

Another reason to resist?? Raw Video: Tsunami Arrives, People Flee!!! Are we next?

Vatic Note:   Well, this was appropriate after finding  out that the "Khazar controlled" USA and Britian used their "Tidal Wave" Weapon to murder thousands of Japanese.   This now takes on a whole different look to it,  based on the knowledge this was murder and not an act of nature.... Rayelan at proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.   NOW WE KNOW WHY THE SALT WATER IS IRRADIATED, BECAUSE OF THE NUKE BOMB USED TO CAUSE THE TSUNAMI.   I think the nuke Plants were used to cover up the bomb and the justification for the radiation as a result of the explosion under water.  Think about the fall out from the sprays and the rushing water onto shore, and in the soil and eventually into the drinking water.   YUP, that is probably why they BLEW THE REACTORS... Look off to the far left of the video and you can see people running and also lower mid right as well. Can you imagine the shock these people are feeling as they watch this??? Its amazing how one small tiny psychopathic country can eventually, through deception, take control of a more advanced nations and use those countries wealth and power against the entire world????

Well, there is a line in the sand somewhere and I have a feeling we are getting pretty damn close to finding it. As videos we put up earlier are beginning to show... revolution globally is in the air.   As more and more people get sick for two and three weeks at a time from chemtrails and know this is not natural illness, they begin to realize its man made and man distributed using the taxpayers funds to do them harm.  What happens when the criminal law no longer works???  Answer that one and you see why they are making a mistake in choosing to let Goldman sachs and the other vampire squids run our government.   If there is a revolt, it won't be against the gov but against the vampire squids where ever they may be and whoever they maybe.  This below in this video IS WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR US.   SO GET READY, SERIOUSLY.  What you saw below is what happened to 30,000 dead so far that they know about.  A DEATH PENALTY CRIME?   YOU BETCHA! 

Raw Video: Tsunami Arrives, People Flee
Uploaded by AssociatedPress on Mar 14, 2011

Amateur video captures the force of the tsunami's arrival in Japan. The waves devastate entire blocks in Miyagi Prefecture, with some residents narrowly escaping, as captured by this photographer. (March 14)

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. 4U: Check the holes in the buildings...

  2. I don't know if I would be standing behind that camera! I think I might just put it on auto and head for higher ground. BTW I think we have already passed my line in the sand,but what is there to do but get more people and prepare.Brock

  3. That is where we are not, getting righteously angry and committing to not letting them do to us what they have just done to the Japanese. They have actually told millions to prepare to evacuate, which is a bunch of BS, and the only place on the planet that could take them is China. A WHOLE NEW SLAVE WORK FORCE FOR THE CHINESE. HOW CONVENIENT. Globalizing at its worst. FASCIST PIGS, khazar NAZIS.


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