

How the World "Really" works: Economic Hitmen

How the World "Really" works: Economic Hitmen
Brasscheck TV, by John Perkins

Vatic Note: Remember as they are telling you how it works, keep Tim Geithner and Larry Summers in mind at all times. Then keep in mind they run our treasury dept and the federal Reserve. This is exaclty how it works, and those companies you saw listed are primarily owned by the khazar zionist banks purchased through manipulation of our stock market where these bankers like the Squid Vampire Goldman Sachs shorts stocks, that then crash prices on company stock, then the billions in profits from shorting are then used to buy up those stocks for pennies on the dollar. Very important for you to see that. And all of it illegal to do. Just like trading on the gulf rig when they had insider information they were going to blow it up themselves.  That is jail time offense.  But that only happens when you have a justice system that works. 

Then these same handful of Rothschild bankers owning these companies send in their banker experts to the IMF and World bank to do the deeds you see on this video. Its really quite simply and we definitely need a global revolution against these bankers and confiscation of these corporations and purging of the boards of directors and reissue the stock and put them back on the market for purchase by new owners who are then watched carefully until we are sure there are no khazars involved.

These "Attila the Hun" decendants have no ethics, morals, values or humanity, so they must not see the light of day ever again, once they are brought down. It worked so well in third world countries they are now going after 2nd world countries and first world countries. Its time to stand against them. We have absolutely NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN AND WE ARE FAR MORE CAPABLE OF DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS THAN MOST COUNTRIES IN 2ND AND 3RD WORLD ECONOMIES.   Remember Non cooperation is the key.  Remember those Islam banks. 
You all know what to do.

Short and Sweet
This is pretty much how it works.

What appear to be so-called Third World countries that can't get themselves together are for the most part people who've been robbed and brutalized just short of death.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls...
These same crooks will cut your throat too the second it appears profitable to them.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Are there Islamic banks in the U.S. where people can put their money?

  2. Because I just found out about these banks, I had not had a chance to check them out, but I did do a quick peek into the rabbit hole, here and will follow up later when I have some time since I am actually interested in banking with them.

    check this out as a beginning for searching.

  3. Calling this a form of capitalism is like calling the crime of loan sharking capitalism. It is NOT capitalism. It's organized crime.

  4. Actually, its worse than organized crime, at least organized crime groups like the mafia had a code of conduct for their members, but these guys have none.

    I just started watching a series of videos by Michael Tsarion that follows up on this very well and explains why these people do not have a conscience or any moral code. Its a fascinating series and I intend to put them up as soon as I finish watching them. Remember, Michael did the series we put up called the Origin of evil and I have not had any blog harrassed, moved on me, gutted on Google search etc as that series, especially the videos 6 through 13. they have gutted them 4 times now and may or may not gut them again this time around, but at least the video links will be there for you to go watch again.

    I highly recommend you down load them becuase on video 8 he shows the various logos of these criminal corporations and what they mean and stand for and its mind boggling who is running these corporations. Their logos give them away. He makes an excellent point on this series I am watching now, by saying that nothing with these cretins is hidden.

    They put it all right out front for us to see and we do not see. They consider that a sign that we are too stupid to govern ourselves. But exposure is increasing and they are being outted big time....and very rapidly as well.


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