

Declassified US Military Intelligence Documents Confirmed Genuineness of the Protocols Of of the Elders of Zion In 1919. - Part V ( Protocols of the Elders of Zion)

Vatic Note:  You know how historically we always say "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" and how we MUST learn from history?  We also, once we "learn" the history, must then compare it to now and see what mistakes we made then and to be sure not to make them now.   That is what Part V is really all about.  Historically,  a pattern has developed in the destruction of countries and their people and we are in the middle of the third one that we know about.   Read this, and you will have learned historically how that happened and YOU CAN SEE IT HAPPENING EXACTLY THE SAME WAY NOW.  Now the solutions become clear as we saw in Argentina and Iceland.  That is exactly what we have to do here if we are to prevent us ending up like Russia and Poland in the 1917 revolution, which the Zionists created and led and the horrible life the Russians and Poles lead for almost 100 years since.   No way should we allow this here.
Military and law enforcement have to decide how they want their children and spouses to live at this point since they are us and we are them.   Teach us and we will follow you.  What the zionists did here in the White House and in the congress, they have done since the Russian revolution in every country, and its historical and proven through this declassified document.   Learn and prepare.  Its going to be a brutal rough time.  With the kind of hate they have for us and muslims,  there will be no quarter given. 

Declassified US Military Intelligence Documents Confirmed Genuineness of the Protocols Of of the Elders of Zion In 1919. - Part V ( Protocols of the Elders of Zion)
Thursday, 17 May 2007

Continued from Part IV

(b) RUSSIA !

Many of the witnesses who testified before the Senate Committee stated quite definitely that most of the prominent Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The following are quotations from one or two:

(1) Mr. Theodor Kryshtofovitch (page 424 Senate Record):

"Most of the people governing Russia now are Jews. I am not against Jews in general. They are a very capable and energetic people, but as you Americans say, the right man must be in the right place. Their place is in the Commission Houses, in Banks, in the offices, but not in the government of a fine agricultural country. They do not understand anything about agriculture, about production, about keeping materials and about distribution ********* I am talking about Bolsheviki; because if you take our Bolshevik Government, Lenine is a Russian and all these constellations that are turning around this sun are Jews. They have changed their names. For instance, Trotsky is not Trotsky but Bronstein."

Again on page 431 he says:

"They oppose the Russian clergy and the Russian clergy oppose the Bolsheviki, and the Russian priests are treated very badly. For instance, they are set to do street work, cleaning the streets, paving streets, digging ditches, and so on. The workmen told me several times: ‘The Bolsheviki are sending out priests to work in the streets. Why do they not send their Rabbis ?’ And that is true. The Jewish Rabbis are not sent to work on the streets."

Colonel V. S. Hurban, the leader of the Checho-Slovaks in Russia (page 444 of the Senate Record):

"It is also logical that the morals of the officials should be corrupt. I cannot deny it because it is a fact, and it is useless to deny it, that in the Soviets from the beginning there have been a very large percentage of Jews. It cannnot be denied. I can explain myself. We cannot blame them because it is just their revenge."


The following appears in a despatch to the Department, describing conditions in Hungary, quoted on page 37 of the confidential weekly report of the Division of Western European Affairs for June 28, 1919:

"Of the Communist Commissaries (of whom 25 out of 32 are Jews), several are assigned to each department."

As a sample of general frank public comment on the Bolshevik regime in Hungary may be cited the following from an article on "The Forces of Disintegration” appearing in THE NEW EUROPE of June 19, 1919:

"The internal situation in Hungary is comparatively simple at this moment. The issue of the war involved the bankruptcy of the whole ruling oligarchy and of the Jewish parasites who had battened upon them for over a generation past. But while the former fell with a resounding crash, a large section of the latter suddenly laid violent hands upon the machine of the State, and have since the Spring been endeavoring to recover, under a mask of advanced Communist theories, fragments of what the old imperialism had lost to the Magyar State.

********** Meanwhile we need be under no illusions as to the present regime in Hungary. In Budapest such illusions have long since vanished, and all who come from there tell the same tale. The present Communist Government of Budapest is merely a glorified edition of "Sussex Street". Bela Kun - a convicted thief who is proud of his record and brags publicly of his capacity for lying - is on a par with Peter the Painter, while his colleagues (save a couple of honest doctrinaires, and an occasional figurehead selected for purposes of camouflage) are altogether worthy of him.


