

Strategy 1:Change Our Map of Internal Reality

This strategy requires daily work, and maybe twice a day depending on your commitment to it.  This will not only change our external world ultimately, but will change our personal lives as well.   When you enter into any venture with your whole being, then it becomes critical that "wholeness" is grounded in the right energy. 

This piece of strategy and tactics was given to us anonymously and thus I am passing it on to you in the same way.   Please read and implement as a beginning and continue daily while we work on the other strategies and tactics that will be coming down the line.   There is a part II to our internal work which will follow this first part.   I deeply believe, when I read this,  that this is and was the foundation for what lies ahead, it can only happen this way as a beginning "BY FOCUSING AND BECOMING THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE". .

Tactic and Practice:  

A peaceful tactic to begin manifesting a new world is to visualize the world we would like to live in....doing this every day for five to fifteen minutes. As many of you are aware, this is a powerful "action" to take "together". Some suggestions to visualize are:

(Please post your additional suggestions so they may be shared with all who are willing to participate in this "action".).....

a.  Peace. Love, Harmony, Joy, Goodwill, Prosperity and Abundance for ourselves, our families, our neighbors and finally,  for all.  Image that this has occurred already and meditate on how that would feel and enjoy the process of feeling that change already in place.   Begin within you,  then like a blanket bring in others in your family to the comfort, peace, love, and abundance that you have fully visualized for yourself.  Once that is completed and you have it firmly visualized as a reality, then begin to "NOTICE" that others around you and their families also have this wonderment within their lives.  

b.  Visualize that everyone you meet, and everyone on the planet has found the energy of love, light, and caring and also that everyone has "truth" in their hearts. Then notice your governments, business, banking, etc, also have adopted this wonderful condition within their businesses, politics, etc.  Visualize law enforcement helping your children when they fall down,  or getting a cat out of the tree, and acting like the protectorates they are meant to be.  

Carry that forward into the military and other institutions.   If at first you find it difficult, go back to the place where you last felt that comfort and believed it to be so.   Stay with it and go on again and do the next grouping further out from you and practice, visualize and meditate until you truly feel it.  We are changing our belief systems when we do this into what we WANT THE WORLD TO BE. If you are religious, fine, you can incorporate that into your religious practices.  

Remember, it takes time and this won't happen overnight, but if we practice each and every day, this will get easier and we can progress a lot further over time.   I swear to you this works,  it has for me and miracles have happened and we altogether doing this can change the world into the place we want it to be.   Trust me on this.  

c.  Now you have come this far,  its time to move out further and visualize the empowerment of and finances made available to all those who have the knowledge to start businesses, implement research for better fuel products, higher efficient transportation, more life enhancing and holistic healing products and methods, more economical housing, and alternative banking, and the movement of corporations into great corporate citizenship within their communities.   Visualize they have become the paragons of corporate responsibility in their workers, their customers, and their communities.

d.  Now visualize Leaders in all areas of society have a empathetic heart, are caring and compassionate, are spiritually aware, are visionaries, yet, grounded, full of wisdom and deep abiding principles and who make decisions for the good of all the people.  Visualize citizen politicians who genuinely represent their neighbors and families in the governmental process. 

Visualize continually, the world you want to see.   It only takes 8,000 of us to change the world using this process.  Do it while driving,  in the shower, during break at work, do it whenever there is a moment to contemplate in your daily life schedule.   Remember the adage, "MIND OVER MATTER" and its true.

Behavior changes that accompany the above tactic

Visualizing can be accompanied by adopting behaviors that will reflect what we visualize we want.  Here is a list below on some things we can start to manifest while we are doing our internal work.  Its from this combination that we will spread, and behaviors will change, and new paradigms will be given birth which will create new life in our otherwise deteriorating conditions on this planet.   Here are suggestions made by another "People-to-People" member from Taiwan, who has been with us from the beginning and these are great for practicing  these new paradigms within our own lives, & will eventually result, along with the visualization into a new world with all that we want for ourselves and others.   REMEMBER, CHANGE OCCURS WHEN WE LIVE WHAT WE VISUALIZE and become the example of change we want to see.....

This is from Jerry Mills, Taiwan  "Manifesting" Change.

Lao Tze spent his entire life searching for something he called the Way. Toward the end of his life, he admitted that he hadn’t found it but said that our lives would be better if we searched for it ourselves.

