

Banksters & Government Exposed in Biggest Con

Vatic Note:   I like the solution a caller gave for solving it.  MAKE THE BANKERS AND FED RESERVE INDIVIDUALLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE CRIMINAL ACTS.  Once a few of them sit in jail for 20 years rather than collecting billions in bonuses for their criminal payoffs, then the system would definitely change.   I like it.   This was an excellent show with good interviews on just how criminal the actions of the federal reserve and wall street bankers really were and just who was responsible who are still in positions of power.  The law is being totally ignored.  Remember also these banks use the ill gotten gained money to then go and obtain ownership of other companies that then also engage in criminal, unethical and immoral acts of outrage against the American people.   The article we did on Trees for instance comes to mind. 

Banksters & Government Exposed in Biggest Con

Wall St. Executives Paid Themselves $121 billion in Bonuses Between 2000-2006

Dylan Ratigan's segment presents his case for what he deems to be the biggest fraud perpetrated against the American people - and people all over the world - ever!

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