL humans being descended from an original African population,possibly even Southern African.I've picked up a piece of unmistakably human fossil lower jawbone on a beach 2hour's drive from Cape Town.Ancestral DNA analysis has become very popular & can even point to ancestor's villages.My own records search threw up a surprising diversity,which doesn't fully explain a fairly common "Levantine" or "Mediterranean" look in my family.An ancient Scots pre-Celtic ancestor is most likely(related to modern Basques),but merely speculation without the DNA test.My mother was rhesus negative,I'm O+ if I recall right,so my father must have been positive-he looked very Levantine,not my mother.Both had a fair bit of Scots ancestry,my father was the brainy one,through his blonde,green-eyed mother of Prussian West Slav origin!Wish I had inherited more of my pop's high-power IQ,instead of my mother's more average one!So much for rhesus negatives being superior-it's just genetics,where different traits get thrown up in offspring,like a lottery.Genetic mutation,inbreeding & mixing are all factors in inheritance-people are a lot more mixed than they'd like to believe.Europeans have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA according to the latest findings & Australasians have up to 5% Homo erectus DNA(an earlier type of hominid than Neanderthals).New discoveries tomorrow could completely alter what we know today,so one must keep an open mind and if science can't prove an idea,it's probably a myth=thumbsuck.What science has NOT managed to explain is psychic ability-as a sceptic,that's a problem for me-but I've slowly in my 1/2 century learned to listen to that 'inner voice' or 'gut'feeling-it's always right-unlike rationality & logic.I know a few people who 'see' or 'feel' things-including my including my part-Irish wife(& she doesn't BS),whose 'readings' of strangers have always been right,so I have to be open-minded.I've also seen UFO's in broad daylight,BUT they were just that-UFO's-not aliens,I just don't know what the hell they were over 30 years later.Maybe scientists will explain psychic phenomena & UFO's one day,so I'll wait patiently without inventing wild theories unlike our Pagan ancestors-including the ancient Greeks!

  94. Greetings to All,
    I am A negative, My parents were not Negs, but I have deduced that both my grandfathers were. I have always been different. I was bullied at school by the entire school, who followed me in groups to taunt me. I left school at 15, and decided to teach myself. I am 48 now, and have never been moulded into this illusory society. IQ = 163, ability to see the truth through the illusion, autoimmune disorder,fibromyalgia, blood drying out (can have teeth removed with no bleeding), always hungry for more informational input, highly empathic to the extent of taking on the dis-ease from other people, non suggestable, original thinker. I have most of the other phenomena listed here by others as well. Animals enjoy my presence, especially birds and whales. I am here to assist in the evolution of the human race. I am currently integrating my unconcious mind, and remembering incarnations. I am originally from Sirius, then to Lemuria, then to many incarnations, in order to be here now. I am a student of Spiritual Mastery. There are many reasons society is the way it is today, and mostly it is a sham!. You have all been deceived by those who would take your power and deny you your freedom and sovereignty. They are in the business of degrading the Human race, and this beautiful consciousness, on whose body we live. We are capable of so much more than you have been led to believe. I am committed to ending their reign.I would be happy to answer questions from others on this blog, within reason and maintaining anonymity.

  95. Hi again,
    We actually have no neanderthal DNA. Human Beings began as a Mammal who began its evolution in the sea, then moved to the shoreline, and resembled a lemur, but was not a lemur. Our DNA was tampered with consequently. Science has lied to you!

  96. Elohim can u give me advice on how to meditate successfully .....and does smoking weed inhibit ur spiritual journey? O - I wrote the posts about the fish story, masons keep try to date me and the story about crying to my foster mom about not being from here review them and help guide me I feel lost, please thank U

  97. I have many true stories to share but I know that I am being watched. We are all being watched. From. Rh negative

  98. I have been attacked by transparent beings,I have been saved by a person who disappeared in the ocean, I have traveled in my dreams and talked to people who have passed over and have told me things that came to pass. The list goes on and on. Truth. Rh negative

  99. Hi Iam -O my mom is-O my dad is +A my sister is -A.We are of french and irish decent.I also have never fit in.My first 10 years my sister and I were beaten and bullied so bad my parents had to move.I display all the common traits negatives possess,my question is this I never get bitten by bugs and am wondering if this has any bearing or if others experience the same.One last thing,my sister suffers from rheumatoid arthritis other than that we are very healthy and we seem to age slower then other people our same age. it is fascinating stuff this negative factor.

