

They are Killing the Gulf (VN: with Corexit)

Vatic Note: As soon as we were told Corexit, the toxic disbursant was being dumped we began to suspect something nefarious.  When we were told they had dumped over 1 million gallons, we said  "Really, can you picture one million gallons of corexit???"  I can't, that is huge. We have been saying all along its the Corexit that is the BP weapon of Mass Destruction.  This article and these videos  knocks this down to the bare bones of the reality we face.   Its worth it to watch this, in fact, if you want to know what is our real situation AND  you want to know who did it and if it was intentional,  then watch these two videos.  At the very least save this article for when we are able to obtain justice one way or the other.  

Remember, Britian is heavily tied into both companies especially BP but to a lesser degree to Goldman Sachs international, and they are tied into the Rothschild family (a British/Israeli combination is damn deadly).  While you are thinking about that, REMEMBER ALSO, THAT COREXIT IS BANNED IN BRITIAN, and BP just put a million gallons of that garbage into our gulf?  HUH??? That alone should tell you that the british leadership is not only an enemy to their own people but to the USA as well as the rest of the world.  This is the biggest false flag in history.    I say, arrest them and if you want real justice meted out, TURN THEM OVER TO THE FRENCH.  They know how to take care of the elite criminal elements of our globe.  A worthy price to pay for globalizing.  We will globalize only if we can arrest all the elite, every stinking lousy one of them, prosecute them, and then execute the sentences.  Hows that for a deal?  

They are Killing the Gulf with Corexit
Posted by Sharon Lorraine June 27, 2010 @ 5:20 am, provided to Vatic Project by Stu8340, USA

Hi Everyone. More sobering news to report today, although it is presented in a remarkably coherant fashion in an article and video’s by Mr. Jack Speer-Williams; ”They are Purposely Killing the Gulf with Corexit.” I found the link to two Youtube videos at the Reverse Speaking website. If anyone you know is having trouble waking up, I think these video’s will be of great help. So much so that I contacted Mr. Jack Speer-Williams, creative author of the videos, requesting the transcription for my blog. He promptly sent the full article he had written back to me, along with thanks for publishing it. I’ve postponed my discussion with Dr. von Laur due to the urgency of getting this material out to people.

In my last Chapter regarding the BREAKING NEWS video, one of my Facebook friends challenged the point that was brought up about recovery of the Gulf region. Her contention was that the land would not be profitable for the Elite in a couple of years. She argued that the Gulf sea surrounding areas, and other oceans on Earth, will be full of dead zones if the current usage of Corexit continues. As I didn’t understand what “dead zones” were, and felt the anonymous person making the BREAKING NEWS video was sincere, I was having trouble waking up to her line of thinking. Thankfully I happened upon the Youtube video’s by Mr. Speer-Williams.

Corexit is killing the Gulf Part I

They are Purposely Killing the Gulf with Corexit
by Jack Williams

Let us set aside the possibility of provable intent or gross criminal negligence of governmental regulators and oil company executives, causing or allowing the worse humanly caused catastrophe in world history. Now, let us focus on the greater and utterly provable crimes committed by US regulators and BP (British Petroleum) executives, immediately following the blow-out of the Gulf of Mexico oil well.

Please read the following paragraphs slowly and carefully to completely understand the enormity of these crimes.

British Petroleum (BP), with governmental approval, was quick to dump hundreds of thousand of gallons of their poisonous chemical dispersant, Corexit 9500 (a neurotoxic pesticide), at their undersea wellhead and on surface Gulf waters. Corexit kills all life from algae and micro-organisms to human beings.

So quick to dump their Corexit, BP must have expected a blow out. Within weeks BP dumped over a million gallons of Corexit into our Gulf of Mexico. How did a million gallons of Corexit just happen to be handy right after the Gulf well explosion? A million gallons? Can we even visualize a million gallons of anything? How many months would it take anyone to manufacture that many gallons of dispersants?