The early efforts of the Bolsheviki to get control in Russia were financed by German Government, largely through the German Jewish banking firm of M. N. Warburg and Company of Hamburg, established in 1798, one of the most powerful banks in all of Germany, and instrumental in directing the international policy of the old German Empire. Max Warburg, head of this firm, cooperated in this matter with his brother Fritz, Financial Attache of the German Legation at Stockholm and as such, head of and general paymaster for the German spy system. Practically all of the men who participated in the negotiations with the Bolsheviki in turning over these funds were Jews.

A number of the returning Military Attaches as for example, Lieutenant Waldo from The Hague, have emphasized that the personnel, methods and aims of the new German Foreign Office were, in a large measure, the same as those of the old regime.

Therefore, the statement in the BRITISH CONFIDENTIAL WEEKLY REVIEW for June 4, 1919 (page 2) would seem at least possible:

"Evidence is accumulating that the German Government directed the Munich Revolution through Agents provocateurs. The "ROTE FAHNE” seems to have been under Government control, and an organization called: "VEREINIGUNG ZU BEKAMPFUNG DES BOLSHEVISMUS”, and espionage association covering the whole of Germany, had exact information on every phase of the Munich rising. This association is headed by Prussian Officers and works in connection with the Government."


... Concerning the leaders of the Munich Soviet Revolution, Ben Hecht, himself a radical, in a cable published in the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS said:

"As for the Communist leaders in Bavaria, for instance Toller, Levine, Muhsam, Landauer, Lipp, and, in fact, all whom I met in the April Soviet days in Munich, were Jews."

As to the general Jewish influence in Germany, Hecht states:

"One of the tragi-comic sides of the feverish German situation today is the position of the German Jews. Although less than one per cent of the German population consists of Jews, fully 75% of its present leaders - conservative and radical - are Semitic. The only political party which has no Jewish leaders is the centre or Catholic party, controlled by Mathias Erzberger. In Weimar, however, I have seen numerous centrist delegates to the national assembly whose Catholicism was political rather than racial.

As for the majority socialist, it must be remembered that the socialist party was founded by Karl Marx, a Jew, and co-ordinated by Ferdinand Lasalle and the elder Liebknecht, also Jews, while it was economically developed by Singer, another Jew. On the other hand the most active anti-socialist leaders in Germany - Theodor Wolff, George Bernhard and a dozen others of similar standing - are likewise Jews.

Hugo Haase, leader of the independent socialist party, is a Jew, as are practically all of its more important leaders, with the exception of Dr. Rudolph Breitscheld.

Nearly all of the newspaper editors and publicists whom I have encountered, from Maximilian Harden up and down the line, are Jews, and, so far as I can make out, nearly all the Berlin bankers are of the same race."


On April 8, 1919, the LONDON MORNING POST in an editorial commenting on the part the Jews were taking in Russian Bolshevism and the further fact that two of the leading British Jewish papers were openly pro-Bolshevik, stated:

"We have mentioned several times the disagreeable fact that the Russian Bolsheviks were Jews. These Jews are at the present moment in control of the Russian Government and they have powerful friends in all the Allied countries, who are helping them. We have appealed to the British Jews, but appealed so far in vain, to dissociate themselves from the cause which is doing the Jewish people terrible harm in all parts of the world. In reply the Jewish press shower upon us not only abuse but threats."

This article brought forth a letter published in the LONDON POST of April 23, 1919 signed by the following ten leading British Jews:

Major Lionel de Rothschild, M.P.
Lord Swaythling
Sir Philip Magnus, Bart, M.P.
Alderman Sir Marcus Samuel, Bart
Right Honorable Sir Harry S. Samuel, M.P.
Mr. Leonard L. Cohen
Sir Israel Gollancz
Lieutenant-General Sir John Monash, G.O.N.G.
Mr. Claude G. Montefiore
Sir Isidore Spielmann, C.M.G.

The letter stated in part:

"We have read with the deepest concern and with sincere regret certain articles which have recently appeared in two closely associated Jewish newspapers in this country on the topic of Bolshevism and its "ideals". In our opinion, the publication of these articles can have no other effect than to encourage the adoption of the theoretic principles of Russian Bolsheviks among foreign Jews who have sought and found refuge in England. We welcome, accordingly, your suggestion that British Jews should "dissociate themselves from a cause which is doing the Jewish people harm in all parts of the world". This is profoundly true, and we, on our own behalf and on behalf of numbers of British Jews, with whom we have conferred, desire to dissociate themselves absolutely and unreservedly from the mischievous and misleading doctrine which those articles are calculated to disseminate. We repudiate them as dangerous in themselves and as false to the tenets teachings of Judaism.