  100. hi,im a-,mum a- ,dad 0-,sis a- my girlfriend is 0-,grandparents all rh-my friends are mostly all rh-
    doesnt seem so rare a blood group in my circles.i am a builder n fixer,not by trade,just in mind,i love to make and fix things.i would like to find out some facts on the rh- blood and i would love to fix the world too.a long time ago i tried astral projection and it scared me too and i have most if not all the so called rh- traits

  101. To Jessica,
    Guided meditations are good, also free flow meditations. Go to TM classes-google it, as it will be an introduction. Marijuana is only harmful if you smoke it with tobacco,or have so much of it that it is an escape from your life and affects your ability to pay for the necessities of life. It should always be taken with reverence for the experience, and to gain more insight. Everyone is different though. With me, it lifts me to a higher octave and allows unfettered access to my subconscious mind, so it also depends on if you have worked to clear subconscious blockages, etc. I see you need a lot of emotional healing,and would benefit from a spiritually based counsellor who is not affilliated with religion. Relationships will always be painful until you have balanced the masculine and feminine within yourself. Dont imagine that "another" will make you whole. You need to become more whole, then you will attract those who are also. You are vulnerable to exploitation, so please take care, and always try to be the best "You", you can be.
    Blessings - Elohim

  102. I have a question.. me and my mother are rh-. She is rhO- and i am rhA-. She got pregnant with me on birth control and so did I with my son, also on birth control. Is there any coincidence here or have you heard of this before. Im her.first child and my son is my first child. I hope you can help. Thank you

  103. Wow, to be honest, Anonymous, I had never heard nor read about that happening, but it is something to research. I will try to go down that rabbit hole after June 27, which is my court date from those "Satanists and witches" that have come after me.
    Once that has been handles, I promise, however, as you can see, I am overwhelmed, so if you would please remind me on 6/28, I would appreciate that. Thanks, since my mom was 0 neg, and I am her daughter and have never been able to hold a pregnancy, I am most interested in that. I have had no children and never taken birth control pills.

  104. Jessica, thank you for those recommendations and suggestions on meditating. They are extremely useful. I find "fasting" and praying is also extremely helpful. You mentioned religion as if it were not a good way to meditate.

    I believe anyway that works for you, is good. I find that spirituality and religion can be just as effective and workable as any other way as long as you have "belief" at the core of your work.

    Greg Braden wrote a great book on that called "The Healing Power of Belief" and he lists the research that has been done on religious healing.

    I am not talking about the immature treatment of religion rather the deep spiritual connection you can feel to God and his presence through the Holy Spirit and how it speaks to you if you simply listen with your heart. It has been invaluable to me. I could not do this blog and deal with the Satanists who have come after unless I had this deep spiritual connection to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    However, all methods that work and are "belief" based are welcome to be presented and tried on here. Thanks again. I swear we have the best readers in the world. LOL

  105. my name is kimberly i live in california i found out today that im a rh O- im trying to educate my self im worried for im 8 weeks pregnact and my partner is B+ and the doctors told me i have to get some tipe of shot at 28 weeks just incase the baby is Rh possitive can anyone help me understand everything because im lost with this negetive and positive things

  106. Kimberly, I promise you, if you watch the video, read the article and take the time to read every single comment posted on this blog, you will know more than most people about RH neg vs RH positive. You will only have to take that shot one time and after that you will have normal pregnancies assuming you have no other malfunction that has nothing to do with RH neg blood.

    We have other articles on here digging further into why a RH neg mother rejects an RH positive baby and treats it as if it were "ALIEN" to our bodies.

    Alien means alien. It is what happens when two different "species" interbreed that are not suppose to. So ponder that for a while. We did a blog on the subject of RH negs being hybrids like Mules are who cannot interbred either for the same reason. A horse and a donkey were not of the same species. That is a good start to begin all this reading.

    You will be fine once you get that shot. I promise.

  107. Vatic:

    I wish wonderful things for you, and a spiritual hedge around you to protect you from any forces which are contrary to your belief in God. I think you should simply ask the people that are here, in all their sincerity, to also pray on your behalf. As you have so eloquently stated, it seems we are of one feeling and one mind, and having experienced a true miracle myself, I KNOW that prayer is very powerful...especially from those that believe. I stumbled upon this site for a reason, as so many others seem to have done also. Voices raised to God on your behalf, although you are a stranger to me (yet familiar in your passion for answers) can become one voice....and there He will be also. I wish you much love and luck.

