

The Vatic Project: Under New (but Old) Management

The Vatic Master's desires after her passing were that I (M.C. Bruecke = Vatic Clerk) do a blog write-up to inform her dear readers of such.

Further, she bequeathed me the Vatic Project, because she claimed that without me, it wouldn't have happened.

The Vatic Master always considered the Vatic Project a partnership between her and me. I helped coin the blog's name and the Vatic Master's title, while training her on how to overcome technical publication hurdles. My participation out of necessity after a couple of years dwindled to assisting only when the agents (and luddite mistakes) conspired against her through technical means from publishing any number of "earth-shattering revelations that the world absolutely had to know."

I disagreed about the Vatic Project being a partnership; it was and is Ms. Pat Rydz's aka the Vatic Master's legacy, her life's accomplishment. Only now, the Vatic Project has been bequeathed to me. "It's mine, all mine! Bwahahahaha!"

Does that mean that the Vatic Project is destined to disappear into the bit-buckets of the ether of the internet? No. It will be taken (over time & many behind-the-scenes phases) to the next level of a research source, as is fitting for the Vatic Master's legacy.

Phase 1: Refinement of the words in the Vatic Label Cloud.

Phase 2: Application of labels to all content in the database, newest to oldest. You'll be able to find old things easier.

Phase n: Creation of Vatic series that connect various articles into a cohesive study theme. Theme topics plus links to articles in (or soon to be in) the Vatic Project can be suggested by the readership.

Phase n+1: Regularly populating the publishing queue with re-purposed articles of interest for discussion to keep the Vatic Project relevant.

Phase n+2: Establishment of a weekly newsletter.

No promises on any of the phases, and certainly not soon.

I have never profited off of the Vatic Project, and have no plans to do so in the future. Just the opposite, I provided occasional financial support to the Vatic Project and Ms. Rydz, who lived on the very economic fringes of society, not helped by age, failing health, or a caring government.

On September 11, 2016, the PayPal donate button will be retired from the blog.

Until that time, the donate button will remain for mourners and supporters to give financial tokens of their appreciation to the Vatic Master's legacy.

Why, particularly if I have no need or desire for financial gain off of the Vatic Project?

Ms. Rydz's PayPal debit card & slim bank account are now in the trust of the care-giver who tended her physical needs during Ms. Rydz's last months. He is also on the economic fringes of society, where even a mere $10 goes far in paying for gasoline, mobile home rent, and food, not only for himself but also for Ms. Rydz's surviving dogs. Leave it to the Vatic Master in her final wishes to give to those most in need and who helped her at her greatest need.

// M.C.Bruecke = the Vatic Clerk


  1. I am so sorry to hear of Vatic Masters passing. I have read her blog for many years first thing in the morning. May her dear soul now rest in the peace she yearned for the entire world.

  2. RIP Vactic. I only found her blog couple of years ago. What a very wise women I've learnt a lot.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of Ms Radz passing. She helped to 'open my eyes' and was an excellent source for researching information, or confirming information that others wrote. I/We shall greatly miss her wisdom and wit. I'm sure you will fulfill her wishes with do diligence and look forward to seeing your updates. With Respect, Marti

  4. I too am saddened by the passing of Ms. Rydz.... She was indeed a warrior and one heck of fine writer....

    Hopefully you will continue with her vision, my friend...

  5. Very sad to hear the news... She is is a good place. God Bless her.

  6. Vatic Master was a great Warrior for the Truth in the Final Days of this Debased, Degraded, and Deceptive Fascist Nightmare called Amerika. May God bless her and keep her. We must Rise to support her legacy.

    Hasta La Victoria



Vatic Clerk Tips: After 7 days, all comments to an article go into the moderation queue for approval which happens at least once a day. Please be patient.

Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.