

Thanks for trying! It appears they did it in a rush with no notice. It did not pass.

Vatic Note:   Now,  check out how your senator voted, write it down, and never forget it. If he voted against it, then that is treason and he should not be returned to congress under any circumstances.   Had he voted for the amendment, he would have driven a stake in the heart of the VAMPIRE where it hurts.   They did not want us to see the size and scope of the theft and with that act, now comes civil disobedience in our pocket books.   April 15, 2011 is the end, we never pay another cent again, and we never work a wage paying job with deductions withheld.    We create our own jobs and work and never pay toward that theft, let those who enjoy slavery pay for it.  That was the final straw that broke the camels back. Remember we do not have to aid and abet in a crime which paying any taxes at this point, does to us.   This is why they wanted enemy combatants because when  you civilly disobey, the jury would set you free, and this way they OWN you and they can prove it to you by doing anything they want to you.  

SOLUTION:   I suppose you can tell we are mad??? Now, figure out what your cost of gas would be per gallon without the tax and that is public information, then fill up  your tank and pay by a designated credit card that you designate as the one you will use  for everything that carries a fed tax on it.  Put aside one credit just for buying items with federal tax items on it, like cigarettes if you smoke, gas, etc.   Then at the end of the month only pay the part that is the actual product and leave the tax on to accumulate.   Keep doing that each month until you do not have any reason to do it.   What you are then doing is forcing the bank to pay your tax on all those items to the fed and you do not pay the tax.   THEN NEVER PAY THAT TAX PORTION EVER.  Now on April 15,  that will become the ultimate proof whether we want to live like slaves or like freemen.    Send them a promissory note to pay once you receive your share of the payback of the bailout since all your taxes since the bailout has gone to their theft, then when they pay it back, you will pay your taxes.   That would be actually legal since its a debt for a debt.   They owe us interest for the trillions in bail out each month and that interest should be applied to the interest we owe them since its less than what they owe us.  Then deduct from what we owe them all the additional costs of false flags,  actually successful false flags like 9-11 and the oil rig explosion etc.   That is huge cost and they owe it for doing it.   Its contract law.   WE can get into it later.   iF YOU GET A LETTER FROM THE IRS TO AUDIT YOU, REMIND THEM AUDITS ARE NOT LEGAL NOW THAT IT WAS LEGALLY STATED THAT THE FED DID NOT NEED TO BE AUDITED AND THUS WE DO NOT EITHER. 

Ron Paul and Alan Grayson with Dylan Ratigan: Audit the Fed!

May 03, 2010 — MSNBC video

Ron Paul and Alan Grayson talk about their efforts to ensure a proper audit of the Federal Reserve is included in any "reform" package.

WE KNOW what is going on and we WANT IT STOPPED NOW.   Mention words like "Treason", Fraud, Stealing, aiding and abetting a felony crime.   I think those words would work very well.  Be sure and write down the bill numbers and amendments wanted.  Tell them THIS IS WHERE WE STOP ROTHSCHILD INTERNATIONAL BANKING MAFIA CARTEL.  Its important they understand clearly that we know what they are doing, remind them of the refusal to pass the law on insider trading for congress and that we understand fully what that means.  Tell them they are committing a crime if they refuse to pass these bills when they are already in violation of the insider trading laws.    WE WANT FULL AUDIT OF THE FED.  Where is our gold??? That will really torque them.   Hit them with everything you have, all of it, and show them we KNOW everything such as Goldman Sachs shorting on the oil Rig company just before the explosions.   WE KNOW!!!!!!  Say it loud and clear.  Its the only chance we have within the system and we must focus on clearly seeing all those bills pass and focus on our celebration at having won the battle.  You go. 

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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