Partly in order to counteract the mistaken policy of the newspapers referred to, the League of British Jews was founded in November 1917. The proceedings and views of the League are published in a monthly bulletin, entitled JEWISH OPINION which can be obtained at the Offices of the League, 708-709, Salisbury House, E.C. 2, and which may eventually be merged "in a larger journal appearing at more frequent intervals. For we thoroughly concur with your criticism that the "British Jewish Community”, most of whom, as you rightly say, are by no means in sympathy with this (Nationalist) crusade, are being served very badly by their newspapers". Meanwhile we take this opportunity of repudiating in public the particular statements in those newspapers to which you have felt it your duty to call attention."


Under date of February 15, 1919 Louis Marshall in denying the charges made before the Senate Committee that the New York East Side was Bolshevist and had furnished many Russian Bolshevists Commissars said: (Page 379 of the Senate Record):

"I read the Yiddish newspapers and am constantly called into consultation and conference with respect to every imaginable movement that can concern the public which affects the East Side, and I can, therefore, speak with authority when I say that there never has been a baser slander uttered than to charge by innuendo that the Jews of the East Side are Bolshevists."

In a report dated May 20, 1919, M. C. Keyes, Treasury Secret Service Agent stated:

"When Dr. Simons, formerly a resident of Russia made the statement that "90% of the Bolsheviks in New York were Jews”, the entire radical element in New York rose in arms and through the influence that they could exert they villified a man whose only crime was being too modest in his calculations. I am satisfied that instead of 90% it should be nearer the actual amount to say that 95% of the Bolsheviks are Jews. Only recently I had the opportunity to look over the records of one Soviet branch in New York. Out of a membership of 700, 625 were Jews. ****** ”

On June 17, 1919 a conversation was overheard between Nuorteva and Charles Recht, both Bolshevist Jews, in New York, in which it wa stated that the entire 500,000 Jews of the East Side were Bolshevists.

Vice Consul R. B. Dennis testyfying before the Senate Committee said: (Page 178 of the Senate Record)

Mr. Dennis: I do not know whether this belongs in this hearing or not, but a thing that interested me very much was to discover a number of men in positions of power, commissars in the cities here and there in Russia, who had lived in America."

Senator Nelson: Who had been graduated here ?

Mr. Dennis: Yes.

Senator Nelson: Where had they lived mostly, in New York ?

Mr. Dennis: In the industrial centers. I met a number of them and I sat around and listened to attacks upon America that I would not take from any man in this country; but I took it over there because I was asking favors, and I was not in a position to get into an altercation, as I did not want to get in jail.

Senator Nelson: Were the men who had lived for years in this country, and had gone back there, occupying prominent positions in the Bolshevik Government ?

Mr. Dennis: Yes Sir.

Senator Wolcott: In the main, of what nationality were they ?

Mr. Dennis: Hebrew.

Senator Wolcott: German Hebrews ?

Mr. Dennis: Russian Hebrews. The men that I met there had lived in America according to their stories, anywhere from 5 to 12 years.


(a) Has the Jewish anti-Polish propaganda in the United States been based on actual widespread Jewish pogroms ?

Louis Marshall, Judge Mack, Jacob Schiff, Israel Cohen, the British Zionist investigator, and other Jewish leaders all answer "yes".

Hugh Gibson, United States Minister to Poland on the other hand says the stories have been greatly exaggerated. For this statement he has been bitterly villified by Mr. Marshall and the American-Jewish News. Mr. Gibson also reported that many of the exaggerated pogroms stories were traceable to German propaganda sent out by way of Copenhagen. In this he is corroborated by the report of Colonel Mason of the Military Intelligence, General Staff, who spent a month in Poland during March and April.

The following quotation from Professor Askenazy, a Polish-Jewish educator and historian of Warsaw, appearing in the NEW YORK WORLD of July 2, 1919 and reprinted in FREE POLAND for July 16, 1919, would seem to present an accurate summary:

"The outside world is getting an entirely exaggerated idea, and I see my co-religionists in New York are acting on what was evidently unverified information coming from many sources. They have denounced Poland for things which never happened. With Poland young and struggling and beset with enemies it has enough trouble without having attacks from our people, who have always received better treatment from the Poles than from any other people in Eastern Europe. ****


It is true that there have been local outbreaks against the Jews, for special reasons, due to upset conditions, and tales about Jewish profiteering, particularly from Russian Bolshevik Jews, who are trying to upset the Polish nationalist spirit. **** I remark with wonder that the leaders of America’s greatest Jewish societies are lending themselves to this movement, for all this agitation in America is only helping Germany and Bolshevik Russia. *** Whenever one Jew has been hurt in Poland, Jews say ten were killed and Germans say a thousand. If a Jew is killed in conflict, like the Jews in Vilna who fought with the Bolsheviki, the German press immediately spreads a tale of a Polish pogrom in Vilna."

