

Keiser Report: Blind Cult of America (E142)

Keiser Report: Blind Cult of America (E142)
Uploaded by RussiaToday on Apr 28, 2011

Vatic Note: Here we are again, they both talk about "headline after headline" of how American is going to die soon SIMILAR TO RENSE AND MAXWELL, who said Americans were BRAINLESS, and now this where they are saying we ARE A CULT. Now what I found is when these types of things come out in the BANKER OWNED MSM, which is who Keiser is quoting, It means they want us to know this, fear this, and react to this. How do they want us to react??? IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT SKEERS THE SHEEPLE who will then accept their martial law..... why??? BECAUSE MARTIAL LAW DOES NOT WORK IF AMERICANS ARE UNITED AND BELIEVE THE SAME ABOUT WHO THE REAL THREAT IS. OOPS, THEY ARE MESSING WITH THIS AGAIN..... THEY DON'T LIKE MY ANALYSIS..... LOL

So they must want martial law really really bad, why? Could it be because the sun is creating an evolved species in mankind through these mysterious particles we covered on a previous blog??? Its the one they gutted several times and I put back up again, twice now. So there is something to what these articles are saying. Is this our power they are afraid of here? I don't know, but there is a reason they are feeding these headlines out. REMEMBER ALSO CELLULAR CHANGE IN OUR DNA IS CREATED AT A QUANTUM LEVEL BY OUR ENERGY AND FEAR IS A LOW VIBRATIONAL ENERGY...... SO THEY ARE TRYING THE OLD FEAR TRICK AGAIN. Calling Americans Cult followers, etc..... well, maybe we are, but there is nothing wrong with believing we can change our reality, AND THE FACT THAT WE CAN WITH THIS SUN , MAY WELL BE WHY THEY WANT THAT MARTIAL LAW. YES, INDEED, WE DO LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES, DON'T WE???? Just ponder for a moment..... how well will anything they do work, if we all refuse to cooperate? Not at all. You can't have a game or a war, without volunteers, can you??? Well, that is our key to success..... NON COOPERATION.  Remember, We are Americans...... our history is one of freedom and liberty and we are patient and believe in working within  a system, but become a serious sleeping tiger when awoken.... keep that in mind "WE ARE NOT HELPLESS AT ALL"..... and neither is the rest of the globe. 

(NOTE from the uploader)

This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on downgrades, gold bars and third worlds. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Chris Martenson about the breakdown drawing near!  (VN:  if we have a breakdown, how are they going to finance their global third world war?  Breakdown first, then WW next year??? Can't have both going at the same time and after what we found out about Syria, they are moving toward world war, so they better get their finances straight if they want that world war, SINCE WE ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE IT TO THEM.  They need those taxes from us that we are no longer going to pay).

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Where are the real people, not this staged talking.
    But as they say, “all the world is a stage” and here we have
    another talking troop working at leading the way off the cliff
    towards world control.

    There has been a push for the so called “fairtax” org.
    I was surprised to hear Michelle Bachman (another bad actor) mention this,
    I think this was NPR news clip within this past week.
    But then again maybe not so fair because
    that way they could continue making their bucks, no more income taxes,
    so what -
    because after all not everyone is taken in by that scam. They could make
    more money by taxing everything 25% and continue increasing taxes to
    a point where people can’t afford to buy a damned thing...
    The troops need to put down their guns, no more fighting fake wars...

  2. Hello ALL! My name is Vitaliy Kokosko!!!


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