

Zeitgeist another "Deception" by the Elite to Globalize into a fascist system?

Vatic Note: Once again we are putting out here a different take on the Zeitgeist Videos that have come out in a series. The info below, I was unaware of until now. I saw the last video and was shocked at the proposal to restructure society, living conditions and work as well as markets that they were selling as new social and cultural changes, which then in turn resembled a "planned and controlled production economy". That is a dressed up definition of Communism, which was simply another form and design for fascism. The entire third video confused me so much and seemed so antithesis to the first video, that I had to go back and see why I missed that connection. I discovered that it was because I did not see the second video, "The addendum" which laid the foundation for the third video. Once again, they take truth and idealistic concepts and pervert them to fit their evil and satanic agenda. But, enough of what I think, please read for yourself and check out links etc, and the  video and see what you think. I wish to make it clear that my "Vatic Notes" are about my feelings, opinions and conclusions that I have come to with respect to the information I give below. They are not to be taken as gospel based on these articles but rather my opinions and nothing more. They carry no more weight than that. I am simply sharing my ongoing and flexible opinion as I come across more and more information that then may change or support what I have already concluded and written.

New Age Communism: The "Zeitgeist" Agenda
Henry, March 5, 2011

Left, The creep behind the Zeitgeist series, Jacques Fresno. The Venus Project is one of a "thousand points of light" softening brains and lowering guards for their big hoax of 2012.
by Richard Evans  (for

"Never give people the right to their own opinion!" - JACQUES FRESCO

After the negative reception Zeitgeist received for it's gratuitous anti-Christian content written by "Acharya S," we hoped that was the end of Zeitgeist.

But a year later in 2008, filmmaker Peter Joseph was back with "Zeitgeist Addendum." (Joseph's real name seems to be P.J. Mercola.) This time P.J. seemed to kowtow to a wild eyed little old man named, Jacques Fresco.

Joseph said, " Zeitgeist is the activist arm of the Venus Project". The Venus Project is 94-year old control freak Jacques Fresco, born in the Bronx in 1917. It is associated with the UN and pushes the familiar Communist Illuminati agenda: forever concentrating wealth and power in the hands of the Rothschild Crime Syndicate until they have it all. [Communism is a ruse to disguise this control as "public" or State ownership.]

In the words of Ernst Fischer, the Venus Project's "solution is Communism re-packaged to rope in the 21st century truth seeker." Here is a detailed comparison of the Zeitgeist philosophy and Communism.

Fischer Continues: "Fresco spoke at the 10th anniversary of the UN's Earth charter last year and subsequently attended Mikael Gorbachevs congress, which you will find on hidden away in the Netherlands section. Hell even if for some reason you think rubbing shoulders with those mid level elites is okay, what about frescos co-speaker Ervin Laszlo, (who he "spent time with") who FOUNDED the Club of Budapest, with Aurelio Peccei, founder of the CLUB OF ROME, full of lovely Illuminati globalists, who want a one world order, unified, worshiping the earth, under a new age religion. What about him being invited to dinner in the Dutch queen's palace? As in Queen Beatrix.... of Bilderberg.

Fresco, former member of the Communist party, wrote a book with Ken Keyes a while back. You don't just write a book with someone you barely know, so I might go so far as to say his good friend and colleague Keyes wrote a charming book called Planethood, go look it up. The book speaks not only of how the UN will fix the planet, but how they will install a One World Government "for the earth" Um, no thanks, what about the people? Or does Skynet just see us as more resources in the resource management program?"


Fresno started out as an aircraft designer with a government contractor during the 1930's.

After WWII he founded Ravell Plastics. If you ever assembled model airplane kits you probably bought some of his products. If you were into model airplane kits in the 1950's-60's, you remember the powerful airplane glue in the box, and you may recall getting headaches or even passing out.

In Zeitgeist Addendum, Fresco shows his plastic model Utopia. He explains that all current social problems will be solved by technology. For example, his solution for drunk driving is cars that won't start if alcohol is detected. That sounds a control freak. In reality, when you create more technology you have to create more solutions to solve the problems it creates. To see what I mean, visit the technological utopias in the movie "Brazil" (1985).

In real life, designer oversight isn't so funny. Fifty years ago, Fresco's Ravell model airplane kits included a powerful toxic airplane glue in the box. That glue was eventually banned because the breathing the vapor killed brain cells. If the engineer is infallible, was lowering intelligence of boys during the 1950's-60's part of his plan? The folly of Plato's Republic is that the self appointed 'Guardians' is they set themselves up as God, while they outlaw free will for the rest of society.

Fresco says there will be no government in his techno-utopia - but who's going to make these decisions without a visible, accountable government?

