

Secret Document: Counter Insurgency of the American People

Vatic Note:  Take what they give us in this document below and study it carefully and plan how to thwart every single element contained in here and it appears you are going to have to start that right away.  Getting back in touch and bonding with your community is a good idea anyway.   Add your own special or unique application.   Plant people through out the community to warn others and tell others in casual conversation what happened during WW II to collaborators with the underground and tell them to ignore any request from the evil ones for info or aid, and then pass that on to the local cells with in that community or to the contact bonded person.  Have YOUR informants get names etc.  pretent to work with them, infiltrate and pass info, documents, plans etc.   Sabotage is a legit tool of war. 
What you are going to read below are war plans against our population which is high treason of our leaders. Keep that always in mind.  Some one reminded me that just because this exists doesn't mean the can pull any of it off and they know it.   They are petrified right now, as they are losing more and more control over the entire plan.

It has lost all semblance of truth and the bare lie of what they are doing is glaringly hanging out there and they cannot , (they say so below), control this population of 300 million Americans WITHOUT OUR COOPERATION.  That is now what we all HAVE TO BEGIN WORKING ON AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Print this out.   Or obtain recommendations elsewhere and only form loose affililations with no real names exchanged.  Use a bogus name and if you know you are going to be caught, you don't know anyones name.  That will save a lot of lives.   Good luck.  

Secret Document: Counter Insurgency of the American People

May 26, 2010 by NotForSale2NWO

This Document was submitted to the Intel Hub by an undisclosed source. This is an example of how the American People will be categorized as insurgents. Please submit all tips and Intel to

Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors only to maintain operations security. This determination was made on 1 June 2007. Other requests for this document must be referred to (redacted)

Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. ….

This publication uses the term insurgent to describe those taking part in any activity designed to undermine or to overthrow the established authorities……

Counterinsurgency is those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civicactions taken by a government to defeat insurgency (JP 1-02). It is an offensive approach involving all elements of national power; it can take place across the range of operations and spectrum of conflict …

In dealing with the local populace, the primary aims must be to:  (VN:  A term for that is herd the sheep)
•Protect the population.
•Establish local political institutions.
•Reinforce local governments.
•Eliminate insurgent capabilities.
•Exploit information from local sources. … (VN:  this is where we can get them.  They don't know who to trust, so do a Sun Tsu, endear yourselves to the powers that be.  Assume your local law enforcement leaders will be on the side of power.  Become one of them, then feed intel back to the group, hang out with them, find out what is going on,  drink in the same bar with them.  You would be surprised what you can find out about collaborators and traitors in such an environment, remember they are local, not highly trained professionals.)

An insurgency is organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through use of subversion and armed conflict (JP 1-02). It is a protracted politico-military struggle designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control. Political power is the central issue in an insurgency.  (VN:  Actually what they are describing is a resistance movement against "Enemies Domestic" and tyranny, so of course they will say that.)

An insurgent organization normally consists of four elements:
Leadership. ( VN:  go leaderless)
Combatants (main forces, regional forces, local forces). (VN:  Go cells with one person who coordinates with other cells)
Cadre (local political leaders that are also called the militants).  (VN: Convince your good local pols to keep quiet but be effective and feed intel to the group)
Mass base (the bulk of the membership). … (VN:  They hope its structured like this, but it won't be, militia for instanced learned a while back about that structure and how easily it can be infiltrated, keep an eye out for strangers who come in from somewhere else and try to stir up "ORGANIZED VIOLENCE", don't fall for it, you are in the intel stage of guerilla warfare and not military confrontation)

A perceived serious potential of dissident American groups rising up against constituted authority has been clearly identified by counter-intelligence agencies.. The stated cause for such an uprising appear to be growing dissatisfaction with the course and conduct of the war in Iraq, the chronic inability of Congress to deal with various pressing issues and the perception of widespread corruption and indifference to public needs. (VN:  Gee, ya think?  Corruption that is not prosecuted, crimes that are not prosecuted, and lies told to pacify;  foreign nations running our white house, intel depts, and defense??? That is treason by definition, so yeah, they are worried and rightly so for the reasons I just stated).

The support of the people, passive or active then, is the center of gravity. It must be gained in whatever proportion is necessary to sustain the insurgent movement (or, contrariwise, to defeat it). As in any political campaign, all levels of support are relative.  (VN:  Good advice, gain the support of your neighbors and solidy that support at every level before they do, START NOW!  You won't have trouble doing so because every one is waking up to the truth, so it should be easy.)

