

President Obama: Al Qaeda Is Seeking a Nuke -- and They Will Use It

Vatic Note:    FALSE FLAG ALERT?  UPDATE: 4/23/10 Based on comments section below, I just reconfirmed that the missing nukes in ND were 6 and only 5 arrived in Lousiana and nothing has been mentioned since that any one has found that 6th nuke.  No press screaming for an explanation or accounting for that 6th nuke.   So keep that in mind while comtemplatng this false flag alert.  Its important.
Lets hope this exposure stops the event from happening as it did back in Sept 2007.  Cheney had to cancel his infamous war games then.  We stopped it because we blew the socks off when the leak occurred by someone who loaded those nukes. We then verified that El Al airlines had cancelled all flights out of NY on  Friday which never happens, and reinstated the flights when Cheney cancelled his war games.   I personally called the airline because of the 9-11 warnings that Israeli citizens got working in the twin towers before the highjacking even occurred, so I took a chance and called and sure enough they were cancelled out of NY for Friday the 14th of Sept, 2007. 
After reading the post just before this one, its beginning to look a lot like reality doesn't it?    Remember this statement by Obama on the evening of Obama's nuclear summit to reduce nukes, or at least that was what the press said the summit was about and yet after saying he was going to go for reduction, he orders nuke war games??? FEMA has scheduled nuclear war games for May, canceled the april ones in Nevada; and Europe as we speak is holding nuke war games in the "sky" and I suspect that has to do with missles and targeting. Those run through April 22, so the timing was suppose to coincide with ours. Yet, we had a Volcano which took care of the airspace problem for conducting those games through the 22nd. Now we all know this is exactly like 9-11 when we got warnings and then SURPRISE, SURPRISE, war games to go along with the warnings, OH, AND WE STILL HAVE ONE MISSING NUKE that Cheney forgot to return to ND, from the 5 missing nukes back in Sept 2007? THEY RECOVERED ALL BUT ONE. Oh, and all involved on that base in following those military orders to illegally load those nukes, are now dead. So, listen up, if this happens and they do another false flag, then its time, and I think deep down we all know it, to stop these perverts once and for all since that will be about the 6th false flag killing of Americans by our allies in about 30 years. We also proved on here that OKC was done by our gov and their foreign occupying handlers. So, people will simply have to make a serious decision.   Keep living with this or stop it.   Simple.

President Obama: Al Qaeda (CIA) Is Seeking a Nuke -- and They Will Use It 

April 11, 2010 8:15 PM

On the eve of his Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama issued a dire warning: terrorist groups are trying to obtain nuclear weapons -- and they will use it.  (VN:  Yes,  CIA/Mossad funded and controlled Al Qaeda)

“We know that organizations like al Qaeda (VN: CIA Funded AQ) are in the process of trying to secure a nuclear weapon (VN:  the one Cheney kept from the 5 missing from North Dakota) -- a weapon of mass destruction that they have no compunction at using, (VN:  CIA/Mossad use WMD all the time, HAARP comes to mind, ask Haiti)" the president said.

Appearing alongside President Zuma of South Africa before a bilateral meeting, Mr. Obama said that "if there was ever a detonation in New York City, or London, or Johannesburg, the ramifications economically, politically, and from a security perspective would be devastating.” (VN:  Sounds like a satanists wet dream, nuking children, very brave people, yes?)

Leaders from almost 50 nations are attending the two-day summit (VN:  Except Israel), aimed at shoring up efforts to obtain loose nuclear materials throughout the world so they don’t fall into the hands of terrorists or rogue nations (VN:  Too late, Israel already has them). The summit is the third event in the last week in which President Obama is trying to demonstrate a commitment to denuclearization. Last week he issued a new policy on nuclear deterrence and signed a disarmament treaty with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.

