

UPDATE: 7/15/2010 - Alex Jones - This blow out is an historically dangerous event, even life threatening

Update: 7/15/10 - It appears that the well has been capped, and the crisis avoided, however, we have a post going up at 10 am that shows an interview on MSNBC with Simmons an oil geologist who has something "strange" and interesting to say so please visit it tomorrow morning at 10 am.   What he has to say makes absolutely no sense at all.  As you know since this was first written back on June 6, since then we had a whistleblower who described the false flag that was done, confirmed the leak was a controlled leak and it was frm a tar volcano that BP side drilled in order to retain good control over the flow into the gulf.  Then BP dumped millions of gallons of toxic corexit that killed a lot of the wildlife and fish in the gulf.  Now they are saying it was not the blow out hole that was leaking that they just fixed, HUH????  90 days into this and now after fixing the supposed blow hole that was leaking all this oil, they are now saying it was another hole???
Sounds like the 12th protocol to me, "confuse the public and keep them off balance".  Anyway its worth the read as is the "hoax" we had today as well that is going up at 2 am this morning the 16th.  . 

Vatic Note: This is very very serious and it appears that its a coincidence that this happened as an accident, but its amazing that the elite are saying their occult agenda can go forward now and they will take advantage of it and that is why they are not cleaning anything up, that is in part 29 and 30 and 31, and they are well prepared and protected by their underground facilities and seed bank for when this all is over. This below is why we must work together in spreading this information, please pass this around as far and wide as you can. Especially those located near the gulf and up the coast. The key videos to watch and listen to are all of them, but  LISTEN TO PART 30  FIRST SINCE ITS A BOTTOM LINE FOR US AND OUR FUTURE, but the rest of the ones that give the threat to our life and planet that you should also view when done with Part 30 are in 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, and 32.  Please get this out as soon as possible, by the way there are a large number of countries that have offered as well as the UN to come and help and the State dept is putting them off, remember the occult agenda and why they are doing it.  This is beyond obscene, I can hardly digest all that I just heard. The source is reliable and its from an insider that Linsay worked with when he was on the board of an oil company many years ago and so far all his info to Alex has panned out.

Lindsey Williams - Breaking News on what is happening with BP Oil Gusher VIDEO A. J.
Snardfarker, Blog, Alex Jones video
Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on June 11, 2010 at 8:00am

This ex CEO of an oil company who remains anonymous has fed this info out to Lindsay Williams who is passing it on to the Alex Jones show since no one in the media will publish the information.

Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis, who talks about Big Oil and the Gulf spill. Bilderberg hound and journalist for the American Free Press, Jim Tucker, gives a Bilderberg round-up following the latest elite confab in Spain. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls.

Part 21 -

Part 22 -

Abotic Oil - it is not a fossil fuel, and in Gulf of mexico - Super deep well in water rather than land... 5,000 ft., then they began drilling, and went to 30,000 feet deep they hit astraddled oil and pressure was so high it destroyed all the equipment they had.

Part 23 - Pressure 70,000 PPSI - 4 million gallons per day being released.

Failsafe valve was ripped and the worker warned the supervisor and he ignored him.

Part 24 -

Part 25 - The black oil is not the danger - EPA says coming out some of the most toxic and in the air and toxic, Organic compounds - Hydrogen sulfide, (ppb, tested at 1,200 ppb) benzene - Toxic, safe level 0.24 ppb per billion, now its at 3,000 ppb. Its deadly. exposure can causes rapid heart beat, long term damage in bone marrow, targets organs, brain, lungs etc. Metholene Chloride is the next levels are at (see part 26 below)

Part 26 -

Linsey continues with the description of the toxic killer substances coming out of the gulf and it explains why so few crews working the booms.   Metholene Chloride, safe levels are 61 ppb, current levels are 3,000 to 3,400 ppb. A hurricane can carry it up the east coast of the states.   Extremely high levels of Venadium, highly toxic and no information on it, EPA has asked all experts to give info on it to them if they know.

Part 27 - Linsey Williams DVD on this entire subject 888-799-6111 Nothing much on this session will skip this one in favor of more relevant info.

Part 28 - They are looking at using a nuke which is scary because if it doesn't work, it could make it much much worse. Goldman sachs sold stock and BP Pres. Chairmen is same Chairman for both companies. Occult is part of the Elite. They were told to sell their stocks by their occult connections.

