

War on drugs? 110,000 active US troops 'on prescribed meds', not including those DU'd unprescribed!

*** update: 11:54 pm mtn - Well it appears we better start giving a damn about this subject.  Just got an email locally in this little rural berg of a town that military are bringing in  equipment and putting it in our county fairgrounds.  I am going to go and check it out tomorrow,  everyone else better check it out as well within your towns since this could be the peacetime martial law Obama promised us.   This just doesn't happen here, so who knows, but if this below is true, this could be a dangerous situation for us and it may explain why I am unable to get on my main computer.  But we knew this was coming, didn't we?  We just hoped it would not happen.  Maybe it won't now that its out, and maybe this was a test.  Good luck everyone and I hope this is just a weird anomoly.  Let us know if anyone else has this happening in their communities anywhere.   I would suspect it would be out west and southeast which are the most heavily armed areas of the country.   Lets hope when I check it out that its nothing. 

Vatic Note:  So, we are going to conduct world war three with hundreds of thousands of our troops on prescription drugs???  Does that mean they will have no trouble killing Americans if ordered to do so???  Just asking.  What this does mean is that Vatic Project was right to be very very concerned about our military readiness that we have been screaming about for months now.  Here is just one example of what we have been saying about the intentional attack within on our military readiness, which means we are the designated losers of that game/scam these bankers are playing with us.  Hey, what happened to all those arrests we were promised?   

WE ARE THE DESIGNATED LOSERS OF WW III.  It fits perfectly with our article put up yesterday from the Henry Makow site.  The US HAS TO GO DOWN OR THEY CANNOT GLOBALIZE AND TAKE CONTROL OF THE  GLOBE.  Its that simple.  That is why they are seriously thinking about using nukes.... can you believe it? Its also why the Pentagon colluded with China and Israel to bring down our military effectiveness by sabotaging our weapons systems that the pentagon allowed China to manufacture.  Add that to this story of our military fighting men,  and you have a perfect storm for a lost war.    These people truly are lunatics.  How did we let such a large battery of insane people gain such control over all our governments???  We better take a stand or we are as crazy as they are. 

War on drugs? 110k active US troops 'on prescribed meds', 
Published: 09 April, 2012, 15:00, by RT news

A US Army soldier enters the Combat Stress Control Clinic of 125 BSB Charlie Medical Company of Task Force Mustang at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Shank in Logar province, eastern Afghanistan (Reuters/Umit Bektas)

A US Army soldier enters the Combat Stress Control Clinic of 125 BSB Charlie Medical Company of Task Force Mustang at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Shank in Logar province, eastern Afghanistan (Reuters/Umit Bektas)
Thousands of US soldiers are going into battle fueled by all sorts of prescription medications, be they amphetamines, antidepressants, sedatives or others. Largely unmonitored consumption of drugs can lead to aberrant behavior and mental disorders.
Over 110,000 American service personnel took prescribed medications in 2011 to battle through everyday military routine. 
The Times recently disclosed that nearly 8 per cent of active-duty American servicemen and women take sedatives and over 6 per cent are on antidepressants, a tremendous eightfold increase since 2005, when two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were in full swing.
Routine military service, combat stress, and sometimes lack of sleep force American troops to go to work medicated. It mirrors the general situation in American society that uses prescription drugs on a daily basis at levels unseen before. 
In the Army, though, those who opt to modulate their lives with drugs are facing challenges of a non-civil nature that supposes an absolutely different level of responsibility. These men and women are well-armed, after all.
As a rule, troops are sent to deployment with 180-day medication supply. But soldiers can always trade favorite pills with their friends. The habit of ending a hard day with a handful of various tablets is apparently nothing extraordinary.
"We have never medicated our troops to the extent we are doing now…. And I don't believe the current increase in suicides and homicides in the military is a coincidence," said Bart Billings, a former military psychologist who hosts an annual conference on combat stress, informed The Los Angeles Times.
Painkillers of narcotic nature pose a threat of addiction to those injured who have to take them, too.
One could only guess whether the suicide rate surge in the US Army in the recent decade has any connections with army psychologists prescribing pills to personnel left, right and center. An appalling 80 per cent increase in suicides among US service personnel has been registered between 2004 and 2008.
On the other hand, when every 10th US serviceman deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, there must be a calculated risk in prescribing these medications to keep soldiers in service.
But the main problem among deployed troops remains mental fatigue of those who have been deployed several times in a row. As many as 80 per cent of on-duty personnel have gone through three or more deployments. Worn-out personnel have problems with sleep and accurate assessment of ongoing events.
The recent notorious case of Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, accused of murdering 17 civilians in a bloody rampage in Afghanistan, again raised the question of drug-related incidents in the US military. 
After it was announced the defendant does not remember what he did, his attorneys requested a list of the medication the soldier was taking during his deployment in Afghanistan.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. This "american exceptionalism" really has gone too far....why is it that the nwo simply cannot begin until the fat lady sings? The usa has demonstrated over and over that it is no more or less unique than any other nation in history, often times less. (after having bombed japan over a provable lie in ww2, the usa rushes to REBUILD??? how is that "unique"?)
    So, the rest of the world has to wait to wipe its a$$ until the usa in its wisdom decides to generously provide hygiene paper? Why does the usa get preferential treatment? The "beacon" of freedom and hope in this world MUST be extinguished before the rest of the world will fall into line behind the real rulers...REALLY?? Again, the usa is in the way, not in a good light however. This time, instead of "bringing the light of democracy to the unwashed masses of unintelligent savages who don't know any better", now the usa has "too much freedom, and too many guns" to be useful to control freaks.... and the girl's gotta go.
    Again, the usa is put on a pedestal as somehow different, unique, in the way. So, the plan is to cause a world war, vanquish the stubborn americans, who will either be eradicated or more likely, "de-fanged" enough to be viable and useful whores for the nwo, thereby inducing the rest of the world to follow suit. The best thing to do would be to either cancel the show, not attend at all, or better yet, IGNORE the fat lady and have the whole audience sing loudly enough to drown out the pitiful wailings of a songbird who is well past her prime? Why does the script always call for the fat lady to sing before the real show can begin? I suspect that the owner of the theater, in this case, that would be God, has some different plans for all involved.


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