

South Pole Detector Could Yield Signs of Extra Dimensions- Part IV

UPDATE:  2/28/2012 -  This is up again to connect info that appears to be related to our 4 part series on the resignation of all those bankers.  I can find very little on Pegasus even yet again which is unusual but it appears the net is being gleaned of these issues rather than dealing with the alternative press that is finding them and putting them up.  You look and see and let us know....what you think is happening.  We really need more pairs of eyes to read all this and let us know. 

Vatic Note:  Now this was the first time I had any serious exposure to what is called the "Pegasus" project,  (UPDATE:  This link has been changed.  They took off the gov site on Pegasus and put up a private business innocuous site,  will try to retreive, but know we have hit on something they do not want out there,  WOW, they purged the link to the gov site of pegasus from the net.  The best I could find was on DARPA, and then it was hardly as conclusive as the website.  SOMETHING IS GOING  ON IN THE ANTARTIC) and let me say up front,  that I am in the middle of a rabbit hole on the issue of Antartic to find out why such heavy military presence there since 1956 and why the Navy, which ironically, is also the main division for our space military force.  Remember the USS Enterprise on Star trek??? Yup,  Navy.  So, I have not had the time to also run down another rabbit hole, until later, so bear with me while I finish this one up and then I will take on Pegasus and if anyone wants to aid in this venture, they are welcome to submit anything of relevance about the Pegasus project that would cut the research time short.  Since we have been getting well beat up here,  we have had less time to do the normal research we like to do.  For some reason, they have backed off a bit lately so maybe things are changing.  It was the only reason I could have time to find what we have found on the Antartica.   It all surrounds the "REASON" why the US disabled both EU stations at the south Pole.  Just curious, did they find a stargate there?  It would require a good reason for us to do that to our allies. Remember how the powers that be always tell us in movies what they are doing or plan on doing..... .well, here is a little entertainment for you that could be one of those "tellings" in advance about Pegasus..
This article below is simply another possible option as to what or why we are so focused on that part of the globe.  What is down there and why????  What are we looking for or what are we working on that is so secret that its impossible to even get leaks out about why we disable those stations with a space weapon???
Again, use Discernment as I have to do.   This is offered to us by another ivy league University, with questionable credentials when it comes to the universities that are basically controlled by the PTB and funded by Tavistock group money.   Remember in our other blogs on this subject, watch for the role NSF referenced in this article  plays in what we did....... and that means watch what role they play anywhere including our university system.  Good luck and YOU DECIDE.  As we find more we will put it up and hopefully at the end we will be able to put it all together in a summary conclusive article for you.  Anyone is welcome to do that as well along the way.  Is this for real or another PTB distraction????

South Pole Detector Could Yield Signs of Extra Dimensions
Released: Thu 26-Jan-2006, 08:00 ET , Pegasus project

Researchers at Northeastern University and the University of California, Irvine say that scientists might soon have evidence for extra dimensions and other exotic predictions of string theory. Early results from a neutrino detector at the South Pole, called AMANDA, show that ghostlike particles from space could serve as probes to a world beyond our familiar three dimensions, the research team says.   (VN:  Notice this was put up in 2006, and the US space weapon attack on the EU facilities was in 2009, so what did they find that upset the US?)

No more than a dozen high-energy neutrinos have been detected so far. However, the current detection rate and energy range indicate that AMANDA's larger successor, called IceCube, now under construction, could provide the first evidence for string theory and other theories that attempt to build upon our current understanding of the universe.

An article describing this work appears in the current issue of Physical Review Letters. The authors are: Luis Anchordoqui, associate research scientist in the Physics Department at Northeastern University; Haim Goldberg (? Reason for caution, right here), professor in the Physics Department at Northeastern University; and Jonathan Feng, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of California, Irvine. The evidence, they say, would come from how neutrinos interact with other forms of matter on Earth.

“To find clues to support string theory and other bold, new theories, we need to study how matter interacts at extreme energies,” said Anchordoqui. “Human-made particle accelerators on Earth cannot yet generate these energies, but nature can in the form of the highest-energy neutrinos.”