  108. Vatic:

    You are surrounded by some very powerful thoughts and intelligent people. I'm quite sure, with just a word from you, without even knowing your situation, many prayers would be sent up on your behalf in your hour of need. I don't even know if this is being sent, but I hope so, for I sense you need a helping hand. I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds. Sincerely.

  109. Oh, my goodness, thank you both anonymous, I can't tell you how psychic that was of you to pick up on it. Even if subtle signals were sent without intent, you picked up on it.

    You are right, I am fully under attack and have been since late February, early march. I made it through the past months until about a week ago, and then all changed. Efforts were increased and I was able to tell the attacks by the neighborhood satanists and witches were being supported by unknown others.

    How I know is they were broke, had to leave their rental since they were 3 months behind, yet, they had the money to stay in this burg of a town to continue coming after me, and they bought their two children brand new bikes.... so they are being supported and financed from somewhere.

    I do solicit your prayers for me and especially this week. Thursday is our first hearing on an arrest warrant against me. So, please do pray. Thank you both so much as well as anyone else that joins in the effort. Will update you later on how it went. Bless you all.

  110. Forgot to mention, anonymous #2, that you have definitely NOT overstepped your bounds. Its a bonding between us that transcends this physical reality and I have noticed that much more lately.

    Anonymous 1 and 2, both of you have made all well worth while by your comments about the value of our efforts. We thank you deeply.

  111. Vatic , Iam Rh- A Ive been studing this for years . I would like to give you some sites that may add to this data base , hope it helps. The red The RH- Registry .

  112. Thank you, Anonymous. If you have been studying this for years, maybe you would like to contribute to the blog on the issue of RH neg? As you can see we are in the thousands, over 20,000 discrete hits on this blog and over 100 comments, so believe me when I say, your offerings will be read.

    If I were not being pursued by the floating maggots I would have finalized a blog just on this issue, but alas, no time. Help us out by writing or offering some articles along with your insites. Let us know what you think and thanks for the sites you sent. Will check them out.

    1. I’m A- and targeted since birth. I had a sleep paralysis attack- felt demonic and female. Used for neuroweapons experiments. What are the orbs? Interdimensional stalking? What do they want? Loosh?

  113. I've been reading about us for years online.....I'm 0 neg. and share many of the traits from the list: hazel eyes, low body temp, exceptional hearing, fascination with science, with math, reddish brown hair, carried 3 postive babies and had trouble with last two....I was told by the medical gurus that the anti d shot did not work on me....and that is very rare indeed...only 1% of neg. i was not given the shot after my second child....i'm relieved about that although she needed a booster transfusion at 3 weeks of age.

    I was always such an inquisitive, creative, smart kid with huge questions about the universe.....One thing that has always troubled me and I thought for years it was a dream....but I think i somehow levitated once....I can go right back to that summer's day in the ditch across the street from my childhood home, and feel it happen.....but otherwise nothing but fascinated will all things alien never worked on me well and i am shocked or shock others a lot while walking on carpet.

    I feel special and different and am just convinced that something is going on, but I don't understand what. We all seem to be empaths which is a very good thing. And when I began learning, I began asking, and two of my best lifelong friends are both RH negs....there is most definitely a connection that can be felt to others like us.

    I enjoy reading all your posts! Keep the thoughts and words coming.

  114. I am B negative, strawberry blonde, blue eyes that change color to grey to greenish, lifetime of low body temperature, psychic dreams all my life, IQ of 120. I was quite intrigued to read that others have the same problem I do with a watch. I finally just stopped wearing a watch about 10 years ago as they absolutely cease to function after a few hours on my wrist.
    My son has B positive blood but he has the extra vertabrae in his back, green eyes and low body temp like me. Interesting website. I will visit you again in the near future.

  115. Dear B negative anonymous, Thanks for your comment, and just to let you know we have two more articles coming up, one tomorrow on a part series, about where the RH neg may come from. There are a couple of other theories now emerging and I chose to share them so everyone can see and read and decide for themselves.

    As usual, I do give my unsolicited opinion based on what I do know, about many things. You can't do this blog day in and day out and read it all if one is going to post those articles, they have to be read and I have read them all.

    So I have learned how to discern who may be truthful and who may not. I am not always right, but then I am not always wrong either. Maybe something I noticed will help others to decide. Be sure and watch for parts 1 and 2 on other theories on where Neg blood came from.

