


Uploaded by nibiruTV on Mar 11, 2011

Vatic Note:  Remember Harp needs water heated for it to work on earthquakes.  So is that why the secret military space mission just before the earthquake?  Another question, Fulford said that the attack came from either NM or Nevada.  Now how did he know that?  We have a video below on the fact that there is a facility in Nevada.  We also have an article about the space mission below.  So check all of this out and see if you put it together the way I am beginning to see it.  I am not sure about Fulford, but for now, the evidence "appears" to be there.  Although graphics manipulation has turned into a real art form.    Laser tech to heat the water? This video also answers any questions some doubting thomases may have about the source of the earthquake. He simply furthers the understanding about who did this and now with radiation on the way to the states, there goes the weapon of mass destruction they have wanted to use on us.

REMEMBER, ITS NOT THE US, ITS ISRAEL AND BRITAIN, remember, the Queen is to Uranium what DeBeers is to diamonds. She is the largest private land owner in the world with massive amounts of uranium on the land she owns. I guess she will be selling alot of it after this.  There are two articles, the first are two videos explaining what may well have happened,  and the second is an article ON THE TOP SECRET SPACE MISSION GOING UP JUST BEFORE THE EARTHQUAKE WITH TOP SECRET WEAPONS THAT MAY WELL BE SPACE LASERS THAT CAN HEAT THAT WATER AS NEEDED TO CREATE THE EARTHQUAKE USING HARP.  Remember the gulf:  The top secret military space mission went up just before the gulf blow out and then after we mention the lasers that day,  and showed the video with two laser beams on the gulf and they matched the position of the holes in the top of the platform of the rig,  they then changed the story to say it went up after the gulf blow out.   Also remember the contract awarded for a second laser development since the first one performed so well.  We had the blog on that here.   I am with Fulford,  NO WORLD WAR EXCEPT WITH THE ROTHSCHILD INTERNATIONAL BANKERS.

Authors note:  HAARP was an idea that the great inventor NIKOLA TESLA had for the world to provide free energy (world wide)  Of course, the planned stopped as soon as the providers heard of this and sold all plans.

If Teslas inventions were not stopped we would be 100 years into the future, but time stopped for us. And yes, HAARP is very, VERY real folks. It is not some kind of BS that people make up. It can change the weather of the world, it can create "natural" disasters...
It's a doomsday device.   (see this video below)
Fulford Right Again! HAARP STATION found! .. in Nevada off of MASON ROAD!!
By Jordon, march 13, 2011

This youtube video was made 1 day before the mega-quake in Japan!

Remember when Fulford said that the HAARP attack originated in New Mexico and Nevada???

"my comment tells you what i seen alot of signs talking electric shock i couldnt get all the way back because of my car but there is definately something going on back there also if you google earth like you did you will see the road called hart lane the next road heading to fallon is unmarked even on the road. that is the road that takes you directly to it. mason road and hart road both say dead end so i went down them they end on someones property but you can still see the road continue through thier fields so i just drove right through thier property and it took me back to the pits but cant get to the back side of the mountain. so we are going to take kids this weekend hike back with cameras get more video. the video i shot now ill also send to you alot of it is driving there and showing the roads and then i go back on the back roads and show the signs and the FAKE GRAVEL PIT with noone working there all locked up but they have buildings and cameras. i got all that. ill send it when my daughter gets home she knows all that. good vid man. crazy i knew there was something off here just way way way to many trails and clouds daily. and today its like 70 mile an hour winds . just out of the blue not yesterday perfect calm.

Sent to: dutchsinse google earth coordinates of the "HAARP facility" I just found between Fenley, and Fallon Nevada... producing the "signature" on RADAR..."    end quote
VN:  Now here is the article on the Israeli occupied US and its secret Military Space mission. Coincidence??? Sure.  NO WORLD WAR, RATHER A WORLD AT WAR WITH ROTHSCHILD, ISRAEL AND BRITAIN who colluded to do all this as well as release massive amounts of radiation to harm or kill millions of people around the globe.  That is the only enemy the entire world has right now.   They have blackmailed and threatened the lives of our leaders.  Japan knows that better than anybody since it happened to them.  The khazars must leave here perferably on that secret space ship that will be programmed for a one way trip.  Also remember, NASA and the space program are now under the israeli controlled US military.  

Top secret X-37B space craft to launch again
Published: 03 March, 2011, published by Russia Today News

Little is known about the US Air Force’s X-37B which ended its first mission three months ago. However, the craft is set to fly again on an unknown mission for unknown reasons.

