

The Hidden Of Genetic Manipulation - (Eugenics)

Vatic Note:   One aspect of the multilayered agenda of the elite is the depopulation and Eugenics funding and research that these families have been funding since the early 20's.   This will be one element in our strategy and tactics that we will have to address and fight.    We saw an example of this yesterday about the euthanasia of old people and severly handicapped and the poor.   Its a physical restructuring of society to produce the best physical specimens to handle hard labor and tasks requiring skills as well as physical stamina for long hours of such labor.   Further, they must be the least demanding on medical resources and health costs.  That also means correcting and eliminating any genetic connection to diseases.  (VN:  does that include inbreeding results from the 13 families???  If so  most of them would be gone by now, obviously from the results of their actions).   Another consideration will be who manages the mating of the cattle, who decides who marries or breeds with who.  Will there be DNA tests based on the needs of the elite society and thus special order such breeding for those results???  (Note worthy point:  This is the first time they have messed with my blogs in a couple of days,  hmmm,  guess this is something they don't want us talking about)

The Hidden Of Genetic Manipulation
By:   Lecture by Wm F Engdahl

The same powerful families who have brought us such things as the Kenzie Report on American male sexuality in the 1950s, who brought us the intrauterine device – the coil – in the sexual revolution of the sixties, who brought us UN population control programs, who brought us an epidemic of sexual confusion and insecurity which they called “genetically caused”, and who also funded Nazi eugenics; these same people have now created an artificial new pseudo-science called ‘Genetics’ and ‘Genetic Manipulation’ of plants and animals; the patenting of life and their new forms.

This organization has a name –

‘The Rockefeller Foundation’.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) technology is today a danger to human life on this planet of ours. In my estimation it’s more dangerous than a nuclear holocaust. Its perpetrator’s intend nothing less than genocide, against enlarged portions of life on this planet over the coming decades, using GMOs as a major weapon.

To give an example: Just recently completed near the Arctic Circle of all places, Svalbard, on Norwegian territory, is what’s called the ‘Svalbard Global Seed Vault’. This is a vault that has been dug out from the side of a mountain in a forsaking region near the Arctic Circle. This vault has blast proof doors, double air locks and one metre thick steel reinforced concrete. It is supposed to be resistant to a nuclear bomb attack or any national catastrophe. Inside the vault are supposed to be three million different varieties of seed from around the world; and the purpose of this vault? Officially so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future.

The people who have been investing millions into this Arctic seed vault, which the press have called ‘The Doomsday Seed Vault’, are such institutions as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Monsanto Corporation, the Syngenta Foundation, DuPont and the Norwegian Government. Also joining these distinguished people are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, which is anything but neutral when it comes to the health and safety and the food quality of this planet.

So in short, a nuclear proof seed vault, with all the seed varieties in the world, has been established by the very companies who have created and are guiding the transformation into patent seeds, which will require farmer’s in India, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, the farmers in the Philippines, China and so on, to go every year to three or four private giant GMO corporations, to pay a license fee to get new seeds due to the new terminator technology or GURT. It is this transformation that has virtually destroyed agriculture in the United States and large parts of Canada. If this is allowed to proliferate to the main food growing countries in the developing world, the future of the human race is in grave danger. If you believe I am exaggerating, that I am reporting some ‘conspiracy theory’ of wild ideas, I urge you to check independently for yourself and follow the documentation in the book that I have written called “Seeds of Destruction”.

The end product of creating a seed bank would be to allow all seed varieties of the world, the results of thousands of years of human evolution, plant evolution and crop diversity, to be put in control of the Rockefeller Foundation and the private GMO seed multinationals who would then patent all these life forms.

That itself would potentially see the total control of all the seed varieties on this planet.

The United States Government financed research of a private company called DeltaPine who were involved in the patenting of GMO cotton seeds back in the 1990s. DeltaPine together with the US Government and the Dept. of Agriculture Research Agency, who provided the money, created something called ‘Terminator Seeds’ or GURT (Genetic Use Restriction Technology) which are specially engineered to abort after one harvest so that traditional farming that involves saving seed and replanting in the next season, is no longer possible.

‘Terminator’ was so controversial back in 1999, that when Monsanto was about to buy out DeltaPine, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation went to Monsanto and said, “The whole project is in danger, do not take over this GMO terminator patent yet. We urge you to make a tactical retreat”. They held a press conference and told the world, because of the public outcry, “We will not commercialise ‘Terminator’ technology”. The takeover of DeltaPine was put on ice until 2007. Ten years later, Monsanto announced that it wanted to acquire the cotton patents of Deltapine and did not say a word about ‘Terminator’ technology. Most of the protesters about ‘Terminator’ were caught sleeping and there was hardly a peep out of the media.

So today Monsanto own ‘Terminator’ technology.

In 1997 there was a test carried out in the Rowett Institute in Scotland by one of the world’s leading and most respected researchers at that time, Dr Arpad Pusztai.

Dr Pusztai got a mandate to perform a wide research study for the British Government on the effects of feeding a diet of GMO potatoes to mice. After a number of months Dr Pusztai became more than alarmed. He started the experiment believing the propaganda that GMO was the answer to the world’s hunger problem and that this was a contribution of science to solve human problems.

But his research forced him to rethink his belief and he told his director of his research results. The director was also alarmed and agreed that they should give an interview to the world’s press and he then appeared on a program on Channel 4, a British TV channel.