(b) Have the Jewish Zionists as a part of a definite propaganda to get for the Jews of Poland minority rights, deliberately exaggerated the stories of pogroms in Poland ?

The BILL OF RIGHTS adopted at the American-Jewish Congress at Philadelphia on December 19, 1918, requested the Peace Conference to grant to the Jews in new or enlarged states to be created by the Conference, autonomous management of all Jewish communal institutions and insisted that such autonomy be a condition precedent to the creation of any such state. Poland being the largest and most important new state thus to be formed, it was natural that the Jews should center their efforts on establishing this principle there.

To quote from one of their own number, (Israel Cohen, in the WASHINGTON POST, May 30, 1919):


There is only one way in which the civil equality of the Jews can be preserved and that is by their being given the rights of a national minority. The Jews should be given autonomy as far as the administration of their religious, cultural, social and charitable affairs are concerned, but they should also be constituted a separate electoral college with the right to proportional representation in the Polish Parliament. And in order to establish a good working understanding between them and the government, it is advisable that there should be a ministry of Jewish affairs, the head of which should be responsible to a representative council of the organized Jewish communities."

The Polish protest against the published demands of the Jews was followed by a publicity campaign to create a sentiment hostile to Poland, principally in the United States, for use at the Peace Conference in support of the Jewish claims.

In the United States the propaganda adopted by the Jews took two forms: (1) Newspaper attacks, and (2) organized protest meetings, parades and similar demonstrations.

(1) A careful reading of the prominent articles concerning alleged atrocities against the Jews in Poland which began appearing simultaneously in the leading American papers about the middle of May, shows a striking similarity in form, in substance and in headlines, a similarity so striking as to have no other reasonable explanation than that of a thoroughly planned propaganda. Information has come to us at second-hand that Reuben Fink, Washington representative of the Zionists, supervised the dissemination of this newspaper material. Confidential despatches from Copenhagen describe a German inspired organization abroad to supply news of pogroms for publication in the American-Jewish press.

Many of the first stories published in May were based on a report of Israel Cohen published in the LONDON TIMES of February 14, 1919. For example, on May 28, 1919 the NEW YORK HERALD and the WASHINGTON POST ran front page accounts by Herman Bernstein of Cohen’s report, but the phrasing was such as to lead the readers to believe that they described Pogroms which were still going on, whereas, Cohen was actually reporting as to events in November, December and January when, as is well known, during the chaos attendant on the triangular struggle with the Germans’ retreating and attempting to turn the country over to the Bolsheviki, and the Poles asserting their National Independence against both groups, there were, of course, many Jews, Poles, Germans and Bolshevists killed. Moreover, Cohen only recited the killing of 161 people during the entire three months covered by his report.

Contrast with this the statement of Rabbi Tittlebaum (State Department I. B. 861.4016/245 [decipherment may not be accurate]) concerning the persecution of the Jews in Southern Russia, in which he tells of the killing and wounding of hundreds of thousands, 5000 being killed in the town of Proscorof alone. There has been little publicity about this in the United States, probably because it would defeat the purpose of the Zionist propaganda as showing that the outbreaks against the Jews in Poland were more restrained and accompanied by much less loss of life that those in other places where chaotic conditions prevailed, such as Southern Russia.

A further illustration of the way false stories of atrocities were used is shown by the articles about Vilna. The Department received word in May that the Zionist Bureau at Berlin reported 200 Jews killed at Vilna. On June 8, 1919 the WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES and others carried a story from Paris under a large headline saying: "1600 Jews killed at Vilna." From Gibson’s reports (telegram June 17, 1919), it appears that 64 Jews were shot and at least ten of them were admitted by the Jewish representatives to have been killed in the house-to-house fighting by which the Poles took the city from the Bolsheviki.