Buddha spent his entire life searching for the Truth. Toward the end of his life, he admitted that he had learned many truths but had never really found the Truth.

The legendary Eight Immortals typify man’s search for Life. Yet even the Eight Immortals of legend must die.

I may tell you that I’ve found the Way, the Truth, and the Life; but it means nothing to you unless you find it for yourself. Those of us who desire peace among ourselves and with all nations are on an uncertain journey. But Journeys begin with the first step.   Its bigger than just ourselves and thus deeper than any journey we have been asked to take in the past.   Enjoy the trip of a life time.  We must integrate these into our lives and visualizations and teach them to our children while we teach them to visualize what they want in this world.

Fourteen Counsels of Excellence

1. Chivalry: a code of conduct and way of life that seeks to embody all other virtues. In times past, it supported the aristocratic regime. In today’s egalitarian climate, it places more responsibility more broadly upon its adherents.

2. Integrity: Being true to one’s values regardless of unpopularity or other difficulties. Depending on what those values are, it may be positive or negative.

3. Simplicity: Desiring what we need for ourselves and others and accepting only the embellishments that actually improve the quality of life.

4. Patience: Patience with ourselves and with others.

5. Temperance: Balance in all things. Desiring the right amount and to the right degree.

6. Humility: The recognition of our true value and the True Source of our value. It’s neither putting ourselves down, which would be an affront to our Creator and the natural order of things, nor vaunting ourselves to a supposed higher place in the order of things.

7. Fortitude: Courage and industry. Doing the best we can and leaving the outcome to heaven. Knowing that everyone dies of something eventually, it means not fearing death. It has been determined the number of our days and the hour of our deaths. Recognizing that, until that time, we’re as safe in battle as we are in bed.

8. Prudence: Thinking things through to determine outcomes before we act.

9. Reverence: Recognizing that all things work together for good, but we may experience that goodness only by seeking it and recognizing it. Unhappiness is always caused by not getting the results we desire, sometimes through unreasonable expectations ; sometimes our desires, while good in themselves, may be inordinate. In the end, we know what is good in our lives, how much we should receive, and under what circumstances we should receive good things.  Its going beyond what we know to be right, that brings unhappiness.

10. Justice: Finding and maintaining balance. Sometimes justice requires mercy; sometimes punishment, sometimes something else. Injustice is a condition of disharmony in the natural order of things. Establishing justice is re-establishing equilibrium.

11. Gratitude: Being thankful for whatever heaven sends our way, recognizing that it’s all for good. Wisdom never came from convenience, and creativity never came from an abundance of things to do.

12. Faith: Faith isn’t the belief that you’ll receive the things “hoped for;” it’s the “substance of things hoped for.” We may not receive the commodity we wish to receive, but (VN: Faith leads to belief and belief leads to "knowing". Its by our experiences that we come to know that our belief and faith is well founded. I personally have had miracles that have changed my faith, into knowing through belief.

13. Hope: Not knowing the future but knowing Who holds the future and who can create the future as we are doing through this process. Each faith and religion has that within it if we search it out.

14. Love: Desiring the best for others and for ourselves. Love is not just an action verb; it’s a transitive verb. It requires an object. Since love is a commitment and not a feeling, it requires a commitment to that object even when the feeling is absent.

Three Responsibilities

1. Obligation: The responsibilities we take upon ourselves by our words or actions. We have, for example, obligations to our spouses and children.

2. Duty: Responsibilities we never chose, but which we have nonetheless. We never chose our parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, or our country. For that matter, we never chose to be created. We do, however, have responsibilities in those areas and more.

3. Integrity: This has been called the responsibility we owe ourselves. Since all responsibilities are ultimately to our Creator, integrity is the responsibility we owe directly to the Ultimate. For example, we don’t owe good manners to any other person, but good manners help us to become better people.

Three Forms of Goodness

1. Morality: Right behavior in our treatment of people including ourselves, animals, and other living things. It involves doing no harm, but it also involves actively doing good.

2. Ethics: Honesty and reliability in our behavior toward other people.

3. Virtue: Forms of behavior that strengthen an individual, a family, a community, a state, a nation, or the world. Examples are filial piety, community spirit, patriotism, and reverence.