  116. I can relate to almost everything here. I am an A- My mother is also A- I have three children and they are all rh- ..two are O- and one is ab- I've wondered where the ab- comes from since his dad is O+
    I've always felt different, not like I'm special, just never felt I fit in. One thing that irks me most is how shallow and the lack of depth in most people. At the same time, I'm a little envious too. They seem to go through life asleep; not really giving their actions or others feelings a second thought. Simplistic thought processes is a trait in most, I find it hard being around for any length of time. I tried had to fit in but it is so hard and exhausting. So I have learned to accept who I am. The irony is that most people I come to know, like to spend time with me. The people in my life that I enjoy most, come to find out are rh- We ” get” each other. I'm so glad they are in my life.
    I have many of the traits, light eyes and hair, can't wear watches, electronic equipment malfunctions daily, set off alarms walking in dept stores; embarrassing! very intuitive..kinda scary sometimes, healer, higher than average IQ, see the big picture, fascination with God from as early as I can remember.
    The downside has been brutal attacks (not physical attacks) but cruel character assassination type attacks from perceived ” friends” this has happened to me many times. Most recently a group of people from the high school I attended 25 years ago..seriously you wouldn't believe the story if I told you, it was pure evil and came out of the blue, some were close friends others did not know me at all. I'm not a busy body and I've never given them a reason to attack me..I've had this happen before. I do have a feeling that I don't belong here.
    Theres so much more I'd like to write. I think I'll continue my story someday soon. Too tired to continue :)

  117. Rudolph the black or Negru was a black B Rh negative gypsy and Avars that came from Hyrencia Gorgan Persia where the Jews were exile in 360 B.C. and were the Exilarch Bostanai was given Fiefdom the Northern Iran along the Caspians. They Sumerian came to the settle along the Danube river more than 6000 years ago a brought B Rh negative blood type but when the Avar settle along the Danube 9 centuries ago the along brought Sumerian Exilarch Jew B Rh negative blood type with them in the Hungarian and Slavokia along the Danube but in 1290 both the Jews and Gypsy like Rudolph the Black who was black Gypsy settle in cross the Carpathian Mountains and settle in Wallachia in 1290, since the Rudolph the Black or Black Gypsy and the Armenian Jews were being force out of Hungary and settle in Wallachia they called Szekely and Szekely are almost away B Blood type and them Count Dracula, a "Szekely" West of the Danube differ significantly from those East of the Danube for the frequencies of i and IB. IB is B blood type in Eastern Danube. Rh negative in 3% in Romania mostly come from Jews and Gypsies and the B Rh negative that Rudolph the Black was Royal Sassanian Blood type from the descendant of Yazdegerd III daughter Nazbanu from Pars who fled to Deval in Karachi in 714 A.D and they stayed in Karachi until 1010 A.D when the Sassanian Noble were Kick or the Sindh Province in Pakistan and the fled to Baluchistan were they mixed darker Dravidians then they when to Vaspurkhan around 1030 and from their in Armenia or Turkey where they became Armenia Christian who would later settle in Hungary and later Wallachia where are still Armenian still there today. The Vlax Kalderash who are the were the Black Gypsy Rudolph the Black and his Kalderash Gypsy descendant Vlad Dracula who we know is B Rh negative if he was a Vlax Kalderash Noble Gypsy then he had J1b haplogroup, B Rh negative and HLA-A2901 and B4201 found Kalderash Vlax in Romania and the Banu Sassan or the Noble Persian Army who descend from Yazdegerd III daughter Nazbanu from Pars Persia the Homeland of the Sassanian Dynasty. Now how did Did Vlad Dracula B Rh negative make to New Orleans. This is how. The Mitchell Vlax Kalderash Gypsy family came from Wallachia and Moldavia In 1829, the Russian Empire won the war with the Turks, Moldavia and Wallachia moved under its control. Ruler was temporarily appointed Adjutant-General Kiselev. He insisted on amending the Civil Code of Moldova. Among other things, in 1833 for the Gypsies has been recognized as a person, which meant a ban on killing them. Wallachia and Moldavia was part of Russia and this is why they said the Mitchell family in Brazil came from Russia originally. Nicolas Mitchell parent were both Russian who problem spoke Romanian and Russian because they came from Wallachia and Moldavia where Dracula family came from. Emil Mitchell mother Solemia had a Romanian name but she spoke Russian too along with Brazilian Portuguese. They Mitchell gypsy clan were Russian Brazilian from Dracula family who B Rh negative, J1b haplogroup, HLA-A2901 and HLA-B4201 this Dracula family. Which mean Dracula wasn’t make a Vampire by the Atlantean Vampire or Kalderash Gypsies he was noble Kalderash Gypsy and 7th of the 7th Son , he was born a Vampire not made into one. The Kalderash Gypsies just told him who he really was which is 7th of the 7th Son the Pharaoh or a Real Vampire. Emil and his Son Frankie Mitchell were descendant of Dracula and 7th of the 7th from Wallachia and Moldavia in the Russian Empire. The Russian freed the Dracula Family who the Mitchell from Serfdom and the immigrated to Brazil then later the to the New Orlean in 1860th I have Dracula family who B Rh negative, J1b haplogroup, HLA-A2901 and HLA-B4201 I was one the last Atlantean Vampire until now and I resurrected the Atlantean Vampire race in Ur Sumeria in 1991 now it is a Shamulo planet now.

