

Top Recipient of Political Cash from BP, Goldman Sachs, Defense Contractors AND Healthcare Giants: Barack Obama

Vatic Note:  Keep in mind that Goldman Sachs shorted on the owner of the rig just before the blowout.  Also remember who owns BP.  That was given on here a few days back.  Goldman sachs is one of the share holders of the major investor in BP and is also independantly an additional institutional shareholder. as well as this one....

Solution:  Recommended by someone with a petition  going around "The US take over BP".   That would solve a whole bunch of problems, although BP's owners run the government, so it would require we get rid of the people in gov that we currently have in the next election and replace them with independant candidates and third party candidates.  No more voting for the two wings of the neocon party. 
Top Recipient of Political Cash from BP, Goldman Sachs, Defense Contractors AND Healthcare Giants: Barack Obama.   Lets remember why this needs to be done.  Just look at the platform again.

Top Recipient of Political Cash from BP, Goldman Sachs, Defense Contractors AND Healthcare Giants: Barack Obama

Posted By admin On May 6, 2010 @ 4:13 am In Commentary

Washington’s Blog

May 6, 2010

Preface: The story that Obama was the top recipient of political contributions from BP is going viral [1] today. I thought I’d put the story in a little context.

As a side note, I voted for Obama [2] and had high hopes for him … until he appointed Summers, Geithner, various Bush re-treads and industry shills, and then showed that he would play footsie with the big boys instead of the American people.

Politico reports [3]
BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Obama apparently also got more contributions from Exxon and Chevron [4]

And Obama had the most political contributions [5]  from Goldman Sachs in 2008 of all senators. And Goldman gave more to Obama than any other presidential candidate [6] , and was Obama’s second-largest contributor [7].

In addition, Obama was the top congressional recipient of defense industry contributions for the 2008 election cycle. See this [8] , this [9]  and this [10].

Obama was also the top recipient of money from the healthcare giants [11] [12]
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URLs in this post:

[1] going viral:
[2] voted for Obama:
[3] reports:
[4] Exxon and Chevron:
[5] the most political contributions:
[6] any other presidential candidate:
[7] second-largest contributor:
[8] this:
[9] this:
[10] this:
[11] healthcare giants:
[12] Image: 

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