South Africa is the only nation in the world that once had a nuclear weapons program and subsequently dismantled the weapons.   "South Africa has special standing in being a moral leader on this issue," President Obama said. (VN:  Well at least he can spell "moral")

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. "OH, AND WE STILL HAVE ONE MISSING NUKE that Cheney forgot to return to ND, from the 5 missing nukes back in Sept 2007? THEY RECOVERED ALL BUT ONE. Oh, and all involved on that base in following those military orders to illegally load those nukes, are now dead."


    I always read your work with great interest and, yes, a critical eye. The very nature of your declarations demand that I be strict in my thinking and my own analysis of the various scenarios you point out to your readers.

    The above statement, while chilling if true, is just a bit too casual and off-handed for me to innately trust. I know that you aren't being flippant about the lives that are lost (or taken), however, its the style of these few sentences that hands over a horrible accusation with nary a reputable source or other confirming journalistic references and/or footnotes for the reader to rely upon while trying to fathom such alleged evil.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a staunch disbeliever but I constantly ride my own children about the process of critical thinking ("thinking about how you are thinking") and how it takes real discipline to become properly educated (and not just another parrot spouting "facts" that are often simply the opinion or purposeful disinformation to which they were exposed).

    May I respectfully request that you consider amending your writing style to include valid, researchable citations for those readers willing to put in the extra effort? While you may not see yourself as a "journalist", that is exactly what you're quickly becoming - and that's a damn heavy mantel to lug around ... I know). I would request (actually "demand", in their case) the very same thing from our "brethren" on the right.

    Thank you for your hard work and the emotional investment you make each and every day to help shore up this shaky devolving civilization. One person, well-armed with ironclad ethics and a committment to courageously publish the ugliest truths, can change the world.

    I know its thankless but don't stop what you're doing; you're getting better and better at it.

    USA, Earth, Milky Way

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, stroke of luck, my first hit back during september 2007, (thank goodness for my good memory on dates, LOL) I have found something on the deaths of those we discussed. I will keep looking for the article where 6 went missing and only 5 were recovered and also the other deaths after that and all were the minot base players in this game including the commanding officer who got transferred out and buried in Alaska and when the investigation began up there, he conveniently had a heart attack.... does CIA heart attacks and suicides ring a bell to you or do I have to prove they use those two methods for ridding the world of honest men and women?

    Here is the info:

    Mysterious Deaths in the United States Air Force: Whitewash and Cover-up

    Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question.

    Citizens for Legitimate Government has pointed towards the involvement of the U.S. Air Force in a cover-up and has linked several deaths of U.S. servicemen to the incident. Lori Price has also stated for Citizens for a Legitimate Government that “you need about fourteen signatures to get an armed nuke on a B-52.” (end of excerpt)

    Based on several news sources, including the U.S. military, we provide below a detailed review of these mysterious and untimely deaths of U.S. servicemen." Please go to link and scroll down to the individuals outlined. Also keep in mind anonymous whistleblower leaked to the military times, is who blew this wide open and no one knew who did it of those that loaded the nukes.

    A key there, since they took over the job of loading those nukes, were the men brought in to replace those who were killed or died just before the nukes went missing. Others AFTER THE STORY AS LEAKED were also killed. Those killed up to that point are listed. I will try to dig out the others as they occurred but its a heck of a job, since many of them were later on. Including the commanding officer of the base itself when the investigation got started.

  4. Here is more.....

    Ok, here was another one back then, and speculation that those missing nukes were to be another false flag, no proof of course, but acts that pointed toward intent, this excerpt below show the comparison to the stock trading just before 9-11 and now there is this one just before the sept war games by cheney which were scheduled.

    Almost six years later, the same "PUTS" scenario happened again.

    On August 26, 2007, an investor or investors (or "entity") made a $4.5 billion options bet (PUTS) for a catastrophe to happen before the options expired on September 21, 2007. (See: $4.5 billion options bet on catastrophe within four weeks)

    Many bloggers and others speculated that there would be another massive terrorist attack that would tank the already sinking stock markets. Others speculated that China would dump its US currency and drive the stock markets down. I personally believed (and still do) that what's going on with the American stock markets is a "rolling recession" that's going to stop rolling (what goes up must go down) and turn into the worst economic depression the world has ever seen. That's why I paid little attention to the PUTS and that's probably why others didn't pay much attention to them, either.

