

UPDATE: “The Other Shooters Are All Dead” based on reverse speech

Vatic Note:  I put this up because it fits with everything else we have proved on here with over 12 blogs just dedicated to the Sandy Hook Shootings done by false flag to push through that desperately needed gun control law or they are toast. I believe the whole thing was a production used for typical multiple purposes.

First and foremost to collect our guns since nothing else has worked. Additionally, I believe either these kids never existed since there is no record of some of them they listed nor the teacher they listed, who was shot, but not on the school records as having worked there, Nor was the teacher they interviewed and sold to us as a suvivor.  That was the Diane Sawyer interview.  She should be ashamed of herself for agreeing to do that just to keep her job or she is one of them.

Finally, if they did take those kids, since they did not kill them, then they are going to be used or have already been used as sacrifice, in satan ritual,  in order to solicit the power they need to pull all this off. Remember, it doesn't matter if Satan does not exist, it matters that they believe he does. Either that, or its dimensional beings, which I am less inclined to support since I have little to no evidence such exists in some dimensional place. That does not mean they don't, it just means we were unable to prove it. So you watch these and you decide.  But it does fit everything else we were able to prove.

“The Other Shooters Are All Dead”
by Barracuda,  Before Its News, January 1, 2013

Reverse speech done on LT.Paul Vance when asked about, did Adam Lanza’s mother have any connection to the Newtown Elementary School.

I have been doing reverse speech since 1994, I have done literally thousands and thousands of reversals. I guess you can say I have a trained ear for this. There was a few years in between where I didn’t do any reversals, but for the most part I kept with it.

It’s like riding a bike,you don’t forget how to do it. I got so good at this, people I knew were paranoid, they would say , you aren’t recording me right now are you. Thinking that I might do reversals on them later on. Thats because after having them listen to my collection I had at the time ,they knew this is for real.

Video #1

Here is the original video.

Video #2

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