Plato's Republic is the 2500-year-old blueprint of the New World Order. Plato wrote it as a fictional dialogue proposing humanity be ruled by a special class of people he called "the Guardians". The premise Plato's utopia is that the majority of people aren't entitled to their opinion, and for the good of society need to be told what to do from cradle to grave.

Plato even proposed that people be bred for traits, like dogs and horses. Also in Plato's Republic, private property, marriage and nuclear family aren't allowed. The Illuminati pretty much adopted these views.

In his essay, "Beyond Utopia," Fresco admired Plato's Republic, Karl Marx, and H. G. Wells novel about a Freemasonry of science, The Shape of Things to Come, in which Freemasons take over the world. Fresco lurked in the shadows during the run of the first Zeitgeist movie in 2007. Director Peter Joseph served as front man for Fresco's The Venus Project.


The media sings the praises of "pro-democratic protests for change in government" as a "spontaneous social phenomenon." We're supposed to believe that for the first time in history, all we have to do is march in the streets and entrenched military dictatorships buckle to their knees - armies, secret police and all.

How is this possible all of a sudden? The media present the usual array of experts who tell us it's the power of "social networking" technology. It's Facebook and Twitter.. Never mind that it's no secret that Facebook is a CIA tool.

What's this got to do with the third installment in the series, Zeitgeist Moving Forward? The structure and message of all three movies is the same Diocletian formula of "Problem-Reaction-Solution" That's a method of manufacturing consent dating back to Rome.

(Peter Joseph, left)


Here is a synopsis of the last 11 minutes. Keep in mind this big production was released Jan 20, 2011 before the "Jasmine" "revolutions" had spread. See how the "Solution" script of Zeitgeist Moving Forward matches the "Problem-Reaction-Solution" from the Club of Rome's 1991 book, The First Global Revolution, Chap. V: The Vacuum.


ZEITGEIST: "This isn't a recession. Jobs are never coming back. States won't be able to pay unemployment checks because they'll be out of money"

VENUS PROJECT's JACQUES FRESCO:: "When things get so bad that people lose confidence in their elected leaders, they're going to demand change, if they don't kill each other first."

CLUB OF ROME: "Democracy will be made to seem responsible for the lagging economy, the scarcity and uncertainties. The very concept of democracy could then be brought into question and allow for the seizure of power by extremists of one brand or the other."

ZEITGEIST: It's clear that we're on the verge of a great transition in human life, What we face now is the change of this life we've known over the last century. "

CLUB OF ROME: "In searching for a new enemy we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."

ZEITGEIST: Screen shows newspaper headlines on famine, water shortage, unemployment, crime, and the Wall Street Journal UN DECLARES STATE OF GLOBAL EMERGENCY.   A crowd of culturally diverse people gathered in the streets in front of a central bank of a North American city.

The people look up at a giant Times Square type TV screen to see shots of revolutions going on GLOBALLY and simultaneously.

The marquee on the screen shows the words WORLD PROTESTS SHUT DOWN GLOBAL ECONOMY!

The people get an idea...(yes we can!)



ZEITGEIST The street crowd collectively seeing the giant TV screen news get an idea...(yes we can!) Helicopters hover overhead, and battalion of white American riot police appears squaring off menacingly in front of the central bank.

Next a bird's eye view of the city showing the mob packs the streets of the entire world.

Seeing this from their top floor window of the Fed Central Bank the evil white men in the board room look depressed and defeated. The chairman of the board ponders a minute and snuffs out his cigar.

He picks up the phone to put in a call to the lead cop to tell him to surrender -- to the people! The leader cop drops his helmet.


Cue up happy music.

A former wage slave throws his briefcase. up in the air , it .lands in slow motion and burst open and money inside is laying in the street. Then the whole mob throws away their wallets and checkbooks into a huge pile in the street. Finally a little boy throws his piggy bank in the street.


Next a little boy is looking at a snapshot of that day titled THE END OF HISTORY

After evil Capitalists give up control of the world, the public has thrown their savings cash away, and instantly everything glows with celestial light and everything is free. And there are no old or homeless people.

(How come there were no Chinese or Asians, or blacks in this movie?)

JACQUES FRESCO: " If we try to visualize the future without families. there's fear, so when we make movies we put families in there. There will be no families. Those people won't want children. We do a survey of the carrying capacity of the earth, and that tells us how many people the earth can support."

Wonder why after so much multicultural diversity it ends with this specimen of Lebensborn Eugenics giving a *wink* to the "bio-ethics" insiders?

CLUB OF ROME: "This is the way we are setting the scene for mankind's encounter with the planet."


There are no new or original ideas in any of the movies. If you didn't see previous versions, don't waste your time. Just watch the last 11 minutes of Zeitgeist Moving Forward.

Zeitgeist isn't activist, and it's not a movement. The actual purpose of Peter Joseph's work is to manufacture consent for the cashless system the international bank cabal planned a century ago.

