

Congresswoman, previous chair of "House Space and Aeronautics" Subcommittee shot in Arizona

Update:  1/9/11 -  There was a second shooter rifle distance away, weapon was found along with ammo.  It appears he may well have been what is traditionally called a "handler" responsible for taking out the mind control victim after he does his thing, but too many people got in the way and were shot.  The perp on the ground did not kill all those people apparently from the reports coming in.  Also, THE POLICE TOOK OVER 30  MINUTES TO RESPOND TO THE CALL.  Huh?  Over 30 minutes?  Odd.  Also notice from the beginning we mentioned the first news reports giving the perp three names.  Since then its been reduced back down to two.  I guess they really do read the blogs.   lol  

UPDATE:  NOTICE THE PERP HAS THREE NAMES, JUST LIKE  LEE HARVEY OSWALD, AND OTHERS: MIND CONTROL........Notice at the link given  that there was a federal district judge in the same parking lot with the congresswoman and both were shot and he was killed.  Were they meeting?  Why shoot both of them if she is the only objective he had. Given her committee assignment previously and her husbands job as a space pilot, it may well be connected to the current top secret military mission & secret weapon in space.   By the way someone pointed out and its true, that running up with no regard for himself and shooting her right in the face is the act of a mind control victim.   We have his name, and SPECULATION that he was in the military, so that supports what we said below in the vatic note.  Something is very stinky and I am getting very fed up with our leaders being shot if they try to do the job we hired them to do.   She could have been giving info to the judge without going to his office  or he to hers in order to keep it low profile.  So, if he was also a target, then phones may well have been tapped and the appointment noted and the judge may have gotten to much info by phone, especially if she was afraid for her life and said so.  This is way more than just some random shooting.   I wonder, are the Khazars at it again? 

Vatic Note:   Is this related to the murder of Wheeler and the deaths of millions of fish and birds on this planet?  Remember, we have a top secret military mission in space as we speak that has experienced ABSOLUTELY NO LEAKS AS TO PURPOSE and mission.  It has been disclosed that a top secret new military weapon is aboard, and that is all they told us.  Just asking!!!!  I was remembering today all the time and energy the SPLC and the ADL spent trying to make those who own guns bad guys.  That tells me  that Khazars could well have a hand in it to shore up their call for fear and hatred and division between Americans and martial law and CONFISCATION OF GUNS.

Remember, time after time as a brainwashing tool, they kept calling the militia and those who believe in the Constitution "Domestic Terrorists" and I wondered then why they kept trying to brainwash the masses into believing that,  and this makes the case doesn't it?  Reminds me of the guy who shot John Lennon and the other one that shot Reagan, Hinkley I believe was the name  whose father was skull & Bones and met with the Bush the day before for lunch and what did they all have in common?  Mind control after torture and satanic ritual abuse.  If the assassin was a military or ex military from these current wars, then he could easily be mind controlled since the military has been "experimentally mind controlling our soldiers.

Here comes the final hammer against our rights, did they catch the guy? Did anyone look into the domestic assassination squad of the CIA and mossad? Did she resist the agenda, like Wellstone, Carnahan, JFK, JFK Jr., This requires a lot more digging. I will wait on madsen and his sources before buying into another "who knows" Rothschild and Rockefeller press pumped explanation for this. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I SAY WE CANNOT TRUST A SINGLE INSTITUTION IN OUR COUNTRY ANYMORE. We know they have murdered many of our leaders and this simply fits in with that point so therefore since we DON'T TRUST THEM, then we are unable to determine from THEM what is really going on and who did it. Another gitmo torture mind control guy???

Congresswoman shot in Arizona
Jan. 8, 2011, 3:14 p.m, by Greg Robb, MarketWatch

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in 2008.  Fox News
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — A Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona was shot in the head and critically injured at an event Saturday at a supermarket in Tucson, according to news reports.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was taken to University Medical Center in Tucson, after the shooting in a Safeway supermarket parking lot in Tucson.