There is more, but this is plenty, some of us will find this easy and some will have to rethink and change much of what we were taught in our schools that no longer serves us if we are to change our world. Please seriously consider all this because this is the FOUNDATION FOR THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN OUR WORLD, Please join in and help create this new reality for yourselves, family and the world.

New strategies and tactics are coming soon to do with specific actions we can take in our movement toward non cooperation and self empowerment and world expansion. These had to be done one at a time as I am sure you can imagine the work involved in putting all of this together.  Thanks for all who have contributed and continue to follow us on this journey.  Jump in anytime with suggestions either through the email on the site or through the comments section of any of the blogs.


  1. thank you...
    this is a beautiful post that i will print off to help others arrive at enlightenment.

    i would just like to add this thing...
    Have mercy for those who appear to be doing harm to people... you don't know what their situation is, they might be getting squeezed between a rock and a very nightmarish place.

    Don't act out rashly or out of hate or rage. You would more than likely regret having done that. Ask your higher self for wisdom and strength, you will receive that and more.

    Peace, love, truth and joy... too much joy...

  2. I agree that if you have to and are forced to act out, do not do so in hate and rage. Go into the bathroom and get it out of your system and then you can think clearly. Avoid the hate and fear, but pay attention to documented reality at this point in time so you can focus your actions and your thoughts on overturning that which is destroying.

    I also agree that our suggestions of NON COOPERATION is the best way to go, however, even Mahatma Ghandi ended up with the people having to eventually use violence to end the horrible repression of the people. I look at Gaza and how peaceful and gentle they are in their actions. But it did no good so they too finally had to resort to violence to defend themselves and their children who were being shot and their organs taken for hundreds of thousands of dollars by the israeli defense force.

    As in all things there has to be a balance. Total violence will win nothing and total submission will win nothing. Balance in all things. Defence is a last resort as was the case with Ghandi. He did do us a service though, he taught us that the elite are animals, barbarians and his people were civilized, but civilized humanity cannot deal effectively with barbarian animals unfortunately. The barbarians simply see it as a sign of weakness and disrepect them for it. Thus they abuse them for it. Strength is all they respect.

  3. Well, since that last post I did back on Nov 8, I have had an awakening that has made a difference. What has happened was explained in these videos we put up on Christmas day and now I realize even I did not truly understand just how powerful we are.

    The key is believing it. If we can leave this paradigm that they control, through deep changes in our perceptions of our reality, we can literally leave them behind and all that they do. Your words and actions reflect your true beliefs so get to truly know them.

    It requires deep honesty within you about you and it also requires the passive letting go of all that brings you down, judges you, and abandons you. When you can do that, its weird how the plasma clears of that energy and you can finally see better.

    I have to commend a friend who has been instrumental in my awareness raising and consciousness raising. She was the most giving, non judgemental and least abandoning person I have ever met and you could "feel" her genuine peaceful spirit that tapped into a collective feeling similar....its hard to explain but that was Jo L. from my town.

    I put up several of her sendings to me yesterday that were truly enlightening and great. As you space clears you can "see" better and your energy is more powerful and less erratic, so I do believe this is the place where all will be taking place and not on a battle field of guns.

    As David Icke says, "This is a Spiritual War", and nothing less.

  4. What is the stance here of the Vatic Project on open borders? On a world government? And on gay marriage? I know what the new age answers are, just wondering what stance you take since this blog spot seems heavy into new age ideas of peace, love, harmony, visualize, empowerment.

    Please leave quantum science out of the answer. i am asking what is the stance here of open borders, a world government, and gay marriage?

    Thanks for any response you can give me.

  5. I agree too that when one's space clears one can see better and one's energy is more powerful and less erratic.

    So if new age ideas of empowerment, visualizing peace love and harmony is the answer, then why all the posts about robots used to control the masses, and towers at Wal-Marts? Why worry about it if you think you've got the answer?

  6. Good question, I am glad you asked. However, I hate answering it because its inadequate compared to the blogs on Christmas. Its about a deep understanding of how this all works which most lack, except people like David Icke.

    Its not new age by the way. The blogs we put up on Christmas day are all scientific based, if you watch them and stay with them you will see and "understand" how it all works. This is the lifting of the veil referenced in the Bible.

