

The Australian Government Signed Contract to Turn Queensland into a Wetland

UPDATE #3: Flood warnings in Qld, OZ are cancelled for today. (provided to vatic by Gypsy Flame, Australia, who lives in Qld, Oz)

Vatic Note: Ok, this is a report sent to me by one of our regular Aussie readers and its a very interesting report. It appears this massive rain was done intentionally by the Aussie government to cease a 1000 year drought being experienced in Oz. So, yes, according to this Ex politician, it was intentional but instead of it being Haarp, it was an invention patented by Thailand and it makes rain. It may well be similar to the one used in the desert in Saudi Arabia. I have not had time to check this mans credentials nor the reality of the "innovative" rainmaking in Saudi Arabia, so when I get that done will update. I say that because as you know the elites operatives are everywhere, in music, movie making, scientists, new age ghuru's, politics, etc. So  why be quiet about it all this time?  Why hide it and deny the anomolies on the radar and just tell the people about it???  Why pretend it was radar related problems? 

So this simply could be a good cover for what they intended to do using HAARP and deflect us from probing and why would they do that? Because the chemicals needed to do the job would poison humans, and that is a crime. Further, the chemicals used takes moisture out of the air and further exacerbates the drought situation down the road with less and less moisture, there is less and less fresh water and then the elites predictions of no fresh water, food and decent air to breath will have come true. Then depopulation will be in full swing. Its a serious enough agenda to be sure what they are feeding us is true and accurate. This may simply be a weatherizing project gone wrong, but after Brazil, I have some real doubts. Brazil had no drought or reason for their massive floods and landslides and its clear across the globe. What about the dead fish and birds?  Oz had them too as did Brazil.    So we will see. Again, will stay on top and feed info as it comes in from Australia for all our good freinds over there. God Bless and stay safe you all.

The Australian Government Signed Contract to Turn Queensland into a wetland
Colin Andrews Report, provided to Vatic Project by Boldarn,  Australia

On January 15th, 2010 I received the first e-mail  from a man in Australia who was concerned by a strange symbol he had seen on the weather radar operated by The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), a department of the Australian government.

I was not to know then that many more e-mails  were to follow from others across the continent after I posted the findings of my research into that first mysterious ring.

As the months past, large areas of Australia transitioned from a thousand year record drought, into super storms which placed major cities under 100 year floods of water and hail and in just minutes.

The mysterious radar patterns kept appearing across the country and BOM kept saying
some could be explained but some could not. They even posted a notice  to this effect on
their official website.

Then if you had your eyes glued and knew where to look, news broke that the Government
had signed a contract to convert the drought over Queensland into rain. That agreement
for weather modification slipped under the radar, so to speak! and still after the most
devastating effects of floods in that area, nobody it seems is talking about it. We hear plenty
about El Nino but nothing about the government deal. Are the floods of biblical proportions
the outcome of the weather modification contract they signed up for? Did it all go terribly  wrong?.

About the author
Colin Andrews is an electrical engineer by profession and was a principle official in British
Regional Government during the 1970’s and 80’s.

A rain-making method developed by Thai king Bhumipol Adulyadej is set to aid Queensland in battles with drought we're quite sure this technology can be used effectively in Queensland," Soothiporn told AAP.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Yup... are you writing from Prison??? your name implies it. Do they let you guys go on the net?
    If so, check out all the stuff we have that will educate you since you may well have been isolated and without any information for a while. Glad to help you catch up to speed.


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