In recent decades, new theories have developed – such as string theory, extra dimensions and supersymmetry – to bridge the gap between the two most successful theories of the 20th century, general relativity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics describes three of the fundamental forces of nature: electromagnetism, strong forces (binding atomic nuclei) and weak forces (seen in radioactivity). It is, however, incompatible with Einstein's general relativity, the leading description of the fourth force, gravity. Scientists hope to find one unified theory to provide a quantum description of all four forces. (VN:  I am going to go back and check, but I believe this subject was covered by scientists in "THUNDERBOLTS OF THE GODS" that we published on here in a 7 series videos. (I just may put this up again to remind everyone)   This "Plasma" theory in that video set, supposedly answers that last question about gravity, so will double check that and get back to you, or you could search for that by title and check it out yourself, since I am seriously backlogged.  LOL)

Clues to unification, scientists say, lie at extreme energies. On Earth, human-made particle accelerators have already produced energies at which electromagnetic forces and weak forces are indistinguishable. Scientists have ideas about how the next generation of accelerators will reveal that strong forces are indistinguishable from the weak and electromagnetic at yet higher energies. Yet to probe deeper to see gravity's connection to the other three forces, still higher energies are needed.

Anchordoqui and his colleagues say that extragalactic sources can serve as the ultimate cosmic accelerator, and that neutrinos from these sources smacking into protons can release energies in the realm where the first clues to string theory could be revealed.

Neutrinos are elementary particles similar to electrons, but they are far less massive, have neutral charge, and hardly interact with matter. They are among the most abundant particles in the universe; untold billions pass through our bodies every second. Most of the neutrinos reaching Earth are lower-energy particles from the sun.

AMANDA, funded by the National Science Foundation, attempts to detect neutrinos raining down from above but also coming "up" through the Earth. Neutrinos are so weakly interacting that some can pass through the entire Earth unscathed. The total number of "down" and "up" neutrinos is uncertain; however, barring exotic effects, the relative detection rates are well known.

AMANDA detectors are positioned deep in the Antarctic ice. The NSF-funded IceCube has a similar design, only it has about six times more detectors covering a volume of one cubic kilometer. A neutrino smashing into atoms in the ice will emit a brief, telltale blue light; and using the detectors, scientists can determine the direction where the neutrino came from and its energy.

The key to the work presented here is that the scientists are comparing “down” to “up” detections and looking for discrepancies in the detection rate, evidence of an exotic effect predicted by new theories.

“String theory and other possibilities can distort the relative numbers of ‘down’ and ‘up’ neutrinos,” said Jonathan Feng. “For example, extra dimensions may cause neutrinos to create microscopic black holes, which instantly evaporate and create spectacular showers of particles in the Earth's atmosphere and in the Antarctic ice cap.

This increases the number of ‘down’ neutrinos detected. At the same time, the creation of black holes causes ‘up’ neutrinos to be caught in the Earth's crust, reducing the number of 'up' neutrinos. The relative ‘up’ and ‘down’ rates provide evidence for distortions in neutrino properties that are predicted by new theories.”

“The neutrinos accelerated in the cosmos to energies unattainable on Earth can detect the ‘footprint’ of new physics,” said Goldberg. “The ‘body’ responsible for the footprint can then emerge through complementary experiments at the new generation of human-made colliders. On all fronts, it is an exciting era in high-energy physics.”

More information about AMANDA and IceCube is available at the IceCube website, .

About Northeastern:

Northeastern University, located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts, is a world leader in practice-oriented education and recognized for its expert faculty and first-rate academic and research facilities. Northeastern integrates challenging liberal arts and professional studies with the nation's largest cooperative education program.

Through co-op, Northeastern undergraduates alternate semesters of full-time study with semesters of paid work in fields relevant to their professional interests and major, giving them nearly two years of professional experience upon graduation. The majority of Northeastern graduates receive a job offer from a co-op employer.

Cited for excellence four years running by U.S. News & World Report, Northeastern has quickly moved up into the top tier rankings-an impressive 35 spots in four years. In addition, Northeastern was named a top college in the 2006 edition of the Princeton Review's annual "Best Colleges" issue. For more information, please visit  .

