

Entire U.S. Naval Defense is Compromised - Warned Dr. Mount

Vatic Note: If we do this, its provocation and could qualify as a war crime. Its imperative we contact our congress and senate and let them know WE KNOW.... what they are doing and why. Tell them we have finally read the protocols and we see it all.

Entire U.S. Naval Defense is Compromised - Warned Dr. Mount
Are they now going to begin this Nuclear Attack on our fleets?;article=131544
by VK Dunham, & APFN
July 24, 2010

To Dr. William B. Mount from Will P. Wilson, Bill, we broadcast this Friday night your warning to the U.S. Naval Commanders on the All Day Live program about our Naval fleets now being completely compromised due to the VA selling it's records worldwide and that you had mentioned to the All Day Live viewers that this would mean that our entire naval defense systems including our entire U.S. Naval Fleet is now completely vulnerable to enemy attack.

That this would mean that our nation is about to be defenseless and to no longer even have a navy?

And, this was all planned out by the elements that have stolen our entire government with foreign agents now acting as the president and their now completely controlling our U.S. Congress, our U.S. Supreme Court, and including their having compromised our entire system of governmental infrastructure with their Homeland Security Fascist take over and their now controlling most of the heads of our entire U.S. Corporate Banking Military Defense systems?

As you have mentioned on the All Day Live show for the past year that we as a people have now been completely sold out by the Rothschild (Masonic-Satanist) Crime Syndicate that has now completely taken control of our entire U.S. Congress and it's entire infrastructure throughout the entire nation including the heads of our United States Department of Defense?

As you had mentioned and warned this this last night (Friday night July 23, 2010) on the All Day Live program on on  as was your warning comparing the likes of the Honolulu Newspaper that posted on the cover only a few days before the December 7, 1941attack on the U.S. Naval Fleet warning that the Japanese Fleets were headed toward the Islands of Hawaii and no one paid any heed to this front page warning.

Thereof, it is the 7th month, and are they going to now begin this Nuclear Attack on our fleets and vis a vis, per your warning thereof being the equivalent of the Honolulu Times Warning just a few days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

Should we make plans to not be in the Seattle and Tacoma areas over this next few days?

Please read the following and I need your feedback on this. Will P. Wilson (206) 617 - 4234



Posted By: watcher51445
Fri Jul 23, 2010 16:30;article=131541;title=APFN

Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Friday, 23-Jul-2010 21:19:27

Sir...This is Mike in downtown Seoul S Korea at the huge Yongsan Army base..It is almost deserted today as the mood is very somber with the EXPECTED" PROVOCATIVE "US-S KOREAN EXERCISE TO kick off tomorrow near NORTH KOREAN BORDERS. The command is silent here so as not to cause panic...but i can assure you the thousands of dependents at Camps Casey/Stanley near the DMZ..the huge camp Humprheys Base outside of Seoul AND YONGSAN MAIN POST HERE IN DOWNTOWN SEOUL..WILL ALL FEEL THE"EXTREME HEAT "OF ANY skirmish that GOES VIRAL..China is also warning AMERIKA..'DON'T' Please get the word out IMMEDIATELY ON YOUR MAILING LIST-WEB SITES--AND RUMORMILL NEWS(THEY BLOCKED IT ON ME HERE). THAT THE SITUATION HERE IS VERY VERY SERIOUS..AMERIKANS NEED TO BE CONTACTING THE DIRT BAG CONGRESS TO STOP THIS DEADLY GAME BEFORE IT GOES 'LIVE'...AS all of Seoul AND ALL OF THE AMERIKAN TROOPS AND THOUSENDS OF DEPENDENTS WILL BE ENGULFED IN THE ENSUING 'SEA OF NUCLEAR FIRE"
N.Korea threatens nuclear retaliation — AD, Fri Jul 23 13:27

NEW: North Korea says it will counter joint exercise with its "nuclear deterrence" North Korea ramps up threats against military exercises...

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