

David Icke on Alex Jones TV: Humanity’s Last Chance

Vatic Note: While I am somewhat neutral about David Icke, he is certainly good when he does his homework and I saw that when we were researching pedophilia and Satanism and high levels of government. One of the parts we did on that series, included his research and work he had put together and that took us down a rabbit hole in Britian with their royalty and elite that I had no idea existed. Well, the same is proving true with this interview of him. Its excellent and one of the best explanations for illegal immigration from third world countries that I had ever heard. After the research I also did on Bill Cooper, I am not as suspicious of David's reptoids either anymore. Need more research on that, but for now, Icke has certainly proven his abilities to grasp the very big picture and in fact, his assessment shows there is some encouraging aspects to this that may aid us in overcoming this agenda. Anyway, believe me when I say, its well worth the listen. VIDEO 4, DAVID TELLS US WHAT WE CAN DO.  He says ONLY 6,000 OF THESE PEOPLE CONTROL 4 BILLION AND that means we can take them down.  HE TELLS US HOW.  PLEASE WATCH VIDEO 4 AND DON'T SKIP IT AFTER WATCHING THE FIRST THREE. 

David Icke on Alex Jones TV: Humanity’s Last Chance
July 8, 2010

Alex talks with writer, public speaker, and former well-known BBC television sports presenter David Icke.

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  1. Hi Vatic,

    I'm from Germany. I really appreciate your blog!
    I try to enlighten my folks on various topics, but it is like pulling teeth.

    This very recent and short UFO video is impressive and supports my work ;-)

    But that only helps with UFO stuff. Regarding the criminal psychopaths ruining our lives - my friends and family don't want to believe that such evil people could exist. So that is not so easy ;-)

    This week I understood that money and debt are just a big scam. Nations only have "national debt" because they don't print their own money. The issueing banks are private. So the nations cannot ever be debt free, until they start printing their own currency. The national debt is the racket they play us with.
    They use fancy names and tactis to hide this fact. Most of the time people think they deal with national institutes and organisations. That's the trick.

    Here are other guys that have understood that scam and have made a video about it:

    Thank you and all the best!

  2. Well, thank you for your very good information and I will check out those links. Germany is going to be a risk once they finish with us here.

    If we do not stand we are going down very soon if not right in the process of it as we speak. Then it will be over.

  3. Vatic, Tutor again here.

    Alex Jones reports about the guys and it can help to understand the topic in just a few minutes. I hope :-)

    Introductions, background, and Secret of Oz trailer

    Humanities plight, Secret of OZ background and origins

    More background and details on how the system works

    AJ plugs (3:00) and general topic chit-chat

    Why Iceland is the front line, the Bank of N. Dakota, and why governments should not borrow.


    Sadly I don't understand your assessment regarding Germany. Ironically I mostly researched US and UK related information. I can only assume that evil people work their deeds in my country, too. After all the system plays the same here!

    At this time I trust in spiritual and "service to others" ET realms. It would be great if we humans could solve some problems on our own, though.

    All the best!

  4. Trust is a mighty word. AS for us solving our own problems, that is our only choice. Even ET's aren't going to risk what it will take unless we are worthy and trust me, we have lost that worth by abandoning our evolution and allowing the protocols to happen when they were right in our face to see it all happening as it did and we did nothing.

    We have lost something precious and we will only gain it back again through adversity and survival situations where we can grow again. As for Germany, I was thinking of your sold out leadership like ours. Merkel. I could be wrong on that one because like you I focused on the commonwealth countries that are further along than we are.

    When the Rothschild queen came to visit us, I almost puked because she is so sold out. She wants the colonies back again and complete control of the caribbean. She is already the worlds largest land owner, and going for more in the gulf.

  5. I too believe Merkel to be a real problem. She ain't too happy now it seems :-)
    German national propagande aint worth it, but I check it sometimes for signs, and I like this picture:

    Have fun!

  6. Ahahahaaa, ROTFLMAO!!!!! Oh, that picture is precious....what? No satantic high fiving and no smirk to go along with it??? Lucifer didn't come through?

    Its what you get for making a deal with the devil, he always takes and seldom gives when he is through with you. LOL BY GOD, THERE IS JUSTICE AFTER ALL. LOL


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