Pending weather, the X-37B orbiter will launch March 4 on an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral. The Air Force has waited no time at all following the first successful launch. Successful being relative, since no one outside the program knows what the mission entailed.

What is known however some specifics are regarding the space craft; a smaller shuttle-like vessel, with a snub-nose takes off in the nose of a rocket and later lands vertically like the shuttle. In addition, the craft can remain in orbit for months continually recharging by solar energy.

In addition, the US government has explained the mission is geared towards helping engineers test new technologies, such as guidance and navigation systems and other materials.

Some have argued the craft may be a new US spy plane. Following the last launch a number of armature astronomers claimed to have seen and calculated the orbit of the craft between 40 degrees north and 40 degrees south latitude, which would put the vessel in direct flight over areas like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Its good work your doing here.

    You and any Christians are invited to come and discuss HAARP, NWO, Noahide Laws etc at our new forum for awakened brethren.

    God bless you.

  2. Yukihisa Fujita claimed that Japan shouldn't support the "war on terror" because there are too many questions around 9/11 that US government refuses to investigate.

    Take that Yukihisa!??

  3. Thank you, Kyriakos, that makes perfect sense. We did a blog proving that Israel and insiders did 9-11 and we had all the proof in the world. It was sufficient to bring indictments and we really believe it was sufficient to get guilty convictions for all of them.

    Your leader was brave to stand for principle and we were evil to let Israel run our government. The only thing I can say in our defense is our leaders are primarily blackmailed or threatened and since we have so many assassinations done by mossad against our elected officials, its been clear to those left alive, they better do as told or they will die in a small plane crash.

    But its not over yet, NOT TIL THE FAT LADY SINGS.... Americans are slow to act, but once they have had enough they will never back down, not ever. We are stubborn that way. With 800 million guns in this country, I can assure you they will not have an easy time of it.

  4. Looks like Aurora Borealis to me

  5. Ask yourself, "What in fact is auroral Borealis?" What causes it, then read about how Haarp works, and what the indicators are and that should answer your question and explain why everyone saw those just before their quakes in China, Chile and now Japan???

  6. The biggest trick is to blame the Jews for everything. It always works as it does in this site.But it only works for a short while. Goerbels the prince of liars wound up killing himself before the final truth which is the REAL final solution.

  7. I had you until the last sentence??? What does Goerbels killing himself have to do with blaming the "Jews" for everything??? Don't get the connection.... are you saying he did not commit suicide, that the "Jews" killed him?

    Well, since I don't understand your comment, I will address the question of the "Jews". We are one of the few sites around that does NOT BLAME THE JEWS. We blame the KHAZARS AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT AND THEY ARE NOT PRACTICING JEWS, THEY ARE SATANISTS AND IF YOU BOTHERED TO DO DEEP RESEARCH INTO ALL THAT WE HAVE PRESENTED ON HERE over the past year, you would know what the majority of our regular readers know.

    Why do you think its becoming more and more common to reference the Khazars and not the "Jews"? Because we proved on here that real Jews are victims of the Khazars as much as everyone else is and since about 1100 AD have always been their victims. The khazars are the true racists, they hate the Jews more than they hate Christians and muslims and that is saying a lot since they hate both of us with a passion.

    Get an education before speaking and you will carry a lot more weight. THE WORLD IS WAKING UP AND ITS NOT GOING BACK TO SLEEP ANYTIME SOON, BUDDY.

    Did you know the President of Iran is a full blooded Jewish person, NOT KHAZAR, but real Jewish? Did you know Iran has the largest Jewish population in the middle East outside of Israel and if asylum seeking by real Jews continues in Israel at the same level it is today, that Iran may end up having the largest population of Jewish people in the middle east INCLUDING ISRAEL.

    The Jews are safer in Iran than they are in Israel. Hows that for a real eye opener.

  8. Neither Video Works. What happened?

  9. Anonymous, who knows. Its so far back that I don't even remember what was so threatening that CIA controlled google had to pull the videos. At least they aren't blaming the uploader for a change. That is what they used to do when they pulled/censored information put up by their bloggers. Now they aren't even bothering to say anything, just that its been pulled. Nothing I can do about it at this point. Sorry about that but what we said it showed is what it showed or the commenters would have made it clear they were not what we said. Hopefully you can figure it out and know that it must be true or they would not have pulled them.


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