Part 29 -

He talks about how the Occult agenda is being met by this chance accident and they are going to take advantage of it to complete their agenda.   So he suspects that they will not try to stop all this for that reason. Remember these are the people that have underground facilities all over the planet with hyroponics and a seed bank so they can survive there for generations if need be. 

Part 30 -

We will be paying 8 dollars a gallon.  Future - a report of the Russian ministry said east coast of the US is subject to total destruction,  and the disbursement agent that is toxic solvant at 2.61ppm toxicity level, and it can transition from liquid to a gaseaous state and absorbed by clouds and destroying all life forms from the evolutionary chain from the lowest to the highest of the chain.  BP has to stop this.  The gases are blowing over Florida and other states.

Part 31 -

Part 32 -

Military is preventing the booms from being put out by counting them, then giving them back and then telling them they cannot put them out.   Everyone keeps forgetting about the Occult agenda and that is why they are not cleaning this up.  State dept stating UN, German, France, Britian, offering assistance and the state dept is going to assess the needs and then deciding if they will need the aid.   What????  Alex says this is like Katrina, where they do the photo ops and then do nothing.  Only foreign troops can help you but the states can't help is the message the State dept is giving us.  Good point by Alex.



  1. Jones is finally taking this matter serious. To his credit he admits he missed the boat on this one.

  2. Geoffrey, I have to agree with you and his entire full 2 hours was serious. More serious than any show he has done in the past.

    He was not into the "entertaining" part of it this time, since you could tell he was still in shock after hearing all this. Its going to go viral for sure, and if not, then we get what we deserve.

    I feel sorry for the sheeple, they CHOOSE to be ignorant and think that it won't cost them, but this time, they are deadly wrong.

  3. It's Alex Jones at his best here , for sure .
    But I can't feel sorry for the sheeple any more , as their ignorance by choice is irresponsible human behavior , a sell out that will possibly cost all life on earth in time . Today ignorance is a bigger crime than ever . This oil and chemical disaster will literally kill the grass roots if continued . It is the ultimate universal crime and it is EVERYONES obligation to wake up and fight there thugs !
    "Simplicity backed by purity and truth,
    Manifesting through love and respect
    Is the path to global PEACE " -Boldarn

  4. Anonymous, I am with you lately. I have also been thinking the same thing. I swear I spend my life doing nothing but this all day when I should be having a life and its to help spread the word and wake people up so they will do something.

    Its an impossible task. Many are awake but find themselves in the dubious position of being fed by the haarp machine, the feeling that they are helpless and while we are feeling that way, they go ahead and hold war games in chicago for their NEXT FALSE FLAG, they pass various repressive and unconstitutional pieces of legislation such as the reintroduction of the RADICALIZATION ACT INTRODUCED BY THE TREASONOUS ISRAELI, JANE HARMON.

    So, all you can do is the best you can do to prepare and decide if you want to join an underground and do resistance. We are going to die anyway, might as well do it fighting these foreign occupiers of our nation.

  5. Yes , Vatic Master , I agree : If you're gonna die , do it with a mission ! They can eliminate our bodies but our souls remain free . These are the days of truth and conscience . We are consciousness embodied in the flesh and to sell out to these thugs of evil would be to sell your soul . We cannot and will never surrender !!I spend my days doing all I can on the net ,as you do . Thank you so much for your site , as I find it one of the very best !
    I walk with you till the end and trust we will be at peace in the end . I feel so sad for our
    beautiful planet , which was entrusted on us as custodians ! Let us hope for a miracle .

  6. I am glad you brought up consciousness, Anon. Its the one place we have not discussed for solutions to this problem. Multilevel solutions by various different people working together just might solve this.

    I have a best selling author who is currently working on writing up a great piece on this very subject. As she has said many times, "You can not have the same "consciousness" that created the problem also "solving" the problem, and I agree with her.

    Finally, we all know that sometimes, we are shocked at how something so very horrible can create conditions and set up environments that move us toward unbelievable new paradigms way better than the old.

    How many times have you asked, prayed or imaged for something that was truly important to you and you thought you had not gotten an answer to your prayers because you were looking for something you preconcieved it would look like and yet in hindsight, your prayers were answered by an event or solution that you did not recognize?