Among other extremely poisonous chemicals, Corexit contains cyanide, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and chromium. The dark Cartel that owns BP – with their perfidious perversions – has truly poisoned our punch bowl, while claiming they are making it more nutritious and tasty. And sadly, many Americans will be drinking this deathly brew, because the Cartel’s corporate media has not told them not to.

Some studies indicate that oil dispersed with Corexit is 11 times more lethal than oil alone. BP executives and governmental regulators had to have known just how deadly their dispersant Corexit would turn the Gulf waters, by creating monstrously large, oily, rushing, underwater plumes. These Corexit plumes are hundreds of square miles of poisonous oily micro-particles that go unseen by satellites, cameras, and the naked eyes of the world. They kill all life in their path at 3,000 feet below sea level.

This is death to all life – from top to bottom – within the fragile Gulf Coast ecosystems that are impacted by these Corexit plumes. Plant, animal, and marine life in salt water marshes will die, as these oily Corexit plumes slip their broken oily gunk well under and over protective booms. This is death that can never be cleaned up from beneath the sea or from shorelines, without creating greater problems.

The toxic rains from the mixture of Corexit and crude oil could destroy every living plant it touches in North America, not to mention the millions of human lives it could take. The probabilistic reduction of the relative toxicity of Corexit – mixed with crude oil – will hopefully dissipate as it flows up the Atlantic Coast, before it meets the huge metroplex between Washington, DC-Boston and Montreal.

The federal government has claimed they do have not predictive data, in order to assess the loss of life Corexit will engener, in spite of all the disastrous results caused by the neurotoxin after the Exxon-Valdez spill in 1989. If, however, Corexit gets into the Jet Stream, in the upper reaches of our troposphere, the dire results on the entire United States, East of the Rockies is almost impossible to calculate.

Corexit is Killing the Gulf Part II

This poisonous injection of Corexit into our Gulf waters puts an end to the government’s (and Cartel) pretenses of their environmental concerns, like man-made global warming, and their desire to tax us for the expulsion of harmless CO2 gases – gases the plant kingdom needs to survive. What kind of psychopaths would even manufacture something like Corexit, much less put a million gallons of it into our coastal waters? These sub-humans who have ascended to such power are obviously well behind the human race in the spiritual aspects of their evolutionary development.

If the BP executives were ignorant of what they were doing, they should have been stopped by officials of our federal government. If our officials were also ignorant, they should all be held accountable for the death and destruction they have allowed by not stopping BP’s use of Corexit. And what kind of president do we have who has not taken action against these monsters in our government and corporations, who have – at least – quadrupled the toxicity of the escaping crude oil with the ungodly use of Corexit.

The ever smiling Obama, who in his first year in office, is said to have indebted Americans for more than all previous presidents – put together – is excellent at two things: Reading from teleprompers, the words others have written for him, and throwing us all into ever deepening debt. Effective action? We’ve seen none of it from Mr. Obama. Is he powerless against BP? No, Mr. Obama is powerless against the Cartel, that owns BP, and controls the US Intelligence/Military/Police establishment.

I know not what others feel, Mr. Obama, but to me you are proving to be worse than useless. At least with little George Bush as president the nation was rallying against his traitorous presidency. Compounding these heinous crimes, oil executives and governmental officials have taken an unconscionable amount of time with their failed attempts to cut off the jet propelled oil from the bowels of Mother Earth. We need a leader who’d give these well paid federal government officials and fabulously paid oil executives a lot of time … about 25 years to life.

Such a leader would then go after the real villains – those true psychopaths of the private and foreign International Monetary/Banking Cartel. This private Cartel controls its puppets in Washington as it controls its oil company executives. Honor and nobility disgust those of the Cartel. They prefer stealth, deception, and perversion. White birds on wing over rolling hills of waving purple flowers, vibrant with life, sicken them. Better ugly, barren death every where, all overladen with misery, pain, and fear. It’s panic, terror, and fear they strive to bring about, for that is their food, for which they would die without.

