

The Queen of England rewarded man who tortured by castration in Bahrain

If they keep this up, since this is my 6th time fixing it,  I will simply send it out by email and ask you all to make sure it gets distributed far and wide and up on any forums and blogs that want it.  I am seeing now that Britain "thinks" she is back to running America.  NOT YET. 

*** Here is another one they are really jerking me around with.  It appears all three of these british articles are a problem for them  and  the one of the decapitation of surrendering soldiers by the CIA and Mossad trained Libyan Rebels.  You will see several different styles of type and different sizes and there is no way I can put them back a fourth time and believe they will stay as I put them, so know what is happening.  They are also dividing it up and putting a paragraph out of sequence, so JUST READ IT ALL ANYWAY AND IT WILL GET THE MESSAGE OVER TO YOU WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND SO DOES THE VIDEO, VERY WELL INDEED.  I am also contacted by some on the distribution list that they cannot get the link to work, so just put "Vatic Project" in the search window,  when you get there click on the "home" button and scroll down to the subject you are seeking.  Otherwise contact me and I will email the text of the article directly to you.  Thanks for your patience here.

Vatic Note:    This is our ally?  What is with us having such barbarians as allies?  That makes  both Britain and Israel as essentially alike and now we, THE USA,  are moving in the same direction, since we are run by the same Khazars that run Britain.  Soon France and Australia will also begin to look the same since they are taken over by the Khazars.   After the last two blogs I put up about the royal family and what and who they "really" are,  this does not surprise me, but notice, its the torture that goes first and slowly then there are no limits to the atrocities you can see yourself doing.  If you have to, revisit those two blogs again.   That is not the kind of people we used to be, but yet I read and saw by video, that is the kind of people the royalty of Britain under Windsor have always been.  But then they are not our people are they, they are mongolians that murdered millions of people in their travels before coming to eastern Europe??? Khazars are all in a closet completely by themselves.  No wonder they can't relate to any other nation, Britain, no different.  At least the Muslim countries have civilized codes of behavior.  I am not talking fringe either,  I am talking mainstream.  That is the not the case with the khazars and the Brits with respect to their govenment. . 

UK Queen rewarded man who tortured by castration in Bahrain
Uploaded by 91177info on Apr 14, 2011

Bet you didn't know about this! UK colonial atrocities in Kenya linked to current torture in Bahrain. Ian Henderson who served as the British Colonial Officer in Kenya, and was nicknamed "torturer in chief" in the African country moved to Bahrain in the late 1960s and acted as the country's security chief for some 30 years.

Henderson established one of the most notorious security systems in Bahrain, by which thousands of activists have allegedly been detained and tortured in the most brutal ways.

George Galloway, the former British parliamentarian has described Henderson's cooperation with al-Khalifa regime in Bahrain as follows.  "Henderson had gathered around him the kind of British dogs of war and mercenaries whose guns and electric shock equipment were for hire to anyone who will pay the price", he said.

Saudi Arabia continues to assist the Bahraini regime in its killing, torturing and kidnapping anti-government protesters.

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