

Dutch bank chief wins over US on new rules. IMF-Fed Takeover is Actually Implementation of Basel III

Vatic Note:  REMEMBER THE "DUTCH" ARE THE NETHERLANDS, HOME OF THE BILDERBERGS..... the cretins doing all this horror across the planet in concert with the Khazar Rothschild criminal cabal.   Well, here is our first piece of serious public treason by Geithner, the economic hitman for Goldman sachs and the IMF.  This is what he does.  Remember, his father,  Obama,  Obama's mother, and Geithner all worked for the CIA with no evidence any of them resigned.  Just a point that needs to be made.  I can now see why Kennedy tried to get control over CIA and when he couldn't he tried to do away with them.  One of the many reasons he was killed and now we can see why.  I am truly beginning to see how this works,  the 13 ruling families are the controllers and the CIA AND MOSSAD WORK FOR THEM, through  Rothschild who is one of the 13 families is the implimenter using Israel's fellow Khazars as the mafia operational arm of their criminal cabal.  The Queen of England is complicit with her Tavistock Group that does all the mind control, mass maniupulations and assassinations by the CIA and Mossad.  All of it is generationally paganistic or satanic and tied into ritual surrounding everything.  Now the lay out in Washington DC makes sense,  the dollar bill makes sense,  all of it makes sense,  we are simply the sleeping masses  WHO ARE STARTING TO WAKE UP and that is their seriously big problem.  The tiger is yawning and waking up.... wait til it sees who they intend to have for dinner.   They know this is happening  and we are beginning to know it.  Now it also explains depopulation.  They have been waiting and working for this for generations and this is the generation that is going to make it happen, THEY THINK.  However, watch David Ickes video that will be coming up later to day and see what I mean.   David is spot on about all this.  The evil ones may well be in for a rude awakening.  ANOTHER GLOBAL NEW WORLD ORDER PIECE PUT IN PLACE, ILLEGAL UNDER THE AMERICAN SYSTEM ... NOW WATCH CURRENCY COME RIGHT AFTER THIS. 

Dutch bank chief wins over US on new rules. IMF-Fed Takeover is Actually Implementation of Basel III
by CGI admin, provided to Vatic Project by VK Durham, Rumormills News

But what else would you expect from our crooked politicians?

17 April, 2011 - 14:33

The US is committed to implementing new international agreements for banks, according to the president of the Dutch central bank, Nout Wellink. The bank’s chief made his comments on Saturday in Washington at the end of spring talks of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (VN:  Traitor par excellence, a dead man once arrested and convicted)  announced at the meeting of international bankers that the US had agreed ( VN:  the truth is we did not agree to anything,  Geithner the traitor and economic hitman for Rothschild and the Khazars, agree to it, no one else in this country agreed to anything..... LOOKS LIKE BOYCOTTING BIG BANKS IS THE NEXT STEP) to conform to the rules laid down in the so-called Basel III framework which was endorsed in November 2010. The Basel Committee was set up to foster international cooperation on banking supervision, but there were still many gaps in the implementation part of the accord. “If the Americans don’t cooperate, many other people will ask the question why they should have to,” said Mr Wellink, also chairman of the Basel Committee.

Banks object to capital hold  (VN: Oh, I am sure they do, but not to worry, they own the globe now, they will do a dance for our consumption and get what they want anyway)

The biggest stumbling block in adopting the Basel III agreement relates to greater demands on capital ratios. The banks claim that these conditions will adversely affect profit margins. Banks will have to hold much more capital to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis. Besides increasing their core capital ratios, they will be forced to carry a further capital conservation buffer. Any bank that doesn’t meet these requirements could possibly be banned from paying out dividends to shareholders until the balancing sheets have improved.

“We have agreed to keep our heads and view it all in perspective,” continued Mr Wellink, “The introductory period of the new rules has been phased, which gives space for new resistance. But we will not allow this to deter us.” US commitment is crucial this time round, given that the Americans did not fully implement Basel II. “But Geithner has made it very clear that the situation is entirely different now. US Congress wants to go even further than Basel III on a number of points,” said Mr Wellink.

Crisis may not be over yet
The spring talks were attended by IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, US Central Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, his German counterpart Axel Weber and Italian Financial Stability Board Chairman Mario Draghi.

On the sidelines of the Bank-IMF meetings, the Group of 20 advanced and emerging economies moved to take on "imbalances" like European debt, Washington's multiple deficits, and, on the other side, China's huge trade surplus. The G20 countries, whose finance chiefs held talks ahead of the bank meetings, have pledged to make progress in their banking practices.

The president of the World Bank, Robert Zoellink, also warned that the global economy was “one shock away from a full-blown crisis” and said that a worsening of conditions in the Middle East and Africa “could derail global growth.”

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