

XXII Olympic Winter Games - Olympics history, Prometheus and occult Paganism

Vatic Note:  I was blocked all night from my blog and the coffee shop was closed, so i had to wait for a shift change, so my VN: will be only this and I will come back later to add a note.  But this is good just get started on it.

XXII Olympic Winter Games - Olympics history, Prometheus and occult Paganism - Part I of 4

Well, it is Jan 2014 AD and the occult nature of the Olympics is already rearing its Pagan head, by definition, of course.

I just finished posting a series that will get you on track of understanding whence came the Olympics and how these up and coming ones have a special place for Prometheus:

XXII Olympic Winter Games - Olympics history

There is a reason why in 394 AD the Roman emperor Theodosius I ordered the Olympic games to cease; they are a Pagan ritual to Greek gods. This is no conspiracy but merely history. The Olympic opening and closing ceremonies (rituals) are becoming more and more openly occultic and this is only to be expected as that is whence they came.

The Olympic games revived in the late 19th century AD by a French aristocrat named Baron Pierre de Coubertin:

“Though Coubertin was not the first to propose the revival of the Olympic Games, he was certainly the most well-connected and persistent of those to do so…Coubertin organized a meeting with 79 delegates who represented nine countries. He gathered these delegates in an auditorium that was decorated by neoclassical murals and similar additional points of ambiance.”

“Exactly when the Games were first held and what circumstances led to their creation is uncertain. We do know, however, that the Games were a direct outgrowth of the values and beliefs of Greek society. The Greeks idealized physical fitness and mental discipline, and they believed that excellence in those areas honored Zeus, the greatest of all their gods…the earliest recorded Olympic competition occurred in 776 B.C.”

Although, “It is almost certain that this was not the first time that the Games were held.”
The Olympiad is a “four-year period by which the Greeks recorded their history.”

“According to legend, the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles (the Roman Hercules), a son of Zeus.

“It was said Zeus once fought his father, Kronos, for control of the world. They battled atop a mountain…After Zeus defeated his father, a temple and immense statue were built in the valley below to honor him. This valley was called Olympia, and soon religious festivals developed there as people came to worship Zeus and to approach as nearly as possible his great strength. It is believed that these religious festivals eventually led to the famed Games of the Olympics.”

“The games were dedicated to the 12 Olympian Gods and were hosted on the ancient green plains of Olympia, the place was famous for its magnificent great temples of the two gods Zeus and his wife Hera. The games initially had a very religious character combined by a number of ancient sport events, which many of those were based on the ancient Greek mythology.”

“The Olympic Games were closely linked to the religious festivals of the cult of Zeus, but were not an integral part of a rite…the Olympic Games owed their purity and importance to religion…The official award ceremony would take place on the last day of the Games, at the elevated vestibule of the temple of Zeus.”

“The oldest myth which concerns the beginning of the Olympic Games is that of Idaios Daktylos Herakles…Hera was the sister and wife of Zeus…She was thus also called "Argeia"”

“the priestess of Demeter, goddess of fertility, was given a privileged position next to the Stadium altar.”

“cessation of hostilities…known as the Olympic peace or truce….is a modern myth because the Greeks never suspended their wars. The truce did allow those religious pilgrims who were traveling to Olympia to pass through warring territories unmolested because they were protected by Zeus.”

“The myth continues that after Heracles completed his twelve labors, he built the Olympic Stadium as an honor to Zeus.”

Read all about twelve labors of Heracles on this fascinating essay: The Location of the 12 Labors of Herakles on the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.

“the Olympic Flame is lit in Olympia in a ceremony that reflects ancient Greek rituals. A female performer, acting as a priestess, ignites a torch by placing it inside a parabolic mirror which focuses the sun's rays; she then lights the torch of the first relay bearer, thus initiating the Olympic torch relay that will carry the flame to the host city's Olympic stadium…the flame has been an Olympic symbol since 1928, the torch relay was introduced at the 1936 Summer Games, as part of the German government's attempt to promote its National Socialist ideology.”

“The Olympic symbol, better known as the Olympic rings, consists of five intertwined rings and represents the unity of the five inhabited continents (Africa, America, Asia, Oceania, Europe).”

In short, the Olympics can be viewed as an art of war aspect of establishing a new world order. The term art of war refers to waging a war, of whatever sort, on every conceivable level; economically, culturally, militarily, politically, spiritually, etc.

The Olympics are a Pagan ritual in honor of false gods and which seeks to bring humanity together in that common ritualistic worship.
Prometheus unhinged – on the varied mytholog
is part 2

XXII Olympic Winter Games - Sochi and Prometheus
Part 3

Sochi Olympics - Prometheus, Nazis and Freemasons; yes, really-
is Part 4. 

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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