But still, I’m stunned at the depths to which the Cartel will go to destroy our world, as they are proving in the Gulf. Everything this Cartel does is anti-life; there are no exceptions. Their pretended Gulf oil clean-up is a glaring case in point. How can the media call making this gushing oil about four hundred percent more toxic than crude oil is itself, with the addition of the chemical dispersant Corexit 9500, a clean-up effort?

Instead of cleaning up the unprecedented catastrophe created by the Cartel’s mega-corporations (Halliburton, Transocean, and British Petroleum), these very same companies seem to be purposely killing our Gulf of Mexico, under the pretense of cleaning it up, using the chemical dispersant by the trade name of Corexit 9500. Corexit 9500, about four times more toxic than crude oil, is one of the most poisonous dispersants ever developed, and is up to 20 times more toxic than other dispersants, while being only half as effective.

Oil does not become toxic until it reaches 11ppm, while Corexit 9500 is toxic at only 2.61 ppm, according to an Exxon Biomedical Sciences report entitled, “Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview.” When Corexit 9500, with its 2.61 ppm toxicity level, is combined with the warm waters of the Gulf much of it will transition into a gaseous state that will be absorbed into clouds. It will then to be released as toxic rain upon all of the Eastern United States.

Obama’s EPA has been unable to get BP to stop using Corexit. The Banking Cartel, with their crude oil and Corexit , is not only destroying the biologically-richest waters in America, this Cartel may be trying to destroy life in the entire Eastern half of the United States. Are hundreds of thousands of gallons of Corexit being dumped into our Gulf of Mexico waters to merely kill marine and wildlife, irrespective of the life it kills along our East coast?

With the International Monetary/Banking Cartel running the Obama administration, Congress, and the Supreme Court, who is worried about any other terrorists, except the woefully uninformed. And of course, this news will be met with considerable disbelief by those who have yet to catch on to the fact that the private interests that own the Federal Reserve System – and all other central banks in the world – also own all major multinational corporations, including the major oil companies.

is something you are not supposed to know and is politically incorrect to talk about: the International Monetary/Banking Cartel owns or controls, from its base in the financial District of London, and other undisclosed places, all large international corporations. Wall Street and the Federal Reserve banks of the US are merely the Cartel’s American subsidiaries. The Cartel’s ownership of so much is hidden with various interlinked, interlocked directorships, proxies, nominees, sophisticated fronts, and the like. Their many corporations own shares of other corporations, which own still more shares of other corporations.

Socialist author, geo/political analyst, and activist Mr. Ralph Schoeman estimates that less than one percent of the world’s population comprises the capitalist/ banking Cartel’s infrastructures. yet this private Cartel owns over 95 percent of the world’s wealth, with each member holding an average of 14 large corporate directorships. The Cartel’s multinational corporations are an arcane mixture of many corporations, all forming, in effect, one mega-corporation ultimately controlled – if not owned outright – by the International Monetary/Banking Cartel.

Even Harvard’s John Kenneth Galbraith, long recognized as America’s leading public intellectual, has warned us of the dangers and oligopolistic nature of large multi-national corporations. Of the 100 largest economic units in the world today, 49 are governments, while 51 are corporations. Those corporations are the driving force on Earth. An open secret is that these corporations are owned by the International Monetary/Banking Cartel, which also controls the governments of the world.

This is international fascism at work. It’s not that private ownership is a bad thing; it’s when nearly everything is owned by an entente of the few, and protected by governments, that makes private, corporate-led globalization of markets miasmatic to all other life forms. This is precisely what is currently occurring in the fragile ecosystems in our Gulf of Mexico, with its biodiversity of many plant, animal and marine species.