There were conflicting reports on Giffords condition. A spokeswoman at the hospital said that Giffords was in surgery. Other media outlets reported that Giffords had died, but there was no confirmation from police, the congresswoman’s staff or the hospital.

As many as six other people were killed in the attack, according to several news reports.

Congresswoman shot in head

Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat who represented Arizona’s 8th congressional district, was by a gunman Saturday morning during an event in her Tucson district.

According to reports Giffords was shot in the head at point-blank range by a lone gunman who ran up and began firing.

There were unconfirmed reports that bystanders had subdued the gunman.

Giffords, 40, was in her third term in the House. She was a member of the conservative Blue Dog Democratic caucus.

A former state legislator and small-business owner, Giffords is married to former Space Shuttle commander Mark Kelly.

Giffords represents the eighth congressional district in the southeastern corner of the state.

Giffords was re-elected in a close election in November, defeating Tea Party Republican challenger Jesse Kelly by less that 4,200 votes.

News reports said Giffords was holding a “Congress on Your Corner” event at the supermarket. Witnesses described indiscriminate shooting.

When the Democrats last controlled the House, Giffords served as chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the House Science and Technology Committee. (VN:  Could there be a connection between Wheelers death and this one?)

Click on link above to watch news report.    (VN:  If you bought the Oswald report right after the shooting of Kennedy, you should have no trouble buying this one.)
Last spring, Giffords was one of several Democrats who reported vandalism of their offices after the House passed the landmark health care legislation. Giffords said the door of her Tucson office was shattered by a pellet gun.

CNN reported that a suspect in the shooting was in custody. He was described only as a 21-year old male.
(VN:  Wonder if they will do like they are doing with Manning and brainwash and torture him before letting him talk to the public)
Greg Robb is a senior reporter for MarketWatch in Washington.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. As you say, connections can go deep, so it's hard to say.

    My first impression was that the right-wingers are simply acting out. But surprisingly the shooter was not shot, like the last shooter was (the one who shot up some kind of public meeting having to do with education or something). My feeling on that one was that the shooter was purposely shot dead in order not to make a hero out of him (remember, he talked about him and his wife losing their jobs). So I fully expected this current shooter to be shot dead. But he wasn't. I found this odd.

    Nothing on the news so far was said about who this shooter is, other than his age. If he is a manchurian candidate, he was programmed by the RIGHT. Of this I am certain because this shooting seemed to have been about this Giffords politician having signed the Obamacare health care bill.

    It is very possible the shooter was groomed as a manchurian candidate -- much like that poor Timothy McVeigh was. The Giffords shooter (notice all the hysteria in the news the fact it was a POLITICIAN that got it, like the other 5 weren't that important), that makes me think the RIGHT has set up a patsy to let the LEFT know the RIGHT means business.

    As soon as the shooter's name is released and something can be found out about him, we will see some dots to be connected. Odd that they didn't release his name from the start.

    I'll have to watch the 10pm slightly news tonight for sure! well, 2011 is getting off to a RIP-ROARING START!

  2. I wouldn't concern myself one bit when a person shot is a politician -- democrat or republican. Neither side will do a thing for the people. And all her big credentials -- big f**king deal. It's all part of the game, this shooting.

    The focus should be on how the thing is spun in the MSM. Then the deep background research of this shooter more than likely will give a truer insight into the game.

  3. I can't get over how FAST information gets out! Here is a interesting story about the shooter with 3 names (most of these manchurian candidates have 3 names). This article comes from the U.K. no less:

    Gabrielle Giffords shooting: strange internet trail of 'loner' Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged Tucson gunman Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged Tucson gunman, has described as a politically radical loner, as an internet trail emerged in which he apparently railed against the US government and told friends: "Please don't be mad at me".

