

“US is building secret bases in Afghanistan for war against Russia” – journalist

Vatic Note: I believe this is the first I had heard they intended to build permanent bases there but with thier need for protecting the gas pipeline running through Afghanistan, the war with Russia and their poppy heroin crop I suspect that figure of 13 is correct. So when you hear Obama saying he is pulling out in 2011, do not place bets on it since those permanent bases in Iraq no one thought was going to be built are indeed being built.

“US is building secret bases in Afghanistan for war against Russia” – journalist
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Published 06 July, 2010, 11:26, Edited 17 August, 2010, 13:35

Interview by RT (Russia Today) with Daniel Estulin who discusses the intended USA policy to build 13 permanent bases in Afghanistan to attack Russia. I believe we have way more than that in permanent bases in Iraq for the same purpose.

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, who has made it his mission to uncover the secrets of the Bilderberg Group, has shared some of his revelations with RT.

The Bilderberg Group is one of the most secretive and exclusive clubs that attracts some of the world's most powerful people.

Its meetings are invitation only and take place under tight security, away from the prying eyes of the public and the press.

Critics of the organization, including Estulin, claim they are deciding international policy in a way that is far removed from democracy.

“In Russia you have democracy so it is much easier to infiltrate certain organizations as in the 1990s in an operation called Barbarossa-2. They used the NGOs, the American Aid, the International Monetary Fund, the George Soros Organization to try and actually infiltrate and destroy Russian society from within. Today, the US government is building 13 secret bases in Afghanistan for the forward push to an eventual war against Russia,” Estulin told RT.

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