    But then on August 29/30, six nukes went missing from the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Three days after the disaster PUTS are bought, six nukes go missing!

    First question we need to ask is: how did they go missing when America is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on "Homeland Security" and military budgets?

    An excellent article - Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order - explains what happened very well. Ironically, Several military personnel died under mysterious circumstances shortly before and after the incident. Now what are the odds of this happening? But, as the above linked article states:
    There are now questions regarding the fate of these individuals in the U.S. Air Force who could have had relationships in one way or another to the incident or possibly have been directly involved. It is also necessary to state that there is no proof that these deaths are linked to the August flight from Minot to Barksdale in question.
    The interesting thing is that, if it weren't for whistleblowers (the story was first reported by the Military Times after military servicemen leaked it), this scandal about the missing nukes might never have been exposed at all! More, it is uncertain if all the nukes were recovered.

    Next curious item: One week after the nukes went missing on American soil, on September 6, 2007, Israel purportedly bombed a nuclear plant that was being built in Syria. The news media did not report this for over a month. The New York Times only got around to reporting on October 13. They said that Israeli planes struck at what US and Israeli intelligence believed was a partly constructed nuclear reactor in Syria. On October 28, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the cabinet that he had apologized to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan if Israel violated Turkish airspace during this strike last month.

    What we are looking at here is the possible relationship of the missing nuke to the strange saga of Syria. SOTT has been chronicling the Syrian Saga for a long time now and just a glance at the headlines we have archived will suggest that something may definitely have been planned for late September, but it seems that things didn't go as expected. The following is chronological, but not exhaustive, list of events leading up to this "non-event," the bombing of Syria that may have been intended to coincide with a nuking of some US target in another false-flag operation designed to set off World War III - a False Flag nuclear attack on U.S. soil that is yet to come. Pay attention, people! This is important!

  5. I have to go find the one where only 5 were recoverd, but the pattern is the same with many of the same players in place like the Sec of defence and Joint Chiefs appointed by Bush/Cheney.

    An announcement is made by Obama that AQ, who we all know is CIA funded, is going to nuke us, then FEMA plans nuke war games for after the nuke reduction conference and at the same time Europe is doing nuke war games from the 12th of april through the 22nd when FEMA was coordinating the same thing in NV. Citizens raised hell so they had to cancell them and reschedule ours into may, at a different city.

    SO PLEASE, TELL ME THIS ISN'T ANOTHER PLANNED FALSE FLAG. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Then blame this on Iran or AQ who hates iran, and bin Laden who everyone knows is dead, please... please teach your children well.

  6. Ok, here is the one on the missing nuke.

    Here is what I have in my records and I don't know if the link is still good, on this site they usually are.


    ATS Premium: Barksdale Missile Number Six: The Stolen Nuclear Weapon
    Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

    ATS Premium Article by Chuck Simpson


    Even here the focus is on time. The number of missiles and warheads issue was overlooked.

    Early news reports spoke of five nuclear warheads loaded onto the bomber. Apparently, this information was provided from Barksdale.

    That number was later updated to six weapons missing from Minot, apparently based on anonymous tips provided to Military Times by people at Minot. This information has also been forgotten.

    Six nuclear weapons disappeared from Minot AFB in North Dakota.

    Five nuclear weapons were discovered at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.

    Which leads to my chilling conclusion:

    Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon.

  7. Well, does all this satisfy you? I hope so. I probably should have done a whole separate blog on that so it would be more clear. But sometimes I assume everyone knows what I know and that is not the case so I appreciate you forcing me to provide all this, it actually reinforced my belief they are still going to try and convince us through a false flag and killing millions of Americans, that we must attack Iran.

    That makes Israel even more dangerous becuase attacking Iran is for their benefit and interests and not ours.


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