    There's also a related article at the above link entitled: 'Gabrielle Giffords' father: 'The whole Tea Party were her enemies'

    VERY Interestingly enough, the Republicans have kick started their new program of 'getting to know the Constitution'. A representative from the CATO Institute was on today's CSPAN's Washington Journal. I also read there is some female politician, Bachman maybe, who plans to have courses given on the Constitution to be held in Washington DC. This program, Washington Journal, is watched by a lot of Americans on both sides of the spectrum.

    So any Liberal talking points about disarming the public will most certainly be up against it as people become more familiar with the Constitution, and specifically the right to bear arms. And now today's shooting will certainly not help any Liberal cause, what with this new Republican strategy of re-teaching the Constitution.

    Just something to keep in the back of your mind while watching the spin and the coverups on this one.

  4. "Remember, we have a top secret military mission in space as we speak that has experienced ABSOLUTELY NO LEAKS AS TO PURPOSE and mission."

    I remember getting an email from about this mysterious mission, and I too wondered what they were up to up there. Lucky them.

    I would think *maybe* this mission might have to do with the birds and fill kills. But who knows? And who knows what their political affiliatian is, those men in space. More than likely Republicans, my bet.

  5. LOL, good points all... it got out there so fast because the Khazar zionists running our country own the press, the bankers, and the corporations and control the CIA and the mind control programs.

    Those are all facts now that everyone knows. It was the very first thing that hit me was the way he did it. That is sooooo mind control oriented. I have so many links on the drugging and mind controlling they are doing to our military. Its scary.

  6. These guys in space have no political affiliation. That is the old paradigm as Obama has proven. It doesn't matter what your party is or political leaning when the objective is total fascist control of the globe.

    These are satanists which I have proven on here many times. Its like Lieberscum who is not a democrat and McCain who is not a republican, they are both owned by Rothschild for the globalization agenda. They have no loyalty to country, political party or ideals, they are psychopaths.

  7. How many of these 3 named creatures are we going to have to tollerate?Over and over again.Was he carrying a copy of Catcher in the Rye also.I really wish people would get hip to the fact that there are so many victims of mind control and sexual/ satanic abuse out there,and some of us point this out.Of course then your the crazy one.What can we expect from a dumbed down public.I know I'll keep trying,and thanks Vatic for once again being on top of it!Brock

  8. WE ARE NOT GOING TO TOLERATE IT FOR VERY LONG, if that long. I suspect if they continue to try and kill us off like they have been doing with artificially creating food shortages by poisoning our air, water and food, that somebody is going to find themselves in the same place that judge ended up.

    Unfortunately I had hoped we could do this as non cooperation, but the evil is too vicious and deadly, so I am afraid we will have to do what it will take to rid the planet of these people. Amazing. I had never in my life been exposed to evil this rancid and rotting.

  9. Bird on a wire: Its funny you should say that because someone just said to me "Well, it looks like the revolution has begun because the judge had just ruled against an American rancher on a law suite filed by an illegal immigration organization against hte rancher for like 33 million dollars, which means if he loses the case he loses his ranch. It also means that the land then would go to the illegals who sued.

    So someone read that and probably decided enough was ennough and said we will nto fight each other but them who are the enemy who are poisoning our food, water air, killing our fish, our gulf, our birds, and God knows what else they are killing.

    If I were them I would go into their underground bases right now. It only takes one spark and this may well be the one. who knows. but I don't see people putting up with this for very much longer. Do you???

  10. Yes, i've heard about that rancher story for some time now. The last I read was that he lost the ranch. The story seems to be to be an old one. I wonder how true it is, since it is still being brought up like it just happened? Anyway such a story is probably true enough. This is what happens with open boarders. They come after your rights, and now it's their rights.

    Well, anyway, i just wanted to say that I think it was some Sorcha Faal article from some time ago where it was mentioned there is a SECRET WAR going on and that it has BEGUN.

    Not only the war between the CIA factions, nor the war for control of the USA between the Republicans and Democrats -- but a war being fought below the radar. Shootings like we have just seen is part of this secret war, yet plausible deniability on the part of the MSM that ANY such war is being fought. Instead they just blame it on the instability or mental illness of the shooter.