Killing our Gulf of Mexico is not merely corporate malfeasance. No, it’s governmental and corporate irresponsibility and criminal negligence at the very least, if not premeditated mass murder on an international scale. To reiterate, our world is in the death grip of something known as the International Monetary/Banking Cartel, the fountainhead of all international monopolies that are protected by the laws and militaries of the major governments of the world. The US government, with her perfidious politicians, has led in the defense of this Cartel, beginning sometime after President Lincoln’s assassination. Lincoln said, “Corporations have been enthroned. An era of corruption in high places will follow … until wealth is aggregated in a few hands … and the Republic is destroyed.”

Democratic politicians are the best agents for big business, because of the popular belief that democratic politicians will protect the public from the abuses of financial oligarchs, an easily provable myth. It’s a sad truth that democratic voters, who see financial plutocrats as their greatest adversaries, constantly support ever bigger government with more laws and regulations. These same voters do not have a clue that those very laws are written by the Cartel’s think tanks, to more enrich and empower themselves.

If one carefully explained all of this to an average democratic voter, they would probably demand proof. Oddly once proof was furnished, they’d ignore it all, calling it a right-wing conspiracy theory. So much for relying on democratic voters; they’ll not learn much political truth this lifetime.

What can be said for rabid republicans voters? Thanks to right-wing, war-loving demigods like Rush Limbaugh, republicans have monopoly capitalism confused with free markets and free enterprises, and do not want to make any distinctions between them. Unfortunately, those stuck deeply within the media’s carefully engineered left/right paradigm have no desire to be objective, and thus are blinded to all truth that does not reinforce biased opinions. Remedial work in geopolitics will not open the minds of such people as they are badly in need of spiritual remedies.

Nevertheless, facts are facts, and some are available to truthseekers. Our present example is the killing of life in our Gulf of Mexico, by a death-dealing consortium whose power extends far beyond the politicians and corporate executives it controls. “It’s a tightly knit, highly effective machine, that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed. No secret is revealed.” These were the words of President John F. Kennedy regarding this diabolical cartel before he was assassinated by them.

If this consortium of international oligarchs was willing to kill a president, they’ll likely have no issues with killing our Gulf of Mexico. Instead of using safe, non-toxic ways to gather up the rogue oil gushing from their incompetence – or their planned cataclysm – this private Cartel of oligarchs is using an extremely toxic chemical dispersant (Corexit), with the approval of the Obama administration, to drive the surface crude oil deeply underwater.

According to a New York Times article by Paul Quinlan, British Petroleum (BP) chose to us the toxic dispersant Corexit, despite alternative dispersants having been shown to be far less toxic, and in some cases nearly twice as effective. Although scientists have warned that Corexit could cause long-term harm to marine life, BP has ordered almost a million more gallons of the deadly dispersant from Nalso, a company with whom BP enjoys a cozy relationship. Even our own EPA data ranks Corexit as being 20 times more toxic, and far less effective in handling southern Louisiana crude than some other dispersants.

Historically, since the days of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, workers who have cleaned up after the use of Corexit have suffered with health problems, including blood in their urine, respiratory and nervous system illnesses, along with kidney, liver and other blood disorders. Just as the federal government lied to the first responders after 911, they are allowing BP to hire Gulf Coast fishermen to set protective booms and do other oil clean-up work without respirators and other protective equipment. In fact, BP officials are telling the fishermen that the air along the coast is safe to breath. As a result, these Gulf fishermen have become scared, confused, and sick – very sick.

On the 19th of May 2010, WDSU News of New Orleans, reported on the many coast fishermen who have been getting sick. They featured the sad story of fisherman Gary Burris, who has gotten extremely ill from inhaling fumes during response work. A doctor told Burris that his lungs looked like those of a three pack a day smoker. Gary Burris has never smoked.