Insurgent movements begin as “fire in the minds of men.” Insurgent leaders commit themselves to building a new world. (VN:  LOL  yeah, blame the people  for their "NWO" and call it insurgency, how perverse can they get?)  They construct the organization to carry through this desire. (VN:  No organization, rather a loose undisclosed names affiliations and communications, intel gathering, and even false disagreements for public consumption, pretend to love the criminals and corrupt crooks, etc,)  Generally, popular grievances become insurgent causes when interpreted and shaped by the insurgent leadership. (VN:  Actually insurgent leadership rises from the people themselves and their grievances,  no one has to tell them they are losing their BOR,  jobs, retirement, freedoms, and wealth to criminal theivery, that is why the traitors always lose, they don't have a clue)  The insurgency grows if the cadre that is local insurgent leaders and representatives can establish a link between the insurgent movement and the desire for solutions to grievances sought by the local population. 

Insurgent leaders will exploit opportunities created by government security force actions. (VN:  ROTFLMAO, yeah, gestapo like tactics will do that for ya,  ya think?  LOL)The behavior of security forces is critical. Lack of security force discipline leads to alienation, and security force abuse of the populace is a very effective insurgent recruiting tool. Consequently, specific insurgent tactical actions are often planned to frequently elicit overreaction from security force individuals and units.  (VN:  This is important, you do not have to create any actions to elicit overreaction, simply always point out the actions to the population that these security forces do that are in total violation of our freedoms  and that is sufficient.  Believe me this will get more and more repressive as time goes on.  Let the people see it for themselves, they will respond accordingly.  In situations like this you almost never need to recruit, the tyrants will recruit for you, you simply have to wait, watch, observe and determine timing by the general populations reactions, then swoop in and take advantage of the arrogance of the repressing forces.)

Insurgencies are dynamic political movements, resulting from real or perceived grievance or neglect that leads to alienation from an established government.  (VN:  in this case its greivances that our gov is run by foreign interests without war having been won and taken control legitimately rather subversively, treasonously, through bribes, blackmail and threat of life of our elected reps, so it is called "freedom fighters" and "resistance to tyranny", keep those words out there all the time.  You set the agenda doing it now.  Begin all discussions with those words,  "tyranny,  gestapo, corruption,  foreign occupation, etc" and the people will know you are right)

A successful counterinsurgency will result in the neutralization by the state of the insurgency and its effort to form a counterstate. While many abortive insurgencies are defeated by military and police actions alone, if an insurgency has tapped into serious grievances and has mobilized a significant portion of the population, simply returning to the status quo may not be an option. Reform may be necessary, but reform is a matter for the state, using all of its human and material resources. Security forces are only one such resource. The response must be multifaceted and coordinated, yet states typically charge their security forces with “waging counterinsurgency.” This, the security forces cannot do alone. (Vatic note:  this is exactly what we have been saying, this can only work if we cooperate.  This is how we stop all this., they even admit it)

These imperatives are—
· Facilitate establishment or reestablishment of a ‘legitimate government’.
· Counterinsurgency requires perseverance.  (VN:  resistance requires perseverance)
· Foster popular support for the incumbent US government.  (VN:  Yeah, like the teaparty is doing, LOL)
· Prepare to perform functions and conduct operations that are outside normal scope of training.  (VN:  sign up for it, join any group associated with counter insurgency, make them paranoid)
· Coordinate with US governmental departments and agencies, and with vital non-governmental, agencies.  (VN:  Infiltrate the same.  Its easy to figure out who, what and where, some towns have done that already, and are easily identified and infiltrated)

Urban operations.

· Protection of government facilities.
· Protection of infrastructure.
· Protection of commercial enterprises vital to the HN economy.  (VN:  This is it.  Right here)
· Protection of cultural facilities.
· Prevention of looting.   (VN:  Too late, the bankers have already cleaned us out, LOL  so where are the troops referenced in this secret document?)
· Military police functions.  (VN:  there are no military police functions unless the gov militarizes law enforcement against the constitution, then they are in violation and that frees us up, but trust me, many of the cops are already aware of what is going on and will not engage in repression against the people who are their relatives, children, parents, etc. big mistake here on their part, I know,  talked with many of them,  they know they will have to make choices and are prepared to do so.)
· Close interaction with civilians.  (VN:  yes, here is where you focus and volunteer and endear yourself.  "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer")
· Assistance with reconstruction projects. 
· Securing the national borders.  (VN:  Securing them against us leaving, not illegals and protagonists entering to do the work of the black ops to stir things up.  Seek work with Black water type contractors and collect intel, very good way since they will be used primarily in this effort as they are in Afghanistan, pak, iraq etc)
· Training or retraining a national military police and security force.  (VN:  get on the force or recruit and endear us to those forces who will be getting that great training that can then be taught to us by  our local Law enforcement and aid us with the top of the line training and equipment, great idea)

Establishing and maintaining local government credibility.