    I think this war began way back with Randy Weaver, then the Branch Davidians, the Murrah bombing, then some grandmother i think that got shot up. This is why the Liberals point to 'home grown terrorists'. The are not talking about the muslims. It was understood long ago there is no such thing as non-cooperation. Up to a point, maybe, but the rewards are slight and never what you want.

    The more I think of it I do think this Jared Lee Loughner is a mind control subject. His is young and impressionable. Anyone can be got to think anything with the right handlers around him or her, and probably the right drugs too.

    I read Michael Hoffman's book "Psychological Warfare" about the Freemasonic angle, those "respectable" and "civic-minded individuals" who get a pass to work behind the scenes and can create incidents that are taken for something else by the mainstream public. That book spooked me and gave me the creeps. Hoffman makes it so clear how these hidden things can be done. I don't think I have the book anymore though.

    Yes, most definitely Loughner was a mind control subject along the lines of Timothy McVeigh. And as the other poster said, the Liberal MSM will just call these people as mentally ill.

    This country is finished. If I were younger I'd go join that Joe Bageant over there in Italy and become an ex-patriot, whatever that means.

    Well, we are off to a RIP-ROARING 2011 and it's only Jan. 8th!

  11. Vatic, you're gonna LOVE this one! It's pretty amusing. i don't know who wrote it but someone named infowarz posted it on another list:

    Dear Fellow Illuminists,

    Thank You for coming to our meeting.

    As you know we have had some set backs that need to be remedied. The forces are rallying against our agenda in a manner of strength we had not foreseen.

    Our attempts at controlling the tea party by setting up our fellow illuminists Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich, and such, in the tea party leadership has been less than stellar.

    The last election did not go totally as planned.

    Many tea partiers not under our control managed to get elected.

    We have been unable to stop the spread of the anti-illegal immigration sentiment amongst the masses.

    Our gun control agenda is at a stand still despite our long program of induced gun related massacres such as Virginia Tech, DC, and Columbine.

    While our Internet has been very successful in gathering information on the masses, we have a very serious drawback in that we are being exposed by the free speech that the Internet allows, despite our Internet disinformation program.

    Our economics are being exposed, our names are being exposed, our agenda is being exposed, and the plan for world domination is becoming known amongst the useless eaters.

    The masses are now openly talking about conspiracy, our agenda, even our mind control programs are out in the open.

    Many troops coming home from Iraq and Afgahnistan are becoming active in opposing us.
    We have a need to limit support of these troops by demonization.

    The fear level of the masses seems to be on the down slide as they come into understanding.
    This must stop.

    The only good news I have to report is that the Christian churches have been successfully infiltrated and our people are in the positions of Pastors, administrators, and in control of the Christian media.

    Also, as you know, the space station ISIS is now totally powered by the Sun, congrats to all, but we also have the last mission of the shuttle Discovery in the near future and we are in dire need of human sacrifices.

    We also have a Federal Judge who has been with us, but is now under investigation with over 100 possible charges. I do not believe we can afford to take the chance of his spilling the beans on so much of our operation. He must be taken care of.

    Gentlemen, we need some ideas for a plan of action to remedy these current problems.


    "Please stand and speak."

    "How about an MK Ultra lone gunman? It has always been our trademark."

    "Well, ha ha, we are one trick ponies, aren't we?, but I am afraid that a lone gunman cannot solve our many varietied problems."

    "While another lone gunman could possibly be another event to turn the masses against guns and promote our gun control agenda, how could he solve the problem of our need to demonize the rogue tea partiers?

    Or how could a lone gunman provide our needed blood sacrifice for the Discovery mission?
    We need a plan to take care of all of that.
    We need a plan to take out the Federal Judge, to squelch the anti-immigration sentiment, to demonize free speech on the Internet to place in some Internet controls.

    The plan needs to demonize those who speak of conspiracies and those who expose our black operations such as our mind control operations.
    How can a lone gunman scenario do all those things?"