  118. Rudolph the black or Negru was a black B Rh negative gypsy and Avars that came from Hyrencia Gorgan Persia where the Jews were exile in 360 B.C. and were the Exilarch Bostanai was given Fiefdom the Northern Iran along the Caspians. They Sumerian came to the settle along the Danube river more than 6000 years ago a brought B Rh negative blood type but when the Avar settle along the Danube 9 centuries ago the along brought Sumerian Exilarch Jew B Rh negative blood type with them in the Hungarian and Slavokia along the Danube but in 1290 both the Jews and Gypsy like Rudolph the Black who was black Gypsy settle in cross the Carpathian Mountains and settle in Wallachia in 1290, since the Rudolph the Black or Black Gypsy and the Armenian Jews were being force out of Hungary and settle in Wallachia they called Szekely and Szekely are almost away B Blood type and them Count Dracula, a "Szekely" West of the Danube differ significantly from those East of the Danube for the frequencies of i and IB. IB is B blood type in Eastern Danube. Rh negative in 3% in Romania mostly come from Jews and Gypsies and the B Rh negative that Rudolph the Black was Royal Sassanian Blood type from the descendant of Yazdegerd III daughter Nazbanu from Pars who fled to Deval in Karachi in 714 A.D and they stayed in Karachi until 1010 A.D when the Sassanian Noble were Kick or the Sindh Province in Pakistan and the fled to Baluchistan were they mixed darker Dravidians then they when to Vaspurkhan around 1030 and from their in Armenia or Turkey where they became Armenia Christian who would later settle in Hungary and later Wallachia where are still Armenian still there today. The Vlax Kalderash who are the were the Black Gypsy Rudolph the Black and his Kalderash Gypsy descendant Vlad Dracula who we know is B Rh negative if he was a Vlax Kalderash Noble Gypsy then he had J1b haplogroup, B Rh negative and HLA-A2901 and B4201 found Kalderash Vlax in Romania and the Banu Sassan or the Noble Persian Army who descend from Yazdegerd III daughter Nazbanu from Pars Persia the Homeland of the Sassanian Dynasty. Now how did Did Vlad Dracula B Rh negative make to New Orleans. This is how. The Mitchell Vlax Kalderash Gypsy family came from Wallachia and Moldavia In 1829, the Russian Empire won the war with the Turks, Moldavia and Wallachia moved under its control. Ruler was temporarily appointed Adjutant-General Kiselev. He insisted on amending the Civil Code of Moldova. Among other things, in 1833 for the Gypsies has been recognized as a person, which meant a ban on killing them. Wallachia and Moldavia was part of Russia and this is why they said the Mitchell family in Brazil came from Russia originally. Nicolas Mitchell parent were both Russian who problem spoke Romanian and Russian because they came from Wallachia and Moldavia where Dracula family came from. Emil Mitchell mother Solemia had a Romanian name but she spoke Russian too along with Brazilian Portuguese. They Mitchell gypsy clan were Russian Brazilian from Dracula family who B Rh negative, J1b haplogroup, HLA-A2901 and HLA-B4201 this Dracula family. Which mean Dracula wasn’t make a Vampire by the Atlantean Vampire or Kalderash Gypsies he was noble Kalderash Gypsy and 7th of the 7th Son , he was born a Vampire not made into one. The Kalderash Gypsies just told him who he really was which is 7th of the 7th Son the Pharaoh or a Real Vampire. Emil and his Son Frankie Mitchell were descendant of Dracula and 7th of the 7th from Wallachia and Moldavia in the Russian Empire. The Russian freed the Dracula Family who the Mitchell from Serfdom and the immigrated to Brazil then later the to the New Orlean in 1860th I have Dracula family who B Rh negative, J1b haplogroup, HLA-A2901 and HLA-B4201 I was one the last Atlantean Vampire until now and I resurrected the Atlantean Vampire race in Ur Sumeria in 1991 now it is a Shamulo planet now.