· Contributing local government is both tangible and psychological. Local security forces must reinforce and be integrated into the plan at every stage. 

· Facilitate and use information and intelligence obtained from local sources to gain access to the insurgent’s economic and social base of support, order of battle, tactics, techniques, and procedures.  (VN:  this is exactly why you can't organize in a traditional way,  it has to be lose affiliations since they can be infiltrated and undermined, we learned that in the 90's and just recently with the Huckabees)

Army forces help local pro-government police, paramilitary, and military forces perform counterinsurgency, area security, or local security operations. They advise and assist in finding, dispersing, capturing, and destroying the insurgent force.  (VN:  in total violation of the Constitution that has not been suspended or overturned, so this provides legal cover for any resistance)

US forces may conduct offensive operations to disrupt and destroy insurgent combat formations. These operations prevent the insurgents from attacking government-controlled areas.  (VN:  STay away from gov controlled areas, EXCEPT supply lines,  instead go after the ones assets that they value, who "control" the government, trust me it works better than going after useless gov buildings.) 

There are many organizations and extensive resources available to aid counterinsurgent forces.

Commanders should not overlook the aid these organizations may provide. All forces assigned an AO or function should determine which departments and agencies are assisting in that AO and coordinate actions so that there is no duplication of effort.

Such departments, councils and agencies include—

· National Security Council.
· Department of Defense.
· Department of State.
· Department of Justice.
· Department of the Treasury.
· Department of Homeland Security.
· Department of Agriculture.
· Department of Commerce.
· Central Intelligence Agency.
· Department of Transportation   (VN:  very good, these depts have shown themselves to be extremely incompetent and that is to our advantage, with creative thinking outside the box, they cannot respond to creative unplanned for type actions, its to our advantage for them to continue to do what  they do worse than anyone else, think of it like they are in a cage trained like robots to only do what they are told, afraid to lose their job, and not take any risks,  we have no such cage, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking risks and being creative, just remember Ron Paul's campaign, that is the epitamy of grassroots ground up thinking, planning and acting.  It can't be disrupted by these robots, as they have no ability to do the adaptation without orders.  ITS BOTTOM UP DECENTRALIZED RESISTANCE VS. TOP DOWN CENTRALIZED DICTATORSHIP CONTROL and history proves it doesn't work, rather the decentralized grassroots up, always wins, ELF proved that as did almost every war since WW II that we have lost and are still losing such as Iraq and now Afghanistan and Pakistan)

Various governmental departments directly administer or support other governmental agencies. Examples of these US agencies are—

· The US Coast Guard (under Department of Homeland Security). (VN:  Just think "BP oil spill, if you worried about the coast guard,  hahaha, not to worry, the BP fiasco made me lose all respect and belief in our various agencies and their competence, so we are fine since we have had to operate in the private sector where creativity and unique approaches to problems are rewarded not repressed, so we are in much better shape than they are.)
· The Federal Bureau of Investigation (under Department of Justice).
· Immigration Customs Enforcement (under Department of Homeland Security).
· Federal Communications Commission

. The proper application of force is a critical component to any successful counterinsurgency operation. In a counterinsurgency, the center of gravity is public support. (VN:  Pay attention here to this one, because they are right.  WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT AND COOPERATION, THEY LOSE AND THEY KNOW IT, THAT IS WHY THIS IS LISTED. It always comes back to this.  Its the resistance goal to make sure they do not have that support WHILE PRETENDING THEY DO.  You must convince people to act in a resistance program that makes the PTB believe they are being supported while intel is gathered and shared with the resistance.  THIS IS A CRITICAL PART OF THE GAME,  remember, they have used deception on us very effectively and now its our turn to use their tools back against them.IF THE NEED ARISES)

