

Jim Marrs lecture on Monoatomic Gold - and its connection to invasion of Iraq - 2 videos, #'s1 and 2 of 7

*** Fundraising status- We wish to thank everyone who contributed to our fundraising this month.  It was great and we made our goal with 2 days left.  I can't thank you all enough for your support that has allowed us to continue on with our mission of bringing truth to the world.  As you know this is not  a fast food headline site, rather a deep and detailed well researched blog on the issues.  We also try to include solutions as we find them.  We ask that you be blessed and protected for all that you have done to try to save our nation. Its not over yet, but it does appear we are at the very least delaying them.  That is a victory in itself.  We appreciate the team effort that our readers have contributed to our venture and its success.   Thanks again

Vatic Note: This was and is fascinating.   He talks about so much that is tied into this Monoatomic Gold including ancient history, the archeological finds all over the world that confirms an advanced civilization has been here in the ancient past. He even threw in the Bible and you would be surprised what he says Monoatomic gold was called in the Bible. It was extremely fascinating and I had no idea this even existed.  I trust Jim Marrs because everything he has covered has proven out to be real, true and verified.

Please watch these as many times as it takes to get the point.  He uses the Bible to prove the value of Monoatomic Gold.   Anyway, watch this and absorb as much as you can.  Even ancient history is not as we have been taught. Moses is just one example. Blow my mind.LOL  This is Worth the time you will invest in this.  He goes all the way back to before Abraham and Sumaria.  He said all of human history resides in Bagdad.

We did a blog showing Bush invaded the City of Ur, Abrahams home town, and brought in archeologists as well.  We could not find out why or what he was looking for, but he may have found it since they baptized him as Magog at the Bohemian grove.  As many know, Monoatomic gold is a health food type substance, or at least used that way, but its also been speculated that it was the reason aliens came to visit and ended up leaving behind hybrids.  

Anyway, enjoy the education. There one more blog with a total of 3 more blogs with 7 videos on this subject, so hang with us.  Remember, this is not a fast food info site. This is the history we never got in school, during their dumbing us down project.

Jim Marrs lecture on Monoatomic Gold - Videos 1, 2  of 7 videos.
Published by MeDappaDonn, May 19, 2009 

Video #1

Video #2

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