

DHS Declares War:"Homegrown Terrorists Fueled by the Internet", Part III - Khazarian control of America

Vatic Note: Watch and read this in light of the previous blog we just put up about Israel and their control of Homeland Security and the dangers to our veterans of that control.  It's critical that we understand just how bad this really is and it must be stopped.   Only we can do it since our government is under control of a foreign power as we speak today.  SPREAD BOTH OF THESE BLOGS, EVERYWHERE TO EVERYONE AND GET IT OUT BEFORE THEY SHUT OFF THE NET.   

Here we go. I said before a long time ago and continually ever since, that once the khazars consolidate control, we will be treated just like they treat the palestinians, we are hated as much by the Israeli khazars as the pals are. The International bankers of Rothschild also hate us for thwarting their many attempts over a 100 years to do what they are doing now, and the robber barons hate us for electing FDR when we did who also thwarted their attempt to build a fascist national empire here in America. I am not saying FDR is faultless in some of the things he did, but he was hated by them, so he did enough to thwart them.   So, get ready with whatever way you have chosen to fight this final battle. They will brook you no quarter whatsoever. They are on the verge of going down criminally and they cannot hold off anymore, so this is the big push and this is the lead into the big push. It will work with some of the sheep, but thank goodness most are waking up rapidly. In fact, I am impressed given the length of time it took, but in fact, these satan worshippers are the ones that shoved them over the line with their actions and behavior. It was a blessing in that instance even though a curse in other ways. So, keep the faith, and remember WE ARE POWERFUL BEINGS AND WE MUST NEVER FORGET THAT AND DO NOT BE AFRAID. Get righteously angry.  (I laughed so hard when I saw that picture because she does look "exactly"  like Hitler.... Hmmm, I wonder if she is related to him?   What an idea!!!  So many are related.   LOL  I am still laughing, how did we ever allow all these nazi Khazars to get into power here?  Were we really sleeping that badly?) 

DHS Declares War:"Homegrown Terrorists Fueled by the Internet" (That damn free speech, "Truth" gets ya everytime,  truth is the enemy of the state)  Part III  
Thursday, February 10, 2011 7:43, by Zen Gardner, Before Its News

Give me a freakin' break. They get away with this fascist hype and no one screams?
This tripe from the insatiable stooge Napoleon-itano was on ABC News:

"One of the most striking elements of today's threat picture is that plots to attack America increasingly involve American residents and citizens,"   (VN: Treason right there, on its face, this must be prosecuted and now.)

Napolitano said, referring to so-called homegrown terrorists fueled by the Internet and connections with operatives overseas.  (VN:  She is such a transparent LIAR, I mean where did these people get this glib ability to lie like troopers???  If anything there is not enough rebellion for all the criminals acts committed against this nation and her people, that would be expected, EGYPT SHOWED US THAT UP FRONT AND CLEAR AS A BELL)

They haven't done anything but decimate Afghanistan and Iraq, murder millions of people in pursuit of a fabricated enemy, while sacrificing our own youth in the process with no "victory" in sight! All with the pretense of "fighting terrorism".

And now? "Sorry, our bad. The real enemy is at home after all."  (VN:  We knew from the beginning, at least some of us, but more now, that the Patriot Act  was always for Americans and not for REAL  terrorists that resided in Homeland Security AND ELSEWHERE IN GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY, and their foreign handlers and occupiers)

All with the obvious target of real truth and freedom loving Americans and our communication line - the internet. Funny it was developed by DARPA. I wonder what else is going to backfire on them? As it is we're more empowered than ever.

But couch potato America will buy it. Why not? The American "image-ination" was founded on Disneyesque story telling. It goes right along with 24, the Superbowl, CSI, (etc. etc.) and every flippin' news and talk show you can imagine...

It's Mind-boggling!
More from Napoleon-itano:

"The terrorist threat facing our country has evolved significantly in the last ten years -- and continues to evolve -- so that, in some ways, the threat facing us is at its most heightened state since those attacks," she said before the House Homeland Security Committee.  (VN: Hahahaa,  Lieberscums likud party committee, how funny!  A show for the masses who aren't buying it anymore.  They both best leave here while they can and go to Israel where they work.)

Her comments were a sobering reminder that the potential of another attack is real and growing, most notably from individuals radicalized inside the United States, despite elaborate security measures implemented by the government since 2001. Source

Don't have to say much more.

Grab your boots boys and girls, they're coming after us. If you DARE to question ANYTHING that might be considered "suspicious" you are now, and have been for awhile, liable for questioning and detention, for as long as they like.

As this hype grows they're only counting the days.

Next False Flag Near?

Always. They can nuke one of our own cities, a la Oklahoma City, only meaner; they can do something nasty overseas, and blame anyone they want. The unaware world is a sitting duck.

And yes, it's also to grease the wheels for the Patriot Act extension. Congress is in the tank--it's the American people they don't want coming out of their coma.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Are they really on the verge of going down?
    The vast chokehold, power, money, blackmail, etc....
    it would take a miracle, I feel.

  2. And with the various changes going on right now cosmically, miracles are the very thing that will happen. Watch and see. Somehow I just know they are going down. I don't know how but I do know they have a problem. They needed our population down to a couple of billion to finish this agenda, but the vaccine that was suppose to kill 30 million of us failed miserably and that screw them up.

    Remember they are only about 10,000 doing all this world wide, we are in the billions world wide. The miracle will be if they survive what they have started......

  3. We must remove the control of the Haarp from the evil ones, they can destroy the earth with it.....

  4. Since the PTB own the media much of what is said here will never reach the sleeping sheeple in denial of everything contrary to what might upset their flouridated apple cart. The earth is being torn apart by disasterous storms of biblical size and the media is not covering them. Earthquakes are not being reported and if they are they are downgraded by USGS.Indonesia is sinking and no reports in the USA come. Nasa airbrushes an object between the sun and earth out almost every day.Do you feel dizzy or angry more than usual, millions of people are sensitive to earth changes in fact google earth changes. You will find what is happening right now as covered up as it is happens every 3600 yrs. and you will lucky enought to be here to witness it. Why do the elite have bunkers why is the government moving to Denver. why is there a disaster drill happening on the New Madrid fault with w/250,000 rediness personal.Why is the weather just plain screwed up. Why are there space ships showing up all over the world continously. Byron

  5. Byron, I agree with you that is happening, but what we don't know is what is causing it or what group of events is causing it to be as dramatic as it is. Now would it not be a ruse to find out that Planet x or brown dwarf star or Nibiru is coming at us from the south and thus will do very littel damage compared to it coming on the eliptic?

    If that is the case and the evil ones were counting on it doing a lot more damage, what do you think they would do about it??? That is really the big question, isn't it???


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