In order to defeat an insurgent force, US forces must be able to separate insurgents from the population. (VN:  Set up false insurgents.  Find collaborators and pretend they are part of the insurgency,  if questioned and to avoid torture, give their names, like Bush or Obama supporters as  insurgants and they will be separated out from the resistance and thus be able to function without the infiltration)  At the same time, US forces must conduct themselves in a manner that enables them to maintain popular domestic support. (here it is again, WITHOUT OUR COOPERATION, THEY LOSE AND THEY KNOW IT)  Excessive or indiscriminant use of force is likely to alienate the local populace, thereby increasing support for insurgent forces. Insufficient use of force results in increased risks to US forces and perceived weaknesses that can jeopardize the mission by emboldening insurgents and undermining domestic popular support. Achieving the appropriate balance requires a thorough understanding of the nature and causes of the insurgency, the end state, and the military’s role in a counterinsurgency operation. Nevertheless, US forces always retain the right to use necessary and proportional force for individual and unit self-defense in response to a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent.  (VN: keep in mind who is running our government!  Its the same people who killed Rachel Corrie, so do not trust them one ounce and who executed unarmed aid workers by shooting them while wounded, and doing it to the back of their heads, these are poeple who will be doing the training, so make sure your prepared to prevent that from happening with whatever it takes. )

The media, print and broadcast (radio, television and the Internet), play a vital role in societies involved in a counterinsurgency. Members of the media have a significant influence and shaping impact on political direction, national security objectives, and policy and national will. The media is a factor in military operations. It is their right and obligation to report to their respective audiences on the use of military force. They demand logistic support and access to military operations while refusing to be controlled. Their desire for immediate footage and on-the-spot coverage of events, and the increasing contact with units and Soldiers (for example, with embedded reporters) require commanders and public affairs officers to provide guidance to leaders and Soldiers on media relations. However, military planners must provide and enforce ground rules to the media to ensure operations security. Public affairs offices plan for daily briefings and a special briefing after each significant event because the media affect and influence each potential target audience external and internal to the AO. Speaking with the media in a forward-deployed area is an opportunity to explain what our organizations and efforts have accomplished.

Continuous PSYOP are mounted to—

· Counter the effects of insurgent propaganda.
· Relate controls to the security and well-being of the population.
· Portray a favorable governmental image.
.Control measures must—
· Be authorized by national laws and regulations (counterparts should be trained not to improvise unauthorized measures).
· Be tailored to fit the situation (apply the minimum force required to achieve the de-sired result).
· Be supported by effective local intelligence.
· Be instituted in as wide an area as possible to prevent bypass or evasion.
· Be supported by good communications.
· Be enforceable.
· Be lifted as the need diminishes.
· Be compatible, where possible, with local customs and traditions.
· Establish and maintain credibility of local government.

A control program may be developed in five phases:
· Securing and defending the area internally and externally.
· Organizing for law enforcement.
· Executing cordon and search operations.
· Screening and documenting the population (performing a detailed census).
· Performing public administration, to include resource control.

Support to the judiciary may be limited to providing security to the existing courts or may lead to more comprehensive actions to build local, regional, and national courts and the required support apparatus. To avoid overcrowding in police jails, the courts must have an efficient and timely magistrate capability, ideally co-located with police stations and police jails, to review cases for trial.

Cordon and search is a technique used by military and police forces in both urban and rural environments. It is frequently used by counterinsurgency forces conducting a population and resource control mission against small centers of population or subdivisions of a larger community. To be effective, cordon and search operations must have sufficient forces to effectively cordon off and thoroughly search target areas, to include subsurface areas.

PSYOP, civil affairs, and specialist interrogation teams should augment cordon and search orces to increase the effectiveness of operations. Consider the following when conducting cordon and search operations:

Cordon and search operations may be conducted as follows:

Disposition of troops should—
· Facilitate visual contact between posts within the cordon.
· Provide for adequate patrolling and immediate deployment of an effective re-serve force.

Priority should be given to—
· Sealing the administrative center of the community.
· Occupying all critical facilities.
· Detaining personnel in place.
· Preserving and securing all records, files, and other archives.

Key facilities include—
· Administrative buildings.
· Police stations.
· News media facilities.
· Post offices.
· Communications centers.
· Transportation offices and motor pools.
· Prisons and other places of detention.
· Schools.
· Medical facilities.

Search Techniques include—
· Search teams of squad size organized in assault, support, and security elements.

One target is assigned per team.
· Room searches are conducted by two-person teams.
· Room search teams are armed with pistols, assault weapons, and automatic weapons.
· Providing security for search teams screening operations and facilities.

Pre-search coordination includes—
· Between control personnel and screening team leaders.
· Study of layout plans.
· Communications, that is, radio, whistle, and hand signals.
· Disposition of suspects.
· On-site security.
· Guard entrances, exits (to include the roof), halls, corridors, and tunnels.
· Assign contingency tasks for reserve.
· Room searches conducted by two- or three-person teams.
· Immobilize occupants with one team member.
· Search room with other team member.
· Search all occupants. When available, a third team member should be the re-corder.
· Place documents in a numbered envelope and tag the associated individual with a corresponding number.


