

We REALLY Are Living in a Matrix! That Movie was another Advanced Notice of our Future!

Vatic Note:  Ok,  Even I am having trouble with this one myself.  But if he is right, then this is a total mind blower.  I do not know if he is right, but the evidence he provides is compelling, and yet, hard to believe.   What we are experiencing here in either case, is a complete and unbelievable distortion of reality, a true high tech matrix of fabricated reality that either the powers that be (and its beyond governments, I know that now) or the high tech person presenting this is engaged in.   I had to put this up because if true, we should all know about it.   If not true, then we should question everything and research for ourselves as I plan to do on this.

If true, these are truly brilliant and insane  people.  They live for this deception and nothing else.  How truly sad and what a waste of a life.  I have truly come to appreciate the simplicity and genuineness of my daily life and the people in it, outside of this work I do.  I have never wanted to go back to my roots so bad as I have since I began seeing the inhumane and insane actions of these people.

I realize now, they "NEED" and "WANT" chaos and drama everywhere and spend an inordinate amount of time engaging in all the useless, non productive expense it takes, both in wealth and time, to achieve that end. That leads to another solution. IGNORE EVERY SINGLE THING THEY DO, DO NOT WATCH THE NEWS, AND BEGIN going internal with your family, friends, church, or other local institutions and ignore all the rest.  

Create your own reality.  I hate to see just how bad their adrenal glands are.  If they did not have organ harvesting and transplants and stem cells, they would all have died physically, years ago from Adrenal poisoning from all the stress this kind of garbage produces, talk about useless feeders?  Instead of contributing to the enhancement of society and life, they destroy, distract, and manipulate for evil ends.  (I bet Bush went in for an organ transplant after wearing out his organs and that is why he was in the hospital)

Unfortunately, they are the walking dead spiritually.... Zombies, if you will.  Maybe even vampires.  LOL   I find it interesting we that are here now, came to see all this as it is.  We must have decided to come to partake in this charade at this time.  Never has so much been exposed so quickly as what we are seeing now that we never ever saw before.  Even if this guy is some part of a game, then its still the powers that be and everything I said above still stands.  


JFK Assassination Lie
·Uploaded by RichardBDawson, Published on Oct 16, 2012

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This is the work of Ed Chiarini, Jr. aka Dallasgoldbug and is uploaded with the written permission of the author. You may see additional material of his entire body of work on Wellaware1 (dot) com. Please direct any feedback directly to the author. I am the poster and will not respond to comments. Thanks.

Mr. Chiarini presents biometric comparisons of individuals seen in public roles but who are counterfeits passing on propaganda and agenda programming to others. Their personalities as genuine people in real current news events are staged productions. These actor activists (actor-vists) use pseudonyms presenting information integrated with lies to an unsuspecting public. Much of it is 'not-real-news' NRN.

Watch, decide for yourself, and then become a 'well aware one'. You will never see the world the same again.

Note: We thank YouTube for supporting the people's right to know and freedom of speech.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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