


Uploaded by MoxNewsDotCom on Apr 2, 2011
provided to vatic project by "What really happened" (could not find a link, believe it or not, it went directly to utube)

Vatic Note: This is up to remind us of how we would normally act if given the freedom to do so.  Its amazing to watch and see what great magnificient creatures we are.    Look at the curiosity, the creativity, the joy de vivre of these "children" before they ever come close to being adults.   If we exposed more of our children  to that type of environment,  well, then, the sky is the limit for what we can do as humans when we grew up.  That is the primary reason this is up, to remind us of who we are and what unlimited potential we can have if we become who we are.  Every town in America should force the school to have just such a program for our preschoolers and first graders.   You will probably agree with me once you watch this video.    Learning then becomes an "ADVENTURE AND A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY" , rather than a ROBOTIC SHELL OF HIS/HER POTENTIAL SELF.

Having lived in Seattle for 14 years, I can tell you that if you do not learn to play in the rain then you will never be outdoors because it rains there all the time. I left because I needed sunshine. However, it was a beautiful place and I loved it. I just could not make it without sunshine, so now I live where I get dry weather, with reasonable rain, up in the rural mountains with rivers, trees, plant life, animals and even interesting bugs. lol.  Another reason I put this up is because our children need "clean dirt" to play in since it contains bacteria they need for good skin development and fighting disease and viruses.

I learned about that growing up from my parents. This was something at that time all parents knew and now that knowledge is lost to most Americans. Having done volunteer tutoring I also learned that the teaching requirements are strictly laid down and you cannot deviate from them as a full time teacher, but as a tutor, you can get back to teaching the way kids learn best which is hands on. Blackboards and interaction with the subject matter are important tools for "right brain" learning and teaching, which children must have during that stage of development.  (5 to 8 years old).

The system only wants left brain learning and teaching and so very bright kids are not learning as they should be and end up having to be tutored. Once you teach them how to interact with the subject matter, it changes everything. Having done that for just one quarter, my kids were back up to snuff on how to teach themselves and were doing much better and getting good grades. I totally agree with her very early program for those as young as they are. Its perfect learning for those kids. Right brain learning involves the whole body, not just the mind.   If you remember that we also have a heart brain and a gut brain, then you can understand why the entire body must be involved in the learning process.  Thats why we used to have field trips, labs for hands on experimentation, and other such involved processes in learning.  That is all gone now.  I was shocked at the major change in teaching and was informed by the teacher that they were totally controlled in how and what they could teach. 

Watch the video. Its great. Makes ya wanna be a kid again.

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