

RH Negative Blood – found no where in Nature except, rarely, in humans. Why?

Bruecke Note: Strange blog happenings. This was an article re-published here in January 2011. It was a popular one. In fact, just this week, the Vatic Master approved some comments on it. I saw the recent comment and decided to read it on the blog. *POOF*!!! The article wasn't available. So I go searching for it in the queue. Not there.Someone (not I, not the Vatic Master) removed it. Cue the music to "The Twilight Zone." Be that as it may, enjoy it again. I had to search the web and find where "Before It's News" had re-published what we had published.

RH Negative Blood – found no where in Nature. Why?
MERCATUR360, October 06, 2010

Vatic Note: This is a combination of several presentations with respect to RH negative blood which is not found anywhere in nature except in humans. It acts like it does not belong here. If there is an Rh negative factor in the mother who is pregnant, the body then builds up antibodies to rid the body of the opposing blood, and thus the baby which it sees as a foreign invader to the body. How strange is that???
Interestingly, “Those with the highest Rh-negative rate are a branch of people in Europe called the Basques. Basques have almost double the European rate (which is abnormally high to begin with) of Rh-negative people”. There are other numerous anomolies as well, and this video does a good job of showing us what they are. pay very close attention since most of us do not know our blood type and its turning out that it may well be very important for reasons I will explain later. Below this video is an additional article on the “strange Facts about RH Negative Blood”.

I am beginning to suspect a reason for it, but will let you view the evidence and decide for yourself. I suggest everyone get tested for the RH negative factor. If what I suspect is correct, it may well explain a whole lot about the elite blood lines and why they see us like “cattle” or “monkeys” if you will.  Watch the video and pause it if it goes to fast to absorb what it is saying.  I had to do that just to reread what I was seeing.  ITS A FASCINATING PERSPECTIVE.  You decide.

Vatic Note:  What this does not mention, which I think it should have to make the point, is "This rejection of a positive blood factor of a baby, by the negative mother,  IS NOT THE SAME FOR A POSITIVE MOTHER WITH A NEGATIVE Blood baby."  Why not?  There are no instances, that we know of,  where a positive mother rejected a negative baby.  How odd, so why is that?

Strange Facts about RH Negative Blood
By T.M. Samuels, eHow Contributor , EHow publication

Rh-negative blood is a very rare blood variety. Although most people are a certain blood type (A, B, AB, O) and Rh positive, those with Rh-negative blood share some interesting and strange characteristics.

Rh, or Rhesus, is a protein that is on the red blood cell surface of most individuals. People who have the protein are Rh positive, while not having it makes them Rh negative.
An  Rh negative pregnant woman with an Rh positive fetus has the risk of her baby dying. This is from damage to the baby’s erythrocytes.
Rh-factor protein is divided among races. Fifteen percent of whites are Rh negative, 5 to 10 percent of African Americans are Rh negative, and 1 to 2 percent of Asians are negative for the protein.
Blood Distribution
Rh-positive blood is most commonly distributed through the population. Rh-negative numbers are 7 percent for blood type O, 6 percent for blood type A, and 2 percent for blood types B and 1 percent for type AB.
Highest Rh negative Rate
Those with the highest Rh-negative rate are a branch of people in Europe called the Basques. Basques have almost double the European rate (which is abnormally high to begin with) of Rh-negative people.
Fun Fact
A higher percentage of Rh-negative people claim to have been abducted by aliens than that of Rh-positive people.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Oh, my gosh, there were comments on this second attempt to post this blog. The first time we had 180,000 hits on this blog, and 140 comments. Bruecke put this back up after being gutted, and when last I checked it was up to 77 comments, and now its at 0 comments, so all comments on this one has been removed. Amazing. Now we know they are afraid of us, and now I am committed to finding out why, even thought I think I know why. Will get back to you when I get the answer.

  2. Vatic you said you know who's removing those comments, i want to know who's doing this because this is the second time they remove all comments. thanks to those comments I learn a lot about my self, that many RH people have the same feeling I was shock to read the same things that’s happen to me. I always though something was wrong with me and thanks to your site I know why my empathy for humanity is strong and why all my watches broken. Vatic do you know RH negative that suffer from bloody nose from childhood till adult life.

  3. RH Negative Blood was not a Mutation, but a creation along with Blue and Hazel eyed ? humans.

    Nor does RH Negative Blood have any link to the Rheus Money, hiv, aids will tell anyone this also, that was created HB 15090 to kill off monkey Blooded Humans.

    There is now some question of Morgellons, since they say some RH Negative blood types get it, like they did with hiv, aids when that was a lie.

    All these so-called Elites worldwide involved in blood drinking and child sacrifices are all an RH Negative blood type.

    Its the Serpent Seed Bloodline, which is just the Reptilian Bloodline really.

    You can trace all of those who call themselves Jews, but who are Not.. to this bloodline or AshkeNAZI's

    Hitler, Obama, McCain, Bush sr., Clinton, Mao, Churchill, FDR, Stalin, Eisenhower, Truman, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Lenin, Trotsky, Putin, Etc. but you can see like JFK not all RH Negative blood types can be Controlled.

    There is said to be Clones and has been for who knows how long, all the Beatles were an RH Negative blood type, ( Paul died in an auto crash ) all clones are an RH Negative blood type, also..charley sheen comes to mind..check his blood type.

  4. Anonymous, I am so sorry it has taken this long to get back to you, but credible scientists have proven that RH Negative blood cannot be cloned.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous I am AB Neg and suffered unexplained bloody noses until I became an adult, My son has done the same. We have gotten the chicken pox several times and have no immunity to them. I had them as a child and as an adult and my son has had them 6 times. Doctors are baffled about this. I have always felt different and not belonging to this planet. I am extremely sensitive to the way things are here on earth and have often been called by my friends an alien and not from this planet. I have a desire to fix the world. I help animals, children and homeless tirelessly. I also feel I know things others don't. They say that our negative blood is fairly new to the planet yet I believe it has been here longer. People often come to me for help because they think I have all the answers though I don't always have the answer but feel the need to find the answer. people are drawn to me and i have a few friends who said they have had dreams about me. One friend said we were in a filed looking at millions of flowers and we heard an explosion, as we looked up we saw a mushroom cloud and everyone in the dream turned to me and asked me what to do. She said she thinks I would know what to do to help those who are seeking it. I also had a bad feeling about her husband and he turned out to be arrested for child molestation. She said I somehow knew he was bad. I sense it when someone is bad.

  7. Also my family originates from France. I am a professional genealogist and have traced my family back to France 1241 A.D. My parents said when I was barely old enough to walk they would see me sitting by myself and it appeared i was deep in thought. I was shy and still am. I have a above average I.Q. 144 to be exact.


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