Marine toxicologist Riki Ott said the chemicals [Corexit] used by BP can cause havoc in a person’s body, and lead to death. Carys Mitchelmore, a professor at the University of Maryland’s Environmental Science asked, “Why wouldn’t you go for the lesser toxic formulation?” BP spokesman Jon Pack defended the use of Corexit by saying their attention is focused on “plugging the leak” and not what dispersant is used. Plugging the leak? Please Mr. Pack, don’t insult us. We have a gusher – or gushers – on our hands, and your company has been absurdly ineffective in stopping the escape of millions of gallons of crude oil.

And is it not odd Mr. Pack, that your British Petroleum – a British company – is using their Corexit oil in US waters, even though it has been banned in Britain for over a decade, as verified in the New York Times website, quoting a letter sent by Rep. Edward Markey (chairman of the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment) to the EPA? “It’s a chemical [Corexit] that the oil industry makes to sell to itself, basically,” said Richard Charter, a senior policy advisor for Defenders of Wildlife.

Alan Levine, the head of Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals, said, “We don’t have any data or evidence behind the use of these chemicals [Corexit] in the water. We’re now basically using one of the richest ecosystems in the world as a laboratory [for testing].” As reported in Britain’s Telegraph, Louisiana state Secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Robert Barham reported, “We’re very disappointed in their [EPA and oil company executives] approach. The federal procedures call for a consensus between federal authorities, the responsible party and the states involved. When we met and expressed our concerns [over the use of Corexit], apparently they decided to go without us.”

And go they did. Obama’s environmental “protectors” have allowed BP to turn our Gulf of Mexico, and perhaps the entire Eastern half of the US, into a killing field, or at the very least a toxic testing ground, instead of simply removing the crude oil. British Petroleum (BP) has even refused to use their own oil tankers, currently lying in the Gulf to suck up most of the runaway oil, and possibly salvage it for sale later, as was done after a Saudi spill in the ‘90’s. That method was so successful it vacuumed up about 85 percent of that renegade oil.

Nick Pozzi, a former oil pipeline engineering and operations project manager is puzzled why BP did not salvage perfectly good crude oil, both for later sale and to protect marine and wildlife. What Mr. Pozzi does not know is that the oil companies are owned by the world’s only legal counterfeiters – the International Monetary/Banking Cartel – who can “print” all the money they want. Making money on Gulf oil was apparently not important to them. Killing the Gulf of Mexico apparently is important to them, for their own cryptic and esoteric reasons.

While it cannot yet be proven that the International Monetary/Banking Cartel’s Halliburton (of Dick Chaney fame) purposely and improperly cemented BP’s Gulf oil well so it would later explode, it’s patently obvious that BP has quadrupled the toxicity of their runaway oil in the Gulf with their toxic dispersant, Corexit. If the Cartel had wanted to later sell their floating crude, and save marine life, any oil they had not vacuumed up could have been eliminated or mulched with any number of non-toxic sources.

Microbes, for instance, would have eaten much of this errant crude oil, leaving the water safe for marine and wildlife, and filled the ocean with food for fish, birds and lower life forms in the process. An absorbent “Oil Sponge,” a name Phase III, Inc. has trademarked, was also dismissed by BP. Rated as the “best performing” absorbent by the US Army Corp of Engineers, Oil Sponge is 100% organic, and is made from renewable resources. Oil Sponge is built using a microbial and nutrient package capable of transforming oil hydrocarbons into a safe byproduct of carbon dioxide and water. Mysteriously, the governmental bureaucrats of the Obama administration, and the Cartel’s oil executives, had no interest in using an environmentally friendly product to clean up the world’s greatest man-made environmental disaster of all time. They seemed intent on making this unbelievable cataclysm far, far worse, and one that could never be cleaned up.

What will our government allow BP to do next? Will they allow BP to start burning the oil still on the surface waters, they should have vacuumed and mulched? The crimes the Cartel has committed in their so-called “clean-up” efforts are well documented, in spite of no corporate media outrage. Considering that the Cartel that owns the oil companies also owns the mainstream media it follows that there would be no proper coverage or accurate analysis.

