

UPDATE: Did the Ancestors and Wisemen Return on 12/21/12?

*** FUND RAISER UPDATE: Thanks, you WAYSEERS, we made it for another month.  I guess we are suppose to keep going on this mission.  God Bless you all and have a Happy, prosperous and WAYSEER NEW YEAR.  Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.  The left to the streets as wayseers and activists and the right to the strategy board.

Vatic Note:  We are reposting this one because 12/21/12 has come and gone.  We wanted to show you what we published back on 12/10 and how close we were compared to the doom sayers.  This below is what we said and what we presented and we still do not know if this occured or not since NASA tells us nothing since it went under military command and control under the naval space division. 

Our Maya prediction from the mouth of a Mayan Shaman himself states that 12/21/12 is the RETURN OF THE ANCESTORS AND RETURN OF THE MEN OF WISDOM. Keep that in mind during all of this and I believe you will see the connection as I did. We are now moving from the Universe, into the plasma of the sun as a small part of that which exists, and its interaction with humans on this planet even at a quantum level, and now into our DNA beginning with Where did we come from and why is our DNA so very tied into the sun and our water?

Who are those ancestors he discussed and "wisemen"? We did not evolve as we had been told, since too many gaps exist, so lets go down this rabbit hole for our next expedition. Is this where we came from? If so is this why our DNA and Consciousness is so deeply connected to the energy in the Universe??? Is this why the evil ones are doing everything they can to destroy or mutate our DNA? ARE WE THAT POWERFUL THAT THEY FEAR OUR DNA?  Watch and you decide, we have much more coming on consciousness and our DNA. 


Lloyd Pye's "Star Child" Project
Provided to Vatic Project by Jo L,  Pagosa Springs, Co, USA

In Brief: A modified "shotgun" DNA recovery technique has been successfully used to recover coherent segments of the Starchild Skull's nuclear DNA. Of the (approx.) 3 billion base pairs in the skull's genome, several thousand have been recovered. These nuclear DNA fragments have been analyzed by the National Institutes of Health BLAST program, and a substantial percentage of that DNA has "no significant similarity" to any DNA previously found on Earth.

These results have been verified and repeated; however, more DNA needs to be recovered and analyzed before a formal report can be completed (VN:  that has been done and we published the results of those tests this past year.  will try to find the link and included it here. Is this why we are so powerful and why the evil ones fear us? )

BREAKING NEWS: update on genetic testing of Queen Shubad/Lady Pubai:

As many of you know, Zecharia Sitchin's dying wish was that the skeleton of Queen Shubad/Lady Pubai would be tested by geneticists to determine if her mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) could be recovered and compared to normal human mtDNA. Zecharia was convinced that Pubai descended directly from Anunnaki goddesses, and if that were true then her mtDNA would be of only those and not of humans. [A message from Lloyd Pye about Sitchin can be read HERE]

On my recent trip to England, I went to the Natural History Museum in London to meet with Dr. Margaret Clegg, the museum official in charge of overseeing all human remains. She was mentioned in Zecharia's last book, "There Were Giants Upon The Earth," as the person he had been dealing with, so I undertook to determine what the Museum would require to allow for invasive and destructive DNA testing of a small portion of Puabi's bones.

Dr. Clegg agreeably provided me with a list of the Museum's protocols, which are strict and thorough, but all of which can be met with sufficient rigor on the part of the Sitchin family trust that is charged with trying to carry out his last wish. Now the trust is moving forward to meet those protocols, and I would urge everyone reading this to refrain from pestering Dr. Clegg about the matter. At present she can do no more than she has done, nor can I. Now it's up to others to carry the process forward from this point.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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