    "Yes, go ahead."

    "Sir, it has already been taken care of."

    It's all an evil filthy rotten conspiracy.
    Believe me.

  12. If I gauge the time differences correctly, the shooting occurred barely 16 hours ago. The news already has its own Wikipedia page with 42 references.
    My jaw dropped at that one. Somebody is eager for their version of the story to be the official version--somebody with huge resources.

  13. American Action report.... yes, and remember, its the khazars that control wikipedia as we published on here in the past, they are a cadre of Khazar Israeli's manipulating the edit feature of that site. This is a great example of how organized and fast they are in trying to control the discussion and agenda.

    However, we were even faster because we knew it, so the discussion is now about which black ops did this. Here is another theory I have after getting news that there was a second shooter, HIS HANDLER, who was suppose to kill him after the shoot. I believe the handler tried and kept missing in all the choas and drama, and that is why so many shot and killed. He didn't do them all, he had help as a rifle was found with ammo and scope located across the street.

    REMEMBER, THAT WAS A TACTIC WE USED IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN AGAINST THE INSURGENTS. There are no terrorists, so GITMO is about creating mind control assassins and terrorists, and then having an unlimited supply of depensible victims to use and abuse and kill so no one knows. He was not suppose to get caught. Wonder how long he will live. But like manning I am sure they can get access to him and get his programming adjusted to admit he did it for whatever reason they need him to say he did it to support the SPLC AND ADL EFFORTS TO DIVIDE THE COUNTRY.

    They are having a heck of a time doing it. What is ironic is the right seems to be picking up on that issue and the hard left is having a hard time letting go of blaming everything on the right, which is ludicrous. There is no party affiliation with these elite. They use it like the gladiator games to keep us fighting each other and distracted.

  14. Bird on a wire, I know you are going to hate hearing this, but "the GOP party" does not control the mind control program, nor does the "democratic party".

    Its controlled by the CIA and our gov regardless of which party is in control as we can see fully right now. It was operational under Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Now Obama. So please leave the political parties behind, they have nothing to do with it. Heck, they know less about what is going on then we do. I have been educating the new members of congresses staff much to their chagrine since I can document it all.

    They are tongue tied when I bring all this up. Truly and agree to look at the proof, so give up this division and help keep us united instead for the good of the nation and all the people, not just the left. OK??? Its what we have chosen to do on here.


  15. Rose, that is great. What a great sense of irony the writer has. As American Action report pointed out, they were ready and prepped and had the appropriate slurring out on this guy within a short period of time, so, whoever wrote what you are showing, had good insight as to the agenda. They did it a little too fast through which shows the planning involved and gives them away and ends up supporting what we postulated from the beginning.

  16. The new talking point I'm hearing from the MSM on gun control:

    Should anyone with a diagnosis of any kind of mental illness be allowed to purchase a gun?

  17. Sure, Vatic. And both parties can feign innocent looks as you talk to them.

    In what capacity do you educate new members of the congressional staff? This is the first I'm hearing of it.

  18. Vatic, sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by this statement:

    "I am sure they can get access to him and get his programming adjusted to admit he did it for whatever reason they need him to say he did it to support the SPLC AND ADL EFFORTS TO DIVIDE THE COUNTRY."

    Since the news hit the internet practically before the incident happened (my U.K. article and American Reports interesting discovery about wikipedia being so up-to-date), it sounds to me maybe the SPLC and ADL are the handlers.

    Oh wait. I think I understand what you meant by the statement: a theory that the shooter, who the MSM is now pointing up the baloney that Jared Lee Loughner was 'mentally ill', if he can be gotten to say he's read things about the SPLC and ADL and came to believe these two (ostenstibly jewish) organizations were dividing the country, that Jared decided he wanted to help them divide the country even further?

    Something like that? So that the Left can be blamed? Or rather not blamed -- but comenserated with in the eyes of the MSM, since the SPLC and ADL are so innocent they can't be blamed for a lone nut shooting?

