


Vatic Note: AS we can see, this rebellion is occurring world wide even within our most precious allies, India for one. Remember, Mossad/Israel have an unusually close relationship with India, its intelligence depts and her leaders. Remember also that India has a heavy caste system that is almost unbreakable. You cannot over come the caste you were born into through any mechanisms that are socially available. Keeping this in mind, you can see why the Khazar Israeli's have an affinity to the leadership of India, since they see the rest of the world the same way compared to them. We are cattle to be used as fodder for wars and slave labor. That is the main reason I support those unions in Wisconsin becuase that is the message being sent, WE ARE NOT FODDER FOR ANYTHING FOR ANYONE. It needs to be shouted loud and clear. Read this section part II about the specifics of the corruption and see the parallel to what we are experiencing right here. Part I deals with the unreporting of this rally and part II deals with the specifics of the reasons for it. These are not arabs, so this is not a MUSLIM ISSUE, THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL KHAZAR BANKING ISSUE controlled by the ROTHSCHILDS that are destroying every single country on the planet with a few exceptions like Denmark, etc Bilderbergs and Khazar owned Royalty. This is in order to globalize.

Posted by: "Ravindran Major"
Fri Mar 11, 2011

*Plunder of India : Excerpts from Baba Ramdev Speech*

Following are the highlights of a 45 minute fiery speech given by Baba Ramdev which covers a long list of conspiracies our nation is facing:

1. Rs. 400 lakh crore black money in our economy � Our economy has a huge amount of black money. Rs. 300 lakh crore being stashed away in tax havens and Rs.100 lakh crore being in internal circulation. The government is not doing anything to stop this or to get back the money stashed in swiss banks. This is a massive amount which means that every family in this country would get Rs. 2.5 lakh. Each jila can get Rs. 50,000-60,000 crore for development. Each village would get Rs. 100 crore. It could take our country ahead of many developed nations overnight.

2. Rs. 10,000 lakh crore national resources at risk � Our country has 89 types of minerals and the known reserves of these 89 minerals are worth Rs. 10,000 lakh crore which is at a huge risk. The Government has granted licenses to only 200 companies whereas in reality more than 1 lakh people are mining the resources and illegally generating wealth and black money. If this is not stopped our country could lose a massive amount of natural resources reserves.

In this natural resource reserve we have iron reserves worth Rs. 550 lakhcrore and coal reserves worth Rs.950 lakh crore which are being deppleted at a very fast pace by illegal miners.

3. Huge money in circulation � We have Rs. 10 lakh crore of money in circulation which is more than 15% of our GDP. What is so much money doing in our economy ? This is nothing but to facilitate the black money economy.  (VN:  Setting up for hyperinflation, like they did to us when they kept pumping billions per week into money supply (M-3) and then quit reporting it so investors would not be scared away.   Its to drive down the currency toward collapse for the global currency and regionalizing the area to make it easier for the economic hitmen to steal "regions" resources and exploit slave labor).

In US, UK, Canada there is a money circulation of only 3% of the GDP. Hence if the money circulation in our country is Rs.10 lakh crore then our GDP should be approximately Rs. 330 lakh crore instead of Rs. 60 lakh crore. So where is the rest of the GDP ? The answer is black money and the location is Swiss Banks.

4. Massive amount of high denomination notes in the economy � In this money circulation of Rs. 10 lakh crore 30% of the money is in Rs.1000 denomination. What is such a massive amount of high denomination note doing in the circulation when 80% of our country gets only Rs.20 to spend per day? The amount of Rs.1000 notes in the circulation was 1.8% in 2001 which has been cunningly raised to a massive figure of 30% for no logical reason in a period of just 10 years. This is doing nothing but helping in easy transporation of black money in form of cash. Hence the government should recall all high denomination notes instantly.

5. Corruption eating national spending � The government has made budgets worth Rs.200 lakh crore in the past. This is a huge sum of money. But can we see anything ? Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had said that only 10%-15% of the money spent on the nation reaches the people, the rest is engulfed by corruption. Then why is the government not doing anything against it ?

6. Huge amount of scams � The 2G spectrum scam alone is worth Rs. 1.76 lakh crore. That is equivalent to 25% of the annual budget of our country. And what is the government doing ? NOTHING.

7. No punishment for the corrupt � There is no punishment for the corrupt in our country. The government is only claiming to punish the corrupt but WHERE IS THE PUNISHMENT ? The maximum a corrupt person gets is an imprisonment of 2-3 months or if its a huge corruption case then upto 3 years. But even then no one is actually caught because of the corruption in the judicial system and the massive amounts of cases pending in the courts.  (VN:  now does this not sound very familiar? That is exactly the case here in this country.  Vigilantism arises when the system refuses to implement justice across the board and that could happen in India and elsewhere and it wont' be as pretty as the process within the "System")

8. British Laws still being followed � According to the constitution of India if a person like Binayak Sen speaks against the Government its considered to be National Betrayal and the person is imprisoned. This law was made by the Britishers to suppress any form of voice against the British government but sadly this law continues to reside in the constitution of India. If the Government is corrupt you cannot raise a voice against them, it will be treated as national betrayal. Voice against the governemnt is betrayal but actions of corruption agaisnt the nation is NOT national betrayal. If you speak against the nation you are safe. If you speak against corrupt government you will be imprisoned. This is what the Constituion of India says.

9. Government turning into property dealers � Huge scam of immoral land acquisitions are going on everywhere. in U.P. 2 km wide fertile lands are being acquired for building a road for Rs.20 lakhs and are being sold at the rate of Rs. 5 crore by the government. What is the government doing ? Buying land from farmers and turning it into waste be feeding it with harsh chemicals and selling it to people for such massive profits ? Why has the government turned into property dealers ?

10. Operation of Swiss and Italy Banks � Why are 8 Italy banks and 4 Swiss Banks like UBS being allowed to operating here ? (VN: Remember that is a ROTHSCHILD INTERNATIONAL CLEARING HOUSE FOR ALL OTHER "GLOBAL" CENTRAL BANKS) When no common man has accounts in these banks why are these banks being permitted to operate in our country when its a known fact that these banks come from tax havens ?

The answer is obvious. They are allowed here to facilitate easy transfer of black money to tax havens from our country.

11. Demoralization of the youth � 450+ government schemes are running and gloryfying just 1 family. No schemes are named on krantikaris like Bhagat Singh or Chandrashekhar Azad. People who sing songs get national awards like Padmashree which is fine. But people who have died for our country do not get anything. This is a cunning conspiracy to not allow development of nationalistic and independent idealogies in the students and youth. Huge money is spent just to glorify 1 family as if they are the only people who work for our country.

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