Dr Pusztai reported his research results and told the public that the organs of the mice fed on a GMO diet, compared with the mice fed on a controlled diet of non GMO, were a lot smaller. He also found something which was even more alarming which he did not report on the program so not to terrorise the public. He found the brains of the mice fed on a GMO diet were also a lot smaller.

The world’s press picked up the story for 72 hours and after 72 hours the director called Dr Pusztai into his office and said “As from this minute you are no longer permitted to talk to any of your colleagues about your research. You are forbidden to talk to the media. You will go into early retirement and if you want to keep your pension you will follow these instructions”.

What had happened in those 72 hours, and which Dr Pusztai only learned years later from a retired colleague from the institute, was that the director had received a phone call from the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, saying “Shut this man up. This guy is damaging the whole future of British bio-technology”. Later, he found out from another retired colleague that the call from Tony Blair come through President Clinton in Washington and President Clinton had received a call from Monsanto saying; “This guy needs to be silenced because the whole GMO project is in danger if the press continues to discuss and debate this”.

Dr Pusztai was then blacklisted and he was attacked by the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Fraudulently and falsely, other scientists prostituted themselves under the influence of research money from the argi-business lobby, to protect the reputation of GMO seeds.

Back in the 1920s, before anyone in the world had heard of genetic manipulation of plants, the Rockefeller Foundation was the largest financier of something called ‘Eugenics’. Another name for ‘Eugenics’ is ‘purity of race’ or ‘race science’. Not only did they finance eugenics in America, they supported programs, in state after state from California to the East coast of America, of mandatory sterilization of people who they deemed unfit. These included the ‘lower’ races of people, immigrants, women who were forced into prostitution to feed their children because they had no husbands and sisters and mothers of known criminals. All of these groups had to be sterilized due to them having ‘bad gene pools’. All this was being done in America tens of thousands of times over. The Rockefellers, not being satisfied with promoting the idea of a master race in America alone, financed and brought into being, at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin in the 1920s, German eugenics research.

They continued financing at a time when the German economy was in a deep economic crisis. Up to 1939, six years into the 3rd Reich of Adolf Hitler, the Rockefeller Foundation concurred with and willingly financed Nazi eugenics research, forced sterilization and race experiments of the ‘unfit’.

Reported back then, the Rockefellers were quoted as saying “What the Germans are doing is what we here in America, with the Eugenics Society, can only dream of. The Nazis are putting their money where their mouths are. Its a shame that the word Nazi has such bad press because they are doing it the right way”.

After World War II and the horrors of Auschwitz became known to the world, the Rockefeller family and the Eugenics Society realized they had a public relations problem when they stated that, “The word ‘eugenics’ now has a bad reputation. People think of the gas ovens of Auschwitz.” So they decided then that, “The new name for ‘eugenics’ is ‘GENETICS’.”

The Rockefeller family, from the end of the 1930s, and well into the 1980s, was by far the most important family in terms of American political policy. Four brothers divided the world at the end of World War II.

Nelson Rockefeller went to Washington to work for Eisenhower and became the first Secretary of the Health, Education and Welfare Department where he secretly funded CIA MK-Ultra mind altering drug research using LSD and other illegal substances.

David Rockefeller went into the family’s bank ‘The Chase Manhattan Bank’.

Laurence Rockefeller was involved in business promotion especially in Puerto Rico and Latin America where the family had oil interests.

John D. Rockefeller III focused on population control. He was obsessed with controlling world population. John D., with help from the Eugenics Society, created the Population Control Council in the 1950’s. He then went on to Puerto Rico, which was regarded at the time as a Rockefeller family plantation. John D. financed programs of forced sterilization of child bearing woman, throughout Puerto Rico, to the point that by the end of the 1950’s, 35% of the child bearing women had been forcibly sterilized after the birth of their first or second child, without knowing it, in the hospitals and clinics, which Rockefeller money helped to create, in villages and rural areas around Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico was the test laboratory for the ideas of mass global sterilization which they called “population control”

The US Dept. of Agriculture, in 2000 and 2001, financed field studies for a bio-tech company in San Diego, California called Epicyte. The US Government found that the research of this company was significant enough to spend taxpayer’s money on for field tests of a variety of corn that had been genetically modified to produce what they called “spermicidal corn”. The President of Epicyite, Douglas Hyne, gave a press conference in 2001 and said, “I am proud to say that we here at Epicyite have developed a potential solution to the world’s human population problem. We have a spermicidal corn that kills male sperm from the man that consumes it and prevents conception”.

The World Health Organisation, financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, over a thirty year period, have been found guilty by Profeada Cattolica in Mexico and Nicaragua, of injecting only women of child bearing age, throughout Latin America, with a tetanus vaccine which contained a chemical that would cause an abortion of any foetus which might develop in the women. Profeada Cattolica became suspicious when it became apparent that the injection was only being given to women aged between 14 and 45 years of age whilst not being given to men.

This is the proud record of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Foundation which created the false science of GMO. Their life-long dream is to crack the genetic code of the human genome to enable them to create a ‘master race’ to their liking and eliminate the rest of us who are not. This is a conspiracy, a project so vast and so inconceivable that its even hard for me to believe, and I have been doing such research for the last 35 years. When I wrote the book, ‘Seeds of Destruction’, I told my wife that I thought that this was the most dangerous story I had ever researched and written about. But it’s a story that must be told because nobody understands the political agenda behind GMO.

Lecture transcripts by F. William Engdahl

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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