Lord Bertrand Russell wrote in his 1951 book "Impact of Science on Society" that the electronic cashless society will be a form of social control.

"Credits" will be given to you on a weekly basis, and they have to be consumed by the end of the week, and cannot be saved up. If you are against the system and do not follow orders, you don't eat. Nobody will be able to help anyone else because all will be dependent on the system.

Like Lord Russell, Fresco is a plutocrat whose retirement hobby is social engineering and raising an army of useful idiots.. During the Cold War hoax, Russell founded the "Pugwash movement" which used the fear of nuclear holocaust to trick hippies into holding rallies in Washington DC begging for world government. They must have been high, or didn't have the vocabulary to comprehend his wordy books.

Zeitgeist One told people to lose their faith in their religion,

Zeitgeist 1,2,& 3 told people that private property, savings, elected national democracy, and the right to your own opinion caused the economic crash, the 'war on terror', and 'global warming'.

Now The Venus Project (Jacques Fresco) is telling you to withdraw all your money, savings and all and throw it away.

If there were any doubt that Zeitgeist has been predictive programming to coincide with the 'flash mob' 'Global revolution, the last 11 minutes of Zeitgeist Moving On leave no doubt.

The Venus Project is one of a "thousand points of light" softening brains and lowering guards for their big hoax of 2012. Another one is of course the Mayan Calendar nonsense. Now that we see real riots made to order, they've tipped their hand. If only people don't fall for it.

Fresco's vision of a atheist Utopia alienated Buddhists, Hindus, and those into the galaxy of "new age" people. Aware of that, Peter Joseph is currently working next installment for 2012, dropping the 'Zeitgeist' branding, titled "Earth 2.0".

It will push exactly the same cashless, collective society, but Zeitgeist's open atheism will be candy coated with a section on human consciousness as God. Quantum metaphysics Cabala camouflage will replace Jacques Fresco's overt assault on faith and metaphysics.

Related Links----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First, here's a little background on the Zeitgeist movies.

[2] CIA Gets in Your Face(book) WIRED Magazine Jan. 2007
Since December 2006, the Central Intelligence Agency has been using, the popular social networking site, to recruit potential employees into its National Clandestine Service. It marks the first time the CIA has ventured into social networking to hire new personnel.

Why the Future Doesn't Need Us. WIRED Magazine April 2000

Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.

Ravell Plastics

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Let me zero in on one point: the sheer phoniness of the notion that we can change governments simply by marching in the streets.
    Back in the 1980's, I saw through that one. The corporate media was continuously saying that Philippine President Corazon Aquino was "swept into office" by "people power." I said then, as I said a few weeks ago concerning the Middle East and North Africa, the mere expenditure of energy doesn't get things done. Unless it's focused--in this case, this means working from a plan--the energy is wasted.
    As soon as I became aware of events in Egypt, I became suspicious. As soon as I read of Obama telling Qaddafi to step down, I knew for that the global elites were behind it. I was telling people that a few weeks ago.

  2. You were right for sure. We found that out because the elite continually get caught doing all this stuff since every bit of it has their signature method of operating all over it.

    The big question is how does this fit into their big plan since they don't tell us what it is except in bits and pieces. Is this for Greater Israel??? Control of oil and water??? That is what all these countries whose dictators went down had in common. Also remember, the Rothschild "PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS" specifically speaks to creating chaos and violence and then having their hand picked man come in and take over to "rescue" the people, which then puts the khazars in complete control of the country, unbeknownst to the people.

    I believe this is all just part of their grand plan. They betrayed their friends just like they did Saddam.

  3. I like the vision of the future put out by Fresco and Peter Joseph because it is much better than this hell we have now!

  4. Anonymous, If we don't stop these guys NOW, then you will get your wish. Trust me. They did this to Russia in 1917 and the people that made it through the horrors had a miserable existance for 70 years under a planned economy.

    Remember, the bad guys always dress up thier horrors in pretty sounding words that you want to hear and will buy. Tavistock group has funded for decades studies through NIH, MIT, Stanford and other elite institutions on how to mass manipulate large populations into doing as they planned. This is the results of that expenditure of all those billions for the answers to how to do the manipulation that would work. Even you are buying the pretty picture of an old and experienced system that has failed after the khazars stripped the country of just about everything of value that it had at that time.

    Now more has been found and instead of doing these long drawn out "economic hitman" scams on one country at a time, they can regionlize and do it in bigger swatches for a lot less effort. The EU PROVED THAT. EVERY NATION IN THE EU THAT JOINED HAS BEEN BROUGHT DOWN TO A 2ND WORLD SYSTEM ECONOMICALLY and moving further down such as Spain, Greece and Italy, to a third world system. The difference between the EU and the US is we are armed. That is the only difference and its the only reason it hasn't happened here yet.


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Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.