

ALERT: Polish President was alive after the crash and was shot.

Polish President was alive after the crash and was shot.
by Vatic Master
April 23, 2010

PLEASE SPREAD FAR AND WIDE SINCE THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE HAS IDENTIFIED THAT THE PRESIDENT WAS ALIVE AFTER THE CRASH based on the video. I now understand why they killed the videogragher since the video was already out there, It did not make sense to me at the time, why they killed him, but the fact that the President can be heard was not yet made clear and the videographer being killed so quickly prevented that fact from coming out early on.

See article about the murder of the videographer and someone elses translation of the video which has been corrected by this translation that I trust implicitly since this person did not believe there was a murder until after he translated the video. He is also in a field that requires very precise and perfectionistic work, and thus this skill carries over to this translation as evidenced by his precise translation.

He does show a translation from someone saying it was the Polish President and he was alive and they shot him and someone says "Oh, my God, its the President".   See below in the english translation.

Here is what I received from my trusted source....and his ties to Poland are still strong.  I trust him and this translation since he is a very perfectionistic person in his field.  Here is his response to me:       
"Below is a link to the main website of an old Polish association (society) which has been a thorn in the side of many Russian governments and of other Russian "patriots". They call themselves The Association of Siberics, or similar (as opposed to Siberians, who live in, or are from, Siberia). Their mission is to keep alive the memory of Russian offenses against Poland, to tend Polish graves associated with such offenses, and so on. Their website is in Polish only.  (its important because it was mentioned twice in the video translation below)

Not all the victims were in Siberia, but the association seems to be happy to bring all the victims under its umbrella.

At least one person aboard the plane reportedly belonged to this order. However, the overall tone of the flight was de facto in support of this order's agenda, to broadcast the memory of past Russian mistreatment of Poland. We can assume this, because the official Katyn commemorative ceremony had already been held earlier, with due decorum, in the presence of the Prime Minister of Poland, the relatively moderate Mr. Tusk. So this flight appeared designed to rub the faces of Russian "patriots" in the mud an unnecessary second time, with a full planeload of "patriots" from Poland, the entourage of Mr. Kaczynski. This resembled a veritable planeload of honorary Siberics.

I have been told that, in the past, Poland has not been shy about dealing out some grief of its own in the direction of its fellow "People of the Word" to the east. Perhaps this time also, poking the bear with a sharp stick may not have been as innocent as it seems. If the plane lands you win, if it falls you also win. Either way, there are eager cameras at the ready. How does one think Poland has managed to survive in its little green vale of death since the dawn of the age? Bless the patriots, save us all from the "patriots" and grant us the way to tell them apart.

Below is a transcript, from the Web, of things possibly to be heard in the infamous original video. I did not make this transcript, but it does seem interesting. Some parts can be easily made out, especially the telling phrase, "Ni chuja Sybir" (nee-hooyah-sibeer). In Russian this phrase might be taken to mean something like "No quarter, Siberic," but using very rude wording. I have attempted a translation of the transcript below, adding one or two of my own clarifications as well, which are in curly {} brackets.

Hope this sincere spin is credible. Good reading. (based on video clock as a tracking for the sounds and translation that you can verify yourself. The actual polish and russian words are also listed below the english translation so you can match them by the time on the video showing.)

ENGLISH TRANSLATION (Polish and Russian below this one) (Note time at :53 seconds where they mention the President's voice which means he is alive at that point)

00:12 One can hear in Polish in an assertive tone, "Calm down."

00:16 {In Polish,} "Look him in the eyes."

00:21 Once again, but this time in a more pleading tone, {in Polish,} "Calm down."

00:23 The sound of a pistol being loaded.

00:23 An empty {dull?} whack, as if an impact (the shot of a pistol with a silencer) and afterwards likely, "ow."

00:27 {In Polish,} "Ma'am, do/do not......(later unintelligible)........the Kaczynskis/of the Kaczynskis."

00:29 In Polish, "You're going" (That was a sign to turn on the signal, a siren, and mute the shots. Then in Russian through a radio, "Zyob," because immediately the sound of the siren is heard.) {Possibly "Zyob" might sound like a garbled or colloquial form of "It's done" or "It's happening." Could the siren merely be a passing train? If so, perhaps they knew when it was due to come.}

00:31 Something unclearly in Russian, "Come on."

00:47 In Russian, "Give it over here, skank." {A "playful" rhyming phrase, possibly spoken teasingly to a helper with a gun, or possibly spoken insultingly to one or more intended victims.}

00:50 {In Russian,} "Be beating down {killing} over here."

00:51 In Polish, "God, my God." {Or, "God mine, God."}

00:53 Now may God forgive me for this, but it's the President's voice {in Polish,} "What's this??" (Someone laughed.) {I suppose one would have to electronically analyze the recording to verify whose voice this is. In any case, it is likely an intended victim.}

00:53 {In Russian,} "Shoot."

00:55 The loading of a weapon can be heard.

00:57 A shot.

01:00 The author of the film {in Russian}, "No quarter, Siberic." {Rude wording in a Russian accent. Possibly sincere, but more likely only for the benefit of the nearby official seen a little later in the film guarding against closer approach to the action.}

01:06 A shot.

01:07 Laughter.

01:13 {In Polish,} "I will give it to you, you pricks fu {fu.....pricks}..........." (break in the sound, a shot is heard)

01:22 A shot

01:23 A grandfather {old man,} {in Russian,} "And where are you coming in here........ {snooping} around?" {Probably not said by some old man, but rather by the nearby official, mentioned above at 01:00. He might naturally have muttered this to the author of the film as the author passed by him.}

01:23 The author of the film, "No quarter, myself." {This is a blatant misquotation. The author of the film can clearly be heard to say "No quarter, Siberic," like he said the first time. Again, he probably only repeated it for the benefit of the official he just passed.}

00:12 słychac po polsku stanowczym tonem"uspokój sie" ;

00:16 "patrz mu w oczy"

00:21 jeden jeszcze raz tym razem bardzie proszacym tonem "uspokój sie"

00:23 odgłos przeładowywanego pistoletu

00:23 pusty trzask jakby uderzenie(strzał pistoletu z tłumikiem) i potem chyba "ała";

00:27 "Niech pani"....(dalej nie zrozumiale)...koncówka "Kaczyńskich"

00:29 po polsku"idziesz(to znak by sygnał puscili "syrene"i zagłuszyli strzały,potem po rosyjsku przez krótkofalówke "zjob" bo zaraz rozlega sie dzwiek syreny!!)

00:31 cos niewyraznie po rosyjsku "chodjat"

00:47 po rosyjsku "dawaj tuda paskuda" ;

00:50 "ubijaj tuda"

00:51 po polsku :"Boże mój Boże"

00:53 TERAZ NIECH BÓG MI TO WYBACZY ALE TO GŁOS PREZYDENTA " co jest???"- ( ktoś zaśmiał sie)

00:53 streljaj" ;

00:55 przeładowanie broni słychac

00:57 strzał ;

01:00 autor filmu "ni chuja sybir"*

01:06 strzał ;

01:07 smiechy;

01:13 "ja wam dam wy chuje je***...(urywa sie,słychac strzał)!"

01:22 strzał

01:23 dziadek "a gdie wchodisz tu... kola"

01:23 autor filmu "ni huja siebie"*

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  1. Thank you, you can thank my polish friend for his time and work on this. His wife is also polish and so at home they speak it all the time. They also have investments and businesses there so they travel there on occasion which forces him to retain an excellent working language skill for his businesses.

    I believe its what made this easy for him. This is what happens when you go against the Zionist bankers.


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