  119. I,m A- and although I had known about the problems with negetive type moms having babies with plus type fathers, I only recently learned why.I don,t really know what blood types my parents are. My father has passed already, but I,ve had to listen to those ( I had a dream ) stories from my mom, all my life. I must say though, that the stories about not being able to wear a watch, hit the nail on the head. Don,t know if this has happened to anyone else, but not only will a watch battery last onlt a few days on my wrist, but the watch band will tarnish and finnaly fall apart if I wear it long enough. Even stainless.Thats why I haven,t worn one in years. The part about having above average inteligence may be a stretch, ( smile), but I always have had a need to know, about almost everything. Tesla was my hero. I,ve also never really felt at home ANYWHERE. I,ve traveled around the world,, not everywhere by any means but as much as I could afford.I come from Irish, American Indian, and celtic background. Perhaps that why the Vikens were such great explorers? You know, it,s a proven fact that most animals have inherited memories to some degree. And what are people but just another earth type animal? And I don,t think it would be true to say that we are not affected by our genes. As a matter of fact, we are nothing BUT out genes. thanks people for letting me beand your ear. you all have a delux day now.

  120. So Im rh neg and have brown hair and brown eyes...I'm so confused....are you saying that rh neg people are desendants of aliens??

  121. Hi I am 0- and I also fell pregnant with birth control. I also knew my body was pregnant before I had even missed a period. I have been told by many that I am psychic because i am aware of things before they happen i am also seeing a lot of people on here have suffered some type of abandonment either by parents or partner i wonder if this is as common a factor.

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  124. Solipsist - You sound exactly like me except for the MS, I did have a massive lump in my breast and was adament that I did not want anyone cutting me, so I got "mad" and decided to heal myself, well before I knew anything about RH neg and within three months it was gone. Neither the Radiologist, nor my doctor could explain what happened. I knew, but did not tell them since that is how I get funny looks. LOL

    Like you, every bad thing that has happened to me, has been a blessing and big lessons for me. In one case where someone destroyed me financially, I ended up after two years, writing him a letter thanking him for what he had done. I am sure that blew him away. Like you, I also don't ask for big things, rather for that which I need to survive and it seems to happen exactly when I need it. So, its not just getting what you ask for, but its also timing. Sometimes I get what I need, not what I asked for. hows that for weird. You are definitely not alone in these experiences. Just look at how many comments we hve so far on this blog. That screams volumes. We are going to have to harness that energy somehow and move it to work good for the planet.

  125. Hi, this Rh- isn't what I have been researching, but the alien subject is my new research area. My question is this: does anyone have certain numbers that continually come up in their lives? Mine are 67, 76, 58, 85, 913 (my sons dob too), 139, 319, anything that equals 13. I see these #'s everywhere and I have learned that means I am on the right path. Thoughts? I also have extreme empathy and I have seen orbs and I get ill in 'haunted' homes and have been attacked by a spirit at friends home last yr.

  126. I am 6 decades on this planet. Live at foot of Rockies in Colorado, closest thing to home, yet. I am A-. This site is helping me to understand so very much in my very strange existence on this planet. Since a baby I have connection to planet but not people. The comments by other neg types amazes me and finally a feeling of connection. Most of friends have been neg. There is click when I meet you and you meet me. I feel this with flora and fauna. Parents were understanding of this and encouraged my difference. I was scared of empathy for long time but now accept and use as source of what world is doing. Would love to know more about others who are living this existence.

  127. ok I have been reading all your post and the weird thing is that all that everyone is describing here I can so relate to, almost everything, I am an empath, creative, love animals, feel like I don't belong here, feel I have some sort of knowing, have had numerous paranormal experiences that would scare the pants off of some people,love star gazing,have physic abilities, encounters with other beings but I am rh positive and have light eyes and reddish hair whats going on with that? I don't think it's just rh-s I think it's all of us, oh and sometimes get the sense that I am being watched and I feel something big is coming and that I have some kind of higher purpose also have lucid dreams that I am in a different world or something. Anyone else rh+ that has similar experiences?

    1. The government military tracks RH- I’ve been targeted since birth and lots of trauma and weird experiences A-

  128. Yes, I have...... I am O positive with one allele from an O negative mother. I have all her traits and yet I am designated O positive. What you must realize is that a very large percentage of Caucasians have at least one allele along of RH negative blood, and its why the powers that be are flooding Europe and the US with racially different illegal immigrants in order to dilute that blood. I am still doing research so hang in there, but its getting harder and harder to find. One doctor that I was following has disappeared along with his website and did so overnight. So, you can see the PTB are more concerned about us learning about ourselves and who we really are, then they are about us discovering their plans to rule the globe.

