

What We Never See in America, That We Should Start Seeing ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Vatic Note:  Now try imagining this all over the world in every city, and state and country and imagine the evil ones going crazy, being driven bats with all this joy, good music,  happy people, no fear, and total separation from them and their agenda.  Yes,  it could change the world.  Not saying it will, but it could since they would be driven insane and have to be committed to an institution and that would be the end of all the fear mongering , hate, division and sadness.   Honest to Gosh, good music, ALL THE TIME.  I can see it now.... the evil ones committing hari Kari just to stop those good feelings of joy and peace.   Aaah, what a fantasy, but then we all deserve one on occasion and this is the occasion.  ENJOY! 

Flash mob at Copenhagen Central Station. Copenhagen Phil playing Ravel's Bolero
Uploaded by on May 27, 2011

As one of the first professional symphony orchestras ever Copenhagen Phil (Sjællands Symfoniorkester) did a flash mob at Copenhagen Central Station on May 2nd 2011 playing Ravel's Bolero. Conductor is Jesper Nordin.

Not to be missed! On May 2, 2011, the Copenhagen Philharmonic amazed commuters at the Copenhagen Central Train Station, as they created a kind of orchestral "flash mob" – performing Ravel's famed Bolero, with the musicians gradually assembling in place as the work progresses. The video – which shows not only the assembling orchestra, but also the delighted faces of the commuters – has generated overwhelming interest, and indeed has exceeded the orchestra’s expectations. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

If you post or see a video of such high quality and interest on YouTube, please let us know - your video may land on our home page!

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. I did my best to help the Occupy Houston movement turn from begging the "Masters" for shit into a Occupy Declaration of Freedom Festival (concert) & Convention of Self-Sustainable living & the city wanted to charge us over $2,000 or they would arrest the artists and those with booths.

    So none of the artists wanted to play!

    Licenses are for SLAVES!


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