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Since you reference aka John Lear -
    His basic message - there are different species everywhere, living in the earth, living on/in the moon, (a satellite towed into place) and all over the universe. And, the sun is a planet, not hot, species live there too. So, with that said, nothing coming out of the universities is true. What they may seem to be discovering, has already been discovered put to use, etc 100’s upon 100’s of years behind, maybe thousands. Basically, we earthings are held in the dark when it comes to the real world. Oh, and Lear says there is no free will.

    Myself, I believe our subconscious (programming) guides humans, yet when making choices contrary to the inner messages provided, that is free will. And although I believe much is unpredictable, the planet is on course according to the controllers, not of the human kind. In other words, nothing matters, yet everything matters, after all, nothing is a solid, all frequencies, holograms if you will, only humans are with feelings, souls. Mr. Lear speaks of an evolving soul, yet he also pretty much says to not worry about world problems, only oneself and family. I would argue that in order for a soul to mature, one would exercise feelings, aiding humanity beyond family, the bigger picture. If a soul is to evolve so shall the earth.

    There was something I noted about Mr. Lear after listening to this 3 part series, something he was lacking, not in tune to... I think maybe it was spirituality. He never spoke of that nor of synchronicity, actually quite of bit of things he claims to know nothing about. So many missing pieces if one is to only care about family. Spirituality is our connectedness with one another. This is why humans care about humanity. In fact, the mere act of John’s interest in more than what is presented here on earth and sharing this knowledge (he speaks out about 911) he is aiding humanity as a whole. I’ve surmised this measure of his is not just an interest or hobby, of which he expressed as such, he is connected with his brothers and sisters. This is also where he steps away from family (his wife has her beliefs and he has his), so he is contradicting his message, caring only about immediate family.

    Summing it up, I feel earth is an illusion, an experience – we get to believe what we want, (after all being in the dark, most of what we know is based upon lies) choose one’s own adventure and provided we don’t hurt another, our soul would be maturing. And, after that, I don’t know, but since we only remember the present, that is all that matters...

    A 3 part series, recent interviews with John Lear -

    The Living Moon
    by Kim Greenhouse on September 22, 2010

    The Living Moon Continued
    by Kim Greenhouse on December 7, 2010

    John Lear: Part 3
    by Kim Greenhouse on May 20, 2011

  2. Wow,Anonymous, you must have hit on something because they marked this as spam without any of the indicators that usually tell us something is spam. How weird. I am hanging onto this one. I could not get my daily summary out this morning again, so am doing it now, so they do not like this series we are doing on anything related to friendly skies.

  3. I am curious how you tied the "Extra Dimension" research in Antarctica with "Project Pegasus" which is Andrew D. Basiago's teleportation to Mars project

    Now if you have some reference that does show the connection I would love to see it... as that might be relevant.

    As to John... yeah quite a character... but a lot more informative away from the candid interviews ;)


  4. Zargon, Sorry for the delay, but we have been overwhelmed with only two of us handling everything.

    As for Pegasus, I was talking about the "real" Pegasus that was on the DARPA government site until right after I had logged on. I went back to copy and paste it into the blog site and it was completely removed.

    t had nothing to do with teleporting, at least not the DARPA one, it had to do with dimensional crossing and communications. I wish I had copied and pasted it when I had it up. I had no idea they would remove it from their own site. That is why I mentioned it in this blog.

    There is definitely something to it, and its being tightly controlled as to information and release. I am surprised we even fell on this one.

  5. Zargon, forgot to mention the connection to Pegasus and Mars is in the blog we did on the Antarctic's Mars Training facilities. You could read that is deduce how they maybe connected. Given we are lied to so much and propogandized and disinfoed, all we have is our critical thinking skills, the smiggen of truth they include in their propoganda, and our own deductive reasoning skills to take these pieces and put them into the big picture puzzle until some other valid truthful piece of info comes along and changes or verifies it. So far we have not been wrong about what we have projected since 2003 and that is why we started the blog.

    Much of what we have projected is still waiting to be discredited or confirmed. I always point that out and tell the readers to decide for themselves or do additional research.

  6. Hello
    I tried to watch this video but it says it has expired. Just wanted to let you know incase you are being messed with again.

    thanks for all you do!


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