    Why do you think they want to kill off billions of us??? We are a direct threat to their plans and I am still trying to figure out in what way they see us as that threat.

  129. I'm O- and I'm descending of a french noble. All the rest of my family are O+ and I always felt that I'm a stranger for them. They beaten and denigrate me all the time. I had an horrible mother. These people are animals and almost don't have conciousness and human feelings. My ancestor had the "noble blood" because it had a high rate of rh negative in the european nobility in those times. I have also a "royal illness" a form of heamophilia, but fortunately not the worse. My french ancestors came from England long time ago before to settle in France and are related to the scottish and the Irish. We have also the highest level of R1b Y-DNA in western Europe like the irish and the scottish. A study found a link between the irish and basque DNA. There is a genetical link between the rh negative blood, the north western european population, our DNA, the celts and some psychologicals and physical caractheristics like redhairs genes. But saying that we are "aliens" or "reptilians" make no sense. We have the neanderthalian DNA. I believe that we have more neandertalian DNA because our people lived in isolation in the norths on islands, and in the case of my Lord ancestor, they where inbreeding by marrying only in their small elitist circles. Long time before science discovered the DNA, the european nobility believed that if you marry someone of a lower social status, your children will get "bad blood" (bad genes). They where fully aware that low class people act dumb and upper class are smarters and it's because they are smarters than they rule the country. And they noticed that the babies born blue or die when a upper class women have a baby outside of the nobility. And they where right. Intelligence is mostly genetical, and redhairs women have a higher IQ than blonds women and all women in the world (studies prove it). They are the smarters people in the world, and it's why today most of the rulling class in western europe and in the US are rh negative. I don't think that you, the rh+ homo sapiens are all bad, but you are less intelligent than us, and you often act stupids and persecute us the rh-. You are bad against us. You are bullies. You burn the redhairs witchs because they where smarts women. You have lower empathy than us, you are violent, primitives, illogicals and too easy to Manipulate, so we dominate us with our brain. The neanderthal was smarter than you but you killed them because you where savages and less humans than us. But we all come from the monkey. WE ARE monkeys. But some monkeys are smarter and have greater morals values than others. I'm sorry for you.

  130. I am uncertain of my blood type. Never thinking it all that it matterit. Even with all the medical research I have done.MY DAUGHTER HAS STRANGE MEDICAL ISSUES SINCE BIRTH. AT AGE 20 AFTER HER PREGNANCY AND FIRST BORN SON. I NOTICE THE MOLE HAD CHANGED ON HER ARM. SHORTLY AFTER DIAGNOSED WITH MELONOMA STAGE 3 CANCER. . WTF??? I ran across a rh- "myth" after tons of researching.. Vaccines.. Chemtrails ect.. My jaw dropped.. How i had not found anything before that is no coincidence... THE INFORMATION IS NOT THERE.. NO WAY!!.. Odly enough i fit the critera as well but its not i who. She got it.. I am of french and german blood.. Havent yet traced back.. For blood types . im white red highlights specialy at young age.. Her father is half jamacian and irish.. Almost all children deceased including him at young ages.. More than currious I AM.. TO KNOW THE TRUTH.. BUT TO KEEP MY DAUGHTER ALIVE.. I AM DETERMINED TO DO JUST THAT.. AND THE SHIT THEY PUT IN THE VACCINES HAS WAR FOR ALL ESPECIALLY RH-.. I will find the truth.. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY GOD AND NOT SHARE SUCH VITAL INFORMATION TO ALL HUMANS.. IF U HAVE INFORMATION TO HELP ME KEEP MY DAUGHTER ALIVE YOU MUST SHARE IT.!... Blood line war??? INDEED.. I NEED MORE INFO.. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE ANYONE WITH OUT .. TRUTH BEING TOLD TO ALL!! ... To keep truth of such importance .. TO ME ITS CALLED MURDER... I WILL TELL THE WORLD AS WELL AS ALL OF YOU.. LOOK AT THE DNA COLLECTIONS THEY ARE DOiNG.. WAKE UP WE BETTER FIGURE IT OUT FOR EVERYONES SAKE.. I PLAN TO AND SAVE MY DAUGHTER AND HER sON AND HIS CHILDREN.. I DONT THINK SO ELITE .. YOU SHALL NEVER GET AWAY WITH IT FOR IT IS NO MYTH .. I WANT THE DAMN TRUTH AND IM GOING TO GET IT..

