


Vatic Note:   Thanks, Richard, this was a very enlightening anaylsis of the apparent plan they have prepared for us to their advantage.  Its going to be very interesting in how all this shakes out.  Right now we are getting our butts whooped in Afghanistan so I am not sure just how effective the proven incompetents are going to be in promoting this to reality.  We will see.

by Dick Eastman, Commentary, Washington state, USA

Rothschild-Sino-Israeli war strategists knew they could not occupy US South and US Midwest without heavy losses and protracted Taliban-like resistance. So they devised this grand strategy:

Forced migration and fratricide that destroys both sides.

Southern Conservative attacking Midwest Populists in a war of predetermined mutual destruction -- after which the armies of the new feudal aristocracy occupy the land and the possibilities of our way of life vanish from among mankind perhaps for centuries. That's their plan, now initiated.

The South is hit by environmental sabotage that makes the land incapable of sustaining the regional population. The starving South is constrained by food chain disruption and a poisoned environment to invade the Midwest in a great unorganized migration/attack seeking to live off the land one way or another. The Midwest already at the margin of subsistence due to draining financial and economic warfare soon see that these immigrants cannot be employed -- there is no purchasing power to hire them -- and can only be viewed as an infestation of wingless locusts. But it is just one more application of strategy that has been been applied in a hundred countries on a thousand occasions throughout recorded human history. When the final conquerors to claim the land all they will need to do is bury their already dead enemy.

This is apart from the race war that the Sino-Israeli strategists have devised for taking down the West. Starvation and lack of purchasing power will soon break down to fighting along racial lines. The agitation for race war has been going on in California for many years. Little do the Tea Party and La Raza know that these organizations were created to foment conflict that also will result in mutual extermination.

The conspiracy watcher is a prophet without honor in the land, yet our message is a timeless one: repent, unite in brotherhood, see what is right and know the devices of the evil one. The answer is not in your race -- that lie is as false as putting your faith in stocking gold instead of using your money now to store and prepare for the future. It is July -- still time to increase planting of some crops to maximize harvest -- if people would lend or give their money to farmers who with purchasing power could still increase their yeilds this season. We could work together by devising plans to conserve food. Instead of throwing leftovers away -- store them in the freezer if you have a freezer. Go on diets now -- but store and conserve what little we have for what is ahead.

But these measures will not be enough. We need to get a Federal goverment that has now become a weapon in the hands of a merciless enemy to conquer and enslave. Those who know the truth must pull away from the enslaving and enervating computer screen and begin talking to real people in the real world where food is grown, distributed and paid for. The department of Homeland Security and other Federal Agencies are enemy territory from which war is being waged against us. We must en masse acknowledge that and break free from these systems that now work our destruction. But how?

We must unify as brothers -- we must refuse to contribute the element in the enemy's strategy of divide and conquer that is needed for them to destroy us. That element that we must not contribute is our willingness to turn against our countrymen in panic and violence.

We can't resort to violence. We cannot let the enemy provoke us to violence by false-flag provocateur attacks, by provocateur agents in ski-masks whom the controlled media will call "populist extremists", with churches burned, leaders shot -- all by agents of the true enemy, but in fact false-flag terrorism to enflame us to turn violence upon our neighbor out of anger, vengence, and ignorance.

The first step you must take -- is to convince your neighbor that this is what is happening, to convince him that you, for one, refuse to cooperate with the enemy's game and that you ask your neighbor of different race, different language, different religion and different lifestyle and position, to also vow that we will trust each other -- that we will depend on each other -- that we will not let false-flag terrorism to cause us to fight each other -- that this time what has worked in Iraq (Sunni vs Shiite) and India (Moslem versus Hindu) and Somalia (Hutu vs. Tutsi) etc. will not work with us. That the races stand united against evil. The great faiths stand untied against war of religion. That we will share food -- and live without bolted doors -- because we have heeded the prophets of love and peace and self-sacrifice so that we all may survive together. And if in the end we have to eat the bodies of those who have died -- let us banquet together in in grim determination that we will survive and that we will rid the world of the evil that has brought this upon us -- not as new men of violence, but as men who adhere to right and will neither cooperate with evil or allow powerful evil to control our relations among ourselves any longer.

The link given at the bottom of this page offers further guidance and needed encouragement for the good struggle that we, together, have ahead of us.