Screening and documentation include following:

· Systematic identification and registration.
· Issuance of individual identification cards containing—

A unique number.
Picture of individual.
Personal identification data.

An official stamp (use different colors for each administration region).
Family group census cards, an official copy of which is retained at the local po-lice agency. These must include a picture and appropriate personal data.
Frequent use of mobile and fixed checkpoints for inspection, identification, and reg-istration of documents.
Preventing counterfeiting of identification and registration documents by laminat-ing and embossing.
Programs to inform the population of the need for identification and registration.

Covert surveillance is a collection effort with the responsibility fixed at the intelligence/security division or detective division of the police department. Covert techniques, ranging from application of sophisticated electronics systems to informants, should include—

Informant nets. Reliability of informants should be verified. Protection of identity is a must.

Block control. Dividing a community or populated area into zones where a trusted resident reports on the activities of the population. If the loyalty of block leaders is questionable, an informant net can be established to verify questionable areas.

Units designated for counterinsurgency operations

· 115th MIB, Schofield, HI
· 704th MIB, Fort Made, MD, Collaboration with NSA
· 513st MIB, Fort Gordon, GA in Collaboration with NSA
· Arlington Hall Station, VA
· Aberdeen Proving Ground (Maryland)
· US Army Intelligence and Security Command – INSCOM- Huachuca ( Arizona )
· INTELLIGENCE THREAT and ANALYSIS CENTER ( Center Analysis for threat and Intelligence )
· 501st Military Intelligence Brigade EAC
· 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion Exploitation Area

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. We suddenly got new people in the Post Office in my town. Their titles are things like OIC (like Officer in Charge). They are very aggressive. I just had a run in with one of them today demanding to see my driver's license when I tried to pick up my mail. When I called him a fascist, he called me a "racist." I am going to file a complaint against him with my Congressman, but now I am wondering if they are military types. (bad ones obviously)

    I sort of wonder if the information that you have gotten isn't a bit dated. Most military that I know personally are not going to participate in any actions against American civilians.

  2. This particular blog wasn't for our military as you know. They are being kept overseas so they can't help us. Its naive to think this hasn't been fully practiced and implemented overseas through NATO.

    The only thing that will work over here is the pigs at the trough using foreign troops. That is exactly what they were training for in Germany. A German paper announced that a drill sargaent told one of his troops to fight as if he were in HARLEM. So that is their plan, so this is our plan to use back against them because their plan will not work if the sheeple wake up big time.

    That means 308 million people and they can't handle that many, and that is why the gulf, to kill off a large chunck of us quickly. They are running out of time and they know it and this last act against the humanitarian aid workers really cinched it. They are going to move fast now or quit. Nothing less, one or the other.

  3. During the year before I volunteered for the Navy (on my eighteenth birthday) I read everything I could about warfare, especially guerrilla warfare (authors I still recall included Che, Ho, and Patton.) After I got home from Vietnam, I continued my studies in that area.
    Here's my point: Whoever wrote that paper was thoroughly familiar and probably quite experienced in the field of counterinsurgency. Either that document was professionally created as part of a disinformation program or it's the real deal.
    Even if it's disinformation, much can be gleaned from it. All disinformation campaigns have certain things in common. For starters, their main purpose is to disinform people as to what the truth is. They conceal this vital truth in a body of lies and half truths, then they conceal the lies and half truths with half truths and whole truths. All disinformation programs are intended to make a self-destructive course of action look like the only logical choice.
    Bottom line: What are they asking us to do?

  4. Your post made me go back and add additional commentary on this to show others how to assess and evaluate and plan counter actions. Now we may never need to implement such actions but planning and preparing allows us to be ready in case we ever do.

    I understand the risk I am taking by putting this out there, but I don't matter since I am too old to engage in this but I can talk. And that is what I am doing. If they are not a treasonous gov then they have no reason to even put this out there, but if they are then this is their plan to ensure their tyrannical control over their coup of our nation.

    These are foreigners and they must be brought down if they carry this to the ultimate conclusion. They forget, we know they did Hitler, russia and others and we have learned lessons from those countries and how and why they went down. We will not make the same mistakes. Those that follow the bad guys are now a minority and we can begin collecting names and sharing them with everyone in our group.

    Those names can and will be used to ensure cover for us.


Vatic Clerk Tips: After 7 days, all comments to an article go into the moderation queue for approval which happens at least once a day. Please be patient.

Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.