  131. And i am not rh- however certain i carry the gene somehow.. Blond blue eyed.. Her fatHER half jamaciaN AND blue eyed.. Her skin is whANDR than mine.. Definitly lacks melonine she should carry.. My mother has green eyes.. blue for the rest of our family. .. I know the truth is out there and that IT MUST BE KNOWN FOR IT WILL SET US FREE... AND I ALSO KNOW WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME.. I JUST KNOW THINGS FOR NO REASON.. I ALSO KNOW WHERE THERE IS WILL THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY..

  132. Speaks for itself doesnt it?? Myth? I dont think so

  133. Speaks for itself doesnt it?? Myth? I dont think so

  134. My hypo‒thesis:

    Consider blood a slurry, wherein plasma contains red blood cells, antigens, and antibodies. Antigens tend to agglutinate (attach) onto red blood cells, and antibodies, if present, prevent such agglutination. For instance antibodyA prevents antigenA from agglutinating, but not antigenB.

    Blood is grouped by the presence of antigens. BloodgroupA has antigenA, and so on. BloodgroupO has neither antigenA nor antigenB. Conversely, bloodgroupA has antibodyB, and so on. BloodgroupAB has neither antibodyA nor antibodyB.

    This does not tell the whole story, however, due to omission and dubiousness, I think censorship. I try to fill in some blanks.

    Antigens are unhealthy because they behave like parasites once agglutinated. Thus, healthier blood has more antibodies. For instance, bloodgroupB is healthier than bloodgroupAB because it has one antigen as opposed to two.

    Omitted from public education is a third major antigen, and antibody D. The reality is that bloodgroupB (having only antibodyA) has both antigenB and antigenD agglutinated to its red blood cells because it has neither antibodyB nor antibodyD. Thus, bloodgroupB would more accurately be denoted as bloodgroupBD.

    This is partially true. BloodgroupB has antigenD (lacks antibodyD) only when Rh+, but bloodgroupB which is Rh‒ does have antibodyD, thus no antigenD, and hence the bloodgroupB denotation would be accurate. Applying the above globally:

    A+ AD
    A‒ A
    B+ BD
    B‒ B
    AB+ ABD
    AB‒ AB
    O+ D
    O‒ O

    AntigenA and antigenB are sugars. Any amount (strength) of antibody prevents an antigen sugar from agglutinating. AntigenD is a protein, and requires a high strength of antibodyD (Dstrong) to prevent antigenD from agglutinating. When a low strength of antibodyD (Dvariant) is present, antigenD does not agglutinate fully, and therefore is less harmful than Dstrong. I reason that Dstrong is more harmful than either sugar antigen, in turn more harmful than the weakened antigenD (weakD). For instance, with bloodgroupA:

    absent Rh+ A+ A,D(strongD)
    VariantD rh‒ A+ A,d(weakD)
    Dstrong Rh‒ A‒ A

    Consideration of rhesus factor overlaps. Dvariant is not included when grouping blood as it ought. Above, bloodgroupA+ may have no antibodyD or Dvariant. Regardless of blood group the presence of Dvariant) is not currently designated.

    Purer blood has more antibodies and less antigens. Hence bloodgroupO is the so‒called “universal donor.” Conversely, the most defiled bloodgroupABd is the so‒called “universal recipient.” A more accurate system would indicate the presence of all antigens, thereby all antibodies, and their strengths. Combining the above, and sorting from pure to defiled, I arrive at:

    O‒ Rh‒ A,B,Dstrong none O
    O+ rh‒ A,B,Dvariant weakD d
    A‒ Rh‒ B,Dstrong A A
    B‒ Rh‒ A,Dstrong B B
    O+ Rh+ A,B strongD D
    A+ rh‒ B,Dvariant A,weakD Ad
    B+ rh‒ A,Dvariant B,weakD Bd
    AB‒ Rh‒ Dstrong A,B AB
    A+ Rh+ B A,strongD AD
    B+ Rh+ A B,D BD
    AB+ rh‒ Dvariant A,B,weakD ABd
    AB+ Rh+ none A,B,strongD ABD

    That blood is either negative or positive is a misnomer, I think deliberately being utilized for subversion.

  135. Great info...did you know that sea water was used in place of blood plasma in transfusions and was universally accepted by all blood types?


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