After the Exxon Valdez incident of March 1989, Mycelx of Georgia developed what looks like a paper towel to soak up to 50 times its weight in oil. While this product is used from the Middle East to Europe to Canada, it was of no interest to the parties Obama charged with cleaning up the Gulf of the floating oil those very same parties caused. There is also the AmeriHaz Petroleum Solidifier that encapsulates environmental contaminants, making crude oil and other oil like substances easy to retrieve. This also proved to be of no interest to the Cartel or the ever smilling Mr. Obama.

Even hair naturally separates oil from water, leaving large tar globs, in which mushrooms can then be seeded. As the mushrooms grow they digest the oil, leaving non-toxic organics, which can then be composed into soil. This soil would even be suitable for growing healthy vegetables. Anyone who has ever had a bad hair day knows how well hair will retain oil. In fact, Lisa Gautier, president of Matter of Fact (website for hair salons), has collected 400,000 pounds of hair and stuffed it all into nylons to be used as booms near Gulf shores.

This idea could have been a shot in the arm to our dying economy, by creating organic compost for the millions of nutrient-depleted farms in the world. There could have been a viable cottage industry of collecting hair from salons. Hair is certainly a renewable resource, with most of us contributing. Neither Obama nor the Monetary Cartel, however, has done anything for our dying US and world economies, but ensure they die, while feebly pretending to resuscitate them.

Now that they’ve probably destroyed the tourist, shrimping, and fishing industries along the Gulf Coast, we’ll be hearing about more “stimulus packages” that will make what money we do have even more worthless as it enriches the Cartel’s Wall Street. In the world of ‘what could have been,’ there’s hay, sawdust, crushed volcanic rock, sheep’s wool, and even kitty litter that could have mulched with the oil on the surface of the Gulf waters, making for easy clean-up.

In reality, oil industry executives and their confederates in the Obama administration quickly made sure that all spewing oil would either sink well below the surface or never rise to it, using over half a million gallons of their toxic dispersants. Now the oil that’s been gushing for weeks can never be vacuumed up or safely neutralized. Worse yet, Gulf currents will likely carry these oily poisonous plumes of Corexit through-out the Gulf Coasts, around Florida, and up the Atlantic, poisoning the Eastern seaboard, without a word of protest from our so-called environmental groups. Where are the voices of the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, or any of these other phony groups protesting this use of Corexit? They were all bought off long ago.

According to writer/reporter F. William Engdahl, “The Nature Conservancy, described as the world’s most powerful environmental group has awarded BP a seat on its International Leadership Council after the oil company gave the organization more than $10 million in recent years. “Environmental non-profit groups that have accepted donations from or joined in projects with BP include Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club, and Audubon. That could explain why the political outcry to date for decisive action in the gulf has been so muted.”

Trying to give this Corexit mass murder a positive spin, BP spokesman John Crabtree bragged that his company had dropped more than 560,000 gallons of Corexit on the surface slicks and 28,700 gallons of the chemical at the subsea wellhead, 5,000 feet below sea level, all to be followed by another 500,000 gallons of Corexit. Crabtree’s justification for such an insane, criminal act was that their Corexit would drive the oil far below the water’s surface, thus keeping it away from coastal shorelines. In other words, instead of removing the oil, BP decided to make the oil four times more toxic and drive it deep into the ocean where it can never be retrieved, but will kill all marine life in its path.

Mandy Joyce, a marine sciences professor at the University of Georgia carefully chose her words about BP’deplorable dispersants: “Anything that requires oxygen will not be able to survive that water. The food web is going to change. You could stymie the entire production level of the Gulf of Mexico. That’s a very real possibility.”

Some of BP’s chemical dispersants contain 2-butoxyethanol, a compound that kills marine and wildlife, exactly the life our clean-up measures should try to save. Corexit, currently being dropped from airplanes, breaks crude oil into tiny droplets that sink well below the water’s surface, where they form giant clouds or huge plumes, making it impossible to gather, as was their obvious intention. These poisonous, oily plumes create dead zones, some currently estimated to be about the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. With these plumes hidden at about 3,000 feet of water, no one can place an accurate figure on how much oil has actually exploded into the Gulf.