(2) In all the principal cities of the United States mass meetings were held, preceded by parades for which the Jewish workmen obtained a half holiday. The principal meeting was held at Madison Square Garden, New York on May 21, 1919 following a series of parades and other thoroughly organized demonstrations in which a large number of the Jews of the East Side participated. The most important addresses were made by Charles E. Hughes and Jacob Schiff. Mr. Hughes in defending himself against the charge by the Poles that he was playing politics, and had no facts upon which to base his protest, stated that "a careful investigation should speedily be had, but in the meantime the report which have come in - vouched for by such men as Judge Mack and Louis Marshall, men of recognized standing, ability and probity, - justify in my opinion, the most earnest protest."

In determining whether Mr. Hughes was warranted in accepting this ex parte statement, it should be noted that both Judge Mack and Mr. Marshall, as well as Jacob Schiff, are all members of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Kehillah in New York, which Committee has as its Chairman Rabbi Judah L. Magnus who, at one time, was very pro-German and is now an open and avowed advocate of Bolshevism both in Russia and in the United States. As to the Kehillah itself, while it is ostensibly interested solely in Jewish Community work, some question has been raised to its alleged pro-German and subsequent pro-

Bolshevik tendencies. Furthermore, Mr. Marshall’s partner, Samuel Untermeyer, received considerable notoriety at the Senate hearing on German propaganda because of his pro-German activity. Mr. Untermeyer has now appeared as chief counsel for the Rand School and the American Socialist Society in defending their charter.

In the NEW YORK TIMES of May 24, 1919, Felix M. Warburg is quoted as saying:

"It is to be regretted that the protest meetings of the Jews against the Pogroms which have taken place, in the desire to prevent further ones, appear in the papers as an attempt by the Jews to prejudice Americans against the new Polish Government."

"Naturally the Jews are deeply interested in the welfare of their co-religionists, of whom about 5,000,000 are not living in the new Poland. What these protests mean is simply an earnest pleading that every possible step, official and unofficial, be taken by the new Polish Government to prevent outbreaks by an excited populace which, feeling its new strength and old prejudices may, if not held in check, break loose when not watched. That is all we hope for."

As a commentary on this interview the following extracts from an article entitled "PEACE WITHOUT HONOR” by G. K. Chesterton, appearing in THE NEW WITNESS, an English anti-Semitic paper, of April 18, 1919, page 494, seems in point:

"What concerns us in the crisis of Europe is the facts, and when we know we are dealing with the facts of hatred, we connot be confused or even delayed by the fiction of hypocrisy. ***** and the fact is not that the Jews wish well to the new State, but that the Jews are at this moment using all their keen intellectual activity and their deep racial loyalty, working all over the world at high pressure, to prevent the new Polish State coming into existance at all."

******** We know that if they lose their port (Danzig) it will not be by any act of English public opinion or any public opinion, but by the most secret of all secret diplomacy; that it will not even be given up by the English to the Germans, but by the Germans Jews to other German Jews."

As a further comment in the attitude of the Polish Jews themselves toward the new Polish State may be quoted the following from Colonel Mason’s report:

"Poland has recently put into effect a universal draft law, and the army is being mobilized under it. The men
are collected at training stations and are receiving training under the general supervision of a French General, the actual instructors being Poles who have had military training or experience in either the German, Austrian or Russian armies. The army is very largely composed of Poles. Upon the passage of the draft law, 90% of the Jews of the country called for what is known as the blue ticket, which is an exemption certificate given to those who are aliens. Incidentally this has an important political bearing as being an official announcement by 90% of the Polish Jews that they consider themselves not Poles but Jews per se."

As a result of the publicity given these Jewish and German inspired anti-Polish protests, both in this country and abroad, the Poles were defeated and "The Combined Jewish Committees of the World” headed by Mr. Louis Marshall were able to secure (1) the special provisions set out in Articles 8 to 12, inclusive, of the Polish Treaty and, (2) the general acquiescence in these provisions on the part of the American Press. The American Poles, however, are more bitter than ever in their denouncement of these articles as undemocratic and un-American. Because of this attitude on their part it seems in point to analyze the articles in question.

Article 8 - provides that racial, religious and linguistic minorities shall have the right to establish, manage and control, at their own expense, charitable, religious and social institution and schools, with the right to use their own language and to exercise their own religion freely therein.

Article 9 - provides (Paragraph 1) that in public schools where there is a considerable proportion of Polish nationals of other than Polish speech the children shall be taught in their own language.

Article 9 - (Paragraph 2) Racial, religious and linguistic minorities shall be assured an equitable share in the enjoyment and application of the sums which may be provided out of public funds ***** for educational, religious or charitable purposes. (This paragraph would appear to supercede in a large measure Article 8 above.)

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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