

David Icke - The Murder of Princess Diana (The Truth About The British Royal Family)

David Icke - The Murder of Princess Diana (The Truth About The British Royal Family)- 4 Videos
by David Icke, April 24, 2011, provided to Vatic Project by Zany Mystic in Ca, USA

First video by Jay4louise

Vatic Note:  These videos by DAVID ICKE, are amazingly informative.   I had no idea all the specifics of this murder of her.   ITS A MUST SEE ALL OF THESE.   This first video totally vindicates our position for over a year that the occult and satanism are prevalent at the highest levels of our governments and runs the NWO cabal.  The satanic way they murdered her is covered here.  SHE DID NOT DIE IN THE CAR ACCIDENT, SHE DIED FROM THEM NOT GETTING HER TO A HOSPITAL FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF.....   We just posted two blogs about the Royal Family and Diana's son, the future king of England, who gave us a satanic hand sign not to long ago that we posted on this blog.  We also speculated as to why they had to kill Diana since her son was now fully on board the Satanic train to darkness and it became clear when all of the occult dates, symbols and planning had become exposed, about "WHY" they had to do it.  The one blog we showed the Goddess Diana connection as well.   Now this shows up so very timely right after our postings which makes the subject fresh and adds an additional perspective which is far more educational than we have previous experienced. Its a rabbit hole we have only just begun to explore and what great goodies we are finding down that hole. It continually amazes me how much we did not know and how rapidly we are being educated. The subsequent videos have some of the same info, but a lot more detail on almost every aspect of the issue.   The occult part of this is very very enlightening and explains a ton about a lot of things.  Listen and see for yourself.

Everything is speeding up, for sure. Notice the deep connect of the windsor family to satanic lines in Europe related to the vampire family in Budapest, I believe, or Transylvania as its called,  as well as a reference to the child sacrifice satanic ring that got busted in Belgium, which vatic project included in a blog on satanism and how prevelant it is at the highest levels of society globally. Its something to keep in mind when considering giving up our power to these global satanists in their fascist NWO. Icke does, AS USUAL, an excellent job of putting it all together. Its great to have someone from Europe who is daily exposed to the system there as oppose to us here who seldom see or deal with it. It wasn't till just recently that I had found out that Germany (The Queen is a German/Khazar) has a Bohemian Grove at which they worship the owl god referenced in the Bible called Molech, that God specifically named as a god NOT TO BE WORSHIPPED BY THE ISRAELI'S.  Their grove is ancient and old. Anyway, enjoy the video, its well worth the time. and I suspect downloading it might be a good idea given the royal wedding is almost upon us with all its Beltrane rituals being planned.

Video - I

VN:  These three below shows Icke going  into a lot more detail of the entire issue of Diana's assassination, the occult ritual sacrifice involved and how this was all done.  It was fascinating.   It covers some of what was in the first video,  but these three go into a lot more detail around all of it.   Very good stuff.

Part II - Uploaded by TheYouArchive2010 on Aug 2, 2010

Part III - Same up load

Part IV - same upload

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. It really surprises me that none of the conspiracies look at Dodi'a link to Adnan Khashoggi (his uncle). Khashoggi was the primary arms dealer in Iran Contra (in a good position to do the dirty on Bush senior, the main architect). Daniel Hopsicker (in Welcome to Terrorland) reveals that Khashoggi also had links to 911 - a business relationship with the proprietor of the Florida flight school where the 19 hijackers trained in aero-terrorism. The circumstances of Diana's murder are extremely fishy, but why blame the royal family when her fiance has obvious links to Bush senior's off-the-books intelligence network?

    I developed a special interest in this network after they targeted me (in 1987) for my political activities. I write about it in my recent memoir THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY ACT: MEMOIR OF AN AMERICAN REFUGEE ( I currently live in exile in New Zealand

  2. Dr. Bramhall, boy would I love to answer this one and provide you will a view at a much higher level... but I have to get out my daily summaries. I get hit with about 2300 to 3000 emails a day, so if you would be so kind, would you please email me at vatic2010 as soon as you get the daily summary and remind me to revist this comment again, so I can put a good answer together for you? Thanks so much for your patience, but as I said, I am only one person this has taken off way faster than I had ever expected and so many I want to answer, but have to simply pass on so much..... this one though is one that I had been really struggling with for some time, so it will help me to help you see all the connecting lights.

    Did you read any of the blogs on the royal family? You need to do a search on Both the royal family adn their very deep connect to the Rothschilds, and the ancient secret societies and potential connection to rothschilds prior to becoming royalty of Britian. Thanks

  3. First of all the Florida Flight school was owned and run by the CIA for training pilots for drug running. LOL Second of all, this entire episode is way bigger that that and would his uncle, knowing full well, that his nephew would be killed, take on murdering the princess who has nothing to do with the Kosshogee businesses?

    Why on earth would he have them both killed, no real explanation or evidence for that. Give the queen on the same day as the practices for the wedding also practiced her funeral with a coffin and all, fits perfectly with what David said. I almost consider it an admission on the Queens part by showing the funeral of death was part of the wedding rehearsal. You could get no clearer message than that.

    Until I see something solid connecting the gun runner to the princess and doide, I will stay with this one after the coffin business by the Queen.

  4. It was rumoured that Lady Di was to become Dodi’s immediate fiancĂ©e, and no doubt wife if it had indeed turned out she was carrying the next heir to the Fayed dynasty. Even if she wasn’t pregnant at the particular time of their assassination, she could have certainly become so at anytime whilst they still remained together. – On 2nd June 2006 the Daily Express newspaper stated: Diana Death: Spies flashed laser beam at crash driver. - It’s long been suspected a laser gun was pointed into the eyes of chauffeur Henri Paul. The hand-held device was activated as the Mercedes with Diana and Dodi in the back, sped into tunnel. Two witnesses had given written statements to the police, – that states that “a beam was fired by the pillion passenger on a motorbike” that had followed the Mercedes into the tunnel before overtaking it. One witness reported seeing “…an enormous radar-like flash of light” [2] in the tunnel. Seconds later the Mercedes spun out of control before smashing into the 13th concrete pillar inside the tunnel. Former MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson claimed agents posed as paparazzi photographers who were pursuing the royal party from the Ritz hotel. Mr Tomlinson revealed the “blinding flash” in the tunnel bore all the hallmarks of a secret service plot. The light described by witnesses was too powerful to be mistaken for a photographer’s flashgun and too bright a flash would ruin the photograph anyway. [2a]
    Mr Tomlinson told investigators the special technology had been devised to assassinate Serbian leader Milosevic who was seen as a huge threat to the stability of his region. Mr Tomlinson revealed he had been shown top-secret files which outlined the detailed plan to murder Milosevic in 1993. The plan was to fire off the “light gun” to blind the chauffeur of Milosevic’s official limousine as it passed through a tunnel during a visit to Geneva. Mr Tomlinson told investigators: “When I heard witnesses in Paris talk about a bright flash before Diana’s car crash it made sense. A tunnel is a perfect place for an assassination, with fewer witnesses”. [3] He claimed agents would also have been equipped with special transmitters that can knock out a car’s electronics at the press of a button and could even cause airbags to inflate. He said: “Imagine, the driver flying into the tunnel at 90mph, picking up speed as he dips down, inches from those central concrete pillars”. [4]
    [2a] “French Secret Service Raid, Arrest Former MI6 Diana .



    Extract from Trapped in a Masonic © 2011 Copyright – David McCann.

  5. nice and informative blog. Thanks for share.


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