  19. GOOD POINT, Vatic, about the scenario of a second shooter! The same scenario as with Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby! I've read Hoffman's "Psychological Warfare" also, and a hidden second shooter to take out the first is indeed a Masonic signature! I couldn't put my finger on it, but when I heard there might have been a second shooter, something about it was trying to come to consciousness, but I couldn't figure out what it was. You are absolutely RIGHT! It's a Masonic signature, which means the entire thing was a staged event using a mind control victim!

  20. "...and that killed at least 5 other innocent people, including a 9-year-old girl named Christina Taylor Green “curiously” born on September 11, 2001 (9/11)."

    Another Masonic signature.

  21. Many postings on Jared point to his reading list, focusing on the inclusion of the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Of course, the uneducated will lap this up, not realizing how much of Mein Kampf was a call to arms against Communism. The right wingers are already say this shows he is a leftist!

    The interesting inclusions in that reading list are the classics of MK-ULTRA programming (at least according to the literature on the subject): (in Jared's words) "The Wizard Of OZ", "Alice Adventures Into Wonderland", and "Through The Looking Glass".

  22. This story is being rewritten before us. I am going through my search history for Saturday 1-08. I read an article on fox at "". That link now brings one to "Authorities Search for Second Man in Deadly Arizona Shooting Spree", written on 1-09. I suggest anyone who wishes to record history as it is rewritten start saving every article they find on this story.

  23. Ian had an investigative reporter on Coast radio,last night,who called him by his 3 names.Interesting his middle name is lee.I'm sure Alex will have some interesting things to say on the Sunday show,at 3pm mountain time.Also Jim Marrs at about repeat again at 5mt.I'll try and get back to.There now talking about mind control!Will try and bring back a report!Brock

  24. Please report back in Brock and listen carefully to find out if this guy was ever in the military. its important Thanks

  25. Andre,

    ""The Wizard Of OZ", "Alice Adventures Into Wonderland", and "Through The Looking Glass".

    There is no doubt a ton of stories on this Loughner shooting. Do you have a link where it talks about those books? These books, it is said, are used in Monarch Programming (more for female sex slave sort of thing), but I've no doubt MK ULTRA could use them.

    Does it really say Loughner read these books?

    Also, these books, or the idea that he read them, could be a plant in the acting out of Masonic psychodramas to capture and hold people’s minds in an alchemical processing. Hoffman points out that in these staged psychodramas certain clues are left at the scene -- clues that only other illuminati/Freemasons will pick up on to know that the Masonic hand is at work.

    I was not convinced of these things at one thing, until the Washington DC sniper case. At that time Hoffman had sent out emails pointing to the entire thing being a staged Freemasonic ritual. Then i got an email from an entirely different source which mentioned an American Indian myth/story. In it there was a connection somehow to the sniper case, so I sent it to Hoffman to see what he would say. And he said, in answer to my skepticism, 'No, there's no staged event' -- said with irony of his own. i can't remember all the details but the American Indian story had to do with that Sheriff on the case, the black man with an odd last name?

    Anyway, I'm getting off track. But I DO find it very peculiar those specific books are mentioned. If you can provide a link, I would appreciate it.

    And YES, Andre -- you are absolutely RIGHT. These staged psychodramas are written as they go along. It happened that way with that whole Washington DC sniper case I was trying to explain.

    Good posts.

  26. Before pressing "send", do a "select all" and keep a copy of all your postings. There is evidence the posts are being tampered with.

  27. Anonymous, thank you for reminding me. I had that happen before, and when I make copies etc and save them, then they stop for a while and I forget.

    Can you tell me what gave you the clue??? So I can see what it is they don't want us to know? That always tells me which rabbit hole to go down.

  28. What happened to my email to Andre? I wanted to know if he has a link to any article that says Loughner read "The Wizard Of OZ", "Alice Adventures Into Wonderland", and "Through The Looking Glass".