And once these death dealing plumes reach the large, rapidly moving Loop Current, these oily clouds of doom could swing toward Florida and Cuba, killing the coral reefs and marine life there, according to Professor Stephen Howden, an oceanographer at the University of Southern Mississippi. The University of Georgia’s Mandy Joyce said, “It’s a good thing the oil is not damaging the coast line, but to say everything is fine because its not hitting the coast is missing a very important part of this equation.” And I would say, Ms. Joyce’s statement is a serious understatement.

Another person famous for misleading and understated remarks is our president, Barack Obama. There can be no denying that President Obama and his government regulators are accomplices to these crimes in the Gulf by allowing the BP perpetrators to be the very ones in charge of the capping and clean-up efforts.

How much longer will our government allow these corporate criminals to fail with the capping of the oil gushers, and making a dead zone of the Gulf of Mexico and perhaps the Atlantic Ocean? Thus far, President Obama has made a grandstand play by pretending to excoriate the oil company executives responsible for the Gulf tragedy for not taking proper responsibility. Excuse me Sir, it’s you who should have taken control and responsibility by tasking competent individuals and companies to cap this runaway well, and to clean up the mess, without destroying the entire Gulf of Mexico in the process.

And instead of excoriating the oil company executives and government bureaucrats, you should be arresting them for crimes against humanity, not to mention their crimes against marine and wildlife. Additionally, Obama’s teleprompter writers had the ignorance to state the ridiculous, “I know BP has committed to pay for the response effort, and we will hold them to their obligation,” read Obama. The very obvious point Mr. Obama, is you should have saved our Gulf of Mexico, by making very sure British Petroleum had absolutely nothing to do with the clean-up efforts, rather than making them pay to turn the Gulf into a dead zone.

President Obama went on to say that many parties, including the federal government should accept blame for the disaster. He stopped short of saying that he, himself, should be held responsible for his part in destroying so much life in the Gulf. “There is oil leaking. We need to stop it, and we need to stop it as soon as possible,” said Obama. It’s not a leak, Mr. Obama. It’s a volcanic gusher spewing out an Exxon Valdez every two to four days. Simply stated, Mr. Obama, we need far less of your teleprompter readings and far more effective actions. And, photo opts on the Gulf Coast will not substitute for decisive effective actions, Mr. Obama, no matter if you think that’s the extent of your responsibilites.

A serious danger of the Obama presidency is the cognitive dissonance he must be creating within his numerous supporters. Cognitive dissonance is the uneasy and disturbing feelings one has, caused by holding two contradictory beliefs, ideas, or attitudes at the same time. With Obama, many people believed his presidency would bring us the kind of change we all wanted. But the facts tell us a different story: President Obama has done no more than Bush, Jr. would have done.

To handle the discomfort of this kind of cognitive dissonance most democratic voters will alter those ideas that are easier for them to change by making excuses for Obama, excuses that they never would have made for little Bush. This gives us non-responsive leadership with not enough people objecting. With Obama or Bush as president, our best hope now seems to be prayer. Best selling author Whitley Strieber wrote, “The Gulf spill is out of control, the media has dropped it, BP is lying, the gov’t is silent. Pray.”

From whales and dolphins to sardines, from starfish to coral reefs, from microscopic organisms to all the fish in the sea, the Cartel has embarked upon killing them all. It is clear at this point that they will continue to kill unless they are stopped. Will you ever be man enough for the job, Mr. President?

J. Speer-Williams

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please share this material with everyone you know, whether they are awake or still having trouble waking up. Everyone needs to be aware of this information. If you’re new to this series, please add my feed or visit my Spiritual Awakenings page to catch up! Thank you.

Sharon Lorraine

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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