    Well, I have this weird feeling that is what is going on here. Something different than what we expect in our limited consciousness is going to break this and change humanity forever for the better. That is why, for some reason I can't explain, in my "Vatic" way, I am excited and believe all will be well, BUT WAY DIFFERENT, than what we had before.

    I do not want to go BACK in time, rather forward and into a new paradigm where this can and will never happen again, at least not in a long time until we forget again. This time we must never forget how we got here and how we must never get here again and allow the biggest useless feeders on the planet to control anything to do with this planet or our lives. Sorry for the diatribe. LOL

  7. A Britain just paid us back
    Britain is invading us
    We belong to Britain
    You are so off subject
    Here's a song
    Please go to nukebp,
    We need to nuke them witha aatom bomb
    Stupid Americans, just like 911.
    No ones guilty

  8. Nice colors, but the site is not up yet. So, instead why don't you enlighten us if we are so ignorant.

    By the way I already said that on this sighte, go put "Britian" or Queen of England, Or British colony in the search window or something on the rothschilds and I consider the british royalty rothschilds since they have rothschild blood in them since Victoria and do that families bidding, so I am pretty up on it, but if I am off base, share what you have either on here or email us at

  9. While I don't promote violence (I have no arsenal, since I feel that it is stupid to face a far superior enemy directly), I must point out that the Ghandi approach failed. The British Empire simply handed India off to it's hired-hands, the Indian oligarchs.

    A battle is coming. I think in terms of a Luddite, or a hacker. What will break the gears of the globalist machine? What will crash the routers of the corporate network? Our minds and spirits are the best weapons we have. Individual action cannot be infiltrated. When the time arises, free men must act as such. We must become like a peer-to-peer network, with all of us spiritually interconnected by the will to victory. Working individually, but spiritually united, we will be invincible. If each of us can reach out to two others, and those two reach out to two others, we will soon have a majority of the population linked up with us. When the police refuse to shoot their neighbors, and the soldiers refuse to shell their home towns, we have won. When the military attacks the private mercenary armies of the corporate beast, we have won. When citizens knock on the doors of the oligarch's bunkers and shelters, we have won. Victory will be ours. After at least five thousand years, their dream of world government will dissolve before their eyes. Remember that they are nothing more than slaves themselves, like the Orcs of Mordor.

  10. So why doesn't Lindsey Williams ask his anonymous globalist friend if the world powers will allow BP to survive or will they be forced into bankruptcy. Now, this is the info we want to BP a buy?

  11. After hearing about the asphalt volcano scenario from a buddy I said poop ! Even after reading the asphalt volcano story itself, I still wasn't buying it with all the scientific poop behind it. One thing in the whole story wasn't adding up ... the depth of the hole they drilled. In the asphalt volcano story these volcanoes are in shallow waters for the most part and they are already openly venting. BP has stated they drilled down 25,000 to 30,000 ft. so it doesn't make sense that they had to drill down this far to get to a volcano to relieve alleged pressure. Most of the volcanoes they have documented are in shallow waters. BP's DWH well is sitting in 5000 ft of water and still they drilled another 30,000 ft to get to an asphalt volcano causing problems ??? We are talking about nearly 6 miles of solid rock, apparently not enough mass & weight to contain these pressures ? The volcanoes they know about are already currently pushing up asphalt, which is very dense like lava and cools almost immediatley and stays on the bottom ... not floating to the surface. And what we are seeing on the surface is a funny colored (reddish) oil. As for the tarballs, they are probably the result of the abiotic oil hitting near freezing water and solidifying but still being less dense than water and so floats to the surface.
    So if you believe drilling down 30,000 feet to relieve pressure in an asphalt volcano through a 22" pipe is assinine. And if you believe Mother Earth needs BP's help to do what it already does with natural asphalt volcanoes then you are being fooled again. I'm sticking with the deep abiotic theory where they have drilled too deep and too greedily and have awoken a Balrog. They have hit a very large artery that feeds all the much more shallow layers where we normally drill to get to smaller safer pockets. Trotting out science experts is a standard tactic of the PTB to explain ( read: pull the wool over the public's eyes ) to keep them from getting involved, as in marching on DC a couple million strong, armed to the teeth.

  12. Ironically I agree with you. However at 4 am they just set off a nuke.


Vatic Clerk Tips: After 7 days, all comments to an article go into the moderation queue for approval which happens at least once a day. Please be patient.

Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.