Richard Eastman   (here is the link promised  

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Hi, and welcome, Stienster, that is what I thought when I read it and saw the map. Look at the problems in Katrina that occurred in TExas when so many came there from Louisiana and that was a much smaller movement of masses of people.

    Did you notice they intend to use snow removal equipment to move abandoned cars off the road? That was a result of the war game they did in Katrina with all the abandoned autos on the freeway. Now we know why Katrina was done, so they could practice for this evacuation they intend to do that they caused with the Corexit.

    I still believe this is not what they say it is and that is why the black out. I believe they have a highly controlled release of this stuff to justify the use of the corexit to force the evacuation. What is that they call it when you 'cause' the problem, 'find and execute' the solutions? Its what these neocon zionist bankers are good at.

  2. We agree with Richard Eastman pertaining to their apparent stratagem. We have increased the size of our garden by atleast one third and are planting more plants per square foot. We have purchased enough wood for a few winters and stored additional food stuffs. We do expect company soon. We hope we will invite them to stay and begin again here in Idaho. If they refuse and push too much, we are prepared to push back, a little.......adtomeus in Love

  3. Excellent. But buy a solar battery charger and a steripen for sterilizing water, becuase that is going to be our next big shortage. Also get a Hologen gas removing water filter for right now. This is where half our problems are and I wrote about it a day or so ago.

    I did a big write up on the horrors of the halogen gas they put into our water supply and it harms us even taking a shower or cooking with it since its a halogen, you can't break the bond of it with the oxygen molecule. It kicks out and replaces the hydrogen molecules with itself and its called "Fluoride" and its what makes us so lathargic. Its why we hve put up with horrors unspeakable as they are.

    Hitler and Stalin (both Rothschilds) used Fluoride in the water to sedate their populations and then proceeded to massacre almost 60 million of them. That is what we can expect here under the very same people (rothschilds) that controlled russia and germany. We need to seriously wake up if we want to LIVE THROUGH ALL THIS.

  4. Katrina was a warm-up created and steared to the target to see what the populace would do in a panic. Dallas and Houston were overwhelmed and crime statistics went through the ceiling. Now with a future tidal wave or hurricane spreading the poison inland, and millions migrating, they know what will happen. By mid-July this will be apparent, by November all hell. The nuclear storage facility being built on top of the Ogalla Aquifer in Andrews, Texas is 5 miles from a fault zone. Harold Simmons the Billionaire Zionist from Dallas is the driving force/owner of it. If the Ogalla is poisoned, 33% of the nations farm/food capacity dies.

  5. This comment was blocked by the system and thus I am posting it up here myself for all to see, it was a good one.

    JDM has left a new comment on your post "IS THE GULF A "ROTHSCHILD-SINO-ISRAELI WAR" AGAINS...":

    Katrina was a warm-up created and steered to the target to see what the populace would do in a panic. Dallas and Houston were overwhelmed and crime statistics went through the ceiling. Now with a future tidal wave or hurricane spreading the poison inland, and millions migrating, they know what will happen. By mid-July this will be apparent, by November all hell. The nuclear storage facility being built on top of the Ogalla Aquifer in Andrews, Texas is 5 miles from a fault zone. Harold Simmons the Billionaire Zionist from Dallas is the driving force/owner of it. If the Ogalla is poisoned, 33% of the nations farm/food capacity dies.

  6. Here is my response to it.

    JDM, I hope we can notify you somehow of this response, for some reason bloggers are all having this trouble and we dont' know why they won't let us publish our comments that come in. Hopefully it will get fixed.

    As for your comment, I agree about Katrina, and the findings, but more importantly your info on the aquifir is critically important. Bush bought land in Paraguay over the largest aquifir in the world along with Mooney and that was for the purposes of gaining control over the largest fresh water in the world, so drilling for water will be more lucrative than drilling for oil.

    If they can poison the rest of the freshwater underground sources, they can control the entire worlds population through the only source available that they control. Wonder what they would do if the entire world declared war on them with their 500 marines stationed there. They are really pushing the envelope.

  7. JDM, if you noticed the latest post I put up at about 5 pm, you will see the reaction to your very good point. They are militarizing us now and occupying the first big city. They are also losing very badly in Afghanistan, so they have decided to concentrate here and deal with afghanistan later.

    It is literally time to prepare since the exercise in road blocks in NY is for "GUN CONFISCATION" which is the first sign of the hammer coming down and to test how it goes in the biggest city we have. If it goes well, the rest of the country will be next.


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Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.