

Robert Welch got it right back in 1974! How to kick the New World Order's A- -!

Robert Welch got it right back in 1974! How to kick the New World Order's ass!
Uploaded by peltecs on Apr 19, 2009

Robert Welch founded the John Birch Society

Vatic Note: He had it perfect and predicted every single move that was made to this point and he did it in 1974. What an eye opener  this was. Too bad they sold out through leaders that infiltrated the organization. But then that has happened to almost every organization both left and right.   Rothschild international bankers infiltrated and took over that organization almost right away.  How sad, because his solutions could have worked.   I believe that is why they were targeted early on, as they were the biggest threat to the Rothschild/israel Khazar agenda. 

His solutions are great. But then we did not listen when we had a chance to do what he suggested. As to troops and occupation of countries by our troops, he sounds like Ron Paul. This is well worth the listen since he exhibited a real understanding of the plan for our take over, that is now almost complete as you saw with the Soros article on a second brentwood conference.  Heaven help us.  CAN YOU IMAGINE THE SHOCK ON THE SHEEPS FACES WHEN THEY COMPLETE THIS MESS?  Fascism in America, who would have ever thought, but then when Britain is around the periphery, you know that fascism can't be far behind.  Looks like another revolution is on the horizon.

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