

Morning Brief: Hungarian toxic sludge spill threatens Eastern Europe

Vatic Note: this is what a new world order government globe would look like. Remember Rothschild already has complete control over eastern europe. So globalizing is a lot more dangerous to us than just losing our freedoms, we are slated to lose our lives through various perverted ways. Think about it, how likely is it that a factory would or could even do such a thing. Its very possible this was intentional. Water supply is affected, ground soil will be affected for who knows how long and that affects the air you breath and the food you grow. Remember, their leader was a Bush man who was shoved into power there almost violently with much demonstrations for questionable counts on the voting. Sound like 2000 to you??? Does to me. Doesn't this seem reminiscent of THE GULF BLOWOUT? Same massive impact.... I mean eastern europe is huge. So maybe this was a test in Europe to determine whether they can continue to do these massive scale ecoterrorism on the rest of the world.    I am finally beginning to wonder if this isn't white european genocide for some reason that escapes me, but look where all the Goldman sachs and rothschild major terror attacks have occurred.   Rebellion?  Is that it?  We  have historically fought tyranny.  Who knows, read it for yourself and see how likely this is.  

Morning Brief: Hungarian toxic sludge spill threatens Eastern Europe
Posted By Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy magazine
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

(vn: coming to a neighborhood near you)
Top news: Rescue workers are struggling to contain the damage from a toxic sludge spill that killed at least four people and injured hundreds more. An estimated 185 million gallons of toxic waste spilled after a reservoir burst at an aluminum refining plant, sweeping cars off the roads, damaging bridges and buildings, and forcing the evacuation of several towns. At least 7,000 residents of Western Hungary have been effected.

The sludge is a byproduct of the refining of bauxite into aluminum. It is extremely alkaline, causing it to burn through clothes and skin, and can be lethal if ingested.

Beyond the immediate damage to the region, EU authorities are worried that if the sludge reaches the Danube river, the spill could become in international ecological disaster. One of Europe's main waterways, the Danube flows through Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Moldova before emptying into the Black Sea. Emergency workers are pouring thousands of tons of plaster into the now affected Marcal river to prevent the sludge from flowing into the Danube, just 45 miles away.

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