    These stories are usually associated with Monarch Programming (creating female sex slaves). i am wondering why he would have read them.

    The idea that the angles to the Loughner Masonic psychodrama is being rewritten as they go along is true. It's purpose is to capture and hold people’s minds and process all of humanity. Others, adept at piecing together these psychodramas could really give a read. I can only isolate two Masonic signatures: the 3-named shooter and the child born on 9-11-2001. These signatures are out in the open for other Freemasons who can read these signatures and know a Masonic operation is being played out.

    One interesting calling card are the 3 books Andre has mentioned. i would like to know if he has a link to where he saw that Loughner read these books.

  29. Blue Rose, go ahead and address him in the email and pose your question to him since he will be notified of any postings that come on here. I wonder if he is the one in France that visits a lot. lol

  30. Bird, your question about whether anyone with a mental illness should be allowed to carry a gun, well, my answer is "They are doing it already, just look at all the psychos at Goldman Sachs that are legally carrying. That should be enough evidence that its ok to do. LOL

  31. Bird on a wire, if these are good posts its because people like you, Blue Rose and Andre are helping to make it that way. Please continue as I am even learning a lot.

  32. Another Masonic signature found:

    The Giffords shooting took place at a Safeway located on ORACLE ROAD .

    7110 North Oracle Road, Tucson

    And an interestng aside, someone noted that a U.K. Independent article referred to the shooting as "oracular". I don't have time to locate the article though, to see in what context they used the word.

  33. Another Masonic signature:

    Arizona on the 32nd degree (of north parallel latitude)

    It is stated there is no evidence (other than the few signatures gathered) that the Cryptocracy is behind the shooting, but the circumstances all pay dividends to it.

  34. Republican National Convention Blog

    January 8, 2011

    1. Gabrielle Giffords Biography

    "Giffords is Arizona's first Jewish Congresswoman. During her years in the statehouse, Rep. Giffords served on the The Anti-Defamation League Arizona Regional Board.

    In an op-ed piece for the Arizona Jewish Post she said she is the grandchild of Akiba Hornstein, who was “the son of a Lithuanian rabbi.”

    Her grandfather changed his name, she said to Giffords “for reasons of anti-Semitism.”

    “Like my grandmother, I am a lifetime member of Hadassah (national Zionist women’s organization) and now a member of Congregation Chaverim...”

    2. There are rumors circulating on the Internet that Rep. Giffords' assailant is also of Judaic descent:

    "(Bryce) Tierney (Loughner’s friend) believes that (Jared Lee) Loughner was very interested in pushing people's buttons—and that may have been why he listed Hitler's Mein Kampf as one of his favorite books on his YouTube page. (Loughner's mom is Jewish, according to Tierney.) Loughner sometimes approached strangers and would say ‘weird' things, Tierney recalls. 'He would do it because he thought people were below him and he knew they wouldn't know what he was talking about.”

    Source: "Exclusive: Loughner Friend Explains Alleged Gunman's Grudge Against Giffords -
    A longtime friend shares a message sent hours before the massacre." By Nick Baumann, January 10, 2011 (Emphasis supplied)


    ADL Condemns Attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords; Calls for Thorough Investigation into Motives of Shooter

  36. Anonymous, do you have a link to that Republican site that talks about the assassins friend? I would like to see what he said. Thanks.

  37. The ADL is the front in America for Mossad, so I don't really care what the khazar Israeli operated "by deception war makers" say or think.

    They tried to turn Americans against each other. They think this is Palestine or Afghanistan or Iraq, they are wrong. Yes, they did a good job of spreading hate and fear when there was none before they began that project of doing so, but they have not succeeded because they are so bad at it. It was so transparent it became clear immediately that it was for an agenda.

    One that we will resist in the end.

  38. I wonder if her husband, the astronaut, is a jew?

  39. No, they are khazars. Remember not all those that "call themselves Jews" are Jews. Rothschild is not a practicing Jewish person nor is he by DNA, he is a Khazar as are all the leaders of Israel.


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