    OK, now for your question. New agers believe you can't have a negative thought as it will create within your reality. But they do not understand what that means. No where in the science blogs does it say you ignore reality that is currently in your perview. No where does it say you deny and pretend. Neither of those things works. Its why many new agers, and I know a few, are pontificating, meditating, judging others, all from on high, and yet their lives are getting progressively worse, why is that? Becaues they do not understand the entire paradigm at all.

    That is why I put up the Christmas videos so that EVERYONE can see what its really all about. Its not about the "information" you receive, its about how you react to it.

    If you react in fear and hate and doom and gloom then that is what you will create FOR YOU. Your emotions are a magnet, they draw that which you vibrate, so what you fear, you magnetize.

    Our observations should be objective with no emotions attached to them, rather a third party observer of information so you can see the scope and depth of the other side, then you know what you are dealing with OBJECTIVELY and with trust and faith this system works, you can then direct that energy to the solution.

    You have a small leave pile in your yard and its burning, you have the appropriate reaction to it that is needed to put the fire out. If your house is on fire, you are rightly have a different reaction because of the seriousness of it. Your not going to take a single bucket of water to put out a house fire like you would a pile of leaves fire are you?

    If you ignore the house fire, pretending it isn't there, then your house will burn down. This process does not suspend the law of physics.

    What it does is allows you to unite with the energy that pervades all things and have an impact on it to CHANGE your reality so the FIRE NEVER STARTS IN THE FIRST PLACE, but once it does, then you must fight it with the knowledge that you are master of it and will put that fire out and you have no doubts in your mind or body anywhere that will happen.

    Well, our situation is that we did not avoid this in the first place, so now we have to put out what is going on from a position of power within us, and a surety that we will overcome. Heck I see it working already. But that does not mean we ignore it or the house will burn down. I hope this makes sense. It probably won't if you did not watch the Christmas videos.

  7. When right-wingers co-opt quantum science? lollll this is gonna be terrific! your elite masters are right.

  8. Anonymous, yes, we know you guys have now been hired to come over and counter all the things you fear from us and this definitely one of them.

    Take your own advice and report back to YOUR elite masters of the universe, the Khazars and say hi to them for me and wish them a safe journey back to their home in Hell with their lord and master Satan. LOL We are coming into our own power and you will not be able to stop it.

  9. I'm a few days behind in responding. Some years ago, a young woman told a minister that she wanted to become a Christian, but that she had a conflict: She was a lesbian. Could a lesbian become a Christian? The minister said, in effect, "First things first." Seek first, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Afterward, allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life and answer that question for you.
    The comments addressed another issue as well: the value of visualization. I learned a great deal from Don Quixote. Visualize each person as the best person that that person can be and begin treating him as though he already is.
    People tend to respond to other people's images of them, whether those images are positive or negative. Often, as Aldonza said to Don Quixote, "You're going to take such a beating." Do it anyway.
    If this approach succeeds with some, it's better than assuming the worse of people and not seeing improvement in anyone. Worst of all, if you don't take the positive approach, you deny yourself the opportunity to improve.
    Only by opening yourself up to be hurt can you better yourself and the world around you.

  10. To answer anonymous about "vatics position about globalizing NWO and other such subjects", all I can say is that this blog better reflects how we feel about all those subjects, such as illegal immigration, and NWO etc.... are no secret since they are out here in hundreds of blogs.

    We are against globalizing a fascist NWO, we are opposed to illegal immigration rather fixing the legal immigration system so it works. What that allows is for those that come here, to work as wage earners and not as slaves who have to hide and be grateful for the few dollars they get.

    This is a nation of immigrants and we support that. Like Ron Paul said, be friends with nations, trade with them, but stay away from entanglements that harm the nation and restrict our sovereignty and our freedoms as war does to a country.

    As for gay people? I believe in Freedom more than almost anything else. I am not God and I cannot Judge another. That is God's job, not mine. As long as my freedoms are not encumbered by someone elses actions, then I am at peace and people must make their own choices for what they want to do with their lives. No one should dictate what I decide to do in my own home that harms no one else.

  11. A verry good time for all to try at once mite be from 12:30 to 13:30 sidereal time as this has ben sean to be the best time for telepathic comunication.



Vatic Clerk Tips: After 7 days, all comments to an article go into the moderation queue for approval which happens at least once a day. Please be patient.

Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.