Vatic Note: Notice another MIT - Tavistock institution messing with dangerous diseases and now based on genotype, just like it says in the Pax Americana policy paper, straight from Cheney's New American Century Think Tank. It should be a miracle if anyone ever takes another vaccine for anything.
2010 Mar 15 from Lee Bracker
This is a very important low-down on what is brewing behind the vaccination scene and may surface next as a general populace protocol. Do not take this lightly PLEASE!!!
I Just linked two dots that could spell disaster for the globe during the next phase of vaccination. It would be an adjuvant or addition, the CATALYST POTENTIATOR, for those who accepted the first round, or multiples and other various vaccines of live H1N1 shots in 2009. These are laboratory grown genetically engineered strains of Hepatitis C targeted to North Americans as well as worldwide.
They used the same propaganda and tactics during the resurrection of the the 1918 swine flu virus "to study and develop treatments" as claimed in the article "Engineering a new way to study Hepatitis C". (Notice in the link its MIT again?) Their intention is vastly different than what mainstream presents (spins). We saw what Baxter Chemical did last year claiming accidental inclusion of the live Avian flu strain with the regular flu shots that almost made it undetected to 18, or more, countries outside the States.
The intention is too wipe out our immune efficacy. An attack on the liver spells double trouble because, from what I have learned as one theory, that what ends the life of those infected with the swine flu is the condition of dysentery, i.e. mutated strain of C. difficile. A person becomes so dehydrated as a result of diarrhea resulting in death.
I "reversed engineered" (a practice that is getting better and easier as events unfold) the important connection where it reads, " a new way to study hepatitis C..." Towards the end of the article where they document the discovery of a rare, actually the only, robust hepatitis C culture from a Japanese patient. This particular virus survives the experimentation process which has finally facilitated their ability to genetically modify Hep C for "study and research."
This scenario has similarities to the a not so well known cancer industry story that centers around extremely rare cancer cells taken from one person, Henrietta Lacks, in 1952. These cells were essentially stolen from the deceased woman in order to build a cancer industry stronger than had been to that point. Billions of revenue dollars were generated for research and development. Her cells were sold on the market to research and development entities for the purpose to create more problems that would, of course, require "their" treatments.
Side note: Laetrile was introduced in the same year, 1952, which also marks the accelerated activity of federal suppression of natural cancer treatments. The Lack family never received a single cent. Here's the clincher, "they" want to create regional strains of hepatitis C based on race for use on North American inhabitants. This dovetails into the eugenics agenda/mass genocide ongoing depopulation program.
This is appropriate preparation for all of us before the next round of vaccination formulations -- the Hep C may be hidden in other ingredients, if forced or under coercion (potential Martial Law), and else ways. I trust my research and and I sense that this article, propagandized and seemingly benign as it is, has far reaching implications. This is a very big one. No joke. Email to everyone you know as well as Blog it. Make this viral on the net